Chapter 858 greedy

Fortunately, Spear is always good at the wind attribute of too virtual air, otherwise, although he has temporarily reached the realm of too virtual sage, he cannot immediately gather the too virtual wing, and can only barely hang on the knowledge of the wind attribute.

Seeing his younger brother Dun Lao, his disciple Tianchen Jingyu and their grandfather of the Tianchen family were tied to it by the light curtain, he was furious and was stabbed on the blood-red light curtain again. Of course it doesn’t help much.

However, the old spear, like a crazy lion, bombarded the screen wildly, but the greedy wolf didn’t bother to pay attention to him, closed his eyes again, and absorbed the vitality and vain air. The qi fluctuation next to him was too great, and the greedy wolf had reached the peak strength, and was only close to the door.

On the ground, more and more people fell to the ground with fear in their eyes, but their bodies could not move, and their vitality became weaker and weaker until they dissipated. Even though the ground was covered with snow, Yang Hao felt that his virility had already fallen to the initial level of the domain, and soon after the terror was over, it would fall back to the holy, and Tang was lifted up, almost unaffected. But Yang

The people of Hao, Luo Xue, and Jin Lei are very pale and will continue to do so. They looked at each other, the moon, the moon, Demon, Tai Xu was still struggling.

“You stupid boy, you fell into this ground when I slept.” The female voice in Fang Chen’s ear spread in Jin Lei’s mind. This is Taiyu Chenshui Demon Silver!

“What can I do? I can’t even fly, nor can I break the light curtain. What do you want me to do?” Jin Lei said quickly, “If you have a way, just say it, we can’t hold on!”

“Okay, well, are you really stupid or fake? The source of these things under your feet is still Tai Yuchen’s power, but it is much stronger than the previous person’s level. Since it is Tai Yuchen’s power, Then you don’t plan to use Taiyuchen Water Phantom?” Shui Phantom explained. “Yes! It can still absorb these sacred souls!” Jin Lei shouted, “No, I won’t. Last time

You control me. “Jin Lei suddenly remembered that this is not so easy to use. Shui Huan told him that if she wanted to use her own ability, she should at least reach Guan Yu’s realm. Jin Lei would be so stupid to think about it, too illusory. It takes more. Long time?

“Uh, yes, let’s start.” Water Magic warned.

“Ah!” Jin Lei suddenly roared, his body began to turn silver, and the gray Taixu Qi gradually turned into bright silver Taixu Qi.

“I’m liquefied, you are all standing on top of me!” Jin Lei shouted for the last time, and fell into a deep sleep, while Shui Huan replaced Jin Lei and controlled his body.

“Tai Yuchen Water Fantasy Text! Liquefy, devour Tai Yuchen” Shui Huan said, the voice was made through Jin Lei’s body, but it was slightly different from Jin Lei’s original voice.

Then, “Jin Lei” turned into a silver liquid, directly covering the ground of a square meter. Yang Hao’s first feeling was that the strange power that swallowed them disappeared and Jin was knocked down.

“Brother Yang Hao, sister Ling’an, you don’t need to do this, Yutang can bear it.” Jin’s eyes were filled with mist, and she felt warm for the first time, except for the Dragon King used in the past.

She insisted on standing down, but was held firmly by Yang Hao people. How can a Saint Huangwu drag a sanctuary that is too empty? Jin also knew that they were difficult to deal with the red blood, and she shouldn’t struggle to distract them, so she gave up struggling.

After “Jin Lei” became liquid, he felt the fear from the bloody lines. Yes, they were afraid of Jin Lei Tai Yuchen’s ability to swallow Tai Yuchen’s power.

Gradually, the blood-red Wu Sheng gas was absorbed by Jin Lei, and Jin Lei’s breath became stronger here. At this time, Jin and Jin were both envious of having this kind of cultivation method, just find a capable person to swallow the other’s qi, and the level won’t get up.

But think about it, it is not easy to find people who cultivate Taiyuchen’s power. They must have a chance, so God is more fair.

At that time, the greedy wolf Taiyu Jun also felt Jin Lei’s strangeness. Surprisingly, he didn’t have time to pay attention to Jin Lei, because he was on the verge of breaking through! It’s time to attack Taixu Emperor, but the greedy wolf Taiyu Jun wouldn’t care about those who are paying attention to his achievements in Taixu Emperor. Sacrifice

Wolf Taiyu Jun Taiyuchen Sheng Wu Jing exudes a suffocating blood red light. When the sun was shining, the first Tai Yuchen, Shengjing was approaching. When the first one was fully formed, the greedy wolf Taiyu Jun was promoted to Emperor Taixu. I am afraid that no one can escape the fate of death there. When people are desperate, the silver light is released, desperate

When people saw the silver light, their eyes lit up. Because the blood-red light touches the silver light, it will disappear like ice and snow melted, but only Yang Hao will know that the blood awn is not gone, but swallowed.

With the engulfing, the fluctuation of Jin Lei and Wu’s voice has reached the late stage of Wu Sheng Sanctuary, and he is also a Wu Shengjing. This is the same as the previous Ling’an, but now Ling’an has fallen back to the realm of the Three Martial Scriptures, and Yang Hao has returned to the early stage of the Three Martial Arts and Sanyu.

Finally, the coverage of silver is getting wider and wider. And at this time, 803 an astonishing wave of too weak energy appeared. This is the emperor of Taixu, the emperors of all Taixu

Lang Yutaijun’s eyes were red, and his hands waved, and the powerful Taixu Qi surged out. Apart from Langtai, there were no other people in the sky, as well as the moon and the moon Demon ape, and the old spear. They were all knocked to the ground by the storm, and then they were all imprisoned by bloody iron chains.

“This kind of power actually makes me feel scared.” After cleaning up the people and sacred beasts in the air, Lang Yutai Jun looked at the silver children.

However, “Jin Lei” did not pay attention to Lang Yu Taijun, because he was anxious to arrange some things, and Yin Mang was just a cover.

“Huh.” Lang Daiyu Jun looked at He Sheng coldly, her palms converging like Wan Tai Yuchen, a powerful Tai Yuchen power blasted down, and the goal was directed at Yin Mang.

“Judge Tai Yuchen Ai!” With a cold shout, the silver light suddenly became stronger, slowly condensing into a pair of huge silver eyes.

Looking at the silver eyes, Lang Yutai-kun’s expression froze, and his sluggish expression lasted for a few seconds.

“Ah, it’s you, it’s you!” Lang Yutai Jun suddenly stopped the offensive, screaming in horror, his blood-red eyes and silver eyes, full of fear. .

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