Chapter 146 The terrifying Nirvana body! Can’t hold it anymore? (2/7, please customize)


Yang Hao watched Liu Yan take the initiative to walk out, somewhat surprised.

Although Liu Yan at this moment has completed the divine body and has become the real Nirvana divine body, it is still only the realm of kings.

Although to Yang Hao, Hong Yuan is nothing.

However, Hong Yuan was still selected by Eternal Sanctuary and qualified to inherit Chief Holy Son’s Tianjiao.

Such a Tianjiao is absolutely impossible to be a weak person, otherwise the other party would not dare to challenge him.

“Since you want to, go ahead.”

Although Yang Hao unexpectedly Liu Yan walked out, he did not refuse Liu Yan’s request after all.

He also wanted to see Liu Yan’s current strength.

If Hong Yuan can be defeated, it will prove that her divine body is indeed powerful and qualified as his followers, and it is worth training.

If even Hong Yuan can’t defeat it, then Liu Yan has no value, and he will not provide any resources to Liu Yan anymore, because she is no longer qualified to be his follower.

It’s not that Yang Hao is ruthless.

No matter where it is placed, as a follower, you have to prove your worth.

If there is no value, what do followers do?

Warm the bed?

Do not make jokes.

This is a world where force is supreme and the weak can eat the strong.

Unless it’s a short-sighted and playful person, who would choose a waste follower? “Nineteen Three”

Liu Yan obviously understands this too.

After she became a follower of Yang Hao, she has been getting it, but she has never given it.

In the past, the divine body was incomplete.

Now, with the help of Yang Hao, she has a complete body and no worries.

No matter how grateful you are, it can’t be compared with actual deeds.

She must prove that she is qualified to be a follower of Yang Hao!

“Thank you Holy Son.

Liu Yan showed a brilliant smile upon hearing the words.

Lianbu moved lightly, shaking the electric figure slowly, leaving many people with a reverie back.

“You are not qualified to fight Holy Son.”

“Liu Yan, follower of Holy Son of Shaking Light, please enlighten me.”

Liu Yan stepped out, his momentum rose steadily, and the battle power of the Ninth Stage of the King Realm broke out!

“Followers of Holy Son of Shaking Light?”

“Unexpectedly, Holy Son of Shaking Light would send his followers to fight Yuheng Holy Son.”

“This follower doesn’t have any reputation. I don’t know what it came from. If you want to pay for Holy Son right now, I am afraid that Hong Yuan will be easily suppressed by Hong Yuan. Holy Son of Shaking Light is too big.

“I don’t think so. Holy Son of Shaking Light is such a proud man. The followers he can admire are definitely extraordinary.”

“That’s hard to say, if one is from the harem collection of Holy Son of Shaking Light, it’s just a beautiful and glamorous vase.

Liu Yan’s walk out immediately attracted the attention of many people.

They haven’t really met Liu Yan, and naturally they don’t know anything about Liu Yan.

Most people think that although this follower of Holy Son of Shaking Light has a beautiful appearance and a fiery figure, he is also in the King Realm. Unless the Holy Son of Shaking Light easily ends, Hong Yuan and other evil evildoers, there is no one at all. It can be suppressed.

“good very good!

“You look down on me!”

“Is the will not strong, is it worried that Tianxuan will be disappointed?”

Watching Liu Yan walk out, Hong Yuan’s expression was a bit clean.

“A few years after the arrival of the great world, the posture of the dignified great emperor can’t achieve great power. Most of it is an embroidered pillow!”

“Don’t blame me for pushing Cui Hua! I will let this woman fall on the spot now!”

Hong Yuan didn’t expect that he would challenge Shaking Light again and again.Not only did the opponent not end up personally, he also sent an unknown woman to fight him!


This is naked humiliation!

Hong Yuan showed his eyes like a wealthy wolf, staring at Liu Yan fiercely.

If it was normal, Hong Yuan would directly refuse such humiliation and attack Yang Hao over Liu Yan.

But not now.

The Ziwei golden book is unfolding, he is gathering momentum!

As long as someone fights with him, they can’t refuse!

Once he refuses, under the induction of the Ziwei Jinshu, his Ziwei luck will be stripped by the Jinshu and passed on to the challenger!

Hong Yuan didn’t want to be like this!


He is quick to fight!

The whole body burned with a bloody divine light in an instant!

At the same time, the seven magical powers appeared abruptly, falling to the left and right of Liu Yan who came from the void!

“Three Ways and Eight-Rank Supernatural Powers!”

“Two Nine-Rank Supernatural Powers!”

“There are also two supreme magical powers!”

Someone’s eyes flickered, and the magical powers issued by Hong Yuanjin are already very powerful.If it is an ordinary king, the face will fall here!

“Don’t hide?”

“Still can’t escape?”

Everyone’s eyes have fallen on Ji Liuyan’s body at this moment.

But seeing Liu Yan turned out to be ignorant and didn’t mean to evade in the slightest.


“The injury is extremely serious, and there may be no more fighting strength.”

“Followers of Holy Son of Shaking Light, is that level?”

