Chapter 810 Take refuge in

“Disciple, remember, it’s just the master, where are you going?”

Chen Qingzhen sighed.

“Child, you will take over the important tasks of the Shushan faction in the future. I remember I told you that if it is weak, it is easy to be locked by the evil things in the demon tower. The old man will naturally stabilize his mind. If he is true If you can’t stabilize yourself, he will be invaded by evil things. You must kill me first to solve it.

Zheng Yuan bowed his head and said nothing, Yang Hao slowly said:

“Senior can rest assured, if that’s the case, I will, you won’t be left in Shushan

Chen Qingzhen nodded with satisfaction.

“However, seniors, I want to know how you know that I am the one who saved my entire life.”

“You and I Shushan sent a portrait of our ancestors when they were young. It is rumored that I sent our ancestor Ruthless Empress to personally shape it. It is said that every world also needs to be guarded by Immortal martial arts practitioners. Shushan sent a heavenly book. . Since its creation, it has been enshrined in the ancestral hall of its ancestors. It was originally without a word, but it suddenly appeared in gold a few years ago.

“What word?”

Yang Hao is excited.

“The ambition of the evil Demon world is overflowing. The fate of the world has arrived. The son of destiny is about to return to find the sword of God. Even if the success or failure lies in the sky, it is also done by man 777.”

Chen Qingzhen said slowly.

“The old man is not sure if you are the reincarnation of my ancestor in Shushan, but what is certain is that Dragon Qi is by no means anyone in the world. You are the son of that day.”

Yang Hao’s eyes were full of shock,

Son of destiny

No one told Yang Hao that he was the son of destiny.

I just remember Immortal Mountain,

Just remember it every day and regret it every day.

When I woke up again, Master’s other masters also hurriedly gave lectures.

Since then, he has been alone,

It didn’t go down the mountain until others dreamed of it

The closer we get to the bottom, the colder the air becomes.

A little bit of Demon light, accompanied by cautious footsteps and a sharp whistle at the end, seemed even more weird. The individual disciples of Shushan walked more and more slowly.

At this time, Yang Hao was also uncomfortable by this inexplicable repression.


A faint strange voice came from the bottom.

Chen Qingzhen’s heart trembled, stepped back, hesitated for a moment, and finally took the lead to the end.

In the darkness, the sound of ghosts crying was loud, and the wind was very cold. Everyone present was creepy, and their hairs seemed to stand up.

“Arrangement (bcdb) is ready!”

Shu Shan, the big disciple Zheng Yuan, shouted.


All the disciples of the Shushan School formed a corner formation by themselves, enclosing Chen Qingzhen and Yang Hao in the middle. The sword in the hands of each disciple of Shushan instantly shone with dazzling light, clearly reflecting the lowest level.

Devil May Cry stopped abruptly, as if afraid of this sword formation,

They were a little relieved,

Set your head, take a closer look around. Many big swords are erected on this floor. Except for going down to this exit, the wall circle is about a meter wide, like the demon water that Nan Wujing said.

“Senior, what’s the matter with these swords? How can I get out?”

Yang Hao asked softly.

“One of these giant swords is the huge sword pillar of the lock demon tower, which is connected to the star dragon pillar at the bottom of the tower. The reason why there are so many swords is also to confuse people and prevent the evil Demon from escaping. If you want to go out directly from the bottom, You still need to find this sword pillar. The dragon energy injected into the world and the lock dragon ball on the top of the lock demon tower can be turned on after reflecting each other.

Suddenly, the wind howled, the howling sound was mixed with screams, and the immortal sword in the hands of the Shushan disciple in the circle became darker and darker.

Locked Demon Tower

Before they could react, the surrounding area was plunged into darkness.

In the darkness, something seemed to grab Yang Hao’s clothes. Amidst the howling, the yin wind rose, Yang Hao was pulled up strongly, and the reaction was quick. He immediately grabbed Feng Ling’s sword and slashed to grab him.

Raised the sword, but didn’t seem to chop anything,

But for a moment, he didn’t have the strength to pull him, nor did he feel caught.

“Boom! Laugh! Hey!

Two successive sounds of falling,

“Behind! Take a break!”

Listen to the roar of Chen Muslim People’s Congress

In an instant, the surroundings gradually lighted up,

Chen’s halal man was spinning in midair, holding a sword in his hand.

This sword is slightly different from the ordinary Immortal sword. It is thin and long, and the body is thin and transparent. Under the blue sword light, the hilt of the sword also turned blue.

In front of Yang Hao, a disciple of Shushan fell to the ground, expressionless and lifeless.

Zheng Yuan walked to the fallen disciple of Shu Mountain and squatted down. He stretched out his hand, sniffed one by one, and touched the veins on his neck. The disciples of Shushan surrounded him one by one. After seeing Master Zheng Yuan shaking his head, he lowered his head sadly.

Since they were broken into this lock demon tower, the surrounding brothers have been killed. Now, maybe, the next one is themselves.

Zheng Yuan patted his junior on the shoulder and said:

“With a master, we will definitely be able to go out.

Hearing what he said, he only heard Yang Hao scream in surprise:


Chen spinning in mid-air, the halal man has a distorted face, the biggest eyes, clear and cruel eyes, and his mouth slightly opened, as if he was struggling desperately.

Click on Yang Hao, cast a spell immediately to help Chen’s halal people

Zheng Yuan and all the disciples of Shushan next to him raised their heads. When they saw Chen’s halal, they were all panicked.


A low and ethereal voice comes from the halal man of Chen

Chen’s halal suddenly calmed down and slowly removed his eyes. Heiwu was slowly digging into Chen Qingzhen’s forehead. It can be clearly seen that the breath of cold and violence spread from Chen’s halal people

Yang Hao frowned and took a breath. It seemed that God’s driving the Demon Law in his body would not work.

“Master, disciple, please don’t do evil things!”

Zheng Yuan knelt on the ground and shouted at the Chen Muslims

“Who are you evil?”

Chen Qing asked coldly, his eyes full of fierce crimes.

Zheng Yuan saw that Chen Qingzheng had been invaded by that evil thing, and thought of Chen Qingzheng’s previous words, “If you are invaded by evil things, you can only smash the evil things by killing others”, and instantly slumped on the ground. .

“Big brother, what’s the matter with you? Big brother tells you not to be violated by the evil Demon in this tower.”

The disciples of Shushan didn’t know the situation. They saw Zheng Yuan sitting on the ground, answering questions without saying a word.

“Evil thing! Oh!

Chen Qingzhen laughed coldly, clasped his hands, raised his head and took a deep breath.

Suddenly the palm is pushed out,


The Shushan disciple who answered disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye. “My brother didn’t say anything wrong just now!!


“The head wants to kill us?”

The other disciples of the Shushan School became uneasy.

Is it wrong to follow the leader’s decision?

Not long ago, Uncle Xu Jin from Shushan led nearly half of the Shushan disciples to join him.

These Shushan disciples who entered the Locking Demon Tower were all people who knew how to be loyal and treacherous, but they came to this end. The few surviving people must be placed by the owner?.

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