Chapter 149 Wild?! The main star of the avenue!

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At this moment, there are few stars on the avenue, galaxy, and stars.

Yang Hao has already understood that the countless stars in Xinghe actually correspond to the billions of practitioners in this world.

Excluding the eighteen main stars of the avenue, one hundred and eight stars of the avenue Tiangang, and a thousand stars of the avenue and earth, the rest are all ordinary stars.

Practitioners of ordinary stars cannot sense the information of other upper stars.

But Yang Hao is different.

He ranks as the main star and can easily perceive the information of all stars.

According to Yang Hao’s guess, this should be a privilege belonging to the main star of his Dao.

Naturally, Yang Hao sensed the information of the other two main stars.

There is no difference in the ranking of the main stars of the avenue, but everyone who ranks above them is equal, just come first and come later.

Once the eighteen main stars of the great avenue are consummated in an era, unless the main stars of the great avenue die, even if the enchanting Tianjiao turns out to be born, it can only be ranked among the gods and evil spirits.

The truth should be the same.

Yang Hao sensed the information on the other two main stars. Although it was very simple, only the name, but it still made him extremely shocked.

The first main star of the Great Avenue, whose owner was Xuanyuan Qiufei, a breath of Long Aotian rushed to his face, and the rest of the information could not be sensed.

What really shocked Yang Hao’s heart, and felt shocked, came from the second main star of the Great Dao.

This second main star of the Great Avenue, the owner’s name is called Huang!

Just this name shocked Yang Hao’s heart!

Is it a coincidence?

Still fate?!

Although he is a little unbelievable.

But what really made him feel cautious was that he had a seemingly non-existent connection with the main star of the Dao at this moment, as if he had 197 aura belonging to the main star of the second Dao.

“Supreme Immortal Bone!”

Even without thinking about it, Yang Hao has already guessed who the master of the second avenue is, the master named Huang.

There was only one thing in him, and it didn’t belong to him from the beginning.

The reason for Yang Hao’s complete determination is that when he sensed the second main star of the Dao, the supreme Immortal bone in his body trembled slightly.

The meaning is naturally self-evident.

“The enemy of the first life.

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, and he was able to sense the breath of the main star of the second avenue, and obviously the other party could sense it too!

He knew that the other party was not in the big star of Ziwei, and the main star of the Dao Dao also sensed that the other party was indeed not there, otherwise, with Jiang Wu’s character, he would have long been cutting the grass and eradicating the roots and eradicating the troubles.

“Now, I don’t know which big star he is in, but he most likely knows who I am.”

“It’s also the main star of the main road, even one step ahead of me and the main star of the main road. It must have the protagonist’s fate.

“The enemy is dark, I know, I need to be more cautious.”

Yang Hao has a long-lost vigilance in his heart at this moment.

After he suppressed Fang Lie, Youlan and Xiao Qing’er one after another, he did not feel a real sense of crisis for a long time.

But now, he felt it.

The name alone made him tremble!

Not timid!

It’s the burning of fiery fighting spirit! Excited face shaking!

“Under the great world, it is exciting to compete with such true arrogances.” Yang Hao’s eyes flickered. Although he was cautious in his heart, he actually expected more!

He is even looking forward to (bcdb) one day when Huang can come across the big star and fight him on the peak!

Or maybe he stepped into the ancient starry sky and strangled him one step in advance!

Yang Hao deeply remembered the main star of the Dao Dao, and then he felt the Dao Tian Gang star that had appeared in the Dao Gala River.

“Compared to the empty eighteen main stars of the Dao, one third of the 108 Dao Tiangang stars are already lit up.”

“A lot of people appeared on the star of Ziwei.”

He felt the Dao Tiangang star, except for other big stars’ Tianjiao, on this Dao Tiangang star, about a dozen people came from the big star of Ziwei.

But there are only three people, Yang Hao recognizes.

This is not surprising, the big star of Ziwei is also vast and endless, extremely vast, he can recognize two people at the same time, it is already extraordinary.

“Jiang Wu, Xiao Qing’er

Dao Tiangang star, the familiar information is Jiang Wu and Xiao Qing’er.

These two names will be ranked in the Dao Tiangang Star of Dao Xinghe, Yang Hao is not surprising.

Jiang Wu was originally a leader in the age of no emperor. He was extremely talented. He also created legends and miracles along the way. He became the master of a great holy land. Now he is a sage and a magnificent man.

But if it’s just like this, Yang Hao vaguely senses that according to Dao Xinghe’s extremely strict standards, Jiang Yao should only be ranked among the evil stars.

However, Jiang Wu is his protector, and his luck is invisibly connected with him. His rising horror of luck naturally affects Jiang Wu, allowing Jiang Wu to directly enter the Dao Tiangang star.

