Chapter 170 Huangquan Town Yang Hao! Shocking visions appear! (5/7, please customize)

Lin Feng’s heart is very excited now.

“This is no longer the second floor of the Wandao Pavilion.

“It’s a great honor to be able to make me so cautious in a mere magnificent state.”


Lin Feng has never been so cautious.

Even as everyone knows, Yang Hao is just a great power, but no one dares to look down upon him.

Lin Feng knew very well that everyone who underestimated him was no longer in this world.

As powerful as Lin Feng, he still created such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth before he shot Yang Hao.

This is the respect and vigilance for the main star of the Dao, the strongest Tianjiao in 100,000 years!

Between the two of them, they had already forged a feud of life and death, after Lin Feng’s cold words fell, naturally he wouldn’t wait for Yang Hao to react before making a move.

On the 18th floor of Huangquan Hell, with the sound of howling, it shrouded directly towards Yang Hao.


Yang Hao opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes full of cold and endless cold light.

He naturally sensed that a terrible crisis was coming.

Life and death crisis!

Yang Hao still hasn’t experienced such a feeling for a long time.

A divine light rose to the sky!

The flood killing array was sacrificed in an instant, and the four divine swords became the main body of the flood killing array, directly facing the heaven and earth vision that came down!

“Huh? Giant!”

“Ni One Zero” is really difficult, and it has been hiding its strength.”

On weekdays, Yang Hao doesn’t show the mountains and dews.

After encountering life and death, Yang Hao naturally broke out with all his strength, and Lin Feng was able to see Yang Hao’s strength almost instantly.

His heart shook violently!

The progress is so fast. As far as he knows, Yang Hao has just achieved great power a year ago, and now he has become a giant.

In time, wouldn’t it be necessary to catch up with him?

Lin Feng is extremely satisfied with the speed of his own practice in this life. Although he has used time to speed up many times, he has practiced for more than a thousand years, but for others, he has reached the peak of the emperor in just over a hundred years.

But Yang Hao is even scarier than him!

The other party is not even a hundred years old!

Think of the close relationship between Yang Hao and Jiang Wu.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

Lin Feng’s jealousy was burning, and the moment the Huangquan Hell he created fell, his killing array also soared into the sky, purging the endless law of light, like a blazing ball of light, horizontally pressing against Yang Hao’s wild killing array !

Almost just in an instant, the Flood Killing Array was intertwined with Huangquan Hell and Lin Feng’s Killing Array.

The horrible flames and breath are intertwined!

Yang Hao’s prehistoric killing array actually rivals the powerful killing array of the emperor’s realm and the vision of heaven and earth.





Seeing this scene, Lin Feng’s face was extremely cold, his whole body was washed away with the power of all kinds of powerful and incomparable laws, and Yang Hao squeezed away.


At this time, Yang Hao punched out.

Jiuyou Town Prison has evolved hundreds of millions of Demon heads, and its power is surging like mountains and seas!

His divine body exploded with the prehistoric killing array!

Also pouring out at the same time is the sea of ​​magical powers!

At this moment, Lin Feng is also firing a series of supernatural weapons, evolving countless magical powers and tactics all over his body, to welcome Yang Hao’s counterattack!

Evenly matched!

In an instant, like water and fire meeting, thousands of steam erupted, the rules of heaven and earth rebelled, and both sides rushed into the blood, and the flesh was broken in an instant, and then recovered in an instant!

If an ordinary emperor kills so fiercely, he will suffer severe damage almost instantly, and there will be no more battle!

But Yang Hao and Lin Feng didn’t seem to have any influence at all!

The soaring horrendous killing array is shocking the sky!

Broken Lin Feng’s countless extremely sacred soldiers!

Even Lin Feng’s killing formation is faltering!

Huangquan’s hell vision was even more annihilated by the sharp sword light!

Yang Hao, Lin Feng is more prosperous in his spare power!

Normally, Lin Feng fell to the wind!


When Lin Feng saw this scene, his face changed drastically, and his heart was extremely jealous!

All kinds of magic soldiers waved their wine out as if they didn’t need money, but the corners of their mouths were quietly curved.

It was a very confident and cold smile.

Every time he laughed like this, it meant that his enemy would be humiliated to death by him in front of him!

This time, naturally, it is no exception!

As his smile unfolded, that Huangquan hell vision that had been smashed by Yang Hao’s flood killing array unexpectedly reappeared, engulfing Yang Hao in it!

Yang Hao, it’s in the set!

No one knows the terrifying vision of the 18th floor of Huangquan Hell better than Lin Feng.

The great emperor used the souls of eighteen quasi-emperor opponents as sacrifices to create such a world-shaking vision of weeping ghosts and gods.

Immortal, immortal, immortal.

As long as it is cleansed out, all the creatures covered by the vision will be dragged into the eighteen layers of the Yellow Spring Hell!

Even if it is broken, the shattering vision is useless!

This is a vision of heaven and earth.

Unless you break the heaven and the earth, during the turbulent time of the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth will exist forever!

“not good.

When Yang Hao saw this scene, his face became dark.

He was already in the hell of Huangquan, and he could feel the endless cold and gloomy breath.

Those breaths kept his physical body exhausted.

All his perceptions are being deprived!

The Dao Wen was leaving, the Immortal bones disappeared, the divine body turned into a mortal body, the sea of ​​spiritual energy was dimmed, and the heart of Dao was dusted.

In front of us, in addition to the darkness, there are only endless souls who are calling for their lives!

He knew very well that as long as he was caught by these evil spirits and ghosts, he would be dragged into the eighteenth layer of Huangquan Hell and suffered endless torture and torture.

“Yellow Spring.”

Yang Hao’s eyes condensed, but there was still no existence in his body that was deprived of this vision.

The law of Huangquan that has just been comprehended!

In addition to the law of Huangquan, Huangquan Road also rushed out, protecting the lord by itself!

Not so much.

The Immortal King’s creation map and the Wuya Pagoda all flew out one after another, shrouded in Yang Hao’s body, completely obliterating and expelling all the surging ghosts and ghosts!

“That is the Immortal King’s creation of Eternal Sanctuary!

“Damn it, he got it, no wonder his killing array is so powerful that it’s against the sky!”

“The other two treasures are also extremely extraordinary, one turned out to be a magical soldier purely forged by law, and the other turned out to be an emperor soldier!”

“It’s worthy of being the son of destiny with great luck.”

“Unfortunately, all these things will belong to me.”

Lin Feng saw that Yang Hao was enveloped by Huangquan Hell, but he was not completely swallowed up as he wanted. Instead, various exotic treasures flew out of the protective body.

He has the eyesight of the Emperor Zhun, and almost instantly recognized the origin of Yang Hao’s body protector.


Endless greed surged in Lin Feng’s heart.

He is full of confidence in this vision of heaven and earth, even if there are many foreign treasures to protect the body independently, he doesn’t worry that Yang Hao will break the seal.

It is only a matter of time before Yang Hao is suppressed.

time flies.

In this way, almost an hour has passed since Yang Hao was suppressed in Huangquan Hell in a blink of an eye.

“Master, this vision of heaven and earth is too terrifying, and there is almost no weakness.

“Unless there is a more powerful heaven and earth vision to cover, or waiting for the end of the heaven and earth vision, it will not be broken at all.”

In the Hell of Huangquan, the radiance overflowed, dispelling all the evil spirits and ghosts, and Yunyin’s voice came from Yang Hao’s ears.

The two of them are already fit at the moment, and their strength is almost comparable to the emperor.

But even so, plus all kinds of fetish protection, still can barely protect himself.

This was because Yang Hao understood the law of Huangquan, otherwise, if it was earlier, even if all kinds of trump cards were out, he would probably not be able to hold on to this time.

“so it is.”

“The law of fate, it turned out to be like this.”

However, Yang Hao was muttering to himself at this moment, as if he did not hear Yunyin’s voice.

In the Hell of Huangquan, he constantly cleansed the Law of Huangquan, and absorbed the vision of Huangquan Hell through Huangquan Road.

The most basic law that composes the terrifying world vision of Huangquan Hell is Huangzong Law.

Although trapped, Yang Hao began to have a new understanding of the law of Huangquan.

It seems that I understand why I would break the law of Huangquan when I felt the law of destiny before.

Because in the dark, destiny has foreseen the future, knowing that he will be suppressed by Huangquan Hell.

That’s why it drives all the laws, and when he is comprehending the law of destiny, he drives the law of Huangquan to break through.

It sounds incredible.

But Yang Hao understands that all this is the revelation of the law of destiny.

It also made him understand the true meaning of the law of fate.

“It is worthy of being one of the highest laws, not worse than the laws of time and space at all.

Yang Hao suddenly realized at this time, the fate aura in his body began to become a bit rich.


“The Immortal King’s creation map has returned to your body, and Wuya Pagoda can’t stop a full eighteen layers of hell from being pressed down.”

“Otherwise, try to use your time method to reverse time and space, and maybe you will have a chance to get out of the hole.

At this time, Huangquan Hell became more and more dangerous as time passed, Yunyin said to Yang Hao in a hurry.

“Need not.”

Yang Hao smiled and shook his head, looking at the Huangquan Hell in front of him meaningfully, as if his divine body was not decayed, he was just a bystander.

“The law of fate is already doomed.”

“I have seen the future.

“Lin Feng will definitely lose.”

When the voice fell, Yang Hao saw a brilliant dark blue color in 3.1 in Yang Hao’s eyes, and time reappeared.

The next moment.

Returning to the image of King Immortal’s creation in Yang Hao’s body, violent fluctuations were suddenly swept away.

In an instant, Huangquan Hell began to tremble.

“what happened?!”

Lin Feng felt the trembling of Huangquan Hell, his face changed.

This is clearly a sign of breaking!

But how is it possible?

The vision of the 18th floor of Huangquan Hell can last at least one day!

If you want to make Huangquan Hell broken, you can only have a more powerful vision that will completely crush the Huangquan Hell.

Lin Feng didn’t believe it!

There are many legendary visions in this world that can be compared with Huangquan Hell, but it is impossible to crush the Huangquan Hell vision to collapse!

In the end what happened!

Lin Feng’s thoughts turned sharply, and he was ready to sit back and wait for the rabbit, and the leisurely mood of sitting and reaping the benefits of the fisherman was instantly disillusioned.

Huangquan in hell.

In Yang Hao’s body, a mysterious and profound aura slowly drifted out.

next moment.

Nine giant shadows, as towering as mountains and seas, flew out of his body, and gradually grew from small to large, turning into gods!

The heaven and earth visions of the evolution of King Immortal’s creation map finally succeeded!

Carrying the supreme might, shaking the world out!


In an instant, crush the vision of Huangquan Hell!

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