Chapter 857 Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger

Wanyaoge Hualing gritted her teeth, glaring at Tianchen’s Jin Cancan, and then reluctantly took out a mysterious Wu Shengyao. At this time, Tianchen Jin Qian was released. However, only Wanyao Pavilion people have experienced the wind scar, but they are still in the wind scar area, the wind scar area is enough to accommodate this person. However, at this moment, Yougu and the flute floated up, standing on the feathers and the wind marks were clear.

On the huge feather fan of clarity. However, you also voted for a Xuanpin Ling Pills, with obvious intentions.

Taoist Tianchen sighed secretly that the burial of Taiyu Garden was really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and now there is a third stage of Wuzun. However, now those who support Qingyu Fenghen’s spirit have become the people of Deep Drum, Deep Flute, Wanyao Pavilion, and Qingyu Fenghen quickly drifted to the edge of the screen like a cool breeze. Jin Leng smiled coldly, there was a shadow in the world. Are you afraid of these attached Demon?

But for the wind marks of the green “eight zero” feathers and the people on it, the greedy Wolf Taiyu Jun didn’t even open his eyes. Did he not find out or didn’t care? The answer was revealed after Tianchen’s tribe urged you to break the boundaries. After the Qingyu wind mark reached the edge, Tianchen Taoists worked together to drive the shadow to shuttle, and the dark light curtain pierced the blood red light curtain, only making a harsh sound.

But it didn’t go through like before. This made Tianchen Jing’an anxious and sweated, and hurriedly urged Taoist Tianchen to work harder. The harder the Tianchen flyover, the more chilling it is. This light curtain can swallow their Taixu spirit through the broken world, so their Taixu spirit is greatly reduced.

“I can’t! This light curtain will also swallow our sacred spirit, no matter how difficult it is, it will not be shaken.” The old man hurriedly said, you have come to an end. As a second-level holy spirit treasure, it cannot be used for a long time. This is the countdown of Tianchen Jing’an’s first break through the shadow of the shadow. “How could it be like this!” Tianchen Jingan stared blankly, staring blankly at the bloody screen in front of him.

“I have a Sacred Dragon Pills here. I will make way for the heroes of the late Taixu Zun period, and the feather fan will be supported by our Wanyao Pavilion. The rest of the people gather all their strength and head to the Shadow Shuttle! Break the ship, otherwise they can only die here! “Hua Ling yelled and found that Ling Pills had a yellow luster. It was a mysterious elementary martial arts medicine, Shengkalong Pills.

Below the Three Martial Sages, including the Three Martial Sages, swallow the Sacred Dragon Pills. After that, the strength of the Three Martial Qi can be temporarily increased, making the Three Martial Qi contain extremely strong dragon power, and the sequelae is only a temporary loss of power. Therefore, it is famous as a junior martial arts medicine. At this time, Hua Linghe couldn’t take care of herself, it would be useful to have a baby. “Yeah!” They nodded quickly, spearheading directly

After taking over the Pills of Shenglilong, Yigudizi stood up. Over time, many different types and various shiny three martial arts have appeared. The old man swallowed the Pills of Shenglilong, and Tianchen Jingan took out the last shuttle.

Stop, get ready.

Examining Judge Tai Yuchen’s eyes

When Jiao Lao swallowed Pills, he felt hot all over, and there seemed to be a holy dragon roaring inside him. Tai Xu Qi also grew wildly, and soon reached the peak of Tai Xu Zun

“Drink!” Lao Spear roared wildly, his whole body moved by Taixu Qi. Gradually, Yao Lao opened his eyes and exhaled his breath, feeling that his whole body was full of endless power. “This is Taixu Sheng? Lao Yao clenched his fist and felt the strength in his body with satisfaction.

“Well, hurry up and get ready to go! We support Floating, so many people, but this situation will not last long.” Hua Ling shouted, “Their people in Wanyao Pavilion support this sign of Qingyufeng. , This makes it difficult for everyone who is floating and too empty to dry up after a long period of time.”

Although they don’t lack the Taixu medicine to restore Taixu Qi in Wanyaoge, Hualing still hopes that they will start quickly. If they fail, they will continue to think of ways, and too weak medicine can save the way, and if the profound grade is too weak medicine, he will die.

“Okay, you are ready, wait for your efforts to infuse the Shadow Shuttle, but Shadow Shuttle can only withstand your too vain, so I will play forward to subsidize you.” Old Mao said, taking out his whole body. It’s too vain, inject it into the blue spear. The best way to break the barrier is to find the face!

“Hurricane green shadow wear!” Around Mao Lao, an invisible breeze slowly blows, blowing his clothes. Yao Lao slowly raised his blue spear, and when the wind blew up, it suddenly turned into a hurricane and turned quickly.

“Go!” The old spear placed his hands flat, and the blue spear spun quickly, cutting away with a sharp wind blade. In an instant, the spear pierced the blood-red light curtain.

At that time, Dun Lao spit out the last movie shuttle that broke the world, and the people around him, the fife man, and Dun Lao, a late Tai Xu Zun were all trying their best to promote this world-breaking movie shuttle. After the old green spear, it was stabbed at the same point on the screen.

“Bang, bang, bang!” The harsh voice sounded again, but it hurt the eardrum more than last time. And the blood-red light curtain finally began to ripple at the place where it was stabbed by the broken Shadow Shuttle.

Seeing that there was hope, people worked harder, even Tianchen Jin Qian and Sheng Huangwu came to help, although the effect was minimal.

“Stupid.” Lord Wolf finally opened his eyes, and the first to open his eyes looked at the person Qingyu above the wind mark. That is stupid, that is, they. After that, he pointed at the point of Tai Yuchen to the sky again, and the blood of Hedao pours into the sky again, and then Lianyi spreads out in the sky with Tai Yuchen as the center. The ripples sway, and the light curtain attacked by the Shadow Shuttle looks like a living person

The same twisted, and then sank outwards, while the Shadow Breaking Shuttle naturally slammed into the light curtain, but silently disappeared. When they were frightened, the screen distorted again, turning into a big blood-red mouth, directly biting them.

“Run! Run!” Tianchen Jin Gan snarled, some people in Wanyao Pavilion regained their senses, but it was already 3.1 nights. The blood-red mouth closed, and then disappeared with Qingyu and the person above him. No, there is another person who escaped, and that is Lao Mao. Under the training of Temporary Taixu Sheng, he fortunately escaped the bite of that big mouth.

The big mouth returned to calm again and turned into a light curtain again, and several figures appeared, that is, those who were swallowed, but everyone closed their eyes and was tied to the light curtain by blood-red chains. When the chain was absorbed by the light curtain, the light disappeared. Obviously, these are the Taixu spirit and vitality of all people.

“Ah, you Demon ghost!” Lao Yao’s eyes were red, and the blue emptiness surged wildly. Although Qingyu’s weathercock was lost, he relied on Taixu Sheng’s practice to condense the light to Taixu. .

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