Chapter 171 Nine Dragons pull the coffin! Bury the nine highest avenues? (6/7, please customize)

“what is that!”

Lin Feng’s complexion changed drastically, everything changed between the sparks and flints.

He naturally felt that the eighteenth floor of Huangquan Hell was broken in an instant!

But how is it possible!

Lin Feng’s eyes stared like a copper bell.

That’s Huangquan Hell Test!

A vision of heaven and earth created by a great emperor!

Wei Neng is extremely powerful!

How could it be broken!

In his sight, nine huge shadows, like mountains and seas, slowly flew out of the hell of Huangquan.

As the shadow flew, the vision of Huangquan Hell, which was like a abyss, began to shatter and disintegrate.

You are nine dragons!

Nine dragons that Lin Feng has never seen before!

“Prime Dragon?”

“Pure blood dragon?”

“Alien Tianlong?”

Lin Feng’s wide-open eyes stared at these nine dragon shadows, and bloodshot eyes even appeared!

The visions that nine terrifying dragons turned into shattered Huangquan Hell just the moment they appeared!

What is the origin of this vision!

At this time, he was faintly fearful.

From Lin Feng’s eyes, it can be seen that as the nine giant dragons are transformed into the sky and the earth, this vision is far from over!

The momentum of the vision has not yet been fully opened!

“You must retreat, otherwise this trip will be a big deal.”

Although Lin Feng was curious about this mighty vision, his reason made him understand that this is not the time for curiosity.

At the moment when Huangquan Hell was broken, he knew that he wanted to suppress Yang Hao today, it was not realistic anymore.

He does have 12 hole cards, but the opponent is even more enchanting than him!

Lin Feng, don’t want to take risks!

You can’t kill with one hit, just go!

A rainbow light turned out, and Lin Feng disappeared into the sky in an instant.

“Want to go, did you go?”

Seeing Lin Feng disappearing and fleeing, Yang Hao’s faint voice resounded throughout the third area.

Almost for an instant, his figure was sitting cross-legged on the head of the most central dragon among the nine dragon visions.

It’s tens of thousands of miles when you flutter your wings.

The vision of the nine dragons caught up with Lin Feng almost instantly.

“Damn it!”

When Lin Feng saw this scene, his soul went wild.

At this time, he finally saw the whole picture of this shocking and terrifying, crushing Huangquan Hell!

Behind the nine dragons, there are nine giant bronze coffins!

Inside each giant bronze coffin, there is an aura that makes Lin Feng’s soul tremble!

He had a hunch, if the nine giant bronze coffins were opened.

Not to mention him, even the entire area containing the Supreme Law may be completely destroyed.

“How can there be such a terrifying vision in this world!”

“How exactly did Yang Hao create it!”

Lin Feng’s face was pale, with cold sweat.

He knew that he might not be able to escape.

This shocking vision of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, even if it is pulling the coffin, no matter how fast he flies, he can catch him with one flap of his wings.

“There is at most one hour left before Wandao Pavilion is closed.”

“It should be able to support it.

Lin Feng calculated quickly in his heart that he was suppressing Yang Hao before, so naturally he wanted to prevent the opponent from escaping.

So he has been calculating the time when Wandao Pavilion will be closed.

But how could Lin Feng never think of the time when he wanted to be slower before, but at this moment he desperately wanted to be faster!

Established mind.

His figure stopped immediately, performing all kinds of magic!

One after another infinite magic methods, madly slaying towards Yang Hao!

Divine powers, killing formations, various divine weapons, and many incomparably rare treasures, his many hole cards at the end of the year, all burst out in an instant!

The oppression of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin on Lin Feng is too great!

He didn’t dare to test what kind of power might appear after the vision of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, he could only go all out!

Hit all the details.

As long as he can get out of Wandao Pavilion, he will be able to keep his name.

Before entering, Lin Feng had never thought that he would be so embarrassed in such a place of opportunity, or even life and death!


But at this moment, Yang Hao sneered.

He was still in an extremely mysterious state at this time, and the law of fate in his body was quickly being realized by him.

And at this moment, the vision of Nine Dragon pulling the coffin, sitting cross-legged, finally bloomed with the power of the vision.

Time, space, destiny, death, stars, yellow springs, reincarnation.

A total of nine terrifying and infinite supreme laws are revealed from the huge bronze coffin stretched by nine dragons!

