Chapter 148 There are thousands of arrogances in the world, and you must lower your eyebrows when you see me! (4/7, please customize)

Ten Thousand Ways Return to Yuan.

One of the most powerful visions of heaven and earth in the world’s legends.

Even more mysterious and unpredictable than the long river, Immortal King Lin Nine Days.

I don’t know how many years it last triggered the return of ten thousand ways to the original.

The one who spurred all things to return to the origin was also a most powerful emperor who had shaken the world.

It’s a pity that the most powerful emperor has completely fallen, but the vision of heaven and earth that he inspired to return to the original state still remains in history and is remembered by all practitioners.

At this moment, cracks appeared in the sky above the sky, just like the glass before it was broken, covered with terrible lines.

The colorful rays of divine light were already one step ahead, shining down from the broken cracks.

It was a surging breath coming to the face.

The breath from the avenue!


I don’t know how much, but it finally fell down and turned into a shining light, shrouded in Yang Hao’s body for a while!

At this time, with Yang Hao as the center, a large area was completely vacated in all directions.

Everyone is cut off by the atmosphere of the great avenue!

This is a unique opportunity for Yang Hao!

Extraordinarily supernatural light!

Like the supreme monarch between heaven and earth!

“What a terrifying law breath.”

“My Dao Heart is trembling, as if attracted by the breath of these laws.

“It’s no wonder that Holy Son of Shaking Light has been slow to break through. His background is bound to be extremely strong. Legends can provoke the enchanting evildoer that can provoke the return of all things to the original. Coming!”

“It’s terrible. With the blessing of the vision of returning to the origin of ten thousand ways, I am afraid that the Holy Son of Shaking Light will be before the emperor and will go extremely fast.

“In less than ten years at most, he will be able to break through the realm of gods and giants and become a giant of the ages!”

“I remember the age of Holy Son of Shaking Light was very small. Is he a hundred years old now?”

“A hundred years old? Fifty years old is still a little bit! Most Tianjiao of the same age as him are already hundreds of years old! What a monster!”

Looking at Yang Hao, who was like a monarch, surrounded by the confluence of ten thousand ways, one after another strong man was shocked.

The more powerful a person is, the more he knows how terrible these avenues surrounding Yang Hao are.

What is an avenue?

The ultimate rule!

Even if it is just a avenue, the understanding of the corresponding laws will be extremely simple in the future, and if you don’t pay attention, it will make rapid progress!

Simply put, it is recognized by the avenue and become the darling of the corresponding avenue!

Ten Thousand Ways to the Origin?

That means that all the laws of existence in the world will recognize Yang Hao and become the origin of all great avenues!

Yuan is the beginning and the beginning.

The return of Wan Dao to the beginning and the beginning of everything is the artistic conception of the vision of Wan Dao returning to the original!

This means that Yang Hao is now standing above the beginning of everything, stepping on that avenue, and on that avenue, there will be a smooth wind and a smooth flow of water!

It is conceivable that this is a terrifying vision of heaven and earth.

“Is this the strongest Tianjiao in 100,000 years…?” Hong Yuan, who was defeated by Liu Yan, watched Yang Hao eagerly at this moment to become the focus of attention.

His inner desire is immense, immensely wanting to make himself the focus.

However, he finally recognized the reality and understood how big the gap between himself and Holy Son of Shaking Light was.


“This is a monster.

At this moment, he chuckled lightly and his face was bleak.

Hong Yuan understands very well that in the great world, he is not the first Tianjiao to live in the shadow of Yang Hao. There will be more and more Tianjiao in the future, and even a whole era of Tianjiao will live in fear of being dominated by Yang Hao. under.

Yang Hao at this time, the sublimation has never stopped.

“The Great Power, the Law of Linking.

“I don’t need the law of links, they come to me on their own.”

“It’s like a monarch, who is worshipped by thousands of people, and I can take whatever I want.”

“Is this the benefit of the heaven and earth vision that I induced?”

Yang Hao felt that he was very happy at this moment.

This is an extremely enjoyable pleasure.

“There are thousands of arrogances in the world, and you must lower your eyebrows when you see me.

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, and he gave birth to a spirit that would be extremely lingering.

His aura is still rising, he can feel the expansion of his spiritual sea, the bones of the Supreme Immortal are shaking, and the Great Killing Array, because of his breakthrough, has drawn out the law and power of these ten thousand ways.

From today on, his wild killing array will be able to be injected into the power of the law and begin to transform towards a small world.


Just when Yang Hao thought it was about to end, he suddenly looked up at the sky.

It was still above the heavens where the wine fell like a torrential rain, and suddenly a cloud layer began to escape.

