Chapter 856 Sword God Family

Seeing that it was too serious for a while, Emperor Jun, even Yihe was a little curious just now. Brothers and sisters really rarely saw such a reaction.

Although Di Jun didn’t know what this was, he knew very well that the latter was determined to find himself, and this was also the latter’s trust in his elder brother, so he could not refuse.

Thinking of this, Di Jun just nodded and said: “Let’s talk about it, brother, I promise you!”

Hearing this, he vomited badly, and immediately looked up at Di Jun and said, “Brother, I want a hibiscus, a real hibiscus!”

However, Dijun and Yihe were frightened.

Real hibiscus tree!

This is the treasure that breeds them. Even now, the huge hibiscus tree above the sun star is just a growing branch.

Moving the hibiscus tree is too straightforward now, and this person once agreed not to use it anyway. How could he not be surprised?

Di Jun subconsciously said: “Brother, the real hibiscus tree is very important. What do you want it to do?”

Yihe also subconsciously said, “Brother, didn’t we say that the hibiscus tree cannot move? Why are you?”

Facing Dijun and Xihe’s inquiry, they gritted their teeth, then raised their heads and looked into their eyes: “I want to marry the real hibiscus tree as a dowry to Yue Shu!

Key in hand, eye of heaven

With too much conversation, the incredible voices of Di Jun and Xihe in the room are echoing:



“Welcome to Yueshu!

After a long time, he took the first two steps and came to Tai. He patted Tai on the shoulder and said, “Good boy, tell me, who is this god’s abode? Why, brother, I never heard you mention it!

“You kid is not honest, you want to get married quietly, not to mention bringing your siblings to show your elder brother and sister-in-law!”

Dijun, who was happy for himself, looked at his face. The color of his eyes is too complicated to thicken.

Yes, he wants to marry Yue Shu, but he also wants to interfere with Yaozu. As Yang Hao said before, since he wants to get married, he must ensure his absolute strength.Only in this way can he protect Yue Shu

Thinking of this, Tai only replied: “Yueshu is the god’s house of the lunar star. The younger brother made up his mind after meeting this time to ask the older brother and sister-in-law to make it happen!” The hibiscus tree is the breeding ground of their brothers and sisters, and it is also the seal that people set back then.

If you want to unlock the seal, you must take the key of the seal to Dijun and Xihe. Only in this way can you open this area and take out the real hibiscus tree.

With the end of the conversation, Di Jun was overjoyed and did not mean to give up the hibiscus tree. He said happily: “Taiyin Star God Mansion, brother, you mean that Yue Shu you are going to marry is the Taiyin Star God Mansion. Doesn’t it mean that Taiyin Star will also belong to my Monster Race in the future?”

Moon star!

This is the key to the large array of stars in the sky. Once the lunar star returns to its position, the power of the large array of stars in the sky will surely soar. Then there is hope to crush all the Wu State Arrays, and even the entire universe will not be a problem.

On the other hand, Yihe looks a bit complicated at the moment.

As a woman, Yihe’s mind is much more delicate. Although the changes were subtle, even imperceptible, she felt the strangeness of the silk.

To be honest, he really wanted to attack Tuoba’s ship, but now the Great Sage later protected it, so he really couldn’t do it.

For a time, the situation in the field was silent, only the Tuoba ship constantly forcibly hitting the Great Sage

With the passage of time, the whole area was filled with time, and the aura of the Great Sage began to spread from here.

Thousands of miles away, a man with big pupils changed his expression slightly and said, “The Great Sage! Someone is beating the Great Sage!”

As he spoke, the man with heavy pupils moved his mind, the golden dragon in his arms flew out, and his body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a thousand feet, and led the man straight to the place where Yang Hao was.

Half-step great sage, battle to expand the ship

Not only that, with the impact of the Tuoba Ship on the Great Sage, its mana fluctuations spread to the entire ancient battlefield at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, the strong people who came here from Dihonghuang felt something one after another, and they all flew towards the area where Yang Hao and the others were.

I don’t know anything about this cut, and I don’t know that more and more sage-level powerhouses are coming, and there are even a few great sage-powerhouses among them.

Of course, it is not only the powerful people who feel the fluctuations here, but also the Demon beasts living on the ancient battlefield. They all set off to Gufeng.

Inside, the atmosphere fell into silence. Yang Hao calmly watched Tuoba’s ship break out of the shell, but his heart was anxious. The Rio Tinto ship is gaining momentum. If this really allows him to break through the Great Sage, maybe it will be difficult today.

There is a famous little saint protecting it, so Yang Hao cannot interrupt Tuoba Zhou’s breakthrough. no way. Yang Hao said he clenched his fists. “Damn it, if I had known it, I shouldn’t have done it just now. The moment it broke through, I should attack or even kill him.”

…For flowers…

But now it’s too late to say anything, Yang Hao’s heart becomes more solemn as the Tuoba ship’s momentum grows stronger.

With the passage of time, the momentum of the expansion of the ship’s growth quietly passed away. Then, the pressure of the sky returned to his body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he stood there like a sacred person, full of aura without anger.

Almost in an instant, the person protecting the boat turned his head and asked excitedly: “Cousin (cousin), have you successfully broken through the Great Sage?”

Hearing this, Zhou glanced at the others, a trace of loss flashed in his eyes. He replied: “I haven’t really entered the level of the Great Sage. Now I should be the level of the Great Sage.”


After that, Tuoba stepped forward, ignoring the gazes of Tuoba Wu Shuang and others around him. He stared at “Come, let me see your royal family!”

However, Tuoba and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they understood Tuoba’s plan to board the ship. After looking at each other’s eyes, they also retreated.

Yang Hao is busy catching Tuoba without injury, so they can’t act rashly. Moreover, it is absolutely formidable to break through half a step. They are confident that Tuoting can defeat the Yang Hao. As long as Tuoba was not injured when he was rescued, it would be under their control.


The gun gas is generated, Yang Hao is locked around the boat, and the fighting spirit is surging, and he is preparing to do it.

When I saw it, I didn’t care about the surprise in my heart. The silver sword in my hand opened the eyes of Heavenly Sage directly, and said: “Half-step Great Sage, great, let me see how powerful your half-step Great Sage can be.”

As soon as he said this, Tuoba raised his mouth slightly and shook the bronze spear in his handshake. “Very good, God, I will show you today.”

The moment he spoke, Tuoba Chuan’s figure disappeared from its original place.

At the same time, Tiansheng’s Yang Hao eye only caught a trace of afterimage. In the next second, the cold mountain in front suddenly rose, and Yang Hao immediately felt the hairs standing all over his body, and he didn’t even have time to think about it. The steps of Tiansheng’s creation dodge directly to one side.

In the next second, I stood in front of Yang Hao’s point and exploded. The bronze spear pierced the ground, and the figure of the tugboat slowly emerged.

Seeing Yang Hao point that successfully avoided his attack, Tuoba Zhou flashed surprise in his eyes, and then said, “Anyone who is worthy of the Sword God family can avoid this, admire it!” Cun,

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