Even if the coffin is still not opened, but the breath that escapes, each of them is almost to the ultimate, pressing towards Lin Feng!


“You, you are so bold!”

“You actually evolved a vision of heaven and earth, burying the nine highest avenues!”

“Aren’t you afraid of the monks in the world besieging you!”

At this moment, Lin Feng sensed the Nine Supreme Laws coming across, his face changed drastically, and he even seemed a little flustered.

While playing all kinds of methods to resist the oncoming nine supreme laws, he stared at the nine bronze giant coffins intently, staring at them.

In his opinion, it is no wonder that this heaven and earth vision is so terrifying that it directly crushes Huangquan and hell!

In the giant bronze coffin, there are nine highest avenues!

They are all buried by Yang Hao!

Lin Feng is almost certain, it must be so!

Only in this way can we achieve such a terrifying power.

He initially thought that the nine dragons were extremely powerful, but now he discovered that the nine dragons were just a foil!

The dragon that can pull the corpses of the nine avenues is strange if it is not strong!


Yang Hao heard Lin Feng’s words, his eyes showed contempt.

Nine highest avenues buried in a giant bronze coffin?

This guy really dare to think about it!

Of course he knew what was buried in the nine bronze giant coffins!

Because of this earth-shattering vision, it is natural that King Immortal’s creation map evolved from the depths of his memory.

Inside, naturally, the nine highest avenues are not buried.

He naturally understood the meaning in Lin Feng’s words.

If the nine supreme avenues are really evolved and buried, once they appear in the open air, it will definitely cause a butterfly effect, and it must not make the avenues lacking.

This is equivalent to a practitioner who has affected the entire world.

Yang Hao also builds avenues himself, how could he do such a thing?!

I can only say that Lin Feng really dare to think about it!

Indeed, with Lin Feng’s barren imagination, how can one think of the grand scene of Nine Dragons pulling a coffin?

Random speculation proves that Lin Feng’s Dao heart has been messed up.

“This time, you can’t run.”

The vision of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin inspired by Yang Hao is really terrifying.

What if Lin Feng has endless cards?

Going to Qiongbi and falling to Huangquan, it is impossible for him to escape from his palm at this time!

What made Yang Hao cared was that Lin Feng’s mysterious black umbrella appeared again.

Facing the oppression of the Supreme Law of Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin, the mysterious black umbrella swept away the extraordinary power, and it actually resisted the power of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin for nearly half an hour.

“213 If he is not the protagonist’s fate, that’s all.”

“But if he is the protagonist’s fate, he should not die so easily.”

Yang Hao twisted his eyebrows, feeling something wrong.

However, whether Lin Feng fell or not, it did not prevent him from receiving the spoils, especially the mysterious black umbrella, which was extremely mysterious and suspected of being an imperial soldier, so he needed to study it carefully.


Just when Yang Hao was collecting the spoils, in a very secret place.


A large mouthful of golden blood was spit out.

“Who, who made my body fall.”

“My Evernight Umbrella!!”

Lin Feng is almost dying of pain at the moment! Blood is dripping from his heart!

His body has fallen!

The fall was extremely sudden! He couldn’t even sense it!

Not only the main body and the infinite divine objects collected over the years, I am afraid that they have been completely lost!

Especially Yongye Umbrella!

That was the treasure he had obtained after not knowing how many dangers.

It was like a bubble at the moment, there was nothing left.

The point is that Lin Feng knows nothing about everything!

He doesn’t know how the body fell!

Did you encounter the great horror during the expedition?

Or killed by the enemy?

Or is it involved in a peerless and fierce land?!

Few people know that his biggest trump card is the doppelganger law that he once understood by chance and coincidence, and he has even practiced it to the ultimate state!

For a long time, Lin Feng practiced as a clone and a body at the same time.

It’s just that the body is stronger, and most of the gods in these years are also on the body.

But now, not only the body suddenly fell, but even the law of clone was severely damaged.

This clone of him wants to cultivate to the ultimate with the principle of clone, and it may be extremely difficult to evolve the avenue!

“My dear friend, what’s the matter?”

Just when Lin Feng was in pain, the gentle young man who enlightened the Tao with him in this secret realm by his side saw Lin Feng look incomparably painful and asked with concern.

This gentle and powerful boy is dressed in the robes of Eternal Sanctuary!

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