Chapter 106 Three years, don’t you bully the young and poor? (5/7, please customize)

Yang Hao had noticed Xiao Qing’er a long time ago.

If he is Xiao Qing’er, if he is changing places, can he bear it?

At this time when everyone is watching and showing off.

Although Yang Hao doesn’t know Xiao Qing’er’s strength now, which one of the protagonists is simple?

If it were Xiao Qing’er, she would definitely step out and fight him.

He now has the foundation and is extremely confident, even if he is the protagonist, he is not half afraid.

On the contrary, he is not satisfied with the ranking on the Ziwei golden book at the moment.

He wants to rise, stepping on the protagonist’s luck, and climbing again!

“Holy Son of Shaking Light has broken history and is not satisfied. He is the strongest prince against the sky in 100,000 years. I am the king against the sky. If you fight against him, you can’t be regarded as bullying the small, right?

“If I can defeat the Holy Son of Shaking Light, I will get his luck on the golden book of Ziwei. I am a mighty, he has killed a mighty, should be able to fight with him, whether to offend he?”

“It’s so tempting, Chief Holy Son of the Princely rank

When Yang Hao spoke, in fact, many evildoers were tempted.

Although they are not princely ranks, on the contrary, some are kings and some are powerful. Although these demons are higher than Yang Hao by one or two realms, they are all about to move.

Without him, Yang Hao’s ranking on the Ziwei Golden Book is too high!

If Yang Hao is defeated, everything will become the wedding dress of others.


“If Shaking Light is powerful, I can consider stepping out of the first battle.

“But my realm is too much, if I walk out, I will definitely be killed by Jiang Wu.

“And in this scene, it is impossible to kill Shaking Light.

Even Lin Feng was staring at Man Tian Jinmang with some thoughts in his heart, but he was extremely calm when it came to matters that did not involve Jiang Wu, and he decisively chose to give up.

“Tianshu, you are still the king, and you are not on the golden book.”

“Go ahead.

“Start Shaking Light.”

“Afterwards, the Holy Land will compensate you.”

At this time, an old monster in Eternal Sanctuary casually ordered a giant beside him.


The reticent Tianshu looked at the radiant Holy Son of Shaking Light in everyone’s eyes, and a complex expression flashed in his eyes.

He used to look down on Shaking Light at all, and he didn’t even bother to take a look with his straight eyes.

But I didn’t expect that in just a few short years, this waste that I had never looked down upon would rise up miraculously, crushed all the way, and became the Chief Holy Son of the Holy Land.

Now, even he, who was once optimistic about him, thinks that after Tianquan has achieved great power, he can compete with Yuheng Holy Son to grab the position of Chief Holy Son. He needs to become the stepping stone of Shaking Light and help him go further. .

Even though Tianshu’s personality is calm, he is still a little sad at this moment.

But even so, Tianshu still walked out slowly, ready to challenge Shaking Light, and then defeated.

The people present had different thoughts. In fact, they went from the title of Yang Hao’s golden book to the invitation to fight, but only a short time passed.

“Yang Hao, do you remember me?”

When Tianshu was about to step out, he heard a cold voice.

“Xiao Qing’er!”

Many spectators looked at the source of the sound. A stunning girl in a long red dress walked out with a firm face after Yang Hao’s voice hadn’t passed for a long time.

Ignoring many gazes, she flies through the sky and slowly walks towards Yang Hao.

Today is the day of her revenge!

She wants to let Yang Hao fall into the abyss and ruin when Yang Hao is shining and everyone is watching!

Different from the many people present here have different minds.

Her thoughts are pure!

Thirty years of Hedong! Thirty years of Hexi!

Don’t bully the young man!

She still remembers how Yang Hao humiliated her that year!

Today, she is going to thoroughly prove it to Yang Hao. He had eyes but no beads at the beginning, and dogs looked down on people!

Therefore, Xiao Qing’er didn’t want to wait any longer!

She doesn’t have the patience to wait for one challenger after another to fight Yang Hao!

The time has come, as she is today, she has enough strength to defeat Yang Hao!

Watching Xiao Qing’er walk out, the eyes of many powerful people who knew the past of the two became extremely interesting.

The divorced fiancee walks out at the moment when the Holy Son of Shaking Light gathers.

If there is no hatred, how can this be?

“It is you.

Yang Hao smiled and he looked at Xiao Qing’er who was coming.

The red cover, the fiery red and white skin set off each other, making her temperament more outstanding, this is clearly a peerless beauty.

“The previous Holy Son of Shaking Light, the vision is really bad.”

Some helpless feelings again, the protagonist of the retired stream talked about beauty, and in what he saw, only the aunt could compare with it, even the Youlan Saintess was only among the uncles.

