Chapter 200 The heart is like the king of Ming, free to grow flowers (7/7, please customize)

Dao Xinghe now has three main Dao stars, and the only one that belongs to the big star of Ziwei is Yang Hao.

“Is this the main star of the avenue?”

“I heard that he hasn’t had a gangster, so I don’t know if I can.”

“Today, I am Xu Lingqing.”

“The law of acting is a great way.”

“Be a sage of the Lunar Holy Land!”

“If you want to get a marriage with the main star of the avenue, you will personally visit the Eternal Sanctuary on the next day. Please also witness it!”

Zhongzhou, the Holy Land of Lunar.

A golden phoenix cried out and flew out of the buddha tower.

A saint of Taiyin who had been silent for so many years actually walked out of the Buddha Tower, got a great opportunity, and became a holy woman.

She looked at the avenue galaxy, the luminous, brilliant avenue galaxy, and her heart was washed away with endless ripples.

In the past, the goddess of the Taiyin goddess worshipped the strong and heroic. At the moment when the Dao Xinghe was incited, she openly declared that she wanted to forge a marriage with the main star of the Dao!

“This Taiyin goddess climbed the Buddha Pagoda back then. This climb has been climbing for a whole thousand years. I never thought that she was just born, she was so bold and showed her love for the emperor!”

“Yes, it’s really surprising. However, the emperor is also innocent. The female chases the male. After the “two, four, three” layers of yarn, this lunar goddess once crowned the world with beauty, and the emperor is very likely to worship. Under the pomegranate skirt of the Lunar Goddess.”

“I don’t think so. Emperor Zun can become the main star of the Dao. Some time ago, he easily suppressed the sage of the heavenly monarch who has not been in the limelight in the past few years. With his Dao heart, I am afraid that he loves to practice more than Dao couples. ”


For a time, the world was in an uproar, and countless people were talking about it. .

The vast majority of people looked at Xu Lingqing’s great avenue Tiangang star and the same bright as the great sun, and they felt inexplicable match!

At this moment.

In the Eternal Sanctuary, I was also shocked!

It was not because of the words of the Taiyin Saintess, but because the Shocking God Sect was blooming with nine colors of light!

Nine-color divine lights, like long rainbows, are heading towards the Eternal Sanctuary in all directions!

This scene has attracted countless attention!

Because of the same nine-color light, it only appeared once more than ten years ago!

All the extreme powers of Eternal Sanctuary understand the meaning of the nine-color divine light of the Shocking God!

That time, it was Maharaja Longshan who broke through the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man!

Since the Shocking God Sect once again bloomed with nine-color divine light, there is no doubt that someone has passed through the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man!

“Who is breaking into the Nine Tribulations of Manpower? How many years have it been in?” asked an old sage who had just recovered from the Holy Land.

“It’s the emperor.”

“He, he has only entered the Shocking God Gate for less than a month! How could this be possible! How could he pass through the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man so quickly!”

“It took Longshan for ten years to get out of the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man. How did the Emperor manage to overcome the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man so quickly?”

Shocked voices sounded.

Many people know that Yang Hao has gone to the heavens and manpower nine calamities.

Although I don’t understand why Yang Hao’s identity as the Holy Lord of Heaven and Man will go to the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, many people are actually not optimistic about Yang Hao.

Without it.

Everyone knows that the relative talents of the nine calamities of heaven and human beings are more testing and teaching xinxing.

With Yang Hao’s training time, even the Qin Sage and Gu Long Sage who are on Yang Hao’s side only think that Yang Hao can survive six or seven calamities at most.

Moreover, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

But who would have thought that in less than a month, the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man would be destroyed by Yang Hao!

“This little guy is really unexpected again.” Jiang Wu’s beautiful eyes flickered at this time, his eyes locked on the Jingshenmen, waiting for Yang Hao to walk out.

Her heart is full of pride. Although she doesn’t know how to do it, there is no doubt that Yang Hao once again performed a miracle. It only took less than a month to overcome the nine calamities of heaven and man, which is really incredible.

However, Jiang Wu was going to be disappointed.

Yang Hao was not able to walk out immediately.

He had just walked out of the Shocking God Gate at this time, but was surrounded by five great emperors.

Except for the reincarnation emperor closing his eyes, the other four emperors all showed divine light, which was also incredible.

Even, compared to the shocking extreme powers from the outside world, these five incarnations of the great emperors in the Shocking God Sect are even more shocking and inexplicable.

Only they know what happened before.

The outside world is just one second.

In the dead world, Yang Hao has come back to life.

After six hundred years, the eternal emperor originally planned to save Yang Hao.

But it never occurred to him that Yang Hao, who had been worn out like an ant, suddenly sat up with a smile on his face and a solemn look.

