Chapter 891 Assault on Emperor Wu

The old man’s skinny palms clasped tightly, “Go!”

At the order of the old man, the black-faced strong man rushed out side by side with him, and their palms were slapped on the ancient clock.

“Dangdang!” It was a deep voice, but it couldn’t shake Gu Zhongmin.

“A dead tree is a dead hand!” The old man stuck the cane directly in front of him, and the withered and too weak energy flowed out of his physical strength, and then entered the cane. With the injection of Taixu gas, the crutch became thicker and longer, and a dead tree grew instantly.

The old man’s palm stretched out, and the dead branches from the dead tree seemed to break only when touched. The dead branches were shot with the palm of the old man.

The black-faced strong man gritted his teeth and shook his fist.

“Boom!” Lan Guzhong was indifferent.

“It’s my turn.” Before the old man was shocked, Tianchen Jinlong smiled and raised his hand, and Qinglong’s claws flew out.

Shocked and shocked, the old man knew that he was not the opponent of Tianchen Golden Dragon. He can only smile and think of a way~ to leave. “Dry shield!

The withered branches were entwined with each other and turned into yellow shield-plates before the claws of the blue dragon arrived.

“Gnaw!” Long groaned, and the blue African was caught directly on the shield.

In the next engraving, the sawdust was flying, the shield was shattered, turned into a stump, and scattered all over the ground. “Stop him!” the old man suddenly shouted at the black-faced man. The brawny man was still immersed in the question of who killed the tiger with steel claws on the grassland. If it is the person in front of him, those grassland steel claw tigers are really not enough for him. Are they really that kid? Then they are too bad


Hearing the explosion of the old man, the black-faced brawny man could only face the black face, waving his fist to greet the Tianchen Golden Dragon.

When the old man saw the black-faced strong man rushing up, he motioned to several people in the woods to release arrows, and then ran away without looking back.

Intensive sword rain, and the hilly body of a black-faced strong man.

Qing Duan, Tianlong, Juetian, Qinglong! Tianchen Golden Dragon drank cold all over, his eyes flashed with green light, and the terrifying coercion of the late Emperor Taixu was exposed. Tianchen Jinlong opened his mouth, and Long Xiao’s voice came out with a vague anger.

Many arrow rains encountered this sound wave, and they all bounced off. Even the bows and arrows shot by the opponent Guan Yu were bounced, without exception.

The black-faced brawny man was at a loss for the old man to run away. He still rushed forward, his whole body wrapped in black too much energy. The shadow of the chimpanzee covered her, and her magnified fist was blasted out by a straight punch without fancy.

In that punch, Wu Sheng gas dissipated layer by layer under the action of sound waves, until it finally disappeared. And the fist, before it touched the Tianchen Golden Dragon, was also blown away by this terrifying sound wave. The black-faced burly man’s huge body flew upside down, with blood in his mouth spilling in the air.

“Your leader has left you and ran away. Still have to fight?” Tianchen Jinlong’s stern voice rang out, and even the old man who ran ten miles away could hear clearly. But the old man still didn’t look back, and ran out of the woods at night.

The black-faced burly man’s eyes gleamed, and he seemed to be struggling with something.

“US ”

“Do you have a sacred warrior? Come with me.” Tianchen Jinlong said.

“What are you doing, what do you mean?” At this time, a middle-aged man with a longbow in the forest walked out.

“Since your leaders have escaped, you have only one dead end, unless you surrender to me.” Tianchen Jinlong smiled, and his face was harmless to humans and animals.

“Although the leader has left us, there are still young and old women in this tribe who need us.” The dark face and strong face seemed reluctant.

“If one day the old man comes back, what else can you do besides surrendering again?” Tianchen Jinlong said lightly.

In the woods, there was silence.

In this way, there was a whole night of silence.

The next day, the morning sun shone into the residence of the Taixuying tribe. The people here are very busy.

Yang Hao grabbed a big chicken leg in his hand and gnawed at it without image.

There is a group of people all around. Tianchen Jinlong took Yang Hao and Tang out of the tribe. Behind them, there were several people, one of them was a black-faced brawny man.

This person is the strongest person in the Taixuying tribe besides the old man. Taixusheng, collectively called Taixuyingsheng.

After the leader absconded and Taixuying Center was taken away, the Taixuying tribe could be said to be abolished. But now, they are members of the Tianchen Clan in Desert City. Therefore, even if it is the enemy of the too imaginary tribe, the too imaginary tribe, if they want to transfer them, they must weigh their own power. The Taixuguang tribe is located in the northern part of the hunting grassland and has been hostile for many years

Taixueying tribe. But the strength of a tribe is similar. There is no decisive battle, only local friction.

…For flowers…

“Hey, I don’t see Tong Yunan being so funny. Is he still under house arrest?” Yang Hao lost his right hand bone and asked vaguely.

He is also a talent with great potential, but unfortunately he ran away last night. Tianchen Jinlong said that he also asked about the child.

“Why do you always target Tong Yunan? Yang Hao turned his head and asked Taixuyingsheng

“This,” Tai Xuyingsheng exchanged colors, finally sighed and spoke.

His mother Tong Yunan came from the Taixuguang tribe. And his Dragon King is the perfect Taixueying tribe. What do you think the children of an enemy tribe will treat us?”

“Don’t talk about the perfect Taixuying tribe, even if he is in the Taixuguang tribe, he will be treated like this. The child still wants to run out every day and is suspected by us. We can only arrest him time and time again, because we are afraid that he will Go to the Taixuguang tribe to expose some information.

Listen carefully. After listening, he raised his brows slightly, “Unexpectedly, his life is not very good. By the way, what about his parents?”

“Ah, with some behind-the-scenes operations, his mother participated in the conflict and fell into the grassland. He is the Dragon King and killed the Taixuguang Tribe for revenge. The result is self-evident.” The black-faced strong man sighed: “If it weren’t for his impulsive Dragon King, we would not be Shengtai Xuying, but Shengtai Xuying Go. He is Wu Sheng’s youngest saint. There will be a chance to attack Emperor Wu in the future,

what a pity. what a pity. ”

Seeing the sigh of the black-faced brawny man seemed to be not hypocritical at all. It seems that this black-faced brawny has a good relationship with Tong Yunan’s Dragon King.

“Maybe, he didn’t die in the Dragon King, maybe.”” Tianchen Jinlong said meaningfully, turning to leave the drag, and speeding up to the hunting grassland to the south.

Tianchen Golden Dragon took all the saints to strengthen his own power. After all, Tianchen also said that after his birthday, he will leave this desert city, roam in this land, travel in the mountains, and admire wild cranes. Inch.

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