Chapter 199 Big crash! The main star of the avenue goes out? (6/7, please customize)

Yang Hao stepped into the Shocking God Gate, and then appeared in an uninhabited field.

Looking up, you can see distant stars.

Looking down, there was no wind in the air except for the wilderness.

The deathly silence made Yang Hao feel a chill in his heart subconsciously.

He found that his divine body was the same as before, unable to sense annihilation.

At the same time, whether it is the crystallization of the laws in the body, the prehistoric killing array or the Five Elements Avenue

I can’t see it.

Yes, I can’t see the radiant flow of the sea of ​​aura that I am familiar with when I close my eyes.

There is just endless darkness.

Just like a mortal.

“It feels strange and familiar.”

Yang Hao took a deep breath, as if returning to a long, long time ago.

At that time, he had not yet come to this world full of spiritual practice.

There are too many memories that rush to my heart.

“Yun Yin?”

Yang Hao put away the memory, subconsciously calling-Yunyin.

But Yang Hao discovered that his call seemed to fall into an abyss without any echo.

“Yunyin was transformed by me, it is impossible not to respond to me.”

“It seems that this piece of space really cuts off everything as the Emperor Eternal Life said.”

Yang Hao knew very well that everything in his body, including the special Emperor Soldier Wuya Pagoda, was completely isolated.

“What about the system?”

Yang Hao looked at the system’s revenue record again.

Compared with Jidao Emperor Soldier, the system is aloof. If this thousand-year time system can always get points, it will be a big gain.

But let Yang Hao disappointed.

[Because of’inner vibration, I got 100 million points. 】

[100 million points for “making a choice”.][Because of “entering the Shocking God Gate”, I got 150 million points.]


At this moment, the system’s continuously rolling income record stopped abruptly after he entered the Shocking Gate.

No more scrolling.

“Emperor Eternal Life said it.”

“Although I stayed in it for a thousand years, the actual time is only one second in the past.”

“Although the system will continuously earn points.

“But it should be obtained based on the passage of time, and corresponding points based on the realm.”

Yang Hao understood immediately.

There is always a time interval for the frequency at which the system gets points.

If only one second of your own real time has passed, the system will naturally stop in the middle.

This pause, for him, is a thousand years.

In terms of the system’s judgment, it was above the Shocking God Gate, and it was considered as a second.

This incident was also expected by Yang Hao.

If it counts as time in the Shocking God Sect, doesn’t it mean that Shocking God Sect can affect the system and is more powerful than the system?

“Start digesting the preaching of Emperor Tiandu first.”

Yang Hao also knows that in the face of dead silence, he can only quickly forget the time and get rid of suffering.

Fortunately, although this special and extremely silent world deprived him of all, his memory is inalienable.

The content of the preaching before the Great Emperor Tiandu was enough to make him comprehend for a long time.

He began to cross his knees, remembering the previous content constantly in his mind.

There is no divine body, no supreme Immortal bone, nothing, and his thoughts have become countless times slower than before.

Fortunately, what Yang Hao lacks most now is time. Compared to difficulties, he is more worried about having nothing to do.

Yang Hao didn’t know at this moment, in this world, five figures quietly appeared on the endless distant stars, all eyes were on him.

“This little guy is smart, and knows how to digest the content of your sermons.” A fat man with a fat body said with a smile.

“Even so, it’s not easy to survive a thousand years.” The white-haired old man Tiandu the Great looked at Yang Hao’s figure, but his forehead slightly.

“Senior Eternal Life, why did you just deceive him?” At this time, the Emperor Reincarnation with his eyes closed suddenly asked the Emperor Eternal Life beside Xiang.

“Hehe, how can there be deception?”

“First, it’s him.” The Great Emperor Samsara said calmly.

“In terms of speed, under the nine calamities of heaven and man, you are indeed the fastest.” Eternal Life said with a smile when he heard the words.

“When Samsara entered the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, there were not so many tricks.

“If it is placed today, this kid will definitely be the ultimate.” The Emperor Tiandu retorted to the Emperor Yongsheng.

“The first in reincarnation is the first.

“Even if she broke into the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man many years ago, and the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man was not perfected, it is still number one.”

“I told this kid that he was second, just to see his character.

“Sure enough, he is a peerless evildoer who walks the invincible way. He would rather go through the gate of life and death than admit defeat at all.”

Hearing the emperor’s sigh, Hu Dahan, who had never said anything, said dullly: “It seems that you want to induce him to go through this gate of life and death?’

“So optimistic about him?”

Emperor Yongsheng nodded when he heard the words: “This son, should be the sixth emperor of my holy land.,

“Today’s death door, you all take care of it.”

“Once you get to the extreme, save him and achieve the effect of sharpening.”

The Emperor Tiandu hesitated: “This, I’m afraid the rules are broken.

