There is information about J City and Luoxin District, but there is no information about Guideng Temple and there is no mark on the map.

I guess it's a very small temple, or a temple that has closed down a long time ago?

Senior Song, can you lend me your computer? I'll look for information myself, and Senior Beisan in the group might also have news! Yurouzi said suddenly.

Song Shuhang nodded, first clicked to log out of his chat account, and then turned sideways to give up his seat.

Yurouzi smiled sweetly, sat on her seat, and logged into her chat account skillfully.

There was still no response from Beihe Loose in the group. It was rare that this senior had been offline for so long. Shuhang thought that the other party was a real strong man who was online 24 hours a day.

Yurouzi was a little disappointed, closed the chat window, and then searched the Luoxin neighborhood and all the temple information there on the computer. She also speculated that the Ghost Lantern Temple no longer existed, or had its name changed?

Song Shuhang watched for a while and suddenly remembered that his and Soft Yu's mobile phones were both out of battery.

Soft Yu, please give me your mobile phone. I have a universal charging interface here, which can be fully charged in about an hour. Song Shuhang said.

Thank you, senior! Rouzi Yu quickly took out her cell phone and handed it to Shuhang.

Shuhang took it and took his cell phone with him to charge.

The moment Shuhang turned around, Yurouzi's hands bounced quickly on the keyboard, snap, snap, snap... with great hand speed. At that moment, her hand speed APM was at least 900+! If you were to become a professional competitive player with this kind of hand speed, you would be able to surpass other great players in various genres.

On the computer