Chapter 104 Two hundred years of the Holy Lord, after all, it is too boring (3/7, please customize)

Yang Hao was a little puzzled when he heard Jiang Wu’s words.

He wondered how Jiang Wu would resolve the matter.

Is it directly suppressed?

If it was an ordinary time, with Jiang Wu’s strength, he would naturally be able to dominate.

But now, those vying to become his guardians are old monsters, and there are many powerful ancient sages among them.

Although confused in his heart, Yang Hao didn’t say much.

He believed that since Jiang Wu said this, he would naturally have his own solution.

Therefore, Yang Hao at this moment did not speak again, but chose to remain silent, watching Jiang Wu slowly walk towards Emperor Mountain from a distance.

Jiang Wu’s pace is not fast, but he has a mysterious aura.

As she walked slowly, her voice gradually subsided.

“After what you said, I feel a little tired.”

“The two-hundred-year saint master’s career is still a bit boring after all.”

Jiang Wu chuckled lightly, his eyes swept across a group of old monsters, and then looked around the audience. Rarely, he said lazily: “In this case, this seat feels that the saint master is inferior to the protector, the protector More interesting.”

“Since Hao’er wants to make this seat his guardian.”

“That’s not as good as the Great Elder, the position of the Holy Lord is given to you, right?”

Her eyes frivolously at the dazed elder in the crowd.

The voice fell to the ground and set off a storm!

Since some people questioned that the Holy Lord could not act as a protector.

Jiang Wu meant to directly abandon the position of the Holy Master of this Eternal Sanctuary and choose to become the protector of Shaking Light!

“This, how is this possible!”

“This is the position of the Holy Lord of the Eternal Sanctuary! As long as you are in the position of the Holy Lord, you can enjoy the Eternal Sanctuary fortune and endless resources. Is Holy Lord Jiang crazy?”

“Someone chooses the latter between the position of the saint master and the protector of the path. Saint Master Jiang is so sure that the Holy Son of Shaking Light will become the emperor?”

Unbelievable voices resounded.

No one thought that someone would abandon the position of the Holy Lord in order to become a protector!

Not worth it at all!

Jiang Wu’s words caused great waves.

Everyone feels that the Holy Lord is going crazy!

“Holy Lord, think twice.

The elder took a deep breath, and at this moment slowly said to the holy lord.

“Holy Lord Jiang, don’t be impulsive.”

“Without the position of the Holy Lord, it will be difficult for you to attack the sages.”

“Indeed, and in the posture of Shaking Light, only sages are qualified to be his protectors.

The supreme beings of other holy places have all spoken out to persuade them.

They can’t understand Jiang Wu’s behavior at all!



But when she heard Jiang Wu heard the words, she said lazily again: “I am already there.”

The voice fell to the ground, and a terrifying coercion suddenly broke out from her body.

This coercion traverses the sky and falls under the nine heavens, like a tsunami.

For an instant.

Many auras were suppressed by Jiang Wu’s agitation.

Even some ancient sages who had just walked out and washed out their own breath were directly overthrown by Jiang Wu’s breath!

“This is the supreme aura of a sage!”

“How is it possible? How old is Holy Lord Jiang?”

“I remember that two hundred years ago, when Holy Lord Jiang became the Eternal Sanctuary, he was clearly in the realm of quasi-sage!”

“It only took two hundred years to cross the two realms from the quasi-sage to the sage?!”

“It’s no wonder she doesn’t miss the position of the Holy Lord! The Holy Land’s luck can no longer help her!”

Feeling the surging breath of Jiang Wu, many people were shocked.

Before Jiang Wu broke through to become a sage, only the old monsters of Eternal Sanctuary knew about it.

Therefore, just now they never talked about the realm of sages, but only talked about the rules of the sage.

But who would have thought that Jiang Wu would be so crisp and neat?

“What’s the matter, Yaowu Jiang has already broken through to the realm of sages at this time?”


“Even after a hundred years, Jiang Wu is still in the realm of a saint.”

“Something went wrong in the middle.

In the distance, Lin Feng was pressured by the sages released by Jiang Wu, and the oppression was faltering.

But he couldn’t control so much at this moment, instead, he set off a stormy sea in his heart.

None of this is right.

There is too much deviation from the memory before his rebirth!

Where did it go wrong?!

However, at this moment, no one cares about an ordinary little elder in the Holy Land of Good Fortune.

They were all immersed and shocked and couldn’t extricate themselves!

Jiang Wu, become a sage!

In this world, there is another strongest person with terrifying combat power!

And at this time, everyone found that as Jiang Wu showed off the strength of the sage, and decisively prepared to resign from the position of the Holy Lord, there was no excuse to prevent Jiang Wu from becoming the protector of Shaking Light.

“Holy Lord”

At this time, Yang Hao’s voice sounded.

He was also extremely shocked at the moment, and never thought that his aunt would directly abandon the position of the Holy Lord for him.

“Is this her solution?”

