Chapter 659 Blend into one

Long Aotian’s weapon is a spear.

Yang Hao didn’t know where Long Aotian got this long spear, but it was already integrated with him. From the outside, he had completely integrated this long spear.


The gun in Long Aotian’s hand suddenly exploded as soon as he stepped out of his feet, and violently collided with Xu Wanhong’s saber.


With a loud noise, the two profound pens collided together. The breath of amazing strength was fierce between heaven and earth, and all the pupils couldn’t help but shrink suddenly.

However, the strength of the two is quite strong, and there is still a gap in Li Xiannian’s practice. Xu Wanhong obviously has the upper hand.

677 After he chopped out with a knife, Long Aotian’s body was severely chopped down and flew out. With a spear in his hand, he raised his head, his eyes filled with surprise.

Sure enough, the gap between Immortal repair and Immortal repair seemed to be only one step away. In fact, the gap in the war is still too big.

There is no way, he can only try his best to help Yang Hao delay. After all, the longer the delay, the better it is for Yang Hao and the greater the threat to Xu Wanhong. Long, I want to get rid of myself as soon as possible.

“Is this what you have?” (bcdb) Long Aotian, holding a spear, raised his head towards Xu Wanhong, and walked, with a cynical smile on his face.

Xu Wanhong’s face was completely gloomy.

Originally, he wanted to get rid of Long Aotian as soon as possible, but he was delayed by this incident. Now he was laughed at by Long Aotian, even the experienced Xu Wanhong could not tolerate such a thing.

Bilateral combat

Xu Wanhong’s face suddenly sank, and it became completely difficult, just like the bottom of a black pot, with difficulties.

“Die for me!” He was furious and roared, his figure appeared in front of Long Aotian’s fighting saber in his palm, and he slammed down at Long Aotian.

Long Aotian couldn’t help showing a solemn expression in his eyes.

He didn’t step back, the spear in his palm was shaking frantically, and the spear clearly felt the master’s mood, and at this time it also burst out with dazzling light.

God’s endless killing power spread out frantically.

Accompanied by his feet, suddenly looted out, the palm of the spear flicked in vain, the spear burst out with screams, and ran straight toward Xu Wanhong. “Damn it!”

This time, after Long Aotian was beheaded and flew away, the tiger’s mouth split and opened. Blood dripped from his tiger’s mouth, and his face became pale.

Wan Qing and the others showed a surprised look on their faces. They sighed secretly in their hearts. The strength gap still exists. After all, this kind of strength gap is not a step away.


By this time, Yang Hao Fang had already incorporated the eleventh type of profound essence spirit!


With a muffled noise, blood spurted out, swept the Yuan Linglian in front of him, and immediately burned into nothingness.

After the eleven types of Xuan Yuan spirits merged, such power and oppression were quite terrifying, and that kind of magical atmosphere filled the heaven and earth crazily. A terrible crisis swept the entire powerhouse.

Xu Wanhong’s pupils also shrank suddenly, and he walked in the direction of Yang Hao.

Yang Hao’s method is terrible. This separation and integration is impossible for ordinary people.

Long Aotian also seemed to know that Xu Wanhong would shoot at Yang Hao. He stood in front of Yang Hao again. Xu Wanhong shot a cold light in his eyes.

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