Chapter 859 Taixu Mythical Beast

However, “Jin Lei” did not hear his cry, but it was just an intuition, which played a big role in Langtai, who was greedy for dreams.

The silver eyes slowly closed, and the silver Taiyuchen Taixu Qi was also very strong. Under the gaze of everyone’s expectation, under the gaze of the terrified Wolf Monarch, the silver eyes opened!


The silver, bright and gorgeous silver beam of light pierced the blood and rushed up angrily, directly covering the fear of the wolf lord, but the wolf lord forgot to defend and let the silver light envelop him frontally.

Langtai Yujun’s blood became dim under the impact of the silver light.

“No! No! It can’t be her, she’s dead!” Wolf Tai Yujun roared, and the blood color reappeared. However, at that time, one of the three martial arts of Taiyuchen began to become illusory until it disappeared.

This also proves that the cultivation of the greedy wolf Tai Yujun has once again been beaten back to being too sage. The coercion that belonged to God Taixu disappeared at this moment. The bright silver beam did not stop its gorgeous spread because of the greedy wolf Tai Yujun, and the silver beam shot directly into the sky without any hindrance.

Even so, it did not stop and continued to move up, and then, under everyone’s gaze, the silver and blood-colored screens touched. The bloody light curtain twisted again. The difference was that there was no resistance from the bloody mouth. The light curtain on the top became darker and darker, and it became reddish in a blink of an eye.

People who were trapped above the light curtain were rescued one after another, including those who escaped the old, Youdiyougu, Wanyaoge and others. Mao Lao leaped with red eyes, caught the Tianchen family member, and fell to the ground. However, those other people landed directly in the air. Fortunately, they are all powerhouses above Saint Wu Zun. Although they may fall a lot now, they are not at this height.

will die.

In the end, the dazzling light of silk came into people’s eyes, and the blood-colored light curtain at the top finally dissipated under the erosion of the silver light beam. The crystal ball fell slowly, falling into silver. This is Tai Yuchen in the sky.

Xuanyuan Tuo hugged Xuanyuan Tian, ​​and the dark red behind him was too empty, and he also flew up. Now he has only one idea, so he can escape from here. The old man woke up after feeding a few people in the Tianchen clan a little too weak medicine.

After waking up, Tianchen Jingan couldn’t find the Xuanpin Shenglingbao that could glide, but Tianchen Jingan was unwilling to look for it. People from the Tianchen family quickly left here after discovering that the blood-colored light curtain had dissipated.

The blood-red lines on the ground were quiet, but the survivors were still in a coma. Some people even returned to Xuanmen disciples, their vitality was getting weaker and weaker. I’m afraid time is running out and they won’t live for many years. When these people wake up, they may be more painful than death.

At this time, among the unconscious crowd, Wanyaoge Hualing’s neck, with a jade pendant, was quietly broken, and a bright green stream flowed out, enveloping Hualing’s swallowed vitality and too weak energy. At this moment, he recovered quickly, and Hua Ling gradually woke up.

After waking up, Hua Ling took a mouthful of the bright green clear stream, looking at the broken jade pendant in front of her, her chest was painful, she took out a few Ling Pills and took them away from the people in Wanyao Pavilion. Dongyang Pearl and Zhou Tong also woke up very quickly. Come here. Such Shenqing Pills are more common, and there are many in the empty world, because this Shenqing Pills is only a good product of Taixu medicine, and it is also affordable for the same power.

After a leader of Wanyaoge woke up, even those troops, disciples or subordinates of Wanyaoge Wu Sheng Sanqu ignored them and ran out frantically.

Taixu and Wuji Tianxu were finally rescued, but the fluctuation of Wu’s voice obviously dropped a lot. Fortunately, Taixu is still in the sacred beast, and Wuji Tianxu is only returning to the intermediate stage of the sacred beast.

He Fei came down and saw the Xue Tang who was standing next to Yinyan Yang Hao. What kind of sacred martial art was from Xuetang, it was so restrained against the greedy wolf Tai Yujun. Taiying asked, his face Full of exhaustion.

“What is Judge Tai Yuchen? Eyes I can’t think that Jin Lei brothers are so powerful…” Yang Hao said, but he also guessed that this should belong to the metal’s ability in Jin Lei’s body, and I don’t know where it is made of water. Magic silver is so powerful that I don’t even know the powerful force in its body. Yang Hao said, lowered his head and touched the jewelry hanging on his chest. That is one

A miniature mirror whose face has shrunk several times. The frame of the mirror is wooden. As for what kind of wood it is, even Longwang Yunming is Yang Hao. The wood is inlaid with gold thread and blue relief, and the mirror surface is very smooth.

“Hey, what are you looking at?” Yang Hao’s attention was not caught until the female voice in Fang Chen’s ears. This person is Ling’an

“This little mirror.” Yang Hao turned around and pointed to the little mirror in front of Ling’an.

“What a beautiful mirror. What is this mirror for?” Ling’an asked Ba.

“. “Well, I will tell you later. Yang Hao giggled. “Cut, let’s not say, let’s not say, pretend to be mysterious!” Ling’an curled his lips. Yang Hao smiled helplessly. He didn’t know the function of this mirror. He put it on. Next to the Streaming Heavenly Sword and the empty Taixu Ring, this should have been left by him in the Dragon King.

After all, what Yang Hao is worried about is Jin Lei. Jin Lei is pregnant with many secrets, and the horrible recruitment and assessment in the eyes of Ju Tai Yuchen actually makes everyone feel embarrassed by the helplessness and greed of Lang Tai Yujun. This is not a leapfrog challenge, right?

However, when Jin Lei walks to the East China Sea, he will definitely be stared at by Taiyu Juege, but fortunately, Taiyu Juege, the most powerful Taixu courtyard in the Taixuyuan divine realm, still dare not mess around. . What’s more, there is the existence of the Taixuyuan Alliance, the Taixuyuan Alliance and the largest superpower, and the Saint League is in the same line, which makes Taiyu Juege not daring to be presumptuous. Can

It can be said that this sacred alliance is the defender of the rules of the human domain. If there is no (good money) Holy Alliance, this field will fall into chaos.

When they guarded Jin Lei, the greedy wolf King Taiyu rioted again.

“No, no, no, even if you are her, I won’t surrender again!” The greedy wolf Taiyujun’s eyes were bloodshot again, and the blood-red Taiyuchen Wu’s voice condensed again, but he couldn’t find what was in the sky. Tai Yuchen

“Where is my sky?” Tai Yuchen? Greedily touched with Wolf Taiyujun’s hands, the blood-red air was tumbling, directly cutting off the silver light beam and swept away. Then the greedy wolf Taiyu Jun and clenched fists suddenly banged, Yin Guang lost its original power under the blood-red roll, and retreated steadily. Overcoming the fear of greed, Wolf Taiyu Jun, see

The power of this silver light beam is just how powerful a child in San Wu Sanctuary can show, even if it has the San Wu spirit here in Tai Yuchen, it is not enough to threaten life.

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