Chapter 147 Condense the heart of the Dao, and return to the origin!

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Mighty, why is it called Mighty?

It is because he has transcended the mundane, began to reach the realm of heaven and man, and felt the law between all things and all things.

If you want to become a great power, you need to be extremely powerful.

The spiritual power formation system needs to evolve the Supreme Killing Array to the ultimate and stable point.

The stability of the killing array means that the practitioner’s body and the sea of ​​spirit are completely stable as mountains and rivers, reaching the ultimate realm of cultivation.

At this point, you can give birth to a sense of heaven and man, break through the barriers of the laws of the world, and feel the law of everything.

After breaking the rule barrier for the first time, the power of the rule can be used to condense a Dao heart.

With Dao Xin, it can be called a great power, able to shuttle through the law barriers at all times, absorb the power of the law, let one’s own killing array with the power of the law, and evolve toward the small world.

“It’s terrible, the followers of Holy Son of Shaking Light really want to crush Hong Yuan.

“Hong Yuan is about to lose.

“Even the Immortal body, which is the number one Immortal body, is still vulnerable to the divine body.”

At this time, there are many strong people who have not yet noticed that the main road is shaking slowly, and their minds are attracted by Liu Yan’s pressure on Hong Yuan.

Indeed as they said!

Hong Yuan, lost!

Defeated like a mountain!

No one thought that Hong Yuan, the new Yuheng Holy Son, would be suppressed by followers of Holy Son of Shaking Light during the gathering stage!

At this moment, the Ziwei golden book began to change.

“Do not!

“Don’t 12!”

Hong Yuan roared sternly!

He stared at the gold book of Ziwei with sullen eyes, and the name of Hong Yuan, who had already stayed at the 862nd place of the gold book of Ziwei, gradually disappeared with the gold letters like water waves!

Liu Yan’s name gradually emerged in the same place!

Replace it!

After defeating Hong Yuan, Liu Yan’s name was directly on the top of the Ziwei Golden Book!

Not only that, after replacing Hong Yuan, Ziwei Jinshu sensed Liu Yan’s breath, and her name rose again!

It was directly in the top five hundred!


Seeing this scene, everyone was more convinced of Liu Yan’s conjecture.

If it weren’t for a divine body, how could it be possible to appear in such a forward position!

Today’s Hong Yuan is ruined, and the corresponding is the name of Holy Son of Shaking Light, the follower Liu Yan, which is remembered by everyone!

At this moment, those truly powerful Extreme Dao powerhouses were swaying in their hearts, and they were indifferent to the rare scene of the translocation of the golden book of Ziwei in front of them.

Their hearts trembled.

These extreme powers felt the tremor of the void.

“This is a precursor to the appearance of the avenue!”

“Who triggered the Dao? Is it because Liu Yan in front of him wants to use the momentum of defeating Hong Yuan to step into the realm of great power?”

“Liu Yan has begun to change! Her breath is indeed breaking through!”

Everyone’s eyes were shocked, watching Liu Yan’s aura rising after defeating Hong Yuan.

Ziwei Jinshu’s luck fell, and she began to break the king’s realm with this luck, and she was ready to achieve great power!


Only Jiang Wu heard Yang Hao’s voice, looked at him and said: “Since you can’t hold it anymore, let’s break the boundary.

“I will protect you.

Hearing Jiang Wu’s words, Yang Hao’s eyes flickered.

He also sensed that Liu Yan was breaking the boundary at this moment.

But Yang Hao knows very well that the tremor of the road is because he is about to break the boundary at this moment!

“It’s really a coincidence.

Yang Hao also sensed Liu Yan’s breath, he was also happy at this moment, and let himself sublimate.

Gradually, he sensed a breath of incomparable wonder, rushing towards him.

That is the special state that appeared after his body reached its extreme.

Heaven and man induction!

“It’s different from everyone’s imagination.”

“The law of perception is not bottom-up, but top-down.”

“Because the laws of the world are like particles in the air that ordinary practitioners cannot see at all.”

“The cohesion of the Taoist mind is equivalent to bringing a magnifying glass to the practitioner.”

“Through a magnifying glass, what can be seen is naturally the largest law particle first.”

“The more advanced the law, the more magnificent and complex the form of expression in the world.

“So, after breaking through the barriers of laws, the first thing I see must be the two supreme laws, the law of space and the law of time.”

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, and all the information about the power realm surged towards him.

He can sense the sea of ​​his own spiritual energy, and those mysterious and mysterious auras are gathering in his body.

That is a Taoist heart!

His Dao Heart will be condensed!

“The two supreme laws are not too far apart in the sense of the practitioner.”

“The law of space is easier to understand than the law of time.”

“Therefore, Da Neng Jing オ first perceives the law of space, and God Sovereign realm then perceives the law of time.