This is why so many old monsters rushed to be his protector. With his posture of the great emperor, it seems that the protector will pay too much for Yang Hao, but whoever gets the most benefit in the end is not at all. Hard to say.

As for Xiao Qinger’s ability to rank among the stars of the Dadao Tiangang, it is not surprising.

Xiao Qinger is the protagonist’s fate.

“If it wasn’t for me to deprive her of her luck in the Ziwei Jinshu, and to be completely defeated by me, perhaps Xiao Qinger would gather invincible aura and sprint to the position of the main star of the avenue with the protagonist’s life style!”

What really surprised Yang Hao Weiwei was the other one among the Dao Tian Gang stars.

Lin Feng.

The name appeared in his sight again.

“This person had a high chance of getting the Immortal King’s Immortal Potion at first, but originally thought that even if he got it, he would only be able to attack Dao Tiangang Star.”

“Unexpectedly, after I destroyed that great opportunity, I would still be able to get the place to sit on the Great Dao Tiangang Star.”

“His luck is not simple.

“Could it be the protagonist’s fate?”

Yang Hao was a little suspicious. The chance that Lin Feng was ruined by him and still became the star of Dadao Tiangang made him feel very strange.

Why is he?

It happened to be above the Dadao Tiangang Star, and the one who had the same experience as him was Xiao Qing’er.

After being suppressed by him once, Xiao Qing’er was able to appear at the position of Tiangang Star on the Great Dao Dadao after greatly damaging her luck. That was the protagonist’s fate.

Why is this Lin Feng? Unless it is also the protagonist’s fate!

Yang Hao doubted Lin Feng’s luck for the first time, coupled with his inner instincts, he hated Lin Feng. After thinking about this, he suppressed Lin Feng and tortured the secret.

After glanced at Dadao Tiangang Star, Yang Hao looked at Dadao Di Fiend again.

Compared with the big stars of heaven and earth, there are a thousand evil stars, and the big stars of crape myrtle and more familiar people.

Among them, Liu Yan had just broken through, and as he attracted Dao Xinghe, he also quietly gave birth to a Dao Di evil star.

In addition, to Yang Hao’s surprise, Saint Anling also has a great evil star appearing in the great galaxy.

“Fang Qingying has no shadow. It should be that Dao Xinghe has not been activated before, otherwise Dao Tian Gang Xing must have her place.”

“The little girl and the goddess king are very special, and I haven’t seen a trace, but the second elder has a great evil star rising.”

“The Holy Land of Yin and Yang and the Holy Land of Universe, many Tianjiao are among them.”

By virtue of the privilege of the main star of the Dao, Yang Hao almost remembered all the information of Tiangang Disha that appeared in the Dao Xinghe at the moment when he drew the Dao Xinghe in his heart.

At this time, the main star that belonged to him was finally completely stable.

A series of extremely mysterious stars, at this moment, fell towards him, and finally linked together.

“It’s really the main star of the avenue.”

“My crape myrtle star finally has a main star on the avenue, which is really extraordinary.”

“Holy Son of Shaking Light, even if it has disappeared for eighteen years, it will still be as it was before. It will only leave legends and miracles for countless people who follow.”

Admiration came one after another.

Just when everyone thought that Yang Hao would lead the way back to the original, the main star of the high-hanging avenue was in the avenue galaxy, and the curtain was about to end.

Unexpectedly, as the main star’s breath fell, the entire Eternal Sanctuary would start to tremble!

“The vision is not over yet?”

“It shouldn’t be, the aura of Holy Son of Shaking Light has been solidified, and it has completely achieved power at this moment.

A series of surprised voices sounded, but soon fell into silence.

Because, the extremely behemoth breath began to vibrate!


The earth is shaking.

Hong Yuan, who was standing on Emperor Mountain, was shaken off.

Emperor Mountain, unexpectedly flew out, and gradually in the process of flying into the air, it kept shrinking, and came towards Yang Hao!

Around Dishan, the Nine-Colored Tianmen Cave is open!

A divine sword that exudes the maternal spirit of all things flew out and surrounded Yang Hao’s body!

In addition, the Tianque of Eternal Sanctuary has not stopped.

A sacred gate, I don’t know where it came from.

A hatchet also appeared abruptly.

In the end, it was a piece of grass, exuding endless power, and it appeared at the same time!

They surround Yang Hao, trembling endlessly, as if they were crying!

“The Mother Sword of All Things.


Yang Hao saw the five different shapes surrounding him, exuding a terrifying aura, his eyes changed.

Not far away, the great elder who temporarily took the position of the holy lord, saw this scene, his eyes lost focus for a moment, and his figure began to shake.

“The imperial soldier shakes, the heaven decides the holy lord”

Like him, there are many old monsters of Eternal Sanctuary.

They all muttered to themselves subconsciously, their faces constantly changing.

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