“Rules? We are rules.”

“Do you want this little guy to fall into the Shocking God Sect?” Eternal Life said lightly.

“Old guy, I’m really not afraid that this little guy will trouble you in the future.”

“This is the life-and-death barrier for Emperor Zhun to sharpen the five decays of heaven and man. You actually let a little guy in the giant realm try it.” The chubby Emperor Hongkun said in a humming manner.

He knew very well that the emperor eternal life had just told Yang Hao that the number of people who lived and died was indeed correct.

But Emperor Yongsheng didn’t tell Yang Hao that those 22 people were all quasi emperors!


“I’m doing this for his good.”

“The law of destiny is not so easy to control.”

“If his character does not enter the first state and is pure and unsullied, even if he cultivates into the wheel of destiny, he will be assimilated by the world of the road of destiny.

The Emperor Yongsheng said lightly, his tone of voice was casual, but he was clearly one with the remnant soul in the tomb of the Emperor!

When the other emperors heard the emperor mention the law of destiny, they nodded subconsciously and stopped talking.

In this way, in this deadly world, Yang Hao passed the 100th year smoothly by relying on the preaching content of Emperor Tiandu.

Although the first one hundred years have been boring, Yang Hao still has some gains from time to time.

The second hundred years will soon pass.

At this time, Yang Hao has thoroughly studied and analyzed the content of Tiandu Great’s sermon countless times.

He has used the ultimate deduction of mortal wisdom.

Unless everything can be restored, there will be no sense of comprehension.

The third one hundred years has arrived.


“Start trying to practice? It’s useless.”

“This is the deadly world of Shocking God, and all cultivation factors have been completely deprived.”

…For flowers…

In the dead world, Emperor Hongkun looked at Yang Hao and waited for Yang Hao’s next performance with a smile.


After Yang Hao tried for thirty years, he finally found that it was impossible to practice in this world.

At this moment, his heart is already agitated.

The dead silence for more than three hundred years was terrifying.

This is not a practice, it will pass in the blink of an eye.

But it is tangible, struggling and suffering every minute and every second.

He worked hard to calm his mind and began to recall his own path of practice in this life.

Yang Hao began to summarize and began to constantly review himself.

It seems to have opened the door to a new world.

Time began to pass again.

“It’s 450 years.

On this day, Emperor Tiandu looked at Yang Hao in the dead world.

Yang Hao at this time has long been unable to recall everything about himself.

Because of his practice, every detail and every fragment of memory has been sorted out and summarized countless times by him.

He knows the gains and losses, knows how to advance and retreat, and understands many truths that he had never imagined before.

However, there is still only dead silence.

Yang Hao also screamed in despair and closed his eyes in despair.

These are very normal performances.

Time still flows slowly and endlessly.

He, this time began to recall the various experiences before he came to this world.

For him, it has no effect.

It’s just boring, I want to find something to do.

“Five hundred and seventy years, I can’t stand it anymore.

“Do you want to shoot?”

The Great Samsara appeared. Although he closed his eyes, he still seemed to be able to sense Yang Hao in the dead world.

He hasn’t moved for a long time now, and his body is full of dust and grass.

Thoughts will fluctuate for a long time.

It’s just unconscious thoughts.

In his heart, there will be flashes of people from time to time, and finally they will become one.

This is the most essential person in Yang Hao’s heart, and the figure that he most wants to see at this moment.

Yang Hao, as if he was on the verge of collapse.

“Wait a minute.

“Should be able to hold on for a while.”

“I am optimistic about him.

Emperor Eternal Life also appeared next to Emperor Samsara again, looking at Yang Hao who was like floating dust with sharp eyes.

At this moment, in the past five hundred and seventy years, the outside world has not moved even for a second.

Time revolves.

When Yang Hao and Emperor Yongsheng chose whether to enter the gate of life and death.

Zhongzhou, the Holy Land of Lunar.

There is a pagoda in the sacred place of Taiyin, which penetrates the sky and the end is invisible. It is one of the sacred places of the sacred place of Taiyin, with endless opportunities.

At this moment.

Suddenly heard Immortal’s voice.

Suddenly, a vision of heaven and earth came from the Buddha Pagoda that had been silent for a long time.

A shadow of the golden phoenix melted out.

This golden phoenix is ​​soaring in the sky, and the world is boiling!

In a blink of an hour, a star on the avenue of Tiangang was gradually rising.


“Is the main star of the Great Dao of Emperor Emperor just now about to go out?”

“Illusion? The main stars of the emperor’s avenue are as clear as the sun, shining endless divine light.”



Dadao Xinghe appeared because of the birth of Tianjiao.

Someone found that the main star of the avenue seemed to be dimmed in an instant, almost dying.

Never thought, the next moment will be as bright as the sun, brighter than before. Inch.

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