Chapter 105 The golden book keeps its name! The strongest arrogant in 100,000 years! (4/7, please customize)

“The Ziwei Golden Book has appeared!”

“The golden book kept its name, and was added by the luck of the big star of Ziwei.

“It depends on where the name of Holy Son of Shaking Light can appear.”

“I don’t know if Holy Son of Shaking Light will invite the Quartet.

In the distance, a huge golden sacred book flew up and fell directly towards Emperor Mountain.

Some strong men looked forward to the appearance of Jin Shu.

This huge golden book named Ziwei golden book is not a vision of heaven and earth, but after Yang Hao chooses the protector, it enters the final link.

The title of the golden book, join the chief league, and enjoy the luck of the big star of Ziwei!

“The Ziwei Golden Book, no one is qualified to be in charge.”

“It is a special treasure. It is rumored to be a condensed matter of the luck of the big star of Ziwei, with supreme spirituality.”

“Every time there are outstanding people in the world, they will come and leave a name for their golden book.”

“And when the Chief Holy Son of the major holy places holds the chief holy scripture, they often appear with the golden book of crape myrtle.

“After all, the Chief Holy Sons of all the holy places must be the peerless Tianjiao.”

“When they become the Chief Holy Son and are connected with the aspiration blessings of the Taoist protectors, they are very likely to attract the golden book of crape myrtle.

“Of course, if the Chief Holy Son as a holy land, after selecting the protector, if there is no golden book of crape myrtle, then this Chief Holy Son will not be worthy of the title of Tianjiao and will be deposed on the spot.”

“So, precisely because of the existence of the golden book of Ziwei, every Chief Holy Son and saint of the holy land will be carefully selected.

“Otherwise, not only will Tianjiao be humiliated, but also the prestige of the Holy Land will plummet.”

“However, the Holy Son of Shaking Light has the appearance of a great emperor, and it is basically no suspense to attract the golden book of Ziwei. The next step is to see that Holy Son of Shaking Light can leave his name on that page.”

The Ziwei Golden Book is not unfamiliar to many strong people who live longer.

But for some young ordinary disciples, it was the first time to see such a golden book exuding a mighty atmosphere.

At this time, the elders of Eternal Sanctuary spoke to these holy land disciples to encourage their growth.

“The Golden Book of Ziwei, finally here.”

At this moment, Xiao Qinger saw the appearance of the Ziwei golden book, and finally a gleam of light flashed in her bright eyes.

She was waiting for this time.

The chief holy scripture of Eternal Sanctuary.

Whether it’s climbing Emperor Mountain or choosing a protector, she has no way to intervene.

But when the Ziwei Golden Book appears, it’s okay!

Everyone knows.

The title of the Golden Book of Peerless Tianjiao, the more the name is forward, the more the crape myrtle star luck will be obtained.

With the appearance of the Ziwei golden book countless times, many Tianjiao gradually discovered some ways to make their own names move forward again when the golden book was inscribed.

That is

Gather momentum!

After the Ziwei golden book appeared, the more one’s spirit and energy peaked, the name on the Ziwei golden book would rise!

And since ancient times, for practitioners, the best way to gather momentum has been – war!

Gather in battle!

Sublimation in battle!

Therefore, when the Ziwei Golden Book appears, many Tianjiao will even take the initiative to invite the strong, gather the general trend, and increase the ranking on the Ziwei Golden Book!

Of course, this is not without risk!

If once defeated, not only will the Ziwei Golden Book leave, but even the name he left in the Ziwei Golden Book will be plundered by the victors!

Throughout the ages, the Ziwei Golden Book has appeared countless times, and many Tianjiao have been ruined for being too self-confident!

This is a double-edged sword!

Only those who are extremely confident will gather momentum when the golden book appears!

“Today, I will defeat you with my own hands…

“Let you taste the despair.”

Xiao Qing’er looked at Yang Hao, who was under the spotlight, with very serious eyes.

Regardless of whether Shaking Light will invite all parties, she will challenge Yang Hao to completely end his legend and ruin him.

Yang Hao watched the Ziwei golden book fall at this time, he was also a little expectant.

“I don’t know what benefits it will bring if I can enjoy the luck of the crape myrtle star.”

“Try it and see where I can leave my name on the golden book.

He naturally knew the magic of the Ziwei golden book, and was already waiting for the Ziwei golden book to fall.

Although everyone has different thoughts, in fact, it only took a short breath of time from the appearance of the golden book of Ziwei to flying to Emperor Mountain.

Endless golden light blooms from the huge pages of the golden book of Ziwei.

Soon, under everyone’s attention, the huge pages of the Ziwei Golden Book were completely shattered with the golden light!

No, it is not so much broken, it is better to say that the golden book of Ziwei is spread on the top of Emperor Mountain!

