Chapter 158 Honest person Yang Hao? The gathering of the emperors (7/7, please customize)

Three days later, Yang Hao took a flying boat and came to Zhongzhou.

“The Wandao Pavilion will be opened today, Haoer, you enter the giant, you should feel the law of all things, this time you enter Wandao Pavilion and you can take this opportunity to understand the nine special laws.”

“Maybe, when we step out, we will already condense and grow biomass and become an eternal giant.

On the flying boat, Jiang Wu said to Yang Hao jokingly.

Yang Hao was a little speechless when he heard the words, he only felt that what Jiang Wu said made sense, and he thought so too.

“Cultivation is not about eating and drinking. How can it be so easy to break through.

“Auntie, I want to be down-to-earth, step by step.”

Yang Hao said seriously without changing his face.

It’s just that the giant aura he swept all over made Jiang Wu give a white look. Yang Hao smiled and cursed: “Okay.”

“I have no way to enter Wandao Pavilion. This trip is all up to you.

“But with your current background, even if the emperor is in your hands, you can’t protect yourself. Auntie is a little relieved.”

“In addition to you, there are five people in the Holy Land. In the future, you will be the Holy Lord, and they will all be under your jurisdiction.

“Be more energetic, if there is a chance, then share them a little bit.”

Hearing Jiang Wu’s reminder, Yang Hao smiled and said, “This is natural.”

“Of course I take the big head myself, but since I’m a genius in the Holy Land, it’s okay to leave them some soup.”

Yang Hao’s words didn’t make Jiang Wu disgusted. Instead, Jiang Wu reminded him again: “The soup depends on what kind of soup it is. Don’t be too honest.”

“If it’s all good things, it’s good to hold it by yourself. There is always nothing wrong with being prepared.

At this moment, Yunyin in Wuya Tower heard Jiang Wu’s contradictory words, completely helpless.

This holy lord’s doting for his master has deepened into his bones and cannot be changed at all.

Don’t you know what character your master is?


It would be thank good for not peeling others cramps.

“Everything depends on my aunt.”

“Has Maharaja Longshan come?”

“Who is the Chief Holy Son this time?”

“Tianji or Tianshu?”

“How do I remember that the Holy Land no longer holds a holy scripture?”

Yang Hao suddenly asked curiously after responding to Jiang Wu’s reminder.

He had entered a state of epiphany that day when he was appointed as the title of honor, and it was not until three days ago that he broke through the giant realm, which ended this opportunity.

But at that time Wandao Pavilion was about to open, and Tianjiao, who entered the Wandao Pavilion in Eternal Sanctuary, had already arrived at Wandao Pavilion one step earlier.

He doesn’t care about other people, it’s not from the same era, but he is a little curious about Chief Holy Son.

“Longshan Maharaja seems to be completely trapped in the secret realm. Even if it was the opportunity of the Wandao Pavilion, he did not receive a response from him. It should be missed for this trip to the Wandao Pavilion.”

“As for the Chief Holy Son

“Heavenly Power.”

Wu Jiang heard the words and said immediately without thinking.

“Tianquan? The new Tianquan Holy Son? In just one year, it has already overwhelmed other Holy Son saints. Under the great world, evildoers have appeared in large numbers,” Yang Hao said casually.

Jiang Wu looked at the biggest evildoer in this world, but shook his head and said, “How can so many evildoers be born.”

“Tianquan is Mingzun.”

“For this opportunity, he fell into the realm on his own, fell from the power of the king, and regained the seat of the Holy Son of Heaven.”

Yang Hao heard the words and blinked his eyes: “Can it still be like this?’

People who have only heard of madness breaking the border have never heard of themselves falling into the border.

Mingzun was able to inherit the one-word honorific name, and he was also a Tianjiao evildoer, but he was so decisive that he was really a ruthless person.

“It’s a special situation.

“With Ming Zun’s strength, he is not qualified to enter Wandao Pavilion.”

“This time the position of Chief Holy Son is left empty, you break the border, and Hong Yuan is suppressed again.”

“Neither Tianxian nor Tianshu’s talents are a bit worse, and giving them the quota of Wandao Pavilion is also a waste.”

“Only the talent of Tianxuan is not bad, and it has been rising all the way over the years, but the strength is still a bit weak.

“So Mingzun chose to fall for this opportunity, and he is considered to be a person with great willpower and great will.

Jiang Wu sighed and said that the powerful person who fell back to the king had to cut the connection with the law and shatter the condensed Dao heart.

Such an experience can be said to be more painful than Wan Jian Chuan Xin.

Yang Hao just thought about it, even he himself felt a little creepy.

“It seems that Wandao Pavilion’s chance is beyond my imagination. 1

Yang Hao sighed, the chance that a peerless Tianjiao would rather go to the state of falling is enough to prove how mammoth it is.


“Seize the opportunity.”

“This time the best of all the holy places will come.”

“A total of eighty-one people have entered the Wandao Pavilion, which is exactly ninety-nine.”

