Chapter 980 Unable to restrain

At this time, Asheng of Human Race blew himself up, and Asheng of Demon Race was seriously injured. Many elders, such as Huang Xuan, can no longer restrain themselves. The elders and the others also knew that this was a good opportunity, immediately abandoning the opponent to gather the rest of the human race, and drove to the emperor to retreat.

When the emperor of the day fell into a complicated road from the chaotic clock, he seemed to break through to the realm of a saint at the next moment, but Tiandao Dawang always stopped at critical moments, and his anger was almost cursing his mother.

Just when Emperor Tian Great was thinking about how to break through the realm of a saint, the milky white light of Tao flashed away, and a vague voice appeared in the ear of Emperor Tian Great. “Ancestor, wake up!” The Heavenly Emperor was puzzled. Several voices were “Old Ancestor! The disaster of the Human Race has come.” “The Demon Race is killing people.” “Ancestor, wake up!”

The Emperor Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and then the monsters slaughtered the catastrophe of the descendants of the Human race, and he remembered in his mind. Suddenly, Emperor Tian’s anger could not be resolved, and his mind would return to his own body. At this time, the heavenly way and the net that prevented the Heavenly Emperor’s point of Saint Seiya’s breakthrough quietly dissipated, and at the same time, the thoughts passed through the mind of the Tianda’s 890 Emperor’s point. ”

Now is the time to be sanctified. ”

When I saw this, I didn’t know it was Tiandao playing the game. If it is consecrated now, it will take a long time to control the points. After all, Heavenly Emperor cannot help him become a worthless saint soon, so he needs to be as enlightened as he used to, but now there is no time! Thinking of this Heavenly Emperor, he shouted at Yang Hao, “Heaven is your fault

, But you are still wrong. Holiness is important, but it is not comparable to the human race at all. you are wrong. “The mind of the Great Emperor didn’t hesitate to take away this strange space, and connected it into a sacred passage without looking at it.

After the Tianda Emperor left the Tiandao space, Tiandao’s eyes slowly emerged. Looking at the disappearing figure of Emperor Tian Dao, the consciousness of Tian Dao sounded in this space. “Am I wrong? But the threat of the human race is too great. Now they have Pangu’s blood in their bodies. If they are fully excavated, even my Heavenly Dao will be heartbroken.” Then Tian Dao’s gaze slowly

Dissipated. Yang Hao is chaotic, Yang Hao is a little pale, and the saints on the opposite side have long hair. They seem (bcdb) hardly better than Yang Hao. Looking at the person across from Yang Hao, “It seems that you can’t beat you if you don’t show your true power today.

The opposite swallow ancestor said coldly, “Bell, now we all know each other’s weight. Don’t be mysterious in the sky. You can’t save the human race today. You should go to death!”

However, at this moment, Qingtian suddenly felt that the Yaozu massacre had begun, his face suddenly changed and his eyes were red. “Last chance, don’t let me die.” Suddenly, the saint on the opposite side lost her murderous aura, and the chaos inside, countless murderous auras condensed into snowflakes.

No one passed through the saint, his eyes were fixed on Yang Hao. Seeing this scene, Qingtian knew their choice. Suddenly, the idea was to contact the deity from Qingtianhai. “My deity, Human Race was robbed. I was stopped by Hun Yuan. You can shoot quickly.

As soon as Yang Hao’s voice fell, the golden figure came from the depths of the chaos to the wild world. In the wild, Tiandao seemed to be aware of the arrival of the deity, and the cold figure of Tiankun Tiandao also rushed into the depths of the chaos. Almost instantly, the deity came to the blue sky, and Qiankun Tiandao also came to the saint’s side.

Hun Yuanren looked at Qiankun Tiandao’s cold look, suddenly lowered his head and said Qiankun Tiandao nodded slightly, but his eyes still looked at the golden figure next to Yang Hao without blinking.

“Heaven.” Hun Yuanren surrendered to Qiankun Tiandao. After surrendering, the deity also said: However, the deity’s voice immediately surprised the Hunyuan people, because they did not feel any emotional fluctuations from this voice, and the tone was unusually cold. This It seems like the way of heaven in the big world.

At this moment, Qiankun Tiandao also looked at the deity with some surprise. I didn’t expect the human robbery to scare you.

“Nonsense, fight as you want, or get out of it.” The deity’s tone was so unsatisfactory that he shouted directly at it.

“Well, we are still afraid of you.” A broken jade butterfly appeared on the top of Qiankun Tiandao Mountain, and a gold chain hovered on it.

Seeing this, the deity moved immediately, and Tao Ying appeared on the right hand of this seat. Then, if he didn’t say anything, he would be like Qiankun Tiandao, and “also the right finger Yudie, immediately said the blue light pointed to the deity.

When Yang Hao saw Heavenly Dao intervene in this matter, he knew that his plan to let the deity fire a shot was ruined. The deity and himself are blocked in Yang Hao, so he is the only person who can let the human race through this disaster.

At this time, after Tian Dao’s mind left Tian Dao and reappeared in the wilderness world, the jade slip beside him was shattered. Seeing that Emperor Tian’s face suddenly changed, Zhou Space suddenly split open and the body of Emperor Tian flashed and disappeared into the secret room. When the Great Emperor came to the Human Race to see the tragedy of the Human Race at this time, his eyes were red, and the Human Race army was dispersed by the Monster Race at this time. when

The monster army surrounded the human race, and when many of the sub-sages, the human race had only more than 10,000 people resisting the attack of the monster race. Most of them are in the realm of Da Luo. As for the realm of quasi-sage, there are only people. As for the other people who fled from the human race, they were killed and swallowed by the monster race, and those who were built into the weak human race were driven away by the elders of the sub-sage. Seeing this scene, I suddenly roared

Coming, my body became taller and taller. I walked out of the battle between the demon race and the human race. I waved my hand and suddenly turned the demon race into fly ash. At the same time, I looked at Hetai with murderous eyes. “Di Jun, today you are dead, no one can save you, no one.” With his fist, Xiang Di Jun immediately followed too bang.

The human race below saw the figure of Emperor Tian, ​​and suddenly he was surprised and happy. “The ancestors are here, the ancestors are here, we are saved.”

After punching, he ignored Hetai and directly waved his hand at the space-time barrier formed by the law of time and space. He is still focused on the human race. At the same time, cracks appeared. “The monks of the Human Race Roda Kingdom have brought the people in your hands into the time and space barrier. The people of the Quasi-Holy Kingdom resisted the attack of the Monster Race with all their strength and will not let the Monster Race harm us.

people. “Following the order issued by the Heavenly Emperor, all the gold-carrying Immortal of the Human Race immediately began to fly towards the time and space barrier, and soon all the people near the Human Race were taken away by Ding Yuan who was paid by the Heavenly Emperor.

Dijun and Taige also started to stop boxing from the Great Emperor, and then saw that the Great Emperor was saving his people. Di Jun yelled: “The star formation, today I will kill all the human races, and don’t leave one.” With Di Jun’s order, he immediately took the stars and stood in his place. After that, Zhou Tian’s big array of stars will be completed immediately. .

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