Chapter 890 burn one’s boats

So Jin Yutang is going to kill!

It can be used as the Jinyutang in the early period of Wu Shengyu province. Her ultimate move was like a child’s play in Sheng’s eyes.

When the black-faced burly man turned his arm, his fist changed the target. The spear light that hit Jin Yutang directly came out one after another.

The almighty Fang Tianzhong killed him, but he didn’t even do it for a while to stop the black-faced brawny. But this fist was too empty, and it was also shattered a lot.

Jin Yutang quickly passed Tian Mingxuan’s spear, his figure was illusory, and Fang Tianzhong’s shadow was ready to cast. At this critical moment, the fist of the black-faced strong man still took a step forward and slammed on the top of the Dark Profound Spear.

The fist hit Jin Yutang’s petite body directly. Jin Yuyan jumped out backwards, and the wooden wall crashed down.

“Go to hell!” Yang Hao looked at Cong Jin Yutang, the blood pouring out of his body, not only angry, but also distressed. If I knew it a long time ago, I wouldn’t prepare for space reversal, so I just did it!

As a result, all the condensed air of the emptiness of the space was integrated into the Dark Profound Sword that day, and it could only be printed as an empty gust of emptiness.

The sword swept across, and even the space trembled. And the black-faced brawny also has an incredible face. This little saint Wu Zun actually made him feel the threat of too vain saint? 820

No, Prairie Steel Claw Tiger. Before the black-faced brawny could think about it, the silver blade had already approached the brawny.

“Chimpanzee palm!” A black-faced brawny man roared like a gorilla, making Yang Hao’s eardrums hurt, but the old man looked as if nothing had happened.

The hands and palms of the black-faced burly man quickly thickened, and thick black hair grew out, turning into an ape-like palm.

Holding both hands together, holding the sword empty-handed, he abruptly grasped the terrifying sword light.

However, the black-faced brawny still underestimated the empty Yang Hao flurry. Under the silver sword light, there is still a terrible tearing force hidden.

The intense pain came from the palm of a burly man with a black face.

“Ah!” The black-faced burly man gritted his teeth, his whole body exploded, and he was pressed into his hands. Jianmang was finally broken after being completely suppressed in the early stage of Taixusheng. Even so, the black-faced brawny still felt uncomfortable, and crimson blood dripped from his palm and fell to the ground.

“Hehe.” The blood dripped to the ground.

The old man frowned. “I don’t believe that Tai Xu Zun in the district had such a powerful trick in the early days. We underestimated you.”

(bcdb) “However, that’s all!” The old man took a step forward, but he flashed directly in front of the black-faced strong man, followed by the horrible fluctuations of Taixu Qi.

The strong pressure directly enveloped Yang Hao’s point. The wooden table next to the old man shook a few times and then collapsed.

Although I guess the old man had the achievements of Emperor Taixu before, when the old man really started, there was still Yang Hao’s despair.

“Now hand over all your valuable things, and we will let you go.” The old man smiled slightly.

“I said you are so strong, so I’m afraid that you don’t have money?” Yang Hao looked dismissively, but in terms of momentum, he lost a bit.

“There are some difficulties, you don’t understand. Ask for the last time, if you give it or not, don’t give me a signal, the little girl outside is about to be photographed as a hedgehog.” The old man pointed to Jinyutang lying on the ground outside the wooden house.

“Stay away from me. Brother Yang Hao. Run.” Jin Yutang said in a low voice, so angry.

Yang Hao ignored Jin Yuyun’s words, “Here you are, will you really let us go?” Yang Hao squinted his eyes and looked at the old man. Now Yang Hao has clicked, he can only do so. He didn’t want Jin Yutang to be injured again. Of course, if there is a chance, he will give the opportunity to the black-faced brawny, not just boxing.

“Before, just steel claws, now. Look at you and break the hut. If you make up for it, then leave your sword and the little girl’s spear.” The old man said lightly, as if it were a matter of course.

The corner of Yang Hao’s mouth twitched. The value of the Ghost Profound Sword and the Ghost Profound Spear is no problem in this day. It is no problem to change a few villas, but now it is just to compensate for this wall. Still a wooden wall!

“That’s good.” Yang Hao took a deep breath, and empty space began to emit a soft light.

“Ah~ I slept so well! I haven’t slept so well for a long time.” A lazy voice sounded.

“Old man, wake me to sleep, compensate, your life, I will reluctantly accept your life.” The lazy voice began again, and the old man’s face changed.

“Tianchen! Uncle, you are awake!” Yang Hao shouted excitedly.

“Hey, I’m sorry, I recovered before and just broke through. That voice deliberately suppressed myself from sleeping, so as not to be discovered and disturbed.” Tianchen Jinlong smiled shyly.

“Let you and Yutang suffer again. Next, leave it to me.” Tianchen Jinlong said with a smile, the extremely powerful virulent energy soared, and the wooden house was directly broken under this pressure.

“I ruined your wooden house, do you want me to compensate?” Tianchen Jinlong’s voice suddenly became cold.

The black-faced burly man and the tiger shook their bodies, their faces full of horror. “No wonder. Your sleep gives me a sense of danger. You are not a saint, but the late Emperor Taixu! Yes, Tianchen Golden Dragon has already broken through the middle stage of Emperor Taixu. With the all-out war and Bibi in this period With the recovery of Liu Pills, he also took the opportunity to break through to the late Emperor Taixu

Too Xu? I don’t know if it is above Fang Chen. So, I want to change the topic. “Tianchen Jinlong sneered.

“Dare not, this compensation is not. Go ahead.” The old man’s eyes trembled and said with a sigh.

“You don’t want to compensate, I want it.” Tianchen Jinlong gestured, and gave Yang Hao the medicine that popped up, and Yang Hao ran over to pick Tang up and feed her the medicine.

Seeing Tang Jian’s ruddy face, he couldn’t bear to ask what the medicine was.

“The position of the Taixu Shadow Tribe, then it’s our turn to settle the account.” Yang Hao turned around indifferently, and the words popped out of his mouth.

Ice Soul Crystal Lotus

“Follow the arrow!” Seeing that the situation was out of control, the old man could only break the boat. The old man gave the order, and many bows and arrows rained down into the woods.

“Small bugs.” Tianchen Jinlong raised his hand, and the blue virulent energy poured out, and Long Yin roared. Qinglong’s head slowly emerged.

“Cyan Forged Dragon Bell!” The phantom of the blue sky dragon hovered around Tianchen’s Jinlongren, and then gradually wrapped people in it, and the blue sky dragon also turned into a blue ancient clock.

“Dangdang!” In the next moment, these many bows and arrows were shot on the blue ancient clock made by Tianlong, but they could only create ripples. Only one bow and arrow was not bounced, but completely pierced the ancient bell.

“Huh? With this strength, you Taixu Shadow Tribe, there is a Taixu saint, it’s not bad” Tianchen Jinlong looked at the bow and arrow stuck on the ancient clock, and said. After speaking, he shook his palm again, and the bow and arrow flew out.

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