Chapter 198 -Millennium and 100 million years? Please choose! (5/7, please customize)

“Ordinary heart?”

“Believe in yourself, invincibility is enough.”

Yang Hao heard the words and said calmly.

Watching others enlighten the way and continue to sublimate.

It is still the principle and principle that he most wants to understand.

Is he jealous? Is he anxious?

Naturally anxious, natural jealous.

The eighth calamity looks like a chance, but it is actually a turbulent undercurrent.

At the beginning, his heart was also very restless, even irritable.

If Yang Hao could learn about the conversation between Jiang Wu, Qin Sheng and Gu Long Sheng, he would definitely approve of their judgment.

His cultivation base is indeed too bad.

The practice time is too short, so he doesn’t have that much time to temper his state of mind.

This is why the emperor eternal life suggested that he take the road of invincibility before, and some people wanted to use the heavenly sage to break his invincible aura.

He can now go to this day by relying on the invincible spirit that pushes everything forward!

It’s not that he wants it.

This is the driving force for Yang Hao to maintain himself and make crazy progress in his practice now!

If once his invincible spirit is broken, his fragility that has been practiced too short over the years will be exposed.

This will cause a terrible blow to him.

Being able to pass this catastrophe did not mean that he truly possessed the peace of mind that was able to look at everything.

It’s that he believes in himself! Let himself be in absolute self-confidence and not lose himself!

Other people can enlighten and sublimate, so naturally they can too!

In the world, no one can match his comprehension!

If you can’t enlighten it today, that’s because his Fa is forbidden!

Therefore, Yang Hao was still listening to the preaching of Emperor Tiandu with incomparable concentration when others broke through and sublimated.

He even wrote down every word of the extremely profound preaching of Emperor Tiandu 243.

This is why after the Great Emperor Tiandi preached, he instead stepped forward and re-explained it.

“After going out this time, the preaching of Emperor Tiandu will make my cultivation base advance again.

After explaining Yunyin, Yang Hao still remembered the preaching of Emperor Tiandu very clearly in his mind at this moment.

These preaching words are not illusory, but really left by the Emperor Tiandu.

If you are irritated, you can’t hear it at all.

But because of his invincible heart, he forcibly calmed himself down, and instead got a lot of gains.

The knowledge of this Tiandu Great Emperor is so profound that even the law of fate is really involved.

Now Yang Hao’s mind is full of epiphany, which makes him very regretful.

“This feeling is very magical, you should immediately enter the state of spiritual practice.”

“Unfortunately, there is still the ninth calamity.

Although Yang Hao regrets in his heart, it is impossible for Yang Hao to choose to leave after he has broken through the eighth calamity because of his sentiment.

At this moment, everything in front of me changed again.

A familiar figure appeared before his eyes.

“Emperor Eternal?”

Yang Hao didn’t feel surprised to see the emperor’s figure appearing in front of him.

The four great emperors have all appeared in the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, and it is reasonable for the eternal emperor to appear.

“According to common sense, this ninth calamity should be a failure of the Tao.”

“But I didn’t sense that my avenue was exhausting.”

“Then what will this ninth calamity test?”

Watching Emperor Eternal Life slowly approaching him, Yang Hao was also guessing.

“You are very good.

“For so many (bcdb) years, you are second in the breakthrough speed of the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man.”

Emperor Yongsheng stepped forward, as if he didn’t know Yang Hao, and said to him indifferently.


Yang Hao heard this, but frowned and said, “Who is the first?”

He cultivates invincible aura, naturally strives for the first place in everything, and has a strong sense of competition.

Even after breaking the eight calamities, apart from the time spent in the eighth calamity listening to the great emperor Tiandu preaching, Yang Hao recognized himself extremely fast in breaking through the other seven calamities, but he did not expect that it was only the second of the nine calamities of heaven and man.


The Immortal Emperor in the Ninth Calamity did not cover it, but directly said to Yang Hao.

“Okay, less gossip.”

“The Ninth Tribulation, it’s very simple.”

“This is Shocking God.”

“Life, death, two doors.”

“Shengmen, you walk in, and you will return after 100 million years.

“After the return, only one second will pass here, and you will also erase the memory of 100 million years in your life.”

“In the door world, there is nothing, no aura, no laws, no creatures, and no chance in it.”

“More than that, in the world of the door, you can’t use any of your treasures, even if it is the Emperor’s Soldier, you can’t use it.

“Naturally, no matter it is the sea of ​​spiritual energy, Taoist patterns, or laws and cultivation techniques, you can’t use it.”

“In the world of the door, you are the most ordinary mortal.”

