Chapter 879 Fork

At this time, on the left side of the corridor, walking with Jin “Is this Yang Hao a big idiot? I haven’t caught up yet.” Ling An said angrily.

“Maybe he is lost.” Jin Yutang said, “he may not have seen the arrow we drew.”

“It must be so! Should we go back to find him?” Ling’an asked.

“Go! Otherwise, it won’t be good to wait for it to go.” Jin Yuyan agreed. The people immediately turned around, but at this time, they found that they had been blocked by a stone wall emerging from nowhere. Then, a stone wall appeared in front of him. Did not wait for Ling’an and Jin Yutang’s reaction. The stone slab under my feet suddenly opened.

Jin Yutan swept with his right hand, and the dark blood soul pierced the wall directly, while Ling’an waved his hand with a small hand, taking over the emptiness of the ice and snow, and turning it into Dao Jin Yutang and took the darkness safely. Blood soul, and it naturally fell on the body

Jin Yutang jumped down and took a dark blood soul to the ice bridge in Ling’an. Looking down, there are many barbed swords and guns under this tunnel. If you accidentally fall down, and you don’t have strong skin and flesh, I’m afraid that a few transparent holes will be made directly in your body.

On the other side, Yang Hao still dumbly waited for a while and walked forward for a long time before he felt different. Ling’an and Yutang? How about? Why haven’t I met? Did I go the wrong way? Yang Hao muttered in his heart. However, they should notice that I made a mistake, and then they will catch up.

Yang Hao walked, finally stopped and threw it back. But at this time, the ceiling in front suddenly trembled, and several steel arrows shot out. Yang Hao’s footsteps swayed, and the void revealed in one step, directly turning into an afterimage through many arrow rains.

However, the crisis has not been resolved. Several iron dragon heads have been poked out on the wall of the passage ahead, and the dragon’s mouth has opened. The fire came out directly, and the entire passage was covered by this fire.

However, this did not stop Yang Hao’s footsteps. The golden light flashed, the golden dragon forest covered Yang Hao’s whole body, the void unfolded again, dazzling Yang Hao rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

Yang Hao felt the flame blow, but because of the speed, Yang Hao didn’t feel too much burning. However, Yang Hao, who had not rushed out of the fire, immediately stopped, his eyes were slightly panicked, and blood was flowing from the tip of his nose.

In this flame channel, there is an iron wall with many spikes! Yang Hao noticed that the iron wall stopped immediately, but because of inertia, he was stabbed to the tip of his nose.

When Yang Hao was speechless, the hot feeling finally came out. Although this flame is not the special flame above, Yang Hao still feels burning with the support of his body.

But Yang Hao is not a man who sacrificed his life. Jin Guang reappeared, strengthening Wu Sheng’s passport. Light and fire are in the same place, so Yang Hao’s heat insulation effect is not very good. If it is Ling’an, playing in this sea of ​​fire is not a big problem.

Yang Hao is also a strong man in Wu Shengyu province at any rate. He can stand in this ordinary flame for a long time, but now the most important thing is to break the iron wall. It was probably blocked when I went back. Yang Hao had to find Ling’an. How could they stop here? The Streaming Sky Sword cut out directly, and cut the traces on the iron wall. Yang Hao frowns so that he can not break the iron before he has no strength

wall. Yang Hao decided to run back directly, leaving Huohai to do something first. This is Yang Hao’s current thinking. Unfortunately, after running for a few minutes, he found that the original place was covered by flames, and this passage became a fire passage.

“Oh! The sword is going to pile up thorns!” The golden light of Yang Hao’s anger and Sheng’s whole body skyrocketed, and the Streaming Heavenly Sword frantically absorbed the light of Taixu Qi. The streamer heaven sword, infused with light and martial spirit, is as bright as gold. Yang Hao lifted the Streaming Sky Sword forcefully and stab it directly to the ground. Since the passage has iron walls, isn’t this rocky ground the best breakthrough?

“Knead.” Streaming Heavenly Sword went directly underground. Jin Mang took the shot, his sword aura was pressing, cracks began to appear on the road under his feet, and Yang Hao also began to sweat. This feeling of burning has never felt better. Yang Hao gritted his teeth and squeezed again, almost half of the blade of the Streaming Sky Sword pierced into the road. Then Yang Hao is angry and Sheng, the golden scales cover Yang

Hao’s right arm, pay attention to the swing, and hit the road directly with a boxing punch, followed by boxing boxing, and the cracks began to spread like a spider web.

“Boom.” Finally, after unremitting efforts, the ground finally collapsed. Yang Hao looked closely, and followed the stone to the top.

On the other side of the passage, there was also the sound of a wall collapsing. Amidst the falling rubble, the black-painted spear stretched out. Then came the piercing sound of Jin Mangjin Yutang’s little hands shaking, and the dark blood soul pierced the spear flower and shook the gravel.

“.”what. “Jin Yutang, who was walking in front, exclaimed.

“Rain, what’s the matter?” Ling’an behind hurriedly asked.

“One channel, which one to go?” Jin Yuyan pointed to the front, it was no longer the previous road, it became a fork in the road.

“Star, what to do, just choose one to go. I didn’t expect that the channel here would change. It might be useless for us to leave a mark.” Ling’an said helplessly,” “Continue to the left.” “Then Jin Yutang habitually made a mark, and then he walked to the left opening.

However, just after they left Ling’an, the ceiling of the place where they left trembled, then a crack appeared, and then broken stones flew everywhere. Of course there is a saying, “Finally there is no flame!” The voice was Yang Hao.

Since Yang Hao broke open the original ground, the people (with good money) found that the passage below was still full of flames, and then Yang Hao continued to break. Until this time, I finally did not see the flame. And also saw a bunch of swords and guns upside down.

“Oh my god, it’s not over yet!” Yang Hao saw the sword stand upside down, and hurriedly took out the feather wind mark from the empty three martial arts ring. When Tai Xu injected gas into Yang Hao, he fell to the side without any risk, and Yang Hao’s gaze fell on the wall above the sword and gun, because there was an ice bridge with Tai Xu Qi in the ice. The fluctuation of the bridge belonged to Ling’an Yang Hao muttered to himself, and then began to observe.

Turn around, Yang Hao saw a passage not far away, at this time I hesitated. “I went to the right before, but separated. This time, they should change to the right in Ling’an. Yes, I’m really smart, it’s the right.” Therefore, the victory Yang Hao point moved to the right again. I ignored Jin Yutang’s logo again…

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