Chapter 877 shake

As time passed, it was evening in a blink of an eye. To complete the task with the child at the end, although it is a task, it is more of an experience. Yang Hao finally met Jin Yutang on the way down the mountain. People began to look for Ling’an, but they met at the foot of the mountain. When I met, Ling An talked about the process of slaying the Blue Demon Demon, and this made Yang Hao and Jin Yutang very surprised.

The sanctuary beast had such a fighting power in the early stage, and Yang Hao said that there was a fire Demon dog, but it was only in the later stage of the sanctuary beast. Ling’an and Jin Yutang both showed worried expressions, and expressed dissatisfaction with Guo Ji and even some children lying. However, after Jin Yutang talked about the current situation of the Blackwood Mercenary Group, people didn’t know anything about it. After discussion, they prepared

Cross the valley and continue their journey. As for what Blackwood mercenary group, what Guo Ji, Chen Tianjiu, this has nothing to do with Jinyu’s “August 13”

“Camp here tonight or climb the mountain at full speed to see if there is a small town or something.” Yang Hao asked.

“Camping camping! Camping is fun.” Jin Yutang shouted.

“Camping may be dangerous.” Ling’an smiled helplessly.

“Don’t be afraid, isn’t the hottest Demon dog in this mountain? It was all cleaned up by Yang Hao. What are you afraid of?” Jin Yutang pouted, so cute.

Ling’an looked at Jinyutang, but his eyes were bright and his teeth were white. At this moment, Yang Hao seemed to understand something. Is this my world? Yang Hao smiled. “I won’t just stay awake.

“You can’t stay up late.” Ling’an said, “Under my arrangement, I should be able to sleep safely.” Then Ling’an sprinkled a kind of powder within a few meters, and Yang Hao also knew that it was a kind of driving away beasts and some Fan of low-level Taixu beast. Within the range covered by the smell, the King Beast’s Taixu Beast did not dare to approach, and then Ling An called Yang Hao to set up some traps and the like.

Finally, Ling’an raised his hand and waved, a white bead flew over and turned into a mask to protect the tent.

“This mask can withstand Sanwu Sanyu’s full blow before and after the mid-term. Therefore, we can feel heartache. Even if someone breaks the mask, it will definitely wake us up at that time, so we are not afraid and can sleep peacefully.” Ling’an smiled Said.

“Ahem, Ling’an, we haven’t eaten yet.

Remains of Emperor Wu of Liang

The figure of “Mumbling” flew out from the top of the tree and rolled forward in the air. The blue clothes fluttered in the cold autumn wind, and the short hair reflected a little light in the sun.

“Qingyu Fenghen!” This interesting person is naturally Yang Hao. When his hand was printed, Kong Tai Xu stopped flashing, flapped his fan, and soared in the wind. The next step is at Yang Hao’s feet, and it’s glide on Yang Hao Road.

“Wow, wow, wait for me, I want to play too!” “Jin Yutang Road ran wildly, chasing Yang Hao, shuttled in the forest, behind it is Ling’an. But Ling’an’s face is very different Happy.

“I said Yang Hao, you idiot! Come down to me, walk slowly, and die!” Ling’an shouted, but he didn’t return a point. He was still sliding on the wind trails.

Ice and snow broke out at Ling’an, and an ice and snow explosion sent Ling’an to the sky. Then Ling An quickly printed his hands, and the Blizzard roared out, Ling An on his head, like a dragon knight, flying into the sky. However, the energy consumption of Tai Xu is really huge, and it is not as good as Yang Hao in gliding. Gradually, Ling’an saw Yang Hao, but Yang Hao had already begun to decline. slip

The flight distance is limited, Ling’an smiled slightly, and Blizzard chased Yang Hao mercilessly.

“Ah! I’m going, Ling’an stop, stop! The cliff ahead! Yang Hao’s face changed drastically, and he shouted in panic. However, it was too late to cut. Although it is Yang Hao in the forest now, it is a cliff a few meters ahead. Because it is too much. A lot of vegetation blocked the view, and Yang Hao was only able to find this cliff nearby, so I was afraid that I would not be able to fly or stop.

“Boom~” Blizzard hit the grass next to Yang Hao’s point, and the dust began to rise. The raging blizzard was swept away by Ling’an ice and snow, and the air rolled like a pair of invisible big hands pushing Yang Hao and flying out.

If Yang Hao hadn’t yelled, Blizzard would have hit Yang Hao long ago. However, Ling’an naturally knew that Yang Hao had to live in this Blizzard. Although Yang Hao’s IQ is a bit hard, his strength is still good. Ling An was just joking with him. but.

“Uh-oh!” Yang Hao turned his sword into the grass, and reduced his momentum with the help of resistance. Ling’an was caught by Lu Taixu’s momentum with the help of the air tossing, and directly overtook Yang Hao, grabbing Yang Hao’s hand. , But now Ling’an also directly pulled Yang Hao down due to inertia. As a result, the person rolled directly down the rice on the ground until he opened his eyes and realized that if he

Roll in a circle and you will fall off the cliff.

“Huh, Yang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.” Yang Hao patted his chest. “Ling’an, you scared me to death.” At that time, Ling’an had just pressed Yang Hao. Scared Ling’an quickly got up.

“Slow down, slow down, don’t come back here, push me down and I will fall.” Yang Hao said in a panic, this can go down half of his body. “Hey, what are you still moving? Don’t waver.

“No, I didn’t shake.” Ling’an stood up and found that the grass was sinking?

“Don’t shake, this, ah! We are going to fall! Ah ah ah!” Yang Hao cried out in horror. It turned out that this cliff was about to collapse under the collision of the Blizzard Dragon.

However, it had fallen by half, and everyone looked at each other in shock. Why didn’t you notice it fell just now?

Maybe it was because I stunned my head just now, maybe because Lingan was on his body just now, Yang Hao was fascinated by the faint scent? Yang Hao scratched his head incomprehensibly, but why didn’t Lingan notice it?

“Don’t froze! Remove the traces of the feather wind, hurry up, hurry up. Otherwise, we will be meatloaf.” Ling’an hurriedly shouted.

“Oh, oh.” Yang Hao quickly took out the Yufeng Mark, and as Wu’s voice injected, Yufeng Mark 3.1 became bigger, and Yang Hao and Ling’an jumped directly. But in the blink of an eye, the dirt under his feet also fell on Ya’s buttocks, breaking into dust and sand. Yang Hao and Ling’an landed safely by clearing the weathercock. When I looked up, everyone was dumbfounded.

“It must be a few meters. How can I go up?” Yang Hao is stupid now.

“Climb up.” Ling’an’s face was covered with dust, but nothing could conceal her charming appearance. “This cliff is not easy to climb!” Yang Hao looked up. Ling’an raised his hand, the ice and snow quickly condensed, forming a cone of ice.

“With this, the road will climb up.” Ling An raised the ice cone in his hand and used it easily with weapons such as daggers. Just as people were discussing how to get up, the cry of Jin Yutangtang came from the top of the cliff. .

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