“But you won’t die, you can’t commit suicide.”

“If you haven’t collapsed in your life, you can survive the ninth calamity directly.”

“If you collapse in life, the ninth calamity is counted as a failure.”

“Of course, you will never inherit this memory, whether you have spent it or not.

Yang Hao squinted his eyes when he heard the words.

He looked at the hands of Emperor Eternal Life, and a mini blood-red little door appeared.

This small blood-red door, he recognized as the Shocking God door he entered when he walked in.

This Jidao Emperor Soldier looks extremely special.

Entering one hundred million years, it turned out to be only a second in the outside world.

“Erasing the memory, will that have any effect on my mind and body?” Yang Hao asked suddenly.

“Will not.”

“In the eyes of the emperor, you are entering and then walking out.”

“In your eyes, it is also to enter and then to go out.”

“The result will be presented.

Emperor Yongsheng said indifferently.

“What about the memory of 100 million years in between?”

“It collapsed and dissipated naturally.”

“If it doesn’t collapse, it turns into the energy that shocks the gods.”

The Emperor Yongsheng was blunt.

“What is collapse?”

“How to define?”

Yang Hao’s face was slightly ugly, and he asked again and again.

“The walking dead, without any autonomous consciousness, are collapsed.” The eternal emperor still knows everything without saying anything.

Yang Hao was speechless.

This ninth calamity is like this.

“What about the dead door?” Yang Hao’s pupils shrank sharply.

Shocking God’s door, this extremely Dao emperor soldier reveals an evil sect, and it uses the memory of devouring people as its energy.

“Dead door, it’s also very simple.”

“Walking in, going out, the same time is one second.”

“But you will spend a thousand years in it.”

“For this thousand years, you will keep it forever.”

“The world in the door is exactly the same as in the life.”

“Naturally, you cannot use any abilities, nor can you commit suicide.”

“Within a thousand years, if you collapse, you will be dead. Even I can’t save you.

“If you can’t turn your head back, you can’t come back, it’s naturally dead.”

Hearing Emperor Yongsheng’s answer, Yang Hao’s face was a little hard to look.

For a thousand years, it is not difficult for practitioners.

But staying in a dead world for a thousand years, you can’t even use any treasures or abilities.

Don’t talk about him, even sages will collapse.

He finally understood why one hundred million years is the gate of life, and a thousand years is the gate of death.

Shengmen, you can look back.

Everything he encountered in the life gate will be completely swallowed up and forgotten by the shocking god gate.

Doesn’t affect him at all.

If you are lucky, you can even survive the Ninth Calamity successfully.

But the dead end is completely different.

Once collapsed in it, it will completely turn into a walking dead.

“You don’t want to choose, you can also choose to give up.

“To be honest, you are very unlucky.”

“The test of the nine calamities of heaven and man is different for everyone, and so is the ninth calamity.”

“The gate of life and death is the most difficult existence of all the ninth calamities of the nine calamities of heaven and man.”

“Give up, I can understand.”

“After all, for so many years, no one has passed through this gate of life and death.”

The words of the emperor eternal life came again slowly, advising Yang Hao to give up.

“Master, the life and death of the Shocking God is too terrifying. It is no longer a sharpening of the character, but a punishment used to torture the enemy.”

“The Eight Tribulations should be enough.”

Yunyin also said to Yang Hao at this moment.

She is not obstructing Yang Hao.

On the contrary, Yunyin is a sage who has practiced for many years and has the same tenacity.

Because of this, she knew very well how terrifying the test of the Ninth Calamity was.

From what the Emperor Yongsheng said, no one can pass it.

“Since some people have failed here, I would like to ask how many people have chosen the life, a few have chosen the dead, and how many have given up.

Yang Hao asked slowly, looking serious.

“Three life gates, one death gate, and eighteen people give up.”

“The dead have fallen, and the rest will return safely.” The Emperor Yongsheng replied.

“I choose the dead door.”

Yang Hao heard this, without a trace of hesitation, and chose to die.

Without it, he never had the habit of giving up.

One hundred million years and one thousand years of choice.

It seems that 100 million years is the most promising.

But Yang Hao knew that it was impossible for anyone to survive 100 million years of silence.

Most importantly, he has no habit of surrendering fate to luck.

A thousand years of silence, although it is also terrible, but he wants to try!

Since the emperors set up the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, naturally they thought that someone could pass it.

If there is no possibility of passing, why bother to set up this calamity?


When the emperor Yongsheng heard the words, his forehead was slightly tossed in his hand.

The blood red door instantly zoomed in and appeared in front of Yang Hao.

Yang Hao, walked in without any hesitation. .

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