Chapter 855 Hate to the bone

When Bai Ze finished speaking, he suddenly interrupted with a wave of his hand, and said domineeringly: “Bai Ze, don’t say anything, this emperor knows what to do!

Then, Tai looked up and said, “Older give the younger generation time. In a few days, the younger generation will come to the relatives of the hibiscus tree!”

After speaking, Taiying turned around, led Bai Ze to drive Yun Fei out of this area, left the Lunar Star, and flew towards the Sun Star.

Seeing Taiying leaving, Yang Hao felt uneasy.

This incident completely let Taiying dispel the last thought in her mind.

Not for yourself, but for Yueshu, you will never be as humble as you used to be. The most important thing is that in this way, the Yaozu has established two power institutions, which will do more good than harm to the universe palace.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao looked at Yue Gui and said, “Congratulations, fellow Daoists, after this day, this will bring hibiscus trees. I believe that within a thousand years, Daoists can grab the hibiscus trees and come out. , Completely free from the restrictions imposed by the Lunar Star on Daoists.”

Accompanied by Yang Hao’s words, Yue Shu also understood why Yue Gui wanted to bring hibiscus trees too much. Although this meant using her a bit, Yue Shu didn’t care at all. She looked at Yue Gui excitedly and said, “Dragon King, can you switch? Can you play with me every day after that?”

After hearing 800, Yue Gui couldn’t help but smile. She stretched out her hand and said: “From now on, I can always be with you as a father, but more often, it should be too much for you!”

Wu, the requirements for hibiscus are too high

At the same time, in the sky above the Sun Star, Di Jun returned to the Sun Palace with some anger after receiving the news from the maid.

As soon as he entered the yard, when Di Jun was about to speak, a voice rang on the road: quack~

The sound of the crow sounded, the closed door opened, and the golden-footed sun fluttered out, chasing in the yard.

At the same time, a voice came from the hall: Congratulations to your sister-in-law for having a baby. Then, a weak female voice rang: “Thanks to my brother’s help, otherwise I am afraid that my blood will be exhausted and die.”

“Sister-in-law, this is what the younger brother should do. Big brother and big brother go to resist the invasion of the whole world, and the safety of sister-in-law is naturally guarded by me!”

“However, I have to rest a lot during this time. If necessary, I can see if I can let my eldest brother divide some sources into your body. After all, my source is impure and cannot fully consolidate your body.”

“No, don’t tell your elder brother about this. He is busy with a lot of things now, but he can’t be too hard and don’t know, because this incident passed his life and experience to me.”

Hearing the conversation in the room, Di Jun’s anger disappeared and he was replaced by shame.

He thought that the emperor had bad intentions towards Yihe, but now it seems that he misunderstood. The emperor was aware of the changes in Yihe for the first time, so he broke in regardless of etiquette and saved Yihe’s life.

Thinking of this, Di Jun’s heart is a bit complicated, looking at the gold and black flying in the yard, feeling the fluctuation of his own origin, but the time is a bit crazy.

At the same time, in the room, Di Lian Xiejun put on his clothes and looked at Yihe who was weak on the bed, and the corners of his mouth smiled harder. He lowered his head and said in her ear: “You really love me, otherwise you won’t help me cover it up!”

After hearing this, Yihe’s eyes flashed with complexity.

At first, she hated the emperor deeply, but with the birth of Da Jin Wu, after her identity was completely changed, she found that she could not hate it, even.

After a long time, Yihe came back to his senses and said, “You better not say it, otherwise I will drag you to death!”

Hearing this, the emperor shrugged and opened his mouth to say something. The laughter sounded: “Haha, ma’am, you are so lucky!”

At this moment, I saw Dijun coming in, with a bright smile on his face. He didn’t seem to care about the things before (bcdb), and turned a blind eye to the things the emperor broke into.

In this scene, the demon emperor’s scheming is undoubtedly exposed.

When the emperor saw it, he hurriedly reached out and put the quilt on Yihe. Extending his hand to touch the sweat on his forehead, the smile on Xiejun’s face disappeared. Instead, it was filled with sincere congratulations: “Congratulations, brother, sister-in-law gave you a word. From now on, my gold and black veins can be carried forward, and the demon clan also has the position of a dragon!”

With that, the emperor walked out of the bed, his feet were a little soft, and he looked like he was seriously exhausted.

This scene was seen by Di Jun, but the silky grievances in his heart disappeared at this moment. In his opinion, the emperor was just to save justice and life.

Thinking of this, Di Jun suddenly said: “Brother, you are also very lucky, go and rest quickly, don’t hurt yourself.”

The emperor nodded, then smiled: “Well, then I won’t disturb the unity of older brothers and sisters.” While talking, the emperor stepped out of the room. In the end, only Dijun and Xihe remained in the whole room, and the atmosphere became a bit quiet.

After a while, Di Jun walked to Yihe’s side and stretched out his hand to push away the sweaty bun on Yihe’s cheek; “Xihe, thank you!”

After hearing this, Yihe looked at Dijun twice, but he was extremely disappointed with his eldest brother.

But her face did not show up, because she knew that some things could not be found. I don’t know if she will die if she finds out, or if the only child she left behind will die.

Thinking of this, Yihe just shook his head and said, “It’s okay, I just need to rest for a while. Husband, didn’t you follow Tailai to block the world? Why didn’t you also see it?

Hearing this, a trace of complexity flashed in Di Jun’s eyes.

But soon, Di Jun’s expression recovered. He said, “Too much…” However, before Di Jun opened his mouth, the hurried figure broke into the room.

I don’t care about anything else. I came to the bed, looked at the weak Yihe, and said, “Little sister, are you okay?”

Faced with too many worries, Yihe couldn’t help showing a smile on his face and said, “It’s nothing, I was still asking you, where have you been!”

At the same time, Di Jun also looked at Xiang Tai, looking at the latter’s disgraced look. After embarrassing for a while, he immediately stood up and said: “Too loyal, you are okay, great, how is the situation with Moon and Star?”

Hearing this, I saw that Di Jun’s eyes were too much, and then I let out a sigh of relief. I said solemnly: “Brother, there is something I want you to do!”.

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