Chapter 848 Like a fish in water

Nodded and said yes, Yang Hao had already entered the territory of Little Demon’s head.

As he entered the territory of Tai Xiao Demon’s head, endless suddenly swept in, and the whole person suddenly felt like Jennifer.

The small Demon head of the Taiyu area is full of murderous intent, but it is more of the dead Chaos Demon gods, not to mention the Great Sage Yuanshen in this area, even if the control of the heavens is limited, he is like a fish in the water.

After a short pause, Yang Hao did not hesitate, his mind was moving, but he flew straight towards the area where the moon and stars were.

Since Tiandao says that stars appear in moon stars, they must exist in them, and Yang Hao will not waste time thinking about anything.

As the road speeded up, Yang Hao’s figure was quickly captured by the monsters in Demon’s head domain.

Almost instantly, the news of entering Tai Xiao Demon’s head domain spread.

On the sun star on the other side of the moon, in the Jinwu Palace, Emperor Jun and Emperor Taihe stood outside the palace, looking anxious.

In the hall in front of me 12, a woman’s heartbreaking cry resounded through the sky: “Ah

What is impressive is that this is a sign that he is about to give birth to a child in his stomach.

With the passage of time, Tao’s figure hurriedly broke into it.

As this person entered, the emperor’s brows frowned, and they said, “What a panic!”

No one else, but the wise man of the entire monster race: Bai Ze Demon Commander!

Facing the gaze of Emperor Junren, Bai Ze only felt that Ze was cold all over, but he quickly suppressed his emotions and bowed down and said, “The demon emperor is not good. Breaking into the area of ​​Tai Xiao Demon’s head alone. At this moment, he is heading towards the moon. Flying fast in the direction of the star!” As Bai Ze finished speaking, Di Junren’s face suddenly changed.

Then, Tai seemed to think of something, and immediately said, “Big brother, things are not good. The moon star is not far from the sun star. If Tiansheng suddenly changes his way to the sun star, then…”

Speaking of this, Taiying subconsciously looked at the hall that was still yelling, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

There were too many words, and the endless cold light appeared in the eyes of Emperor Junhe at this moment.

Can’t let him out, let alone let the child in his stomach go out.

The emperor thought of this and said directly: “Brother, let’s go out and kill the Heavenly Sage Blocker. Even if he is not determined to come to the Sun Star, he must not let this curse exist on the territory of the head of Demon.”

Speaking of this, Dijun’s expression changed a few times, and then he said: “I know this too, but Tiansheng is probably a saint.

Without waiting for Emperor Jun to finish, the emperor continued: “What is big brother afraid of? Demon is too small now. Our Yaozu Zhoutian Star Array is not a vegetarian. If Tiansheng really wants to do this, then we are not afraid of him. ”

“If we don’t go out and hold Tiansheng, Pills Tiansheng, he will notice that the situation here has suddenly become critical, and then we can no longer stop him. At that time, no, the sister-in-law and the child are afraid that it will be more dangerous.”

As the emperor finished speaking, Di Jun’s eyes suddenly turned into an absolute rising silk.

Although Di Jun is an emperor with absolute courage and determination, he does not know that the child in his stomach is not his, and thinks it is his own child. Should he put his children in danger?

Thinking of this, Di Jun just said: “Bai Ze, pass the order, the Great Demon Commander and Thousand Demon will gather together and go with me to block the Heavenly Sage!

As Di Jun finished speaking, Bai Ze couldn’t help but a slight color rose in his eyes. He saw something was wrong, but he dared not say it.

After agreeing, he glanced at the closed hall again, and flew away from the grand palace.

After Bai Ze left, Di Jun said, “Brother, you are not well-trained. If you leave, you can’t stop Tiansheng, your sister-in-law needs to take care of him here. After all, the birth of Sun is not a trivial matter. Stay and take good care of it! ‘

The decision to hold a group demon is too much

When I heard Dijun’s words, the emperor’s eyes lit up, and then he bowed and said, “Yes, brother, with me, no one can hurt his sister-in-law and nephew!”

Hearing this, Di Jun nodded and said hello to Taiying. He was also anxious to take the lead to go out. After all, he wanted to defend the demon commander and the demon society, and he needed to arrange it.

Until Dijun left, Tai slowly turned around, looked at Xiangdi and said, “There are some things you know. If you dare to expose them, I will kill you without hesitation!” The emperor listened, eyes. I shrink, I don’t know what it means.

Although he was a little unhappy, after all, the child in his stomach belonged to him, and that was his heir, but Di Jun should be called Dragon King. But facing the hesitation of the Supreme Emperor, the emperor knew that some words could not be said even if he took the initiative.

The emperor sighed helplessly and said, “I know, don’t worry, I will only be their uncle!”

Nodded, Taiying didn’t say much, turned around and strode towards the Sun Palace.

The emperor slowly raised his head until he was too far away, his eyes flashed firm. “Wait, when I finish the last step, Hetai can’t stop me, let alone my father and son.”

After speaking, the emperor turned around, opened the closed door without any consideration, and strode towards it.

The next second, his 797 voice came from the hall: “What are you doing, get out, don’t touch me”

Regarding this cut, Di Jun didn’t know.

At this moment, Di Jun has gathered the Great Demon Commander and the Thousand Demon Generals. After arriving too much, the mighty pedestrians are flying towards the area where the moon and stars are. Since Yang Hao’s destination is a moon star, they will block Yang Hao there.

Of course, when the moon star was approaching, Hetai led the team to stop, and no one dared to break into the moon star rashly. After all, Lunar Star is very famous in the field of Tai Xiao Demon’s head, but not everyone dared to break in.

Under Hetai’s waiting, Tao’s blue light cut through the sky and galloped towards this area.

With the passage of time, the blue figure quickly approached the Lunar Star, and came to the front of the monster army such as Emperor Jun.

When the two sides approached, the blue figure, as the green light dissipated, Yang Hao’s figure slowly emerged.

With the appearance of Yang Hao’s digits, the team took the lead and said: “Tiansheng, what are you doing in the head domain of Demon of my demon clan?”

When he heard this, he looked at Di Jun’s eyes with a smile drawn at the corner of his mouth. “I can go wherever I want. Why, I have to report to you?”

When Di Jun heard this, his expression froze.

Yang Hao, didn’t put him in his eyes. .

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