“It’s as simple and rude as ever, unexpectedly.”

Yang Hao was moved in his heart. Even if Auntie has broken through the saints, it does not mean that the position of the saint is really as useless as those people said.

But he didn’t say more.

Since he agreed to hand the matter to her, he would not object to it.

“Call Auntie, don’t call it the Holy Lord.”

Jiang Wu heard Yang Hao’s voice, but responded with a smile.

“Jiang Shou, since you don’t want it.

“The seat of the holy lord, you can grab it yourself.”

“According to the rules of the Holy Land, for a hundred years, whoever can survive the seven calamities of heaven and man will be the new Holy Lord.

Jiang Wu’s voice came up again, but it made Great Elder Jiang Shou’s expression change.

He didn’t say that he didn’t want the position of the Holy Lord!

But he heard the meaning of Jiang Wu’s words, and immediately laughed bitterly.

The Great Elder suddenly understood that Jiang Wu was mostly teasing himself before.

It is so easy to become the Holy Lord of Eternal Sanctuary.

Since ancient times, only after passing the test left by the Eternal Sanctuary, the seven calamities of heaven and man, can he become the Holy Lord.

“Since the Holy Lord insists on this.

“Then after today, Holy Lord Jiang will temporarily take the position of Holy Lord.”

“Within a hundred years, a new Holy Lord will emerge from the Holy Land.

The ancestor Minghuo walked out and said calmly.

He is a direct disciple of Emperor Dutian. He has an extremely high seniority and has seen too many ups and downs.

At this moment, since Jiang Wu insisted on resigning from the position of Holy Lord, it was really appropriate for him to step out of the mouth and finalize the sound.

“After today, this saint is the protector of Shaking Light.”

“Ordinary experience fighting and fighting, this saint doesn’t care.

“But if anyone has a murderous heart against Shaking Light, the saint will never die.”

As the words of the ancestor of the dark fire landed, Jiang Wu spoke again, his tone indifferent with endless sharpness.

All the strong men who came to watch the ceremony at this moment were shocked.

They could feel Jiang Wu’s killing intent.

Today’s developments are really too twists and turns.

Who would have thought that Jiang Wu, a mad woman, would not even need the position of the Holy Lord in order to be the protector of Shaking Light?

Everyone was shocked.

Only Yang Hao felt the air fortune between him and Jiang Wu in the dark, as if they were connected together.

Obviously, without the suppression of the position of the Eternal Sanctuary, Jiang Wu had an inseparable connection with him as a protector of the Tao.

“In that case, let my luck overwhelm the benefits that the Holy Master has brought to the aunt.

“In this way, it’s natural to lose money.

Yang Hao looked at Auntie and smiled confidently.

Jiang Wu naturally felt that the qi and luck between Yang Hao and Yang Hao were intertwined.

She also chuckled back, everything seemed to be silent.

Yang Hao chose to protect the Taoist, and as Jiang Wu walked out, the dust settled.

Whether it is the old monsters of Eternal Sanctuary or the visitors, although they are particularly shocked, they can only choose to accept them.

Only Lin Feng was angry in his eyes.

“how so?”

“Ginger and Shao 167 are definitely tricky.”

“Shaking Light, must die!”

“He is dead, everything will be back on track!’

Lin Feng watched Yang Hao and Jiang Wu look at each other, jealousy and killing intent surged.

[Because “I was jealous, and got 30,000 points.][Because “I was jealous, and got 30,000 points.][Received 30,000 points for “intent to kill.]

At this moment, Yang Hao raised his eyebrows suddenly and sensed the information that suddenly jumped out of the system’s income record.

“My aunt just let go of her cruel words, and there are still people who are intent on killing me.

“who is it?”

He wandered around, looking around.

In the end, his gaze stayed on Xiao Qing’er beside Lan Saint Body.

“Xiao Qing’er?”

“She wants to kill me, she can understand.”

“But what do I be jealous of?”

Yang Hao glanced at Xiao Qing’er in surprise.

At this moment, Xiao Qing’er’s eyes coincidentally met him.

“This guy!”

Xiao Qing’er gave birth to extremely complex emotions.

She was also shocked just now, there will be so many terrifying ancient sages, each of them is stronger than her master!

And these ancient sages, in order to become the guardians of Shaking Light, they almost fought here!

I didn’t expect things to develop in an even more incredible direction!

Yang Hao, this guy didn’t choose one, instead he chose the Immortal Lord!

As a result, the Holy Lord of Eternal Sanctuary, in order to become the protector of Shaking Light, resolutely broke out the strength of the sage, and abandoned the position of the Holy Lord!

Is this crazy?

“What is so good about this bad-tempered guy?”

Xiao Qing’er can’t understand it!

Right now.

Outside the sky, a golden light came towards Emperor Mountain.

That is a huge golden book of gods!

ps: It’s gone tonight.

In addition, under the spoiler, the foreshadowing is so obvious. Whom will the position of the Holy Lord ultimately fall to, no need to explain it?.

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