“Lin Feng in the Holy Land of Good Fortune, Heavenly King of Luan Yang in the Holy Land of Yin and Yang, Emperor Jiulong in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Dharma, and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth in the Holy Land of Heaven and Earth all need attention.”

“There is one more person, the Heavenly Sword Emperor, who is not from the Holy Land, but from the North Desert Eternal Sword Sect.”

“This person may be hostile to you. The Primordial Excalibur was borrowed from the Eternal Sword Sect back then.

Jiang Wu roughly explained to Yang Hao about the great sacred land powerhouses who participated in the Wandao Pavilion during this trip.

Except for him and the Chief Holy Son of various holy places, they are almost all emperors.

The only exception is Fang Qingying of Yin-Yang Holy Land, she also got a place to enter Wandao Pavilion.

It’s just that Fang Qingying, who used to have a cultivation base realm stronger than Yang Hao, is now completely lower than him after Yang Hao’s crazy breakthrough.

After all, it was only a short year, even Fang Qingying, who had the heroine’s life style, was still in the realm of God Sovereign at this time.

“The Heavenly Sword Emperor?”

In addition to paying attention to Lin Feng and Fang Qingying, Yang Hao deliberately paid attention to the name of the Heavenly Sword Emperor, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, he finally knew where his eternal divine sword came from.

Mostly his domineering aunt “borrowed” from the Eternal Sword Sect.

Of course, Yang Hao naturally wouldn’t say anything.

Auntie borrowed the sword, it was for the sake of the Eternal Sword Sect’s face.

If he dares to trouble him, he doesn’t mind asking the Eternal Sword Sect to borrow a few more swords.

When he reached his current strength, he had the confidence to challenge the top forces on the Ziwei big star other than the Holy Land.

In addition to these strong players from other forces, Yang Hao naturally noticed the outstanding players from this Eternal Sanctuary.

Eternal Sanctuary’s lineup is also extremely strong.

Apart from Mingzun, the other four people are all emperor’s power Ninth Stage days, only one step away from sanctification.

The strongest among them, named Ningxin Huang, turned out to be a queen, so Yang Hao took notice.


Feizhou paused, Yang Hao heard Jiang Wu’s reminder.

He followed Jiang Wu out, and this place turned out to be a splendid scene.

The sun sets over the long river, and there is no bounds between the sky and the earth, and it looks exceptionally beautiful.

Below, there is a strong and incomparable aura overflowing.

It’s just the gathering of these breaths that made some powerful and fierce beasts escape far away, let alone idle practitioners.

There is no doubt that this is already a forbidden zone.

Intruder, die!

“. “Holy Lord Jiang. ”


When the two people’s flying boat entered the sky above this restricted area, it has already attracted the attention of many extreme powers.

At this time, seeing Yang Hao and Jiang Wu walk out, all of them suddenly greeted Yang Hao and Jiang Wu politely.

Even if the strong here gather, Yang Hao’s cultivation base can only be regarded as the last.

But those who can come here are all the top powers of the star of Ziwei, who can be so superficial?

The title of Emperor Yang Hao alone is enough to make too many people look and feel awe.

This is a fierce man against the sky!

Not to mention Yang Hao’s other identities!

“Elder Jiang.”


At this moment, the powerhouses of Eternal Sanctuary also flew out.

They are naturally paying more attention to other strong men who have been called easy-going, and respectfully call Jiang Wu, who is no longer the Holy Lord, the elder.

There are so many powerful people, naturally, more than the five of Wandao Pavilion.

Obviously, besides them, there are many strong Eternal Sanctuary here.

On the one hand, it is to attract Wandao Pavilion to come.

On the other hand, it also reveals the majesty of the Great Holy Land.

The arrival of Yang Hao and Jiang Wu obviously attracted a lot of attention.

But soon, everyone’s attention shifted.

Wandao Pavilion is about to open!

One after another sages from various holy places came out, they are all the oldest heritage of all the holy places.

These sages exploded with unparalleled coercion, arousing God, and their breath rushed into the sky.


Yang Hao saw this scene, his eyes flickered.

He has seen that the top existence of these major forces uses the supreme secret method to mobilize the power of the major laws, and finally reach the ultimate law, attracting the appearance of the corresponding avenue.

With the emergence of the avenues of major laws, the sky has turned into colorful.

Dadao Xinghe appeared in front of Yang Hao.

Streaks of starlight fell down.

The ancient sages of all major forces began to shake the avenue again.

Just like plucking the strings, they flicked across the galaxy with supreme power.

In the end, Dao Xinghe produces ripples.

These ripples are almost endless laws.

“Open Wandao Pavilion!”

“Everyone, go ahead!”

Suddenly, an ancient sage from the Yin and Yang Holy Land said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the figures of the emperors entered the sea like fish and dragons, bursting into the void dragons that washed away the ripples of the law.

Yang Hao naturally showed a bright smile and flew into it with confidence.

He has a hunch that this time he will get an amazing opportunity again.

as well as

The afterglow in his eyes glanced at the crowd flying in from the Holy Land of Good Fortune.

Lin Feng’s figure has entered Wandao Pavilion.

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