Qin Sheng

Yangming Road


The densely packed names appeared in everyone’s sight.

From top to bottom, from left to right, it is the name of the most enchanting Tianjiao since ancient times, from the date of the birth of the golden book of Ziwei.

Just scan it randomly, and a full four-digit name appears!

The great star of Ziwei has been born for endless years, and it is naturally not only that can be qualified to be titled in the gold book of Ziwei!

But there is a lack of yin and sunny, and there is also life and death.

If it has fallen, or it has been written by someone for luck, then naturally it will no longer be on the gold book of Ziwei!

There are also accidents!

The taboos that appeared at the forefront were almost all saints and emperors!

Once a sage is proclaimed, no matter whether he falls or not, his name will be permanently engraved on the golden book of Ziwei!

Because after becoming a sage, instead of enjoying the luck of crape myrtle, I started to feed back to the great star of crape myrtle, so that the luck of crape myrtle was enhanced!

Above the sages, nature exists forever!

“The star of Ziwei, forty-nine emperors from ancient times to the present.”

Yang Hao looked at the sky full of golden characters swaying, his heart swayed, and he yearned happily.

He once understood the legends of the various emperors of the Ziwei big star, saying that he can recognize the first forty-nine people on the Ziwei golden book, and all of them are the names of the emperors!

“The ranking on the Ziwei Golden Book is not eternally fixed.

“For example, many emperors were before becoming emperors, and they were not always ranked as high in the gold book of Ziwei.”

“As the strength becomes stronger, or you get an adventure, the ranking above the Jinshu will be higher.

“At the same time, the crape myrtle star aura blessings that oneself can get will also increase one after another.”

“The strong are always strong, this is the truth.”

“The stronger, the more vigorous the luck, and then the momentum will become stronger and stronger!”

“Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to have a high position on the Ziwei Golden Book at first.”

Yang Hao looked at the name on the golden book of Ziwei, his eyes glowed.


“I, Yang Hao, leave my name on the golden book, and enjoy the luck of crape myrtle.”

His tone was indifferent and confident, and a spiritual force surged out towards the endless golden letters on the sky.


Numerous golden streamers shimmered in the sky, and the spiritual power that Yang Hao sacrificed gradually turned into golden light.

Then, the two flashed “.” The golden characters of “Yang Hao”, like a fish and dragon entering the sea, jumped into the golden sea of ​​the golden book of crape myrtle!

“Holy Son of Shaking Light, the golden book is named, where will it stay?,

“Although Holy Son of Shaking Light is just a prince now, his talent is too terrifying, at least in the top 1,000.”

“It’s hard to say, who can leave a name in the Jinshu, which one is not the real Tianjiao?”

Everyone stared intently at the golden ocean, Yang Hao, two big golden characters, went upstream and kept moving forward.

Two thousand.

Fifteen thousand.

In the blink of an eye, he entered the top one thousand!

It hasn’t stopped!

“This is a posture to enter the top five hundred.”

“The Chief Holy Son of this Eternal Sanctuary is too fierce. I remember that the Holy Son of the last Tianquan only reached more than 700. After the gathering, it only reached more than 600.”

“It’s horrible, it seems that Holy Son of Shaking Light should be the strongest arrogant in this decade, there is no suspense.”

Seeing Yang Hao’s name rushing forward, everyone was not only unexpected, but also reasonable.

A peerless Tianjiao with the appearance of a great emperor, if the ranking is too low, the contrary is not reasonable.

“Hao’er’s ranking should eventually stop at more than 400.”

“Also enough.”

“Everyone in the front is a sage (who obtained Zhao’s) power, and many of them are no longer in the world.”

At this time, Jiang Wu’s beautiful eyes flickered, watching Yang Hao’s name start to slow down after entering the top five hundred.

Sure enough, in the end Yang Hao’s name stayed at 463!

“Old Sage was only 485, his record was broken.”

“The strongest Tianjiao in 100,000 years!”

“The luck hasn’t fallen down yet, Holy Son of Shaking Light doesn’t know if it will stop there, or it will start a battle!”

“It’s too risky. Although he was listed as the fifth Tianjiao by Tiantong Holy Land, he has the record of beheading Dongbo Holy Son, but who knows whether it is a trick?”

“In my opinion, it is enough now.

A strong man looked at the name of Yang Hao in the golden light and kept talking.

What they say is the strongest. Naturally, it is not combat power, but potential.

In their opinion, if you change to be yourself, you will definitely be satisfied and will no longer ask for risks.

“Today, my gold book is titled.”

“Can someone fight me and help me get to the next level?”

The accident happened, but Yang Hao’s faint smile sounded.

How could he satisfy his current position?

Yang Hao said while looking at the direction where Xiao Qinger was.

“At least I have to grab another part of the protagonist’s luck.” Yun,

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