Chapter 892 Nothing to add

And Tianchen Jinlong also knew that his elder brother Tianchen Hu Jin had something to do with his younger brother Tianchen Jingan, and his goal was to become the lord of the desert city.

It may not be so obvious, but after returning to the desert city, you must do it step by step!

At this time, Tianchen Jinlong rushed to the southern part of the northern grassland of Wushen. Now Tianchen Jinlong just wants to go back to the desert city to see if his baby daughter is safe. This is his best hope.

If the old man is here, can’t I take advantage of my power on this birthday? Tianchen Jinlong’s play is very good, the old man and the old woman really beat the old soul and the old man back, but send Tianchen Xidie and Tianchen Xiyue back to Mocheng It was Liu Ying, she was on the way to Tianchen’s birthday. As for the old women and old people, they have disappeared since then, in order to avoid Wu Ji

League, and Ganbinggu’s “August 20” will pursue the next time.

After leaving his servant Wushenyu, Tang Yang Hao did not follow Jinlong. Because they knew that the Tianchen family would become the target of the Wuji League in the future. Therefore, Tianchen Jinlong refused to let them go, but let them leave quickly. After all, the Tianchen clan still has the peak of Bingyan, but they are all lonely clan members now. Only by leaving the Wuji League and forging the forces of Binggu, can you

Have a certain sense of security.

Yang Hao turned his head and looked north, as if he could see through the endless snow peak thousands of miles away, with a figure that made him think day and night.

“Luo Xue, are you okay?”

In this way, Yang Hao and Yu Jin-Tangren of the game once again embarked on the journey to the Alliance God’s Domain.

And in the endless snow peak, somewhere on the snow peak, there is really a petite figure, really under the siege of a group of people, fighting and retreating. And in the hands of the petite figure, I really hold a pure white snow lotus.

Snow lotus exudes extreme cold, although in this icy world, this cold is also cold to the bone marrow.

The girl dropped the snow lotus and the right sword, smashed out of the heavy encirclement, and then crushed Zhang Sheng Wu Fu, and her figure disappeared in place.

After the girl left, a figure slowly appeared through the void. The man is wearing a white robe with white hair tied around his waist. The faintly present waist adds a sense of beauty under the cover of Xuesi.

“Where is the Ice Soul Crystal Lotus?” However, the voice was very cold.

“That is, take it away.” The crowd knelt down, shaking.

Time flies, the servant of Valkyrie is in the sky. There is no excitement here. After all, it has been almost half a year since the Servant Bukit annual contest. The people who lived in the Devanagari talked about things later, not only the servant Bukit’s annual contest, but also the legendary old man, a Taixu Luo! They have lived in their Devanagari for a long time, no one knows.

The one who appeared in the Servant Bukit Annual Contest these few days, the battle between Taixura and the old souls of Bukit Alliance and the old people of Tubinggu for the Tiancheng broke out, which can be described as earth-shattering and weeping. The volatility produced by the war is daunting.

Because, that was Taixuluo, the winner of Taixuluo! On weekdays, even in first-class cities, it is difficult to see! And this time, it completely appeared.

Of course, since then, nothing big happened, Amagi resumed his previous life, and all those storms gradually subsided under the scouring of time.

In this turbulent realm of God, there are many more such things. With so many things happening every day, who cares about things that have nothing to do with them?

Just like today’s Taixu City, on a street in the outer city, a boy and a girl walked slowly, her face was red.

“Wow! Unlike the largest city in the entire human realm, it is also divided into inner and outer cities!” An empty female voice came from the girl’s mouth.

“Of course, this Taixu city is twice as big as a class city. Can’t you say that it’s not that big?” A clear male voice sounded beside the girl.

The Taixu City where they are located is the largest city in the entire human territory. That is, the central city of Alliance God’s Domain, Taixu City! It is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is a place where ordinary people live, including places for entertainment, leisure, romance and dining.

In the inner city, only huge buildings are cities. It is called a city within a city.

This is where the supreme leader of mankind lives. It also means that this is the foundation of the Taixu Alliance!

The Three Holy Five Alliance manages most of the cities in the human realm and organizations in the God realm. It can also be said to be the largest organization in the entire human field. Because the people of the Taixu Alliance are completely spread across the entire human domain, even in the beast domain, or the weird demon domain, they have the eyeliner of the Taixu Alliance…

The boys and girls on the street are naturally Yi Yun and Jin Yutang who left the servant Wu Shenyu a few months ago.

“Let’s go, rain, you must do something when you enter the city!” Yang Hao, hello Jinyutang

“Hey, I see, Brother Yang Hao.” Jin Yutang gave Yang Hao I knew, and walked side by side with Yang Hao.

The first destination, the pawnshop!

Sold some steel claws to accompany Lu to hunt the holy artifacts. Yang Hao and Jin Yutang each took a large pack of gold Taixu coins and walked out of the pawnshop.

The first destination, snack street! This is the old rule of Yang Hao and Jinyutang, exchange money to eat the food of this city!

When they walked into the outer city, the inner city, in the middle of the hidden attic. A gray-haired old man slowly opened his eyes.

“Lao Rong, is that you?” After speaking, the old man stood up. This age does not affect his body, and he is still so upright. “Others should feel it too. It’s time to go.” After the old man said, the figure slowly disappeared to the original place, leaving only space for the healed fluctuations.

Broken Void! This is the level of a peerless powerhouse, do it!

At the corner of a street in the outer city, this is a quiet and quiet beverage leisure shop of the clan. The consumption is high here.

On the window seat, the woman in Chinese clothes slowly put down her tea cup. The vermilion red lips opened slightly. “Is that you, are you back?” As she said, the woman’s vicissitudes of life turned red, and tears slowly flowed out.

If others see it, they will be shocked, because the identity of a woman makes her look extremely dignified in daily life.

Crying should not appear on her face.

At the same time, in the inner city with a height of meters, the city wall is the dividing wall between the inner and outer cities. Isolated from the inner city and the outer city, if you want to go in, you must go in through the door. And on this wall, there are guards everywhere, too imaginary. I want to fly directly, or go in through the air. It’s all wishful thinking. Those laws are no joke, but a careless mistake just disappears. . Even if you are one

A strong person who transcends boundaries can’t!

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