The entire sky is clear and bright for thousands of miles.

A galaxy appeared high hanging.

“This is not a scene in the universe.”

Regardless of the past life or the present life, Yang Hao has seen the starry sky beyond the big star.

This suddenly-appearing galaxy, composed of hundreds of millions of stars, was like a river, gurgling and flowing, and it exuded the atmosphere of a great avenue that was indistinguishable from what he had accepted.

“what is this?”

“Is it also a vision?”

Yang Hao was a little confused, looking at this galaxy.

Neither his memory after he came to this world nor his original memory knew that there was such a vision in the world.

This makes Yang Hao feel confused in his sublimation.

“Avenue Galaxy!”

“Dadao Xinghe has appeared!”

There is no need for him to guess, there are too many people to watch the ceremony today, and someone can tell the origin of this galaxy at a glance.

“What is Dao Xinghe? Is it also a vision of heaven and earth?” Some people were also confused.

“I don’t even know Dao Xinghe? Dao Xinghe has appeared frequently in the past few years.

“Why is it called the Great World? It is because it has come to a new era, Dao Xinghe is the eternal Dao list of the Dark Age!”


Someone explained the origin of Dao Xinghe, so that Yang Hao also understood.

“In this world, when dividing each era, there are naturally standards.

“Three hundred thousand years ago, the dark age began and it ended one hundred thousand years ago. It lasted for two hundred thousand years, during which an eternal path was born.”

“Eight hundred thousand years ago, the ancient era began, and it lasted more than 300,000 years until it ended more than 400,000 years ago, during which a monument of Dayan God stood tall.”

“Two million years ago, the Primordial Era started and ended one million years ago. It lasted the longest, reaching about one million years. There was also a torrent of history during this period. Every time a great man appears, he will live.”

“Going forward, history has been lost and cannot be examined.”

“Between every era and era, there will be a period of empty window. At this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth returns, and there is little hope of proving Dao in heaven and earth.”

“As in the era where I am, there is a full 100,000-year window period. In this window period, it can be called the age of no emperor, and even the quasi emperor rarely walks out.

“. “For every era, there will be endless battles of Tianjiao. Two million years to the present, a total of 49 emperors have been born, and each is a leader of each era. ”

“Now in the great world I am in, it seems that besides the spiritual energy and the manifestation of the avenue, it is this avenue and galaxy.”

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered.

He had been cultivating for a long time before, and he had never mobilized Dao Xinghe. At this moment, the first time he drew Dao Xinghe, it was naturally normal.

However, Yang Hao does not know what changes will occur when the so-called Dao Xinghe appears.

“It’s also like the eternal path of the dark age. After getting on the list, can you enjoy the luck of the times and get many benefits?” He looked up to the sky and found that at this moment, a purple qi was slowly rising above his head. Under the fusion of ten thousand ways, gradually drifting away towards the Dao Xinghe at the end of Tianque.

“Dao Xinghe recognized Shaking Light, there is no doubt about it.”

“Eighteen main stars of the avenue, 108 stars of the avenue Tiangang, a thousand stars of the avenue and earth, most of them are still vacant today.”

“It’s just that Dao Xinghe will make Shaking Light’s Emperor Star stay in which position?”

A strong man of Eternal Sanctuary, looking at the top of the sky, has expectations in his heart.

Yang Hao also looked at Tianque.

The purple qi from the top of his head has already swirled up. The moment (Denuo Zhao) entered the galaxy, it turned into a big purple star, heading towards the depths of the galaxy.

“Earth Fiend has passed.”

“Tiangang Star has also passed.”

“The main star of the avenue! The main star of the avenue has returned!

“Holy Son of Shaking Light really became the third main star of the avenue!”

The big purple star representing Yang Hao, with almost no suspense, quickly fell into the depths of the Dadao Galaxy, occupying an empty but extremely wide position!

In the two star regions adjacent to him, there are already two big stars hanging high!

This makes Yang Hao a little shocked!

Someone is even ahead of him to become the main star of the avenue?

“Dao Xinghe, it’s not just the star of Ziwei!”

“All the big stars in this world will follow the arrival of the big world, and the Great Avenue Galaxy C will appear!”

“No one knows when the other big stars have already opened the curtain of the great world. When the arrogance of our Ziwei big star first drew Dao Xinghe, the two Dao main stars were already hanging high above it.”

When Yang Hao was confused, the voice of the second elder who understood the situation came.

Yang Hao just suddenly.

Dadao Xinghe is not only a record of the crape myrtle star.

He subconsciously felt towards the other two main avenues, but in an instant, his whole body was shaken and his pupils shrank sharply. .

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