Chapter 845 Foundation

Time, the whole hall was in absolute silence.

At this time, Yang Hao, who was sitting on the main seat, seemed to feel something, and immediately ended his thinking. He looked at a place in the main hall, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth: “Heaven, since it is here, why hide it? Come out and see this emperor!

At the end of Yang Hao’s words, the hall was full of waves and butterflies.

Then I saw the figure of Tian Dao slowly coming out of the void, and was a little surprised at Yang Hao Wu’s appearance: “I didn’t expect Tian Sheng to be able to detect my existence. This really surprised me.

Hearing this, Yang Hao’s eyes flashed solemnly.

If it was normal, he would really not notice, but when Tiansheng Palace was built, he had already trained it. When the Dao of Heaven came, he just felt the fluctuation, otherwise he could not judge the existence of Dao of Heaven

Crucially, after reaching the Saint Seiya, Zhu Tianpeng was surprised to find that the power of Heavenly Dao surpassed He Dao, at least surpassed the late Demon God He Dao in space, but it was in harmony with the ancient and willow tree one. There are still some gaps in Dawzogen.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao’s eyes lit up and said, “I don’t know why Heaven’s Dao is here?”

793 For Tian Dao, Yang Hao is still worrying.

Not only the power of the latter, but now the will of the Great Sage has almost completely retreated to Mount Bu Zhou. It can be said that the entire universe except Mount Bu Zhou is under the control of the Dao of Heaven.

Because of this, Yang Hao didn’t dare to fight against the Heavenly Dao rashly.

If it were the Dragon and Phoenix Era, even if the Heavenly Dao had the achievement of Harmony, Yang Hao would dare to fight against it. If nothing else, the will of the Great Sage had enveloped the earth, and the Heavenly Dao would not dare to use its power rashly.

But it’s different now. The will of the Great Sage cannot restrict the existence of Heavenly Dao, even if it is not Zhoushan, it will inevitably collapse in the battle of the sanctuary demon in the near future. Once Bu Zhoushan collapses, the Tao of Heaven will be truly respected in the world.

Facing Yang Hao’s question, a trace of disdain flashed in Tian Dao’s eyes, and he immediately said: “Tian Sheng is very refreshing, I don’t want to circle with you. Let’s make a deal!”

Yang Hao frowned slightly when he heard it. Slowly, he got up from his seat and walked to Tiandao, “What deal?” Being able to make Tiandao come to this emperor in person, can not help but remind the emperor of the cooperation between you and me. The emperor was almost destroyed by your purple thunder. Speaking of this, Yang Hao made no secret of his hostility.

Although he knows that he is not the opponent of Heavenly Dao, but he can’t show weakness, otherwise he will be Heavenly Dao, and this is not what Yang Hao wants.

Upon seeing this, Tian Dao didn’t have a deep look in his eyes, as if he had seen through Yang Hao’s purpose and plan.

After hesitating for a while, Tiandao said: “I heard that you are in Tiansheng! Looking for Tianxing Road and Caomu Yungen

Hearing this, Yang Hao’s eyes flashed with cold light.

This Tiandao directly named Tianxinglou and Caomu Yungen, indicating that the latter was prepared and wanted to threaten him with their existence.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao said, “You don’t need to worry that the Tiandao Tianxing Building and the grass and trees Yungen are still difficult to defeat the emperor in the district. As long as it is in the wild, the emperor will naturally get what he wants.”

“Of course, if you choose to hide somewhere in Tiandao, then the emperor has nothing to say, but the emperor will never be intimidated by anyone, even if that person is Tiandao himself!”

With the completion of Yang Hao’s words, Tian Dao’s eyes suddenly felt chills.

Yang Hao, this was obvious in the confrontation with him, and even threatened him, which made Tiandao very unhappy.

At least in this state, no one dared to say so to himself as true. Even Hongjun, the master of Taoism, was trapped on the chessboard.

But the anger quickly dissipated, and Tiandao seemed to wave his hand directly (bcdb).

With the surge of mana, the landform map of the Great Wilderness appeared, and then two small bright spots were seen in two areas, namely the Tianxing Building and the grass cloud roots.

After cutting this paragraph, Tiandao said: “The stars are on the moon and stars in the sky, and the vegetation and clouds are roots in the base camp of the Sanctuary. There are quite a lot of them. You can take it in Tiansheng!

With the fall of Heavenly Dao, Yang Hao was completely confused.

Tiandao directly told the surface of the whereabouts of Xingdew and Yungen in order to have a good relationship with him, and even said that it is a favor for him, and its ultimate purpose is to tell the content of the subsequent transaction!

Confrontation again, the wild lotus.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao’s eyes flashed brightly, and a hint of curiosity rose in his heart.

He was very curious that Tiandao appeared on his own initiative, and even told him the whereabouts of the Tianxing Tower and the roots of vegetation to express his goodwill. What is his idea? Or what purpose is he for!

I have no idea. Yang Hao just looked at Tiandao and asked, “Oh, it seems that the emperor has eaten the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Since Tiandao is so selfless, the emperor will accept it. Thank you!”

Although Yang Hao is a boxing ritual to express gratitude, he did not express his gratitude to Tiandao because of the Tianxinglou and Caomu Yungen.

Seeing this scene, Tian Dao’s eyes couldn’t help shining with brilliance. It seemed that Yang Hao was not that difficult to deal with. But soon, Tiandao came back to his senses. After all, he and Yang Hao have cooperated several times, but it is undeniable that this cooperative relationship is not very good. At least Yang Hao suffered a lot, and naturally it was not so easy to promise him anything.

After trying to understand, Tiandao does not desire success. After all, it is urgent.

Thinking of this, Tiandao said: “So, can Tiansheng care about this year’s affairs, what about the transaction between us?”

When Yang Hao heard it, his face was motionless, and his heart was really secretive.

Sure enough, he would only do such a thing when the Dao of Heaven required something.

But Yang Hao does not mean to refuse. Since it is a win-win situation, if Tiandao can’t give him enough reward, he can choose to refuse.

Determined, Representative Yang Hao spoke: “Heaven, please speak!

Hearing this, Heaven did not hesitate. He just said, “It’s very simple. I know that Gu and Liu will be back soon. Then you will all come to fight for the treasures of the Great Sacred Palace in the Buzhou Mountain. I have no other requirements, as long as the Heavenly Sage helps me destroy the foundations of the surrounding mountains. !

When Yang Hao heard it, his eyes gleamed, he didn’t expect Heaven’s Dao to be so direct and so unobstructed to say his intentions.

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