From the moment he was sitting upright, Yang Hao seemed to have endless holy light surging all over his body, expelling endless silence.

He sat in this way, calmly and peacefully, and spent the remaining three hundred years.

If the bystander’s cultivation base is low, you may not see much.

But the one who has been paying attention to Yang Hao is the incarnation of the five great emperors!

These five great emperors naturally saw Yang Hao on the verge of collapse, his character transformation and breakthrough.

In the end, he could easily survive the last three hundred years.

“Little guy, there are high and low levels of xinxing, you can be considered a beginner now, this emperor will tell you.”

“This first state of mind is pure and clean, and everything is evasive.”

“The second state of mind is the King of Fudo Ming, who is free to grow flowers.”

“Are you Mingjing Wushou or immovable King Ming?” The plump Emperor Hongkun asked curiously at Yang Hao with a smile on his face.

As his voice fell, magical fluctuations echoed into Yang Hao’s body.

This is when Emperor Hongkun told Yang Hao about the state of mind and nature.

“In this state, it should be directly past the first state of the character and enter the state of mind of King Fudo Ming. It’s terrible luck.”

“No wonder he wants to get involved in the law of fate.” Emperor Tiandu looked at Yang Hao with shining eyes.

“Retreat first, now he is in a state of epiphany and won’t pay attention to us.” At this time, the Great Emperor of Samsara said Tuer.

He saw at a glance that Yang Hao, who was teleported out of the shocking death gate, still smiled at the moment, but ignored them.

All of Yang Hao’s cultivation base at this moment has completely returned.

His divine body, Dao pattern, Immortal bone, crystal of law

All return slowly.

Not only that, Yang Hao’s breath is slowly becoming mammoth.

“The crystallization of his law of destruction has begun to turn into a god wheel,” the reticent Emperor Forge said suddenly.

“Not only the law of destruction, other laws are also changing.” The eyes of Samsara the Great Emperor slowly opened a little, looking at Yang Hao, a series of terrifying Dao auras flowed out.

“It should be the second state of mind and nature, otherwise such an exaggerated transformation will not occur.

“His ninth law has not yet crystallized, but the other eight laws have already begun to turn into a god wheel, this kid is trying to go against the sky… The Great Emperor Hongkun smacked his lips and muttered with his eyes wide open.

“It has been the strongest giant since ancient times.” Emperor Duantian said again.

He was absolutely right.

The giant realm only needs to comprehend the law and condense it into the crystallization of the law, and the nine laws can condense and grow biomass and sublimate into the eternal giant.

But let’s not say that the eternal giants, even the emperor, may not be able to condense all the nine laws in the body into a god wheel.

Yang Hao, there are eight daos in his body now, all of them have turned into divine wheels!

In addition, Yang Hao also controls a five-element avenue and is known as the strongest giant in the ages. There really is no problem at all.

“It’s more than that.

“His attainments in the law of time are amazing, and the wheel of time is turning into a sacred gate.” The Emperor Yongsheng said lightly, but it was still difficult to conceal the shock in the plain tone.

The five great emperors were silent at this moment, looking at each other, as if thinking back to what level they were when they were as old as Yang Hao.

time flies.

In Jingshenmen, I don’t know how long has passed.

Yang Hao’s smile finally gradually began to converge, returning to its original state.

But earth-shaking changes have taken place in his body.

As the Emperor Samsara and Emperor Eternal Life said, except for the ninth law that is still vacant and the five-element avenue that has been turned into a avenue.

The God Wheel of Time turns into a God Gate of Time.

The crystals of other special laws, including the crystals of space that have not been condensed for long, are all turned into the shape of a god wheel.

His combat power has skyrocketed again!

“Thank you all the emperors for defending the way.”

“3.1 This time, I got a little chance, and I was fortunate to enter the second state of mind and nature.”

“Fudo Mingwang, I grow flowers at ease.”

Yang Hao looked around and looked at the incarnation of the four or five emperors. The emperor Hongkun had already informed him of the state of mind and nature, and he naturally understood.

He smiled and said slowly, his tone was extremely confident.

However, the senses he gave to the five emperors at this time were very different from before.

Although his tone is as confident and proud as ever, he is not as overbearing as before. On the contrary, it makes people feel like a spring breeze, elegant and easy-going.

It’s like Yang Hao said in his own words that “Laozi is No. 1 in the world” so disgusting and disgusting, but when he speaks it out of his mouth, it is only natural that people will identify with it, and they are extremely convincing.

“How did you change your mind in the dead door?”

“Finally when you come back to your senses, hurry up and talk to me and listen.”

“This is really eye-opening, and it makes people feel unbearable.”

The incarnation of a great emperor was natural and very human. They ignored Yang Hao’s thanks, but urged him to say how to suddenly change on the verge of collapse.

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