Chapter 878 remains

“Yang Hao! Ling’an! Sister, are you down there?” Jin Yutang’s anxious shouts came down from the top of the cliff.

“Yeah! Ling’an and I both fell.” yelled without surprise. “Rain, go and see if there is anything that can pull us up!”

“Ah? What are you talking about, Yang Hao brother? I will come down to find you.” The voice grew louder and Jin Yutang jumped off the cliff, but when Yang Hao saw Jin Yutang, Jin Yutang directly took out the dark blood soul The piercing was a cliff. A deep gap was drawn on the cliff to stop the speed of falling, and then Jinyutang gently jumped to the ground perfectly.

“I also want to ask you to help me find something to pull it up perfectly.” Yang Hao sighed.

“Use this.” Jin Yuyan took out a handful of heads, which is necessary in the wild.

“What does Ling’an think?” Yang Hao smiled bitterly.

“Wait, look!” Ling’an, who was looking around, stopped Yang Hao and Jin Yutang.”Look” Ling’an pointed to the side.

Yang Hao and Jin Yutang also turned to look at the place Ling’an pointed out.

12 This is a hole, a dark hole. But this is a hole in the ground. It should be exposed because it was just hit by a falling rock. Yang Hao and Jin Yutang looked at each other. what is this?

“Danger, chance!” “Ling’an paused. “Can’t you get in?”

“Go in, if there is something sacred in it, we will be developed.” Yang Hao looked at Jin Yutang, and when she saw Jin Yutang nodded and replied.

“Holy Girl Lingbao? You are really the Holy Spirit Lingbao that can be seen everywhere.” Ling’an looked at Yang Hao contemptuously. “This sacred thing Lingbao is something that the pinnacle forces can own, or something that can be possessed by hidden powerhouses who are so powerful that they dare not provoke them at will.”

Then why does Brother Jinlei have a holy spirit treasure? Yang Hao said.

“This, this is an accident.” Ling An was speechless. “Let’s go, let’s go in and take a look.” Opportunities and dangers coexist. This is the principle of seeking wealth while taking risks.

“If there is a huge danger that we can’t resist, we will retreat.” Yang Hao said with a solemn expression. At this time, Yang Hao put away his smiling expression and asked, “No objection.”

“No.” Ling’an and Jin Yuyan replied at the same time, their expressions were solemn, this unknown danger is terrible, but this Jichen girl has her own dream, and they all need to become stronger! It is impossible to be stronger because of this difficulty. Stop! “Go!” Yang Hao, directly activated, took out a torch from the empty three martial arts ring to light it.

“Old-fashioned.” Ling’an said, and a stick with a dazzling white light appeared in her hand. No lighting category. Lingbao,

Speaking of Jin Yutang also took out the lightning rod, Yang Hao’s torch suddenly faded. Yang Hao silently put out the torch, put it away, his face turned red slightly. It’s too big now. What lighting holy spirit treasure, if you have the opportunity, you must buy it!

After the person jumped out of the cave, the cave was completely visible under Lingbao’s dazzling white light. This is an aisle cave. It should have been stoned. Looking at the wall, there are candles and the like, but they are not lit. Yang Hao whispered. Turns out it’s not just me.

“Candles are also objects used for lighting. I’m afraid this place has already existed.” Ling’an said.

“This place is deep. If it weren’t for this cliff, I would have fallen asleep long ago.” Jin Yutang said.

“What’s wrong with the candles? Use candles to save money!” Yang Hao muttered to himself, otherwise he would be despised by pretty girls.

“Hey, what is this?” Jin Yutang pointed to a place on the wall. Ling An and Yang Hao appeared.

“There are lines.” Yang Hao said.

“Nonsense, we are not blind.” Ling’an and Jin Yutang said in unison, Yang Hao suddenly lost his voice. This woman is too tacit.

“The text here seems to be many years ago. Fortunately, it is not much different from the shoes.” Jin Yutang looked at it.

“What is the tomb of Emperor Taixu Ling’an?” The first word is ambiguous and cannot be seen clearly

“So, this is the tomb of Emperor Taixu? Jin Yutang was surprised.

“It should be right.” Ling’an said, “A Taixu Emperor should have many babies. Go, hunt for treasure.”

“Is this a grave robbery?” Yang Hao said cautiously.

“If you don’t go, don’t go.” Ling’an Road.

“Brother Yang Hao, how can you say tomb robbery? The last time Yuan was buried was actually a tomb. This is where Shutian’s Yutai God fell. Now it is called a relic. It is also a treasure place to experience outside! This is a lot of wanderings. People are looking for.” Jin Yutang explained.

The following text only explains the life of Emperor Taixu, without any information. Ling’an said again.

Yang Hao leaned over and read carefully. But Ling’an took Jin Yutang and prepared to go deeper.

“Wait, wait, lend me the lighting saint Lingbao, let me see.” Yang Hao said. Jin Yutang handed it to him.

“Nothing to see, Yutang, let’s go first.” Ling’an left with Yutang. “Wait, remember to follow.” Then Yang Hao was left to read these words. Yang Hao seems to be interested in the life of Emperor Taixu

“Eat.” In the end Yang Hao concluded that it was food. Taixu’s favorite thing in his life is eating, which is a bit like me. Uh, no, it seems very similar. Nuno scratched his head, holding the lightning rod and walked to the depths of the passage. Tianming Lingxuan.

Yang Hao held Jin’s lightning rod and walked straight to the corridor. Zhou’s city walls initially depicted many patterns, but most of them became blurred due to the erosion of 813 years. However, it can be seen that Emperor Taixu enjoyed his whole life. His title is Emperor Guiri Taixu!

It is also the practice of many people to use realm as the suffix of the title. After entering Taixu Emperor, soon after entering the kingdom, Taixu Emperor went to participate in the title ceremony, and finally obtained his own title. However, in order to commemorate his breakthrough to Emperor Taixu and the kingdom, Emperor Taixu directly named Emperor Taixu as

Ghost sun is taken from his holy spirit treasure, Tianming Xuanjian. This is an intermediate sword of the Holy Spirit. After seeing Lingbao’s data, Yang Hao became excited. This long sword must be found!

Yang Hao is lacking a powerful sword and holy spirit treasure, the Heavenly Grade Intermediate Streaming Heavenly Sword cannot satisfy Yang Hao. Especially in Shura Demon Ya, Xuanyuan, after seeing the Xuanpin Shenglingbao, he felt that his equipment was too shabby.

Even gold has a mysterious golden spear king, and the frosty ones are definitely more than that. Lei Jin did not say “God Grade Holy Spirit Treasure” and “Shutian Tansheng”, but there is a “Xuan Grade Intermediate Holy Spirit Treasure” Sky Taiyuchen” can be used. And Yang Hao, as a weapon, the Streaming Heavenly Sword is only Intermediate level

It didn’t take long for Yang Hao to meet Hejin. A corridor, which one to choose?

Yang Hao chose the right channel without hesitation and went on. However, he did not notice. He drew a big arrow with small print on the wall of the left passage: Yutang and I will go here. .

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