Chapter 849 Taixu Gulong

But Di Jun can’t be angry. After all, Yang Hao is now a saint, but a high saint.

I have no idea. Di Jun clenched his fists and immediately said, “Tiansheng, I don’t welcome you from the Demon-headed Monster Race. Go wherever you come from!”

While talking, Di Jun just waved his hand, and saw that the big demon commander and Qian Yao behind him were about to take out the stars. With the continuous emergence of stars, Zhou Tian, ​​a large group of stars called “surge” continue to gather.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao frowned.

Although he is not afraid of Zhou Tian’s large number of stars, if a war really breaks out, it will be difficult to tell the winner or loser for thousands of years. After all, this place is too small. Demon’s domain is too small, and Xinghui’s influence is too strong and rich.

But Yang Hao didn’t have much time to delay. His purpose of coming here is just to show off the stars. Moreover, he has to go to Wu country to find the roots of plants and trees. Many things are still waiting for him, but he cannot spend time with them here. Thinking of this, Yang Hao just looked up at Di Jun and said, “Di Jun, let your people keep those stars away.

The purpose of the emperor is that as long as you get what the emperor wants, the emperor will leave, but if you force it again, then the emperor will not be softened. Although it is impossible to eliminate all the evil Demon races in the small Demon head area, the emperor can definitely kill more than half, and then leave calmly. Do you want to bet against Bendi?”

With the drop of Yang Hao point, Di Jun, Tai He and all the evil Demon behind them frowned.

They don’t doubt Yang Hao’s power. After all, they knew the horror of Yang Hao, but Yang Hao straightforwardly stated his purpose, which made them a little suspicious.

At this time, Tai, who didn’t speak, seemed to think of something. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he said, “Are you going to Lunar Star?”

Hearing this, I looked at Mrs. Xiang. After thinking about it, I immediately nodded and said, “Yes, Lunar Star has a project, and the emperor is determined to win. Why are you arguing with the emperor?

In this regard, I stretched my head too far, and then opened my mouth under the horrified gazes of Di Jun and other evil Demon: “No, since you want to go to Heavenly Sage, would you suggest that I go with you?”

When this came out, Di Jun just said, “No, brother, you can’t go in!

Immediately, Di Jun was pulled Taidao: “Brother, don’t you know the Taiyin Star? Is there a horrible statue? Even if the false saint-level Taixu Valley Peak and Taixu Ancient Dragon Army are all dead inside, they can still enter. Risky?”

Hearing what Dijun said, I felt so uncomfortable.

Although Di Jun’s purpose to stop him was not only for caring, but it was also mixed with the slightest concern. This alone makes it too far away. How long has Di Jun cared about himself so much?

At this moment, not only Emperor Jun, but also the big demon commander behind him was also awake. Everyone seemed surprised and said, “Emperor, Lord, don’t venture on the lunar star. Tiansheng is a saint. It is not a problem to master the laws of time and space to escape, but no one knows the danger. You can’t go in and take risks!”

“Yes, Donghuang, Lord Taiyin Star is one of the most dangerous stars in Demon’s head. Don’t go in for adventure.

Facing the persuasion, Tai turned his head, looked at it immediately, and said, “Brother, we must master, we have not yet fully mastered the huge Demon head domain of Thailand. If we do not master the dangerous stars, the star array of Zhou Tian It is impossible to be truly complete, and the lunar star and my sun star are the key. I must master him, not only for myself, but also for

My whole evil Demon race. If we can’t grasp the sky, all the stars, we are not sure whether we can destroy the Wu family’s large array. Our evil Demon race may lose. I will never allow such a thing to happen! “The significance of going to the Taiyin Star is too great

Due to too much talk, Di Jun was silent.

He didn’t know that Lunar Star was Zhou Tian, ​​the most important step among many stars,

Subconsciously looking at the seemingly peaceful Taiyin Star, a hesitation flashed in Di Jun’s eyes.

Although Lunar Star is determined to win, it is absolutely impossible. After all, the latter is powerful. In addition, he holds the Chaos Clock, Zhou Tian’s big array stars can only play the strongest power with him.

Now, if you enter the lunar star, you are safe and sound, but if there is any accident, then.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Di Jun opened his mouth to dissuade him.

However, before Di Jun could speak, the eyes of the big demon commander behind him flashed a firm light. He stepped forward and said, “Emperor Dong, I will go with you!’

However, the others in the Great Demon Commander hesitated a little, but they also expressed their willingness to go to Taiyin Star

Although this trip is full of crises, there is one thing that cannot be ignored, and that is the existence of Yang Hao.

As the whole world, because Yang Hao wants to go to Lunar Star, the latter is absolutely impossible without any preparation.

The most important thing is that they are also very curious about the mystery. What is the secret that this evil star has existed in the domain of Tai Xiao Demon’s head from the beginning of the world? What kind of existence is it that made the former overlord Taixu Valley Peak and Taixu Shenlong All lost in it.

Seeing this scene, Di Jun’s face was a little ugly.

Not to mention anything else, this incident was too unexpected. You know, if this is the case, the big demon commander doesn’t have to surrender too much.

Thinking of this, Di Jun subconsciously paid too much attention.

If there was worry in his eyes before, now all that is left is worry and fear.

Taiying saw this, and she smiled bitterly in her heart.

However, the matter ends here, but there is no other way. He looked at the big monster commander and said, “,”The emperor is going in (Zhao Nuo Zhao). As for the rest of you, it is best to go back and guard. After all, no one can be sure when Wu people will fight and blame!”

However, except for Bai Ze, the rest of the eyes of the Great Demon Commander are losing the rising silk.

They wanted to go in and see the secrets of the lunar star, but they refused, and they were helpless.

Of course, Da Yaoshuai is not a fool. He quickly understood the pros and cons, and why he would not wait for himself and others. After looking at the other person twice, he immediately leaned down and said, “Okay!”

On the other hand, Fang Chendi flew to Tai’s side with a face full of face at the moment, saying, “Thank you,

Bai Ze knew very well that Taiying actually called him over. It can be seen that he values ​​himself very much in Taiying’s heart. This is a good thing. After all, only the Supreme Emperor is the supreme power among the Sun Emperor, and only he can fight the enemy. .

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