Chapter 847 Turbid gas surging

Thinking of this, Tiandao did not hesitate, waved his hand, and then saw a lotus flower and a jade medal appear in his hand.

With the appearance of these two things, Yang Hao stared at the lotus, and said to himself: “This is the wild lotus?”

I saw that the lotus in Tiandao’s hand tastes very good, and the lotus itself is also very strange. The blue lotus platform is full of nature. The black and white lotus leaves have the fresh air of Innate and the turbid air of Innate, making them look like you.

Crucially, within this lotus flower, Yang Hao clearly felt the aura fluctuations of the source of the universe, even if it was faint and subtle, it was definitely the purest source of the entire universe.

In other words, Tiandao did not deceive him. The lotus of the universe did grow in the core area of ​​the universe, but it was only discovered after the heavens mastered the universe. “Seven Nine Three” As for the fluctuation of this silk source, I am afraid that Heavenly Dao can’t swallow it, or in other words can’t swallow it.

Looking at Yang Hao’s gaze, it is not a pain in Tiandao’s eyes.

To be honest, if it were not for Yang Hao, he would not have paid such a high price.

The most important thing is that the lotus of the universe still has the power of the source of the universe. He has no time to swallow it, but it is cheaper.

Knowing this a long time ago, Tiandao would never choose to have a transaction rashly, at least first swallow the last power of the source of the universe, and then come back to change the transaction.

Unfortunately, now that things have developed, it is impossible for Tiandao to break his promise. Once he breaks his promise, there is no fear that he will break his promise.

After all, although the lotus of the universe is precious to Yang Hao, there are still other ways in the world that can allow him to complete the last step of the physical change. It is obviously not worth helping Tiandao take risks.

But both sides are eager to achieve their goals, and there is nothing to ponder.

After a moment of contemplation, Tiandao handed out “Wild Lotus” and the jade slip, and said: “This jade talisman is an induction jade talisman. As long as it shines, it is not Zhoushan, the inner foundation, you can destroy it at that time.

“I can give you this wild lotus now, but you must swear to the Dadao. After taking the wild lotus, you must complete the transaction between you and me. There is no room for negotiation!”

Yang Hao nodded when he heard it.

Tiandao has shown his sincerity to the maximum, which he can still feel today.

Just like that year, he had to be killed after the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, and Tiandao would promise to pay him. This time, Tiandao offered to pay him, although it was out of goodwill, but it was also clear that Tiandao’s move was to tell him that this did not mean that Zhou Shan’s foundation could be destroyed. At least for the time being, his strength, the way of heaven, is not optimistic, this will raise

I gave him wild lotus flowers and gave him enough strength to destroy the foundation of this island.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to take the lotus flower of Yehe Yufu, and opened his mouth: “Well, this emperor swears on the great road here that he will help Tiandao destroy the foundation of the surrounding mountains.”

As Yang Hao’s oath fell, the muffled thunder exploded in the depths of the universe, immediately resounding in Yang Hao’s ears, and the power of wiping away the avenue instantly shook Yang Hao, making him absent-minded.

After a long time, Yang Hao woke up and clenched his fists. “Dadao, is this a avenue? It’s everywhere. Even if it’s a saint, there is no resistance!”

With the fall of Yang Hao’s oath, Tian Dao also breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, his goal has been achieved. As long as Zhou Shan’s foundation is not broken, he can easily promote the plan to destroy this island, and then the entire universe will be under his control, and even his strength will rise to the next level.

Thinking of this, Tiandao just said: “Tiansheng, if you reach the level of harmony, we still have the possibility and opportunity to cooperate. I hope that we can cooperate happily by then!”

After that, Tiandao flashed his body, and his figure quietly disappeared.

It wasn’t until Tiandao left that Yang Hao recovered and frowned. “Will you cooperate with me after Hedao? Does Tiandao have any thoughts?”

“Without the destruction of Zhoushan, the entire wilderness was almost under his control. What else could threaten him?

“If something threatens him, what is the purpose of God’s Word? Does he still want to climb a road that even the king can’t reach?”

Re-enter the field of Little Demon’s head, the restless sun star

After a long time, Yang Hao came back and raised his head: “No matter what God wants to do, at least it won’t cause much harm to me now!”

“Wild Lotus, as long as you are late, as long as you refine, my body will enter the final qualitative change. Once completed, my cultivation will definitely go up again, even if I can’t reach the holy clan, but the perfect state is not much. problem.”

“The most important thing is, once the chaos purple body is perfected, will my Zhongqian world grow longer? After all, the Zhongqian world has been refined by me into a sacred object of the core monument of life, and I am afraid it will follow me. To improve!”

With a whisper, Yang Hao is turning around and walking straight to the secret room.

However, as soon as he walked a few steps, Yang Hao’s number stopped, revealing the color of thinking.

For a long time, Yang Hao made up his mind to put away the wild lotus, not worrying about refining it. Instead, he turned around and walked directly out of Tiansheng Palace.

Standing in the hall, he looked up at the sky and murmured: “Stars dew, vegetation and cloud roots, this emperor will definitely win this time!” Star dew and vegetation cloud roots are the most important guesses of Pills. It is also the thing that is most lacking now. Yang Hao must get them. Although Xiao Qing came back with his sunflower fruit in her hand, he was not afraid of anything. Yang Hao will never allow

The person he cares about, his lover will be harmed and threatened in any way.

As soon as his mind moved, Yang Hao directly used the 3.1 force of the law of time and space to shred the time and space, stepped into the time tunnel, and walked straight to the direction where there was no Zhoushan.

After reaching the middle cultivation of the saint, the place where the entire universe is going is almost between Yang Hao’s thoughts, and he also uses the law of time and space, so the speed is naturally faster.

But in an instant, Yang Hao’s figure came to the majestic island.

Looking up, looking at the endless mountain that connects the sky and the lotus garden, the eyes flashed and murmured: “You have stood around the mountain several times and can’t escape the end of destruction!”

When he was talking, Yang Hao floated up and flew straight to the small Demon head area on the island.

When passing by the mountainside, Yang Hao obviously only felt that there were two strong auras, but he didn’t care too much. Now he doesn’t want to have any conflict with that person. .

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