Chapter 811 Hideous

Chen Qing’s blue sword light disappeared, replaced by blood-red sword light, which reflects Chen Qing’s hideous face at this time. It was too horrible. It was not evil that was forced out, but the pain of being abandoned by the desire. The resentment was greater than this, and the evil became hostility.

Gathered the anger of generations of Shushan people,

This hostile energy was trapped in the body in this demon lock tower day and night, accumulating more and more, and gradually merged into a body, gathering all the memories that once belonged to it.

Therefore, it knows Chen Qingzhen’s weaknesses

Chen Qingzhen, who is truly unstable, is already a fish in an instant, so he can let it kill him.

“Brother, what should we do?

The Shushan disciple asked Zheng Yuan in a low voice.

Zheng Yuan was silent,

At present, people who raise themselves as adults and teach themselves physical skills are also veterans and fathers.

Although Chen Qingzhen said that if there is any change, you can break this evil thing by killing him,

However, Zheng Yuan could not do anything. How would he survive without a master? What does the discoloration of the world have to do with himself? There was a heavy rain that year, and the pedestrians around him were in a hurry. His little body was trembling with the cold, and he was curled up in the street. When he was about to die, it was that-big hands hugging him

“Brother, is the real person in charge here possessed by a ghost?”

Another disciple of Shushan watched Zheng Yuan not speaking, and asked, “Buddhist Demon formation!”

Zheng Yuan suddenly raised his head and said dumbly, “Yes!”

The disciples of Shushan immediately dispersed and surrounded the Chen Qingzheng who was hung in the air. Unlike before, this time they formed a circle facing Chen Qingzheng.

Deep down in his heart, Zheng Yuan still has a glimmer of hope, a faint hope.

The believers in Shushan put their swords on their chests, and whispered Demon spells in their mouths.

In an instant, the Shushan disciples floated up from their swords, slowly gathered together, and a huge Tai Chi diagram slowly rose up.

With a long roar, Zheng Yuan jumped up in the air and pointed at the sword.

Chen Qingzhen seems to have no intention of running away. Seeing that the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram was about to be produced, Tai Shan still stood still.

Zheng Yuan was very excited. The master did not succumb to this technique. Is it intentional? Does driving Demon really work?

Zhenqing Chen didn’t have any expression on his face at the moment, and the Tai Chi picture was right in front of him.

Just when the disciples of Shushan were hooked up,

In a blink of an eye, Chen Qingzhen stood in front of Zheng Yuan, his palm was turned up, and the supreme mana was injected instantly, like a giant hammer, which hit Zheng Yuan’s chest severely.

Zheng Yuan hit the opposite wall all over, and then fell heavily to the ground. “Master, wake up!

Zheng Yuan shouted weakly, his eyes were gloomy, his heart ached, and he lost consciousness next time.

“Big Brother!”

“Big Brother!

The believers in Shushan lost their confidence and flocked to Zheng Yuan. One of them tried Zheng Yuan and shouted excitedly.

“Big brother is not dead, big brother is not dead!

Just when everyone was sad or happy, a low voice came from the air.

“How dare you want to cast a spell on this master and die? You obey me obediently, and your boss won’t kill you.”

Disciple Shu Shan, looked at me. I look at you. No one answered.

If you put them before entering the tower, their pride will never agree to compromise, but now they have only two roads in front of them.If it goes well, they will go against the sky. With him now, the line of defense in my heart will be defeated again, and the bank will only be destroyed in an instant.

Locked Demon Tower

“Senior, me, what are you going to do? Kill or stay?”

Yang Hao broke the solidification in the air. While he said, he flew and jumped, and the wind spirit sword slashed towards Chen Qingzhen as a pawn.

A cold light flashed in Chen Qing’s eyes, and his figure flickered, instantly causing the Yang Hao sword from the past to pierce the air, moving back to twists and turns in midair, turning back, and attacking the past again.

Chen Qingzhen instantly built a gas wall to block the oncoming Feng Ling Sword.

After Yang Hao point, I turned my head.

“Boy, are you going to fight me?”

Chen Qingzhen asked slowly.

The body trembled slightly, and he said to himself: No, the person in front of him is no longer the original ex. Hold your mind and sternly said:

“If you don’t get rid of it, there will be a lot of evil Demon in this world. I don’t know how many unlucky people will be buried in your hands.”

Zhen Qing snorted coldly:

“Well, I want to see what the so-called Son of Destiny can do to me!”

Chen Qingzheng flew down with a sword, surging like a dragon, eager to choose people and bite, reflecting the hideous face of Chen Qingzheng.

…For flowers…

“Dugu, be careful, brother. Lao Chenqing in front of you has already reached the upper level.”

Nan couldn’t help whispering in the jade bottle, reminding Yang Hao not to underestimate the enemy.

Yang Hao didn’t seem to hear, and didn’t respond. He only stared at Chen Qingzheng in front of him

At this moment,

Yang Hao’s eyes were surging, and his heart was full of excitement.

Once upon a time,

Is the same game,

Watching the cutting happen,

Now, finally, I have the strength to do it. Excited.

There was thunder in the air, the surrounding air expanded, and the wind was violent. Chen Qingzhen holds an Immortal sword, and his sword is empty. The tip of the sword was shining green, and Zhang Yinyang drew a picture of Tai Chi for a while.

Yang Hao immediately presented the Spirit Sword of Wind, and the Spirit Sword of Wind rose slowly to the sky, bringing the wind to face the yin and yang Tai Chi diagram that came slowly, and hit with force.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the whole ground was trembling, lightning and thunder. After being dazzled, it turned into darkness and silence, and the yin and yang and Tai Chi figure dispersed.

Chen Qingzheng was still hanging in the air, his gloomy face was filled with anger, and the cold breath shrouded from the surface. Chen Qingzhen’s eyes were red, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Yang Hao has no expression on his face, just waiting,

Chen Qingzheng held the Immortal sword tightly with his right hand, and his left hand suddenly interrupted, but he turned into countless forms of Immortal sword and sword aura, uttered surprises and sharp screams, and rushed towards Yang Hao with lightning.

The sword air of the Immortal sword envelops the black air with cold air, but this black air is different from the black air used by the horse. The black air in front of us seems to be born with resentment and yin qi, and there are rustling and crying of yin wind wherever we go, which is terrifying.

Yang Hao’s eyes are awesome. He raised his hands, his left hand was used as support, his right hand was erected on his chest, pointed like a knife, and muttered to himself.

For a time, Hongguang Dasheng was full of dust.

Places close to Jian Qi are dissolved intangible.

Chen Qingzhen’s face changed, his brows furrowed, and his cold meaning was even worse.

“It seems that the old man underestimated you.”

The sound of yin and yang comes from Chen’s halal

Looking at Yang Hao proudly, keeping silent,

The wind stopped suddenly, and in a short silence, the Wind Spirit Sword slowly rose from behind Yang Hao. Inch.

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