“The so-called sentiment is not really able to comprehend the two supreme laws of space and time.

“It’s a preliminary insight into the law of space and time, and a better understanding of the law, which also makes the law more friendly to practitioners. By perceiving the law of time and space, you can go a step further and be able to see even smaller particles of the law.”

“The great power realm cultivates space, and the god monarch realm cultivates time. Naturally, it is not really proficient in the laws of space and time.

“As long as one can understand the laws of space and time, one in a billion is enough to complete the breakthrough.”

“Of course, it may seem easy to break through, but it is not the case.”

“There are countless people who can only stay in the realm of majesty and gods throughout their lives, which is enough to show how difficult it is to comprehend space and time.

“Those who are less talented, even if they are lucky enough to reach the power level, they are almost likely to go further.”

“So this is why it is said that the rank determines the future potential.

“For practitioners of ordinary ranks and even evildoers, the upper limit may be the power and the gods.

“Only after the law of space and time is first understood, can we link the law of time and space with the Dao Heart, and go to understand more laws.”

The Dao Heart in the body was still gradually consolidating, and Yang Hao gradually gave birth to a Dao insight.

For his enchanting talent and foundation, it is only a matter of time to comprehend the law of space.

As for the law of time?

Before Yang Hao stepped into the long river of time, his law of time was already stronger than the attainments of a god against the heavenly rank.

He knows very well that as long as he comprehends the laws of space in the great power realm, he can easily break through the two realms and reach the giant realm directly!

“Dao Xin, it’s done.”

“However, I haven’t completely stepped into the realm of power yet.”

At this moment, Yang Hao sensed the sea of ​​spiritual energy, and the Dao Heart, which was as bright as a diamond, rose.

But Yang Hao knows very well that he hasn’t really stepped into the realm of power yet!

He wants to use Dao Xin, link the law barriers, and successfully touch a ray of space law.

That is the real power!


“I don’t know what kind of vision it will lead to.

Yang Hao closed his eyes and started to urge Daoxin.

He naturally felt the vibration of the avenue, and had anticipated the imminent phenomena of heaven and earth.

In fact, when you are achieving great power, the first link to the law is a move that disturbs the world.

Therefore, if it is a real Tianjiao evildoer, it is very easy to attract heaven and earth visions when they become powerful.

For example, when Tianquan Holy Son stepped out of the tomb of the great emperor and achieved great power, it attracted the vision of “the lotus growing step by step”.

This time, with his talent, he felt the avenue that was already shaking when he condensed the Dao Heart, and you don’t need to think too much to know that the vision of heaven and earth will be attracted!

“Phoenix on fire!”

“Liu Yan caused a vision of heaven and earth.”

It’s 193 o’clock here.

Liu Yan has already stepped forward to link the law barriers, which has triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

The whole world is booming, and there is a phoenix coming from the sky, resounding loudly in the red of the sky!

This makes many extremely powerful people admire.

Phoenix is ​​an extremely powerful race in ancient times. They are recorded by heaven and earth and turned into visions.

Now that Liu Yan can attract the Phoenix to the flames, it is enough to prove her enchanting talent!

Of course, with the appearance of the Phoenix’s vision of the world, Liu Yan is a guess of the Nirvana divine body, and it is almost 100% certain!

As we all know, the Nirvana body has a mysterious connection with the Phoenix clan, and the Nirvana the Great had a good relationship with the Phoenix clan.

There are many visions of heaven and earth. Although Phoenix Bathing in the Fire is not the most peculiar and most powerful vision of heaven and earth, it is definitely one of the rarest and most incomparable visions.


“The avenue is still shaking!”

“The shaking of the avenue was not caused by Liu Yan!”

At this time, suddenly the complexion of an extremely powerful person changed slightly.

They sensed a more terrifying aura from heaven and earth.

Even the phoenix-to-fire vision inspired by Liu Yan was faintly suppressed.

There are still people breaking through!

Someone stronger than Liu Yan is breaking the boundary!

Liu Yan, who suppressed Hong Yuan, was already in the king’s realm, which could be called the extreme realm.Who could be more terrifying than Liu Yan and suppress her?

At the moment when a strong person realized that someone was breaking the boundary, thousands of eyes all subconsciously converged on Yang Hao!

As long as the Holy Son of Shaking Light, the arrogant that even Liu Yan can only become his followers, his breakthrough is enough to suppress Liu Yan’s phoenix fire vision before the heaven and earth visions arrive!

“It’s the Holy Son of Shaking Light breaking the ground!”

“He is going to achieve great power!”

“Oh my God! This vision is”

“Thousands of ways return to the original!”

At this time, the heaven and earth vision that had been suppressed for a long time fell like a flood.

For a time, the whole world was shocked!.

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