In his memory, the former Holy Son of Shaking Light actually looked down on Xiao Qing’er, belittling the opponent’s low talent, and was far behind him.

As a result, Xiao Qing’er has now awakened the divine body and cast an unparalleled foundation, ranking eighteenth on the list of Tianjiao.

This is only three years of practice.

If there is more time, it is impossible to say that Xiao Qing’er can go madly forward again and reach a higher level.

Such a visionless, brain-disabled villain would not be surprised if Fang Lie beheaded if it hadn’t happened to come by himself.

“Calculating the time, it happens to be three years, which is really a coincidence.”

In her eyes, Xiao Qing’er came barefoot, with a divine fire ignited behind her, her aura became stronger and stronger, and her fighting spirit had exploded.

Heavenly Fire God Body!

A terrifying divine body has already followed Xiao Qing’er (bcdb), and it has reached its peak!

Seeing Yang Hao recognize herself, she didn’t speak any more!

Talking more is not helpful!

Only when Yang Hao is completely suppressed, can she be shameless!

Compared with Xiao Qing’er’s surging fighting spirit, Yang Hao still behaved very calmly. He looked at Xiao Qing’er’s beautiful shadow and suddenly remembered.

“It seems to be exactly three years now.”

Yang Hao was dumb, this coincided with his unintentional guess that day.

It can only be said that there is providence in the dark.

“In that case.”

“I can only push the boat along the water and completely suppress you, and let you realize that your talent is really inferior to me.”

Yang Hao chuckled softly and said inwardly.

next moment.

Reincarnation Dao Fetus Divine Body, squeezing out!

His whole body also exudes a towering breath like a mountain!

Almost instantly, he suppressed Xiao Qing’er’s terrifying aura that had ignited the divine fire!

“So strong.

Xiao Qing’er’s face changed slightly.

She usually encounters enemies, and she only needs to show the power of the divine body to make many opponents break down.

Unexpectedly, the enemy she hated was directly pressing the divine body with the divine body, and directly overwhelming her divine body, so that she could taste this kind of taste in turn!

“Even so.

“Your cultivation base is still a little lower.”

“Yang Hao, take the move.”

Xiao Qing’er was fighting fiercely inside, and saw her Jade Sovereign Hall turned over!

Suddenly, a cyan sacred fire appeared in her palm!

Above the other jade hand, another white sacred fire appeared!

It’s just that these two sacred fires surging out, making the entire world become endlessly hot!

“Kill the array.

“God’s anger.”

The two divine fires in Xiao Qing’er’s hand were merged by her!

Countless runes of all things surged, forming a mysterious and endless infinite killing array!

“The King of Heaven Defying!

“It’s just that Xiao Qing’er, the eighteenth on the Tianjiao list, is even higher than the cultivation base of Holy Son of Shaking Light!

“What kind of killing formation is this, what a terrible power!”

“That is Tianxin Qingyan! If I remember correctly, it should be the inheritance fire left by the Qinglian sage, comparable to the extremely gods!”

“The other one, if you read it correctly, is Netherworld Lengyan. It is even better than Tianxin Qingyan in terms of mighty power. I didn’t expect Xiao Qing’er to be able to collect such gods!”

“Only her Skyfire Divine Body can control these two divine fires at the same time to form a killing formation.

“Even if you can sense this kind of breath, I’m afraid you have to turn around and run away!”

A strong person looked at Xiao Qing’er’s evolution of the supreme killing array, and made a judgment almost instantly.

They have a lot of knowledge and knowledge. With a word of you, a word of mine, you can see through the foundation of Xiao Qinger’s supreme killing array a lot!

Because of this, they all shook one after another!

Xiao Qing’er had reached the rank of the Heaven-defying King silently! She also evolved an unprecedented Divine Fire Killing Array with the supreme divine object!

No wonder Xiao Qing’er can become the eighteenth on the Tianjiao list!

When seeing Xiao Qing’er displaying the wrath of God to kill the formation, many people secretly squeezed a sweat for the Holy Son of Shaking Light.

How will Holy Son of Shaking Light deal with Xiao Qinger’s terrifying killing array?

Will he lose?

Many people originally thought that although Xiao Qing’er was also an evildoer, it was much worse than Yang Hao, so he should have little chance of winning.

But now many people have changed their views.

An unimaginable Heaven-defying King has the advantage of a great realm to crush the Holy Son of Shaking Light, who is only the Heaven-defying Prince.

The outcome is unpredictable!


But at this moment, a chuckle came.

“If this is the case, then you are not qualified to challenge me.”

Yang Hao’s calm voice came.

In the next moment, everyone watched Xiao Qing’er’s God’s Fury Killing Array with incomparably shocked arrival on Yang Hao, who was unavoidable.

The result is beyond everyone’s imagination!.

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