“Sure enough, it’s just a plaything of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Even Hong Yuan was a little dazed.

He just summoned supernatural powers to kill in an instant, and even the killing array had just been sacrificed.

Even if the heart is proud, it is also a real arrogance.

No matter how despised Liu Yan, the other party is ultimately a follower of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Seven magical powers came out instantly. In Hong Yuan’s view, this woman was killed by his two powerful supreme magical powers at most.

But never thought of it.

The other party can’t even avoid one!

This feeling is as if I was just a slap shot, but I directly stabbed the person to death, especially Demon fantasy!


Even Yang Hao at this moment looked at this scene with an interesting look, he saw some clues.

“It turns out that the true Nirvana body is like this? It’s even more terrifying than the legend.

At this time, Jiang Wu’s sigh came from his ear.

Yang Hao nodded slightly, agreeing.

In their eyes, Liu Yan, who had turned into a blood man and was covered with scars, suddenly burst into a fiery red flame, completely enveloping her.

Liu Yan’s aura seemed to be much stronger than the one he had just started!


Seeing that Liu Yan had been hit hard and still had a strong aura, Hong Yuan frowned slightly. This was a very stupid behavior.

He didn’t say a word, not only did not show the slightest sign of weakness, but broke out even more terrifying aura!

Hong Yuan sacrificed his killing array!

That is a weird killing array rolling endless lava and black flames!


Hong Yuan screamed and saw his endless lava killing array once again enveloped Liu Yan.

It is like a flood that annihilates the weak flames of the house.

Almost instantly, Liu Yan’s breath disappeared again.

It’s like being beheaded instantly!


Someone looked at this scene with blinking eyes.

This follower of Holy Son of Shaking Light didn’t even have time to display any magical powers, and he fell on the spot!


But at this moment, Liu Yan’s voice also resounded coldly.

The faint breath was burning like wildfire again.

It becomes even more intense!

A monstrous prairie fire, like an overwhelming tsunami, surging out!

The sea of ​​clouds on this side of Tianque and Emperor Mountain were all burned into a sea of ​​flames!

That is a terrifying killing array revealed by one party!

Suppress Xiang Hongyuan instantly!

“Liu Yan’s combat power has far surpassed the realm of kings.”

“The Nirvana divine body, it turns out that it is not only the qualitative change after the fall.”

“If you get injured in battle, you will continue to get stronger.”

“At the same time, the vitality and resilience of the Nirvana Divine Body are extremely strong, at least a hundred times higher than that of normal practitioners.”

“If I remember correctly, this is very similar to the racial talent of the pure-blooded Phoenix clan.

“I just don’t know whether this strengthening is temporary or permanent.

“But no matter what it is, little guy, you have found the treasure.”

Jiang Wu’s voice transmission came from the ear.

Jiang Wu’s realm is extremely high, just after a few glances, combined with the known information, he instantly guessed Liu Yan’s divine body characteristics.

Yang Hao also shook slightly when he heard the words.

This is simply Xiaoqiang who can’t be beaten.

And the kind that will be resurrected after death.

Unless Liu Yan can be killed instantly, Liu Yan will only get stronger and more terrifying, and will eventually wipe out his opponent.

“This kind of improved combat power after being injured should be a temporary improvement.

“Otherwise, Liu Yan will be able to prove the truth within a hundred years.

“According to the record, Nirvana the Great, who had the body of Nirvana, also spent a full ten thousand years in preaching.”

Yang Hao looked at Liu Yan who was fighting with Hong Yuan in the arena, although Hong Yuan’s combat power was also very terrifying, and Dadao Immortal body also showed various abnormalities.

But Liu Yan became stronger as he fought.

The current Liu Yan’s combat power has approached the Divine Sovereign Realm.

If the battle continues, it is very possible to break through the gods and achieve the power of the giants.

Liu Yan dared to step out of a battle with Hong Yuan, naturally he was sure.

“The physique of this follower is very strange, the stronger the war is.

“It’s not that the Vietnam War gets stronger, it’s that after 3.1 injuries, it gets stronger and stronger.

“In Immortal’s body, there is no such physique.”

“and many more!”

“This, this is the Nirvana Divine Body!”

“DE .”

Those who came to observe the chief sacred scriptures were many powerful experts with broad vision.

Liu Yan did not hide his talent.

These powerhouses look more and more wrong.

Seeing that Hong Yuan had been almost crushed by Liu Yan, someone finally made a bold guess.

It is guessed that Liu Yan possesses the legendary Nirvana body!

“The followers of Holy Son of Shaking Light all have a god body?”


Many people are terrified!

God body!

In which holy place it is placed, it is an uncrowned king, a peerless arrogant destined to be cultivated by emphasis!

Where did the Holy Son of Shaking Light find a god body to be his follower!

This is simply incredible!

“what happened!”

“Why is the avenue shaking!”

Just as Liu Yan defeated Hong Yuan, the world suddenly moved.

Yang Hao’s aura was rising at this time, and he reluctantly said to Jiang Wu: “Although he has tried his best to suppress it.”

“But the Eternal Sanctuary is too close to the legal barrier.

“I can’t hold it anymore.”

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