Chapter 159 The emperor and the power, the difference between heaven and earth? (1/7, please customize)


Shuttle space, the moment he entered Wandao Pavilion, Yang Hao squinted his eyes.

There is no aura.

There is no trace of aura in the entire Wandao Pavilion.

We need to know that in this world of practice, spiritual energy is like water to a fish for practitioners, especially those who lay the foundation and give birth to a sea of ​​spiritual energy.

Once there is no aura, if you only rely on the spiritual power born from the sea of ​​auras, it is absolutely impossible to maintain the consumption of ordinary cultivation and battle.

“Wan Dao Pavilion, this secret realm, should also be the first time that the major sacred places have been opened, so I don’t know any information in it, but it seems to have received apocalypse, knowing that there are great opportunities hidden in it, and even special laws exist.”

Yang Hao’s mind turns, Wan Dao Pavilion’s lack of aura will naturally have a negative impact on him.

However, in contrast, his sea of ​​aura has endless spiritual power far beyond superhuman, even these emperors can’t compare with it.

Not to mention that in addition to the spiritual power of the sea of ​​spiritual energy, he also possesses a large amount of blood and flesh essence of the undead medicine.

Immortal medicine is a peerless thing in the world. Once refining has endless benefits, restoring spiritual power is only the most basic effect.

Compared to other practitioners, they can only use Immortal Stone and Pills medicine to recover. I don’t know where it is effective.

“Wan Dao Pavilion has no aura!”

“Fortunately, I had anticipated it a long time ago and I made full preparations.”

Voices came one after another, and they clearly saw the strangeness of Wandao Pavilion like Yang Hao.

At this moment, Yang Hao no longer paid attention to the lack of aura, but looked at the environment where he was.

Clouds and mists swirled around, Immortal aura filled, it looked like an Immortal realm.

The cloud platform slowly emerged not far away and fell in front of everyone.

One, two

Spread upwards until it reaches ten thousand feet.

“Did you go to the cloud platform?

203 Yang Hao looked up and found a pavilion looming above ten thousand feet.

Obviously, you need to climb up to be able to enter that pavilion.

He felt for a while and found that besides the lack of aura, there is a strange prohibition here. Even the instinct of a practitioner who can easily fly into the air is completely prohibited here.

Don’t even talk about flying, it’s like walking with heavy shackles, very slow.

“The difficulty of seeking the truth is harder than going to the sky.”

“Before entering the cabinet, it is only for chance, not for fighting.”

“Those who are good at fighting, chase them.”

At this time, not only Yang Hao, but inexplicable induction appeared in everyone’s mind.

They all understand that this is a rule from Wandao Pavilion.

Before entering the Wandao Pavilion, there was no way to fight!

If you want to enter the Wandao Pavilion, you need to climb onto the cloud platform one after another under the heavy shackles, and finally enter the Wandao Pavilion above the ten thousand feet.

“It’s no wonder that my aunt said that no matter what realm you enter Wandao Pavilion, you can get something.

“It’s just that this climb to the cloud platform means that everyone treats everyone equally, and only relies on character and perseverance to climb.

Yang Hao’s eyes were bright, not only didn’t have any retreat, but he felt a little more interesting.

Not only him, but the other 80 people who entered this time are all outstanding talents from all major forces, so naturally they won’t be scared by a cloud platform.

“The first person to board the Yuntai can not only grab the opportunity first, but also get the privileges of Wandao Pavilion, and seize the opportunity in the follow-up to take the lead.” Lin Feng stood calmly, looking at the Yuntai in front of the Wandao Pavilion.

Compared with other Tianjiao who entered, he was born again, and naturally knew Wandao Pavilion very well.

“First (bcdb) let these people go, the more people climb the cloud platform, the longer the later, the easier it will be for the latecomers.”

“By then, I will climb the Yuntai again and become the first person to enter the Wandao Pavilion in one fell swoop.” Lin Feng recalled the information about Wandao Pavilion. He was about to be sanctified at this moment. throw away.

“You guys, go on stage first.

Lin Feng calmly ordered the other Tianjiao who entered the Holy Land of Good Fortune.

He understands that he is in this state, the more high-profile, the more resources he can get, otherwise it is impossible to get a place from Wandao Pavilion today.

Lin Feng glanced at Yang Hao slightly when he ordered Tianjiao to transform the Holy Land.


“You should be the biggest variable since I was born again.”

“It’s even very likely that it was the root cause of my previous defeat in the True Realm God Array.”

“Whether it’s because of Demon Jiang or the enemy of blocking the road, this time I will leave you in the Wandao Pavilion and let you fall completely.”

Lin Feng, who was able to become a quasi emperor in his previous life, was not low in wisdom.

Now that he is born again, he is cautious everywhere, and he has won many opportunities. To go to the present in one fell swoop, it is even more important to keep secret.

He has always been brooding about the real world gods.

Originally, Yang Hao and Jiang Yan had fallen, and that was all.

But when Yang Hao and Jiang Wu walked out of the real world god formation, plus the previous life, there was no such person as Yang Hao.

Lin Feng had already determined that in the True Realm Divine Formation, Yang Hao’s failure was most likely due to his failure.

He even boldly guessed whether Yang Hao was born again just like him.

The trajectory of the opponent’s rise is not worse than him, or even worse!

This is not reasonable at all!

Yang Hao is investigating Lin Feng, and Lin Fengshi is also studying Yang Hao in secret.

In the end, Lin Feng’s conclusion was simple.

Since Yang Hao is a factor he can’t control at all, he will completely obliterate it.

Smoothing out the unstable factors can also make him pursue Jiang Wu more smoothly. This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

His murderous intent is no weaker than Yang Hao!

When Lin Feng ordered Tianjiao, the holy land of good fortune, to climb the Yuntai, other Tianjiao from various forces also began to climb the Yuntai.

In a blink of an eye, nearly sixty of the eighty-one people who entered have begun to climb the cloud platform, trying to climb one step and one step.

As for the others, including Yang Hao and Lin Feng, they all watched the other Tianjiao who climbed the Yuntai earnestly.

After the plan was determined, the cloud platform was spreading, and the time needed to board the Wandao Pavilion would never be short.

The people who can come here are the generations of Tianjiao, how can they not understand such a simple truth?

Those Tianjiao who climbed the Yuntai one step in advance were also ordered.

Including the Chief Holy Son, who is extremely beautiful outside, it is only the lowest level of existence here.

“Below the cloud platform is an endless abyss, and no one knows what will happen once it falls.

“Climbing the Yuntai consumes physical and spiritual energy very much. With the heavy shackles and spiritual energy that cannot be supplemented, the mood will be extremely tormented and it will test the mind.” Yang Hao looked at the Tianjiao climbing the Yuntai including Eternal Sanctuary, and slowly analyzed.

“But obviously, the better the foundation, the speed of climbing the cloud platform also has an advantage.”

He found that among these arrogances, the more enchanting the existence, the faster the speed of climbing the cloud platform.

Often the more enchanting, the more solid and terrifying the foundation.

Yang Hao nodded slightly, this has a great advantage for him.

He also plans to start climbing Yuntai and enter Wandao Pavilion in advance.


“This emperor is the Heavenly Sword Emperor, Jiang Wu’s enchantress once robbed the Eternal Sword Sect’s Primordial Divine Sword, and I heard that it finally fell into your hands.”

“Today, if the emperor climbed the Wandao Pavilion before you, he would return the ten Primordial Divine Sword, okay?”

Just as Yang Hao was about to climb the cloud platform, a down-and-out swordsman in a gray robe suddenly crossed in front of Yang Hao and said in a light tone.

When Yang Hao heard the words, he glanced at the Heavenly Sword Emperor faintly.


The Heavenly Sword Emperor’s brows condensed: “This emperor is talking to you.”

His tone was a bit cold and harsh, causing many Tianjiao who had not yet climbed the Yuntai to subconsciously look over, showing a look at the theater one after another.

“I heard that the tempers of the Heavenly Sword Emperor and Emperor Zun are not very good. It seems that the battle is on the verge.” Luanyang Tianjun from the Yin and Yang Holy Land looked at this scene and said nonchalantly, revealing a high breath.

No matter how great Yang Hao’s momentum is, it is just a great power, and his realm is too low.

Although the Heavenly Sword Emperor is an emperor, his birth is a level lower than that of Yin and Yang Holy Land, so he naturally looks down on it.

“If you can’t fight, what waves can be produced.” A cold voice sounded, indifferently and mercilessly.

“Lunyang, Jiulong, Lin Feng, Ningxin, you four will be trampled on by the emperor today, you can only look up to the emperor.

This figure is thin and dry, but the words are extremely overbearing. With a single word, it is provoking the strongest Tianjiao of the three holy places.

This person’s voice fell to the ground, he strode the meteor, stepped onto the cloud platform, and in an instant he climbed ten times at a very fast speed.

“The Overlord Emperor, always likes to think too much.” Upon seeing this scene, Emperor Jiulong from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Dharma also laughed for a long time and walked towards the Yuntai.

They are all the strongest of Wandao Pavilion this time, and they only see each other.

Neither Yang Hao nor the Heavenly Sword Emperor were in their eyes.


“Do you want to die?!”

At this time, watching Yang Hao’s back gradually move away, from beginning to end, Yang Hao ignored the words of the Heavenly Sword Emperor, making the Heavenly Sword Emperor’s already arrogant character full of anger.

He had a murderous intent on Yang Hao.

Originally, he was frightened by the opponent’s current power, and he had tried his best to ease his words.

But at this time, no matter what the Heavenly Sword Emperor said, Yang Hao still ignored him.

Yang Hao’s figure had already stepped onto the first cloud platform under the gaze of the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

After stepping on the cloud platform, Yang Hao, who should have climbed quickly, suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, he turned back from the Yuntai and came towards the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

“What’s up with him?”

“Finally figured it out?!”

“What about a noble background? What about the enchanting talent?”

“The difference between the power and the emperor, the sky and the earth, is enough to make you surrender.”

When the Heavenly Sword Emperor saw this scene, he sneered, already thinking about how to humiliate Yang Hao.

A wave of incomparable horror came when the Heavenly Sword Emperor thought about it.

Yang Hao, made a move beyond everyone’s imagination!

Outside the Ten Thousand Dao Pavilion, which does not allow fighting, a sudden shot!

Kill the Heavenly Sword Emperor directly!.

Next recommended, still seven more, update time change notification

There were recommendations and exposures before, so they were posted as soon as they were written.

Now it is recommended, and the update time will be changed.

Generally, there will be 1-2 changes in the morning, and the rest will be released gradually within 7-12 o’clock in the evening. The author will try his best to play continuously, so that readers can read it more coherently. You don’t need to wait for the update. We hereby notify.

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