Chapter 854 Original purpose

Seeing Yue Gui understood, Yang Hao was also relieved.

Now that there is something to do with this matter, he will not be forced to go to the Sun Star to grab the hibiscus tree.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao was opening his mouth and said: “Friend Taoist, now that the matter has been handled, the emperor will leave first!”

While talking, Yang Hao was about to leave and go to Wu country to find the root of the vegetation.

However, before waiting for Yang Hao to take action, Yue Gui was the first to speak: “Friends in Taoism are not in a hurry, why don’t you stay and testify for me!”

After hearing this, Yang Hao was confused as to why Yue Gui had kept him so much, but since Yue Gui had spoken, he couldn’t refuse.

Squeezing the urge to leave, he nodded to Yang Hao: “Then, the emperor will stay a while!”

Seeing that Yang Hao didn’t insist on leaving, Yue Gui nodded, then waved and pushed away the mirror. He opened his mouth and said: “Yue Shu, take two friends out to see me!”

As Yue Gui finished speaking, the ban hung over the moon palace suddenly dissipated.

After some effort, Yueshu and Taihe Baize walked out of the moon palace together

Soon, Yue Shu came to Yuegui and said to Li; “I saw the Dragon King!”

With a wave of her hand, Yue Gui called Yue Shu to her side, then looked at Tai and said, “Are you the emperor of the sun star?”

With the completion of the laurel words, I suddenly came back to my senses. I didn’t dare to care, so I leaned down and said to the courtesy: “I have seen too many senior Yue Gui!”

Seeing too many salutes, Bai Ze, who was standing behind him, didn’t dare to rush, and quickly said to Li: Go. “Bai Ze has seen Senior Yue Gui!”

In this regard, Yue Gui didn’t care too much. In the waves, the powerful mana is to lift Taihe Baize, and then he said: “Great, this deity only asked you twice, would you like to marry the deity’s daughter Yue Shu?

The bride price hibiscus tree is too awakened

The reaction was too late. Standing next to Yue Gui, Yue Shu blushed and said, “Dragon King!”

Yue Gui heard this and shook her head and said: “You are the essence of Taiyin, and there is endless Taiyin cold in your body. Although you can quickly improve your cultivation, there is almost no possibility of growth after reaching the false holy.”

“You should have felt it over the years. Now your cultivation is not as long as before. It is difficult to make progress even for thousands of years. This is not because you are not working hard enough, but because you lack the most critical point.”

“As the saying goes, time alone is not long, but what you lack is Si Yang Yuan, and since this is the emperor with full sun veins, Fellow Heavenly Sage also said that the power of the latter is comparable to that of a saint and can just suppress you. The cold air of the lunar yin in the body, the yin and yang of the two sides merge and interpret naturally, this is the general trend! “As Yue Gui finished speaking, Yue Shu fell silent.

She did feel that it would be difficult to keep an inch after reaching the fake saint, but she dared not ask Laurel and hid it in her heart.

But now Yue Gui pointed out his physical condition directly, which shocked Yue Shu, and at the same time, it was more Si Xi Fang Chen. At least Yuegui cares about her, otherwise she would not be so concerned about her condition.

Thinking of this, what Yue Shu was about to refute suddenly disappeared. He walked to Yue Gui and grabbed his arm. He stared at the complex with beautiful eyes and only saw one side. He didn’t even say a word.

And at this moment, it was also refreshed.

Yue Gui told Yue Shu that he heard very clearly, just to make sure that he didn’t make a mistake just now and that Yue Gui was really going to marry Yue Shu to herself.

Of course there are Yang Hao credits in it. After all, Yue Gui said this was Yang Hao. Tell him that he is the best sun so that Laurel can consider him.

Thinking of this, I can’t help looking at Yang Hao who is standing beside me with complicated eyes. Then I bowed and said: “Report to Senior Yue Gui, the junior is willing, and the junior promises to make Yue Shu happy. Any presence that threatens her will not harm Yue Shu unless she crosses my body!”

Accompanied by the words of smashing the floor, Yue Shu’s beautiful eyes were moved by the rising silk.

After all, she is always alone on this moon and star. Although Yue Gui is there, Yue Gui is more cultivated and can’t take care of her existence at all.

Now that Taiying said this, she was really moved, and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for Taiying Rose.

Seeing that it was too solemn, Yue Gui couldn’t help but nodded, at least from now on, this matter is too much to satisfy him, and the cultivation base is a fake holy clan, even if you work hard, it is not impossible. Justify it.

Thinking of this, Yue Gui just said: “Very good, then you can now bring me the hibiscus tree above the sun star. As long as you give me the hibiscus tree, then I will make the decision to marry Yue Shu to you. Even this moon and star can be given to you!”

However, it was shocking.

Master Lunar Star, this is his original purpose.

Yue Shu is the woman who made him fall in love at first sight, but now Yue Gui wants him to exchange the Sun Star, the hibiscus tree.

Seeing this scene, I knew that Yue Gui had left her purpose. Suddenly, he coughed slightly and said: “Too loyal, although the country of Fusang is good, but it is not as good as Yueshu, even if it is only Daoist Yuegui who wants you to exchange hibiscus for the moon star, can you refuse?”

Hearing this, he couldn’t help but look at it. He opened his mouth and said, “But the hibiscus tree rules.”

Before finishing speaking, Yang Hao let out a cold snort: “Taizhong, this matter is led by the emperor. If you don’t agree to the emperor, you can only go to the sun star to fetch hibiscus by yourself.”

“Furthermore, although the hibiscus tree gave birth to the existence of you and Dijun, it is only a natural spiritual root after all. If you can’t even do this, then you can become the emperor of the demon race? You can protect it. Don’t say that I am the emperor Yueshu, even Daoist Yuegui will not entrust Yueshu to you!” “The emperor (of money) can see that you don’t want to fight with your elder brother.

Whatever, but can you do it just because you don’t care? Bai Ze is by your side. You ask him what it is like that Emperor Jun has been in the Great Demon Commander in the past few years. You have no dispute that you have lost your supporting role. At that time, what measures will you take to protect Yue Shu? You will have a child in the future. What do you use to ensure the safety of your children!”

However, Bai Ze, who was standing behind him, couldn’t help but was stunned, but he didn’t expect Yang Hao to know Dijun so well.

Bai Ze subconsciously hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth: “East Emperor, Lord Demon Emperor has been collecting rights for many years, and has repeatedly asked my brothers and sisters to talk, trying to persuade us, but I am afraid that the Demon Emperor did not tell the East Emperor! Lord

“And the ambition is very big, but now it is because there is a threat to the Wu clan in the universe. If the threat to the Wu clan ends, then.”

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