Chapter 660 get in touch with

He was angry at Long Aotian’s repeated obstruction, and his eyes were cold.

“Since you want to die so, I will help you!” Xu Wanhong said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw his palm facing the void in front of him. It was so lightly. Everyone felt that the world was collapsed at this moment. The feeling was quite terrifying.

This time, Xu Wanhong was really serious. The countless air in his body surged crazily, and a huge hand hall condensed in vain.

Xu Wanhong’s face was gloomy, and a bitter murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

“Die for me!”

In an instant, that huge palm suddenly formed, and then it was tied to Long Aotian’s palm, everywhere, and the void also collapsed at this moment. That amazing power was very terrifying.

People looked at the scene in front of them and couldn’t help panting.

Long Aotian’s student Kong~ suddenly shrunk.

Long Aotian hurriedly urged the sacred elements in his body.


Countless gods rushed out of his body madly. This incredible power roared fiercely like a wave. There are severe-heavy twisted holes everywhere.

The spear trembled violently, and countless gods roared towards the spear.

The crowd was secretly surprised.

The strength of these two people is very good, but it is obviously that Xu Wanhong’s breath is more terrifying. The power of the gods in his body, snarling and roaring wildly, swept out the aura of pound and phosphorus fiercely.


Long Aotian’s spear flicked and pierced towards the huge palm.

When Yang Hao clicked, he did not distract, and still merged the Yuan Lingyan.

This Yuan Lingyan is Tian Yuan Ling.

When he was taken out of his body, the sky was distorted and shattered by terrible energy, and where the Yuanling Flame spread, the Baizhang Void was collapsing and shattering. Everyone was secretly surprised, and quickly raised their heads and walked in the direction of Yang Hao.

The three energies, roar and roar, are extremely fierce.

On the other hand, it’s sunny in the evening, and Yang Hao opened his eyes wide.

From contact with Yang Hao to now, she has understood that Yang Hao is really a very persistent person. This kind of persistence is almost paranoid, and it will inevitably make every effort to integrate this soul lotus.

In this state, he is so calm, as if turning a deaf ear to the surrounding situation, it has nothing to do with him.

…For flowers…

In fact, few people in this state can do it, at least among the people she knows, no one can do it like Yang Hao.

She continued to stare at Yang Hao, and looked at the soul of the sky drawn on the top of Yang Hao’s palm, but saw his hand approaching the soul of the sky again, and flew towards the flame of the soul of eleven soul lotus petals. .

Two Yuan Lingyan roared fiercely.


An impressive force roared. Before they were in full contact, the terrible energy had already produced a terrible rumble at the moment of contact.

The rumble is terrible. In the fierce collision, Yang Hao’s palm was also shaken.


Yang Hao’s palm just shook, and then his hands continued to approach each other!

Seeing this scene, everyone took a deep breath.

It’s crazy, this elemental spirit lotus energy, or the energy of the heavenly element, is quite terrifying with the earth, can you not be surprised the moment the elemental spirit flame comes into contact?

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Yang Hao, but he did not hesitate or hesitate at all. The two terrifying energy Yuan Lingyan suddenly touched each other.

“Peng!” inch,

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