Chapter 160 The clothes are too dirty? Demon head!! (2/7, please customize)

“You did it? Finally entered Wandao Pavilion, just for a moment of anger?”

The Nine Dragon Emperor, who had already boarded the Yuntai, was surprised to see Yang Hao attack the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

“I thought it would be the main star of the avenue, it must be an extremely enchanting evildoer. I didn’t expect that there is only talent, lack of tolerance, and waste.” Tianjun Luanyang coldly glanced, and continued to climb to the cloud platform without looking back.

His speed is extremely fast, and he is about to catch up with the land overlord who has climbed hundreds of orders in the forefront.

“What is the emperor doing? It won’t work.”

“However, the emperor never suffered a loss when he acted.”

“Could it be that there is something wrong?”

On the Eternal Sanctuary side, a tall, fat-skinned stunning woman, she has an unforgettable charming temperament, but at this moment, she looked at Yang Hao with some worry.

She is the emperor of Eternal Sanctuary and has witnessed Yang Hao doing miracles in the holy land many times.

It’s just that Yang Hao was still weak in the past, and in a blink of an eye, he can now enter Wandao Pavilion with her to get a chance.

Emperor Ningxin has a good impression of Yang Hao and is very curious about him.

Therefore, when I saw Yang Hao, I couldn’t help but make a move, but he had already thought of something.

Anyone who knows Yang Hao knows that his acting style is “207” and he has never suffered.

Even Lin Feng squinted his eyes at this moment, and his eyes looked at Yang Hao earnestly, shining sharply.


The Heavenly Sword Emperor was also shocked when he saw Yang Hao make a move.

But instead it turned into a smirk, unmoved by the oppressive breath that came from like a mountain.

The evildoers who can enter this place already know the rules outside the Wandao Pavilion.

He didn’t expect Yang Hao to be so uncomfortable, but he already expected Yang Hao’s result.


next moment.

But it was heard a slight, faint voice.

Killing the sword intent one after another, almost instantly, from top to bottom, appeared on the body of the Heavenly Sword Emperor!

But the intent to kill the sword did not come from the Heavenly Sword Emperor who was good at using swords!

Rather, Yang Hao instantly sacrificed the premature killing array and brought it down!

The blood, like a thread, crazily flowed from the body of the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

His incredible eyes, even if his life came to an end, he would stare at Yang Hao.


Relying on the emperor’s extremely tenacious vitality, the Heavenly Sword Emperor finally asked his own inner confusion before he fell.


Why can Yang Hao act unscrupulously in front of the Wandao Pavilion that cannot be used?

Why can the opponent succeed in making the move? Not being expelled?

Why did I just sneered at Yang Hao, and I would be counter-killed by the other party in such a burst!

Unscrupulous and arrogant, is this the temperament that a peerless Tianjiao from the Great Holy Land should have?


“Your clothes are too dirty today.”

Yang Hao’s voice sounded slowly, as if it was just to satisfy the last question before the fall of the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

But at this moment, no one finds it ridiculous.

“Head of Demon.”

“Di Zun is not a good person at all, but a big Demon head through and through.”

Except for the Tianjiao of Eternal Sanctuary, the rest are cold in their hands and feet.

They can’t understand why Yang Hao’s disposition is so evil, but with a few words, the Heavenly Sword Emperor can ignore the rules and kill the opponent?

Even, not only was he not expelled from Wandao Pavilion, the Heavenly Sword Emperor hadn’t even escaped!

Is Wandao Pavilion restricting the Heavenly Sword Emperor’s shots, or is Yang Hao’s strength so powerful that even the Emperor can’t avoid it?

Many people tend to be the former.

After all, everyone knows that the emperor has just achieved great power, and there are huge mountains between the power and the emperor. The distance is almost infinite.

“not good.

At this moment, Lin Feng, who was watching, his face changed.

He took almost three steps and two steps, turning into a very fast afterimage, some hurriedly toward the cloud platform.

When he just landed on the cloud platform, a huge sword intent suddenly appeared.

Huangquan Road, directly beheaded where Lin Feng was standing.

In addition to Huangquan Road, Honghuang Killing Array also appeared in Lin Feng’s position.


Yang Hao’s eyes flickered with disappointment when he saw Lin Feng stepped onto the cloud platform first.

The other party was obviously guarded against him and quite alert.

At the moment when the Heavenly Sword Emperor was beheaded, he had already attacked Lin Feng.

It is a pity that there is a weird prohibition outside Wandao Pavilion, even he can’t give full play to it.

The most important thing is that Yang Hao didn’t intend to kill Lin Feng, but wanted to suppress him and torture his secrets.

He didn’t hide his hostility towards Lin Feng at all, but Lin Feng clearly did the same.

There was almost no direct contact between the two.

However, both sides have had malicious intent towards each other, and when they reach their level, they can feel a touch.

It’s just that Yang Hao didn’t expect that Lin Feng’s reaction was too fast, and he actually took the lead and boarded the cloud platform ahead of time.

Climbing on the cloud platform is considered to be the test of Wandao Pavilion.

Even if it was him, he couldn’t interrupt Wandao Pavilion’s test, and naturally he couldn’t make another move.

“I didn’t expect that the main star of the Dadao would have such privileges.

However, Yang Hao was not disappointed either. Right now, he had just arrived at Wandao Pavilion. He had too much time to deal with Lin Feng.

To his surprise, when he just boarded the Yuntai, he actually got a bunch of unique privileges that belonged to him.

Therefore, there was the scene where he returned to kill the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

With Yang Hao’s character, the defect must be reported. If there is an enemy, it is generally killed on the spot. It is impossible to settle accounts after Autumn.

Since the Heavenly Sword Emperor showed hostility, Yang Hao naturally gave birth to killing intent in the first place in order to avoid the other party from making trouble afterwards.

It’s just that he didn’t pay attention to the Heavenly Sword Emperor at first because he couldn’t fight before entering the Wandao Pavilion.

But when he stepped on the gimbal and sensed that he had the privileges, he made an instant anti-killing action against the Heavenly Sword Emperor, nothing strange.

Not only that, he also slapped Lin Feng with ease.

It’s a pity that the other party was alert, which made Yang Hao a little disappointed.


Yang Hao didn’t regret it too much, and didn’t care about other people’s opinions.

He boarded the Yuntai, ready to enter Wandao Pavilion first.

“The emperor has an enmity with Fenghuang?”

“I haven’t heard that the two have had a big intersection.”

“Weird, it is not weird to look at Fenghuang, it should be that there has been a story between the two.”

Emperor Feng is Lin Feng.

At this time, the aftermath of the shock of Yang Hao’s killing of the Heavenly Sword Queen has dissipated.

After all, only the Heavenly Sword Emperor can enter the Eternal Sword Sect alone, and can be qualified to enter the Tianjiao of the Wandao Pavilion. Hao took a shot at Lin Feng.

However, between the two, it was just a fight, and it did not continue.

Whether it was Lin Feng or Yang Hao, they both buried their heads on the cloud platform, and they had a very strange tacit understanding, and there was no even a trace of conversation.

The chance is now.

Other Tianjiao can only pay attention to it secretly, and at the same time warn themselves not to easily provoke moodiness and murder, after Yang Hao, they all began to concentrate on climbing the cloud platform.

Today, the front of the Yuntai is the Overlord of the Land.

Not far from the Emperor of the Landlord is the Emperor of Kowloon, who is about to catch up.

The rest are not all emperors.

Fang Qingying and a Chief Holy Son from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Dharma followed closely behind.

Undoubtedly, as Yang Hao judged before, climbing the cloud platform is not to look at the realm, but to look at the background and accumulation.

The stronger the background, the faster the speed of climbing the cloud platform.

But as the cloud platform climbed, both those with strong foundations and shallow ones began to sweat profusely and it was extremely difficult.

The gimbal is obviously not that easy to climb.

Every time you climb a gimbal, the corresponding gimbal will appear strange obstacles.

Above the realm of great power, it is hindered by laws and needs to be constantly cracked before it can be embarked on.

Under the state of great power, there is the obstruction of the killing array, and if you can break or resist the killing array, you can climb up.

In this way, those Chief Holy Sons have the advantage instead.

But when everyone was struggling to climb the cloud platform, an alien appeared.

A figure walking with holding hands, graceful, graceful like Immortal.

He went up lightly, as if every cloud platform had no obstacle to him.


“He climbed so fast, he has surpassed the Kowloon Emperor and the Land Overlord, and gradually pulled them away.”

“3.1 is not just zooming out, the emperor is almost out of sight.”

“This is really terrifying. It is worthy of being the most talented arrogant in the world.

Tianjiao’s eyes flickered, watching this figure calmly, and the speed was more than ten times faster than them?

The figure is naturally Yang Hao.

These arrogances, who have been looked up on weekdays and have been rampant for a lifetime, have a mixed feeling at this time.

Today, they finally saw the real existence against the sky.

There is even Tianjiao who has foreseen that he and Yang Hao are in the same era, which is very likely to be an extremely sad thing.

They will always live in the shadow of this evildoer, unable to get out.

“Damn it.

“It turned out to be so.

At this moment, Lin Feng’s speed was also extremely fast, and he surpassed the Nine Dragon Emperor and Di Bahuang quickly and became the second person in the Yuntai sequence.

But compared to Yang Hao, the gap between the first and the second has opened hundreds of levels!

Lin Feng’s face was ugly, but he already knew that after setting foot on the cloud platform, he knew that his calculations were completely defeated.

The first person to enter the Wandao Pavilion must be Yang Hao!.

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