Chapter 658 Distorted space

In this case, logically speaking, the integration that Yang Hao thinks is certainly not as easy as Fang Fang, at least it will be very difficult. Unfortunately, Yang Hao’s points are too easy to square, and the speed is not too slow. For Yang Hao, this is just a familiar experience. The fusion of the two Xuanyuan Spirits didn’t feel anything. The fusion of the three types of Xuanyuan Spirits is equally powerful.

However, after the fusion of the four Xuanyuan Spirits, that kind of power has begun to make people anxious. When the fifth kind of Xuanyuan Spirit merged, its power was finally fully revealed. The shocking tension makes it hard to breathe.

And at this time, Yang Hao is already desperate. Such a profound essence spirit is not weakened at all in his palm, and it has been expanded several times because of it, such as the amazing power of destruction. Xu Wanhong finally became serious, and the powerful energy that could destroy a god king spread out frantically.

If the ninth kind of profound souls merged, then the power of exploding contact with each other would definitely double.

Although this kind of action is quite dangerous, it is also extremely powerful, and it does have terrifying lethality.

Yang Hao’s palm trembled, and the ninth kind of profound essence spirits, under everyone’s gaze, were touching each other with difficulty!


At the moment when Yuan Lingyan touched, a thunderous sound burst out from Yang Hao Zhang Xin’s body, and his palm was blown to pieces by that terrible energy.

This posture, if it weren’t for Yang Hao’s control of the soul power, it would be very good.

Long Aotian’s power

All the people in Yang Hao’s hands are blood, I took a breath.

The price of this killing is too high. No one dared to easily try for such a terrible killing.

Yang Hao forcibly endured the pain from his palm. His black eyes were flashing crazy colors at the moment, and the Yuan Lingyan was wrapped around his palm. At this time, nine different colors of light, constantly alternating, looked very strange and dark. .

Yang Hao bullets, no longer caring about the collision of the horrible energy of the soul flame and the distorted space, his hands pressed the soul flame firmly, and the soul power was surging frantically, in the closure, in the fusion

The distance is less than half a centimeter, but this is less than half a centimeter, but Yang Hao feels that every cell in the body is frantically surrounding it. This is an amazing power.

Feeling the horrible energy, still roaring wildly.

Being able to fuse the Xuanyuan Spirit under the impact of such a Xuanyuan Spirit, this kind of ability, for anyone, can’t help being a little bit envious, envy, and hatred. Such strength is really very enviable.

In this vast world, there are many people who want to combine Xuan and Tianhe into one, but few can do it. Those arrogant guys were almost destroyed by their own fusion.

Reaching Yang Hao is extremely rare!

At this time, Xu Wanhong is holding Yang Hao, Yang Hao with a beautiful heart. After all, it is really rare to be able to do this.

Everyone raised their heads towards Yang Hao, and walked towards Fang (Wang Zhao Zhao) and couldn’t help taking a breath.

Yang Hao points quickly merged with the ninth kind of profound spirit!

Blood overflowed from his hands, and the colorful soul flames turned into nothingness. But before that, a person must be a person with a tail between his legs.

Xu Wanhong was holding a sword in his hand, and the sole of his foot jumped out of the sword and swept towards Long Aotian’s face. Long Aotian has no weaknesses. The soles of his feet also stepped out. The magic weapon in his hand came in in vain and gave out a dazzling light. .

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