Chapter 172 Shocking treasure! I can’t help my fate! (7/7, please customize)

In the sky, the nine dragons are still flapping their wings.

“What is this? Is it a vision of heaven and earth?”

“Who created the heaven and earth vision, so terrible? What power does it have?”

“Is that the figure of Emperor Zun? Is it the creation of Emperor Zun!”

“If it were him, he would be the only one.”

In the vast and infinite three-story world of Wandao Pavilion, almost every Tianjiao who was still alive was shocked, watching the vision of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin flying by, completely shocked.

Without it, the aura in the nine coffins pulled by the nine dragons with ancient chains is too deep and terrifying.

These Tianjiao even feel that whether this heaven and earth vision can bring benefits or other.

If the vision comes towards them, they almost have the possibility of falling.

The only thing they can do is to look shocked, and look at the top of Nine Dragons, and a figure sits on it indifferently.

“Shenzhen of Light, God of Darkness, God of Reincarnation”

“Eighteen Extreme God Soldiers

“Is this Immortal Tears Green Gold?!”

At this time, Yang Hao, although sitting on the head of Kowloon, was not as majestic as those Tianjiao imagined.

He was counting the spoils of Lin Feng’s fall.

Once a practitioner explodes, the treasures hidden in the sea of ​​spiritual energy will be completely exposed.

If it is in other places, the self-detonation will inevitably shatter the space in all directions, and many treasures in the sea of ​​spiritual energy will be involved in the space rift and lost.

But here is the third floor of Wandao Pavilion, a supreme place full of endless laws.

Here is the power of the laws of space, but I don’t know how many.

Unless the emperor blew himself up here, it would be impossible to break the space in Wandao Pavilion.

Naturally, all of Lin Feng’s gods were exposed in front of Yang Hao.

In addition to that mysterious black umbrella, there are many gods beyond Yang Hao’s imagination.

A large number of special god crystals, extreme dao god soldiers, and even the seven-color holy relic, Lin Feng has one!

Lin Feng’s fall, it was as if Yang Hao had obtained a divine hiding place.

“Send the treasure boy.”

“It’s fine if you die. If you don’t die, please bring more fetishes next time.”

Yang Hao sighed, the harvest is really great, even far exceeding his harvest on the second level.

“Lin Feng, the emperor’s background, is much stronger than I used to be.

Even Yunyin, a former saint, was shocked, Lin Feng was too wealthy.

Yunyin’s words made Yang Hao more sure of the possibility of Lin Feng being the protagonist.

The opportunities are endless, the talent is extraordinary, the luck is extremely powerful, and he is particularly at odds with himself.

All the characteristics are in line with the protagonist’s characteristics that he recognizes.

“If it is the protagonist, I don’t know what golden finger he has,” Yang Hao secretly said inwardly.

But I just thought about it casually, and didn’t deliberately think about it.

After all, everything is just a guess.

When I had the opportunity to see Dao Xinghe and observe whether Lin Feng’s Dao Tiangang star had fallen, everything would be known.

“Wantao Pavilion is going to be closed?”

At this moment, Yang Hao’s eyes suddenly moved.

He sensed that Wan Dao Pavilion seemed to tremble.

In an instant, the world began to change.

Wandao Pavilion is about to close.

The third floor is already the last opportunity.

The next time I want to open the Wandao Pavilion again, it will take a full 100 years!

Everyone was wrapped in a mysterious space law, turned into divine light and flew out.

At this time, there were also some phenomena of heaven and earth surging out.

Obviously, with the exception of Yang Hao and Lin Feng, not everyone is like the Nine Dragon Emperor. There are still Tianjiao who try to give up most of the time of cultivation and comprehension in this 15-day period and go to create a vision of heaven and earth.

It’s a pity that these heaven and earth visions are not very powerful. In front of Yang Hao’s Nine Dragon Coffin, it is like Haoyue and Fluorescence, which should not be confused.

Yang Hao, at this moment, is also enveloped by the laws of space.

At the moment of teleporting out, two divine objects suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​his aura.

“this is!”

Yang Hao’s pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately sensed the changes in his body.

The two gods shocked him completely.

Fortunately, the first fetish was in his expectation.

Da Luo fine gold.

Another seven-color holy relic.

In addition to the eternal blue gold harvested in the second layer and the Immortal tear green gold from Lin Feng, he obtained three seven-color holy relics in Wandao Pavilion.

It can be said to be shocking and enviable.

But what Yang Hao really cares about is the second fetish.

This fetish was something he hadn’t guessed in any way.

He took a deep breath, carefully looked at the divine light in the sea of ​​spiritual energy, and confirmed that he was right.

“Yun Yin, right?”

At this moment, Yunyin didn’t hear anything.

She, who always answers Yang Hao’s questions, is still speechless at this moment.

She was also deeply shocked.

“It should be?,

After a while, Yunyin’s voice came slowly.

It was transmitted from the third floor of Wandao Pavilion by space, and it took longer than expected.

Even if Yunyin’s voice sounded, he still hadn’t left Wandao Pavilion completely.

Yang Hao took a deep breath, and then gradually exhaled, so as to calm his inner excitement.

“It must be.”

“The Dao Sect of Destiny.

He sensed in his body, beside the mini shadow that destroyed the door, a shadow of a seemingly transparent porch appeared.

That is also a door after another.

At first, he felt that he had created a vision of the world like Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin on the third floor, but he only got Daluo’s fine gold and a door, even if it was a door that belonged to a special law, Yang Hao was still a little disappointed.

But when he really felt it, he was completely dumbfounded.

Daomen of Destiny!

It belongs to the most mysterious law of fate among the three highest laws!

How does this make Yang Hao not shocked?

The mystery of the law of fate was already felt when he was suppressed by the Huangquan Hell Vision before.

In the dark, the mysterious supreme law that can set things out of chaos and affect the course of fate.

Since the history of Ziwei Daxing, no one has ever heard of someone who can control the avenue of destiny.

Even the emperor has never had it before!

But now, he has got a shocking treasure!

The door belongs to the law of destiny!

This treasure means that he has the qualifications to realize the avenue of destiny.

As long as he can cultivate the law of destiny to the ultimate, then enter the door of destiny, there is a high probability that he can realize the path of destiny, and then control it!

Even Yunyin lost his voice in shock, enough to see how incredible the appearance of the Dao Sect of Destiny is.

“If you can control the avenue of destiny.”

“I can’t help my life. I will deal with many protagonists in the future, and I will have a real killer copper!”

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered.

For a long time, what he has the most headache facing the protagonist is not the endless trump cards.

As long as it is a hole card, once it is bright, there is nothing to be afraid of.

What he is wary of is the fate of these protagonists!

But for the protagonist, there is no fate that is easy to provoke!

When there is bad luck, turn good fortune and avoid evil, and even resurrect, reincarnate, and reincarnate at every turn.

Too many accidental factors will affect the protagonist in the dark, help the protagonist out of danger, and continue to grow.

According to the law of fate that Yang Hao now feels, if he can control the avenue of fate, to a certain extent, he can snipe the protagonist’s fate in an extremely mysterious way, even suppress it, and erase the biggest accidental factor.

So, let’s talk about it next.

“. “Wan Dao Pavilion, this trip is worthwhile.

Yang Hao said silently in his heart, the next moment the sky breaks through.

Wanzhang bright light appeared in front of his eyes, and the familiar scenery gradually appeared, and those familiar breaths were also sensed by Yang Hao.

Around him, there are also other Tianjiao who have been teleported out.

However, there are very few figures.

Relative to the moment of entry, the momentum is huge.

There were only less than twenty figures sent out by Wandao Pavilion.

The disciples of Eternal Sanctuary naturally all walked out with their tails. Peerless arrogances like Nine Dragon Emperor and Fang Qingying also successfully walked out. Seeing (good) their expressions are obviously rewarding.

Surprisingly, except for some Tianjiao among the remaining people, most Chief Holy Son also walked out. Only Chief Holy Son in the Holy Land of Good Fortune was quite unlucky. No figure was seen. It should be on the second floor of Wandao Pavilion. He was accidentally obliterated by Yang Hao.

“Finally stepped out, what’s the gain?”

“What about the others? Haven’t walked out yet?”

“Fang Qingying, Tianjun Luanyang has gained a lot?”

Outside the Wandao Pavilion, many strong men waited day and night. At this moment, they sensed the ups and downs of the Wandao Pavilion.

Hearing these people’s questions, the Tianjiao who walked out of Wandao Pavilion all had weird eyes and looked at Yang Hao subconsciously.

Yang Hao’s eyes were indifferent, without any fluctuations.

“The Nine Dragons, where are the others?”

At this time, a Supreme Elder in the Holy Land of Good Fortune, watching the Eternal Sanctuary come out, everyone’s eyes were very strange, as if they realized something, Shen Sheng asked the most enchanting Tianjiao besides the Eternal Sanctuary.

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything. I have been focusing on cultivating.

But when he heard the words of the Nine Dragon Emperor, he said quickly with an innocent face, with an incomparably simple appearance.

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