Chapter 846 last step

It is undeniable that the greatest threat to Heaven now is not to encircle the mountain. After all, the will of the Great Sage has gathered in Bu Zhou Shan. Although the will of the great sage is almost exhausted in the wild, the will of the great sage in the mountain is enough to subvert the way of heaven

Heaven asked him to destroy the foundation of this island, which meant that the latter had already begun to plan to destroy this island, that is to say, the latter had already planned to completely master this deserted island.

This is not a good thing for Yang Hao.

Once Tiandao has completely mastered the field, he is afraid that his physical strength will go straight to the Dao, and when he has no resistance at all, Tianshenggong will be in crisis.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao raised his head and looked at Heavenly Dao, and said bluntly: “Heavenly Dao, you want this emperor to help you destroy the foundation of the surrounding mountains, so as to truly master this wild land, then this emperor-what benefits can he get?”

“The emperor is not a good old man. Without enough interest, the emperor will never promise to help you complete this-thing.”

“Of course, if you give Heavenly Dao enough benefits, then the emperor is not impossible to help you. After all, this matter does not seem to be a big loss to the emperor.

While speaking, Yang Hao did not express his inner fear.

He knew this was an opportunity.

Since Tiandao wanted to completely master the universe, it can be seen that the latter also felt the crisis, even an embarrassing mentality, which caused him to be so desperate, and even took the initiative to come to the door.

Since there is such an opportunity, as long as there is enough interest, it is not impossible for Yang Hao to agree. After all, even if he doesn’t do it, maybe Heaven will make this island collapse sooner or later, it’s just a matter of time. The most important thing is that now he is eager to improve his strength, Di Honghuang does not know when he will call back. In the face of a perfectly matched Satan, he has never lost

That’s right.

Moreover, once Satan launches an attack, the angels in the first paradise will be silent?

According to the information detected before, the power of the angel lord Caesar is still higher than that of Satan, and there is chaos in her body. If she also came to Honghuang, it would be a big event.

Facing Yang Hao, Tiandao was silent.

To tell the truth, he originally planned to use the whereabouts of Tianxinglou and Grass Yungen to make a Yang Hao transaction with himself.

But the matter was not resolved, so he didn’t need to speak. Yang Hao directly blocked all his words, leading him to inform Yang Hao of the whereabouts of Tianxinglou and Caomu Yungen in advance in order to ease the relationship between him and Yang Hao.

Now that he said the purpose, Yang Hao wants to ask for a favor, which is very difficult for him.

For a long time, Tiandao seemed to remember something, and looked at Xiang Yang Hao and said, “I can give you wild lotus!”

After finishing speaking, a touch of helplessness and reluctance flashed through Tiandao’s eyes. The latter seemed to care about the so-called cosmic lotus points, but had no choice but to give Yang Hao points.

“Wild Lotus?” Yang Hao frowned when he heard this, puzzled. “Heavenly Dao, what kind of wild lotus is this?” If this is of no use to the emperor, then the emperor will not care even if it is a precious treasure.

When I heard this, even in the state of heaven, I couldn’t help but get angry. After taking a stern look at Yang Hao, I immediately said, “Tiansheng, I know what you are. Do you think I will fool you with useless things?”

“The wild lotus, after the chaotic green lotus is broken, its lotus stand falls into the wild, sucking Innate fresh air, Innate muddy air. It exists at the root of the wild, it breathes the breath of the wild, and it is the top chaotic holy thing.”

“Of course, if it is the top chaos holy thing in the district, it is naturally not enough to make you move in the heavens. It’s what you lack most now.”

“If my guess is correct, your current body should have advanced to the product. After swallowing this wild lotus, it will definitely be enough to make your body completely return to its original origin and evolve into a product comparable to chaos, Chaos Qinglian!”

As the words of Heaven were finished, Yang Hao was moved.

It is undeniable that after listening to the description of Tiandao and the description of Ye Furong, his mind became active.

Entering the first flood this time, he suffered a lot and his body was suppressed to the point of ugliness. This was because there was no treasure of chaos and no power to contend with the rules.

…For flowers…

The deal is done, and the wild lotus is in sight

Now Tiandao actually said that the lotus of the universe can make his body complete the final qualitative change, which is enough to make Yang Hao moved by it.

Once ontology is proposed as a product of Chaos Qinglian, Yang Hao itself will be considered completely perfect. Surging is inevitable when the source belongs to it, and the improvement of combat power is also absolute.

The most important thing is that once the Chaos Qinglian style is perfected, no matter if he goes to Dihonghuang or other places, he will not encounter any suppression.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao’s eyes flashed to the bottom, and he looked up at the Heavenly Dao in front of him with a serious expression. “God, are you serious?” Do you really give me wild lotus? Can wild lotus really make me complete the last step?

Hearing Tiandao, he nodded without hesitation. “Yes, the wild lotus can definitely let you complete the last step!”

“Of course, if you think that the wild lotus is not enough to cause the final qualitative change of your physique, then you can completely swallow the murder gun and square flag in the hands of Shengyuan. They are all made of chaotic green lotus, roots and lotus leaves. , Will definitely make you grow into a new chaotic green lotus

Yang Hao was silent when he heard it.

Indeed, he began to notice this, but he was very clear that although he is now Chaos Qinglian, Fang Qi, he alone is definitely not enough to make him perfect, and Fang Qi was cultivated by him. , This is related to chaos, he has never noticed it. But now God’s words touched him. If the body can really grow into a chaotic purple body, Fang Qi’s

The loss is nothing, and the loss of the Chaos Array is nothing.

At this moment, Yang Hao nodded and said, “Well, let’s talk about the specific details of the transaction!”

With Yang Hao this autumn, Tian Dao was obviously relieved, knowing that Yang Hao was moved by his own conditions, and his purpose this time had been accomplished. Inch.

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