Chapter 809 Menacing

“Fart! If it weren’t for the lingering poison on our body, how could you be such an animal, and we are now by your side?

A middle-aged monk beside the old man said indignantly.

“Bah! Back then, if you hadn’t set a trap, how could I be caught by you in Chisong?”

“Shut up!”

The little monster beast wanted to continue talking, but was yelled at by the monster beast in the middle.

“Chen, Muslims, I heard that the Demon Realm has been controlled by the Demon Realm. As long as you take us out of this Locked Demon Tower, we will not only spare your life, but also fight the Demon Realm with you.”

“Stop talking, it has nothing to do with you. You just want to go out and help others. The Demon world didn’t take you away because he didn’t see your virtues.”

“Chen, you can think clearly about the halal people. There are a few people in your area who will die. It’s too late to regret now.”

Said the black bear.

“That’s better than going out. My disciples in Shushan are not afraid of death.”

“Master, we will follow you to death.

Many Shushan believers behind Chen Muslims said in unison.

“Brother, how long are you going to watch? Still not showing up?,

Chen Qingzhen turned his head and looked at the floor at the exit and said.

“Don’t be mysterious, old man. Who is there?”

in the darkness,

Yang Hao walked out slowly.

Chen Qingzhen’s mouth swelled,

“You really came back.”

Yang Hao sounds inexplicable,

“Senior, I am Yang Hao. I went to Shushan this time for the sake of”

“The old man knows that you will come, but now is not the time to talk about this. Let’s deal with this monster first, and then go out and talk about it.”

Chen’s halal people raised their hands against Yang Hao, and their words were like old acquaintances.

Locked Demon Tower

“Where does this strange boy come from? Do you want to be brave?”

The hoarse laughter came from the mouth of a monster that never spoke.

Yang Hao doubted Chen, what the Muslims said, but in any case, he was determined to save these people sent by Shu Shan

Feng Lingjian slowly rose from behind Yang Hao, extinguishing different lights. “Boy, are you ready to choose?”

The black bear looked at Yang Hao closely, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be cynical.

Yang Hao remained silent, and the halal man from Chen stood up.

“Although the current skill of the old man is greatly reduced, it is still enough to deal with one of you.

The black bear spirit also wanted to provoke, suddenly.

There was a sharp whistling sound in the air, and Yang Hao was already a wind control sword. It went straight to the middle door, and instantly an icy breath emerged from the surface, filling the inside and outside of this lock demon tower. The black bear spirit and the two people next to him changed their expressions instantly. This Yang Hao is definitely not an ordinary Immortal.

A monster immediately dispersed, revealing his true colors one after another, surrounding Yang Hao and Chen Qingzhen.

Except for the black bear spirit in the middle, the other two are just wolf demons, and the other is a big centipede.

The black bear spirit held a huge hammer in his hand, saw it in the blink of an eye, and threw it over his head. Although the wolf demon and the entertainment spirit have no spirit treasures, they are coming aggressively.

The wind spirit sword faces the hammer of the black bear spirit,


In the loud noise, the black bear stomped back a few steps.

The centipede spirit rushed towards the person holding the sting on his head.

Yang Hao immediately covered Chen’s halal with the Immortal female barrier.

Locked Demon Tower

The Wind Spirit Sword and Yang Hao Human Sword rushed towards the wolf demon, passing directly through the wolf demon’s chest. Seeing that something was wrong, the centipede wanted to escape. Unfortunately, it was too late. The Feng Ling Sword crashed down, and the entertainment spirit instantly changed into two stages, collapsed to the ground, motionless.

The Shushan school disciple behind him was stunned, but Chen’s halal person was not poisoned and injured, and could not use his sword to solve the wolf demon and centipede.

The black bear spirit was also shocked at this time. In this world, someone has such a cultivation technique. Although this person is not still wet, but he still doesn’t know how to use his own methods. However, the current situation is not good.

Chen’s halal people are very cool and seem to have known each other for a long time. When they saw the black bear, they pushed hard.

Yang Hao calmed down a bit, and then joined the fight with the black bear spirit.

“Hahaha ”

The black bear spirit laughed loudly and turned back to the stone platform.

“You are cruel, I will stay here and not go out. Please be free.

Look at Chen, the halal person

Chen Qingzhen shouted at the black bear spirit:

“If you really stay in this lock demon tower, if something is stolen, you must be severely punished.

After speaking, he rose into the air again, the floating dust in his hand waved in the air a few times, and the barrier appeared in front of the black bear spirit.

The black bear spirit did not move, only two eyes were staring at Yang Hao who was standing next to him.

Who is this guy?

any idea?

Zhen Qing turned to Yang Hao, and the Shushan school disciple whispered:

“Old skills are greatly reduced. This barrier will not last long. We will proceed as soon as possible.”

Yang Hao followed the people of Shushan to the lower place.

“Be careful, the bottom layer is all FaLun and rich water.”

Chen Qingzhen takes a picture of Yang Hao

I touched the jade bottle with a consciousness below Yang Hao’s degree, and Nan Wujing was still inside.

“Senior, the more I look down, the more powerful this fairy I caught. What’s the powerful evil in this layer, Demon?

“It is not the evil Demon who is under pressure at the bottom, but the evil Demon that the leader of the Shushan school has become.”

Chen Qing said lightly.

Yang Hao raised his head sharply,

“Evil thing?

“Yes, before everyone succeeds, the only thing that must be done is to force himself. Only when he has no desires and requirements, can he break through to the upper level, and he is qualified to become Shushan, and he is no exception. So, I I told you this time, telling you that if there is any change in this layer, you can kill the old and break the evil. “Senior!”

“If this is the case, you don’t need (Zhao Zhao Zhao) to blame yourself. Zheng Yuan, come here.”

Some dull young people came over in two steps,

Chen Qingzhen said:

“His name is Zheng Yuan, a big disciple of my Shushan school. Although some people are stubborn and stubborn, his heart is pure and upright. After the disaster, the old man asked him to follow you in the future and support you with his arms. When I succeeded, It is also when I rebuild Shushan. I hope you can help me as a closed believer to help me rebuild the great cause of Shushan”

“Teacher! What are you going to do? What is the reconstruction of Shushan?”

Zheng Yuanyuan, who was standing next to him, knelt on the ground with a thud.

“Children, get up, there will be catastrophes in the world. Naturally, my Shushan school is not immune. The young man in front of you is a person who can save the whole people. You should give him good help and help him succeed. Otherwise, the world will no longer exist, there will be no one, and there will be no Shushan faction, do you know?” Locked Demon Tower,

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