Chapter 161 Privilege of the main star, shameless and sinister Yang Hao? (3/7, please customize)

Wan Dao Pavilion is a mystery of chance that the big star of Ziwei has many great powers, and gathers countless wisdom, from above the avenue and galaxy.

“Should not be misled by the information I have in my previous life.

“I should have thought of it long ago.

Lin Feng watched with gloomy eyes that Yang Hao’s figure had completely disappeared. He was clearly ahead of the third person by nearly a hundred gimbals, but he was still far behind Yang Hao.

He has completely understood now.

The position above the Avenue Galaxy is very likely to occupy an endless advantage in this secret realm that is brought in by the Avenue Galaxy.

Because he also has privileges!

In this life, he is no longer as unknown as his previous life, and only gradually emerged later.

He has always been one of the most dazzling talents of this era.

Therefore, Lin Feng has long been one step ahead, ranking the Dao Tiangang star of Dadao Xinghe.

When he became the star of Dadao Tiangang, he was even the number one star of Ziwei, before Xiao Qinger!

When he stepped on the cloud platform, Lin Feng sensed that he had learned a lot of information that belonged to him.

Ranked as the star of Tiangang, you can ignore some of the rules of Wandao Pavilion!

Not only that, but it can also be favored by Wandao Pavilion.

When other people climb the cloud platform, they will encounter various tests.

But he is different. When he climbs the cloud platform, all the trials will be greatly reduced!

It is even very possible to replenish his spiritual power, gain insights, and so on!

These are all opportunities that belong exclusively to the Great Dao Tiangang Star!

“What I have understood in the previous life is wrong. It is not at all that the more 12 people climb, the easier it is for those who climbed back to the platform.”

“It’s the people who climbed the Yuntai from the back, and they are often the generations of Tianjiao. They are either ranked as the evil star or the star of the Dadao Tiangang.”

“Naturally, they climb faster and faster, pulling everyone away.

“Yang Hao is the main star of the Dao, and his privileges naturally overwhelm others. With a ride of Juechen, he can enter Wan Dao Pavilion first.”

Lin Feng’s eyes flickered and he understood thoroughly.

The third person behind him is Fang Qingying.

Lin Feng knew her.

This is a peerless heavenly arrogant of the Holy Land of Good Fortune, and his talent is even more than that of an emperor who has also entered the Holy Land of Good Fortune. Today, he even drew Dao Xinghe and became the third place among the stars of Ziwei and Tiangang.

Behind Fang Qingying, there are the Emperors of the Land Overlord, the Emperor of Nine Dragons, and the Emperor of Ningxin. Among them are the Chief Holy Son of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Dharma.

They are all among the evil stars.

After understanding everything, Lin Feng’s face became more and more ugly.

He already knows Yang Hao very well.

This is a very domineering person, once let him enter Wandao Pavilion ahead of time.

I am afraid that those opportunities will be plundered by him.

“If I remember correctly, the first person to enter the Wandao Pavilion can get Destroy God Crystal, curse God Crystal, these gods that contain special laws.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, calculating quickly in his mind.

He knew that this time he wanted to get the opportunity, even if it was based on the memory of the previous life of the prophet, it would not be as easy as before.

Because the opponent he had to face was an anomalous number that also did not exist in memory.

“He must be obliterated.”

“Even if he has nothing to do with Jiang Wu, he will never tolerate him alive.”

“With him, I will be shrouded in his shadow in this life.”

“Now he is still weak and he only has the power level. This trip is an excellent opportunity.”

Lin Feng’s murderous intent became more and more vigorous, but the speed at his feet broke out again, and he boarded several gimbals in succession.

At this time, Yang Hao had already left everyone far away, ahead of all the Tianjiao who entered the Wandao Pavilion by a few thousand steps.

Just as Lin Feng guessed, being the main star of the Dadao brought him great privileges.

It takes a lot of energy and spiritual energy for others to climb the cloud platform, and the xinxing suffers.

But he is different.

Every time he climbs on a cloud platform, he will be supplemented with spiritual power, and even get enlightenment on the law.

Others are suffering, but he is gaining a chance. This is the privilege of the main star of the Dao Dao.

In this way, even if he was climbing towards the cloud platform while he was comprehending, the speed was getting faster and faster, using all Tianjiao Yaoyao behind him.

“It’s the top.

“There are some regrets.”

At this moment, Yang Hao was getting closer and closer to the Wandao Pavilion above Wanzhang, and the number of cloud platforms under his feet naturally became less and less.

He felt very sorry, and he even had some ideas.

But Yang Hao knew that he would get a bigger chance when he entered Wandao Pavilion next. Even if he felt it was a pity, the speed was still getting faster and faster, and he came to the front of Wandao Pavilion in the blink of an eye.


At the moment when Yang Hao was about to step into the Wandao Pavilion, he suddenly stopped and stopped on the last cloud platform.

He remembered Jiang Wu’s instructions.

“Indeed, the future of Eternal Sanctuary belongs to me. These holy land’s arrogances should be taken care of.” He nodded, then thought for a moment, and went down from the last cloud platform to hundreds of cloud platforms one after another.

“From here, it should be fine.”

Yang Hao looked at the cloud platform about a hundred roads away from Wandao Pavilion. Without thinking about it, he started from above this cloud platform. He used the privilege of the main star of the road to erase the test that this cloud platform originally had.

Afterwards, one after another incomparably mysterious array patterns and laws were inscribed.

The laws are all composed of incomparably deep laws of time and space.

With Yang Hao’s attainments in the laws of time and space, his attainments in the laws of space are nothing more. His laws of time have reached the point of self-created laws, and even the emperor who enters can’t compare with him.

As for the formation patterns, they are all composed of ancient runes that were felt in the past, and each one is profound and infinite.

But whether it is the engraved array pattern or the law, it is the secret law of the engraved Eternal Sanctuary.

These secrets are the secrets that every Tianjiao of Eternal Sanctuary will inevitably learn, and they can definitely be seen and understood when encountering them, and they can also be solved.

But other holy places

The corner of Yang Hao’s mouth outlines a curve.

He is the Supreme-level Array Mage, and Yunyin’s guidance, it is not only the rules and the formation pattern that he planted.

Once triggered, then a mini flood killing array will erupt completely.

With the strength of the Tianjiao who entered, although they will not die, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

“The master’s heart is too dark.”

Yunyin shuddered when he saw this scene.

This Wandao Pavilion is clearly a place of opportunity, and under Yang Hao’s arrangement, it has almost become a place of life and death, with many traps.

Yang Hao didn’t care.

He had seen it a long time ago.

Outside the Wandao Pavilion are designed in this way, it is clear that this is a mystery of opportunity that needs to be crossed.

Competitors, he will naturally not be afraid.

But if there is a chance to hinder them, it is naturally how vicious it came.

“So be it.”

Yang Hao chuckled lightly. After all the last 100 Yuntais outside the Wandao Pavilion were arranged, he walked towards the Wandao Pavilion.

Although he could not bless the privileges on the disciples of Eternal Sanctuary, but with the last one hundred gimbals hindered, those who are behind the Eternal Sanctuary Tianjiao will surely be able to enter the Wandao Pavilion one step ahead of others.

Just after Yang Hao stepped into the Wandao Pavilion, a figure gradually appeared after about tens of minutes.

“Finally it’s almost here.”

This figure, naturally, can only be Lin Feng.

He frowned, and after entering Wandao Pavilion, Yang Hao was crushed by Yang Hao, which made him feel a little gloomy.

“Fortunately, I also thought of a way.

“Solving you, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

A wicked smile was outlined at the corner of Lin Feng’s mouth. With his prophetic foresight, it was undoubtedly an extremely refreshing thing to suppress a peerless arrogant.


But in the next moment, Lin Feng, who had just stepped onto the cloud platform, was like being struck by thunder, and the sky was spinning around the world.

“How can this cloud platform be different from before?” Lin Feng was taken aback, a series of incomparably mysterious laws and formation patterns formed a formation of 207 patterns in a wonderful rhythm, and appeared before his eyes.

He gave out a strong warning sign.

If you can’t crack the formation composed of these rules and patterns in a short time, then you will encounter great horror.

“Could it be that the closer you are to Wandao Pavilion, the more dangerous the test on the cloud platform?”

Lin Feng’s face was gloomy, looking at the Wandao Pavilion road that could be seen ahead, there was no longer Yang Hao, and his jealousy was deeper.

If it were such a complicated formation, with Yang Hao’s strength, it would definitely not be possible to enter so quickly.

There is no doubt that Lin Feng expected that this must be the privilege of the main star of the other side’s Dao, which made Yang Hao ignore such a test.



Next, Lin Feng began to crack the cloud platform after another with great difficulty.

Even behind, Qingying and Di Bahuang’s figures gradually appeared behind him.

They also encountered this problem.

Yang Hao obviously forgot the existence of Fang Qingying, so he left Fang Qingying here.

This directly caused all Tianjiao behind Yang Hao to be on top of the last 100 cloud platforms, and it was extremely difficult to crack.


The Ningxin Emperor of Eternal Sanctuary was extremely confused at this time.

She found that the formations inscribed on these Yuntai could be used to display the secret of eternal life and easily broke.

Not only her, but the other Eternal Sanctuary Tianjiao that gradually climbed, also discovered such a secret.

When they gradually surpassed the second place Lin Feng and entered the Wandao Pavilion.

Lin Feng and others finally understood.

“Yang Hao, shameless and sinister!” Lin Feng’s face was gloomy.

Such a strange situation is already too obvious.

The 100 Yuntais from the final Wandao Pavilion weren’t the original test at all, but Yang Hao left behind!

This has never happened before in the previous life!

Everyone is vying for opportunities, who will put their minds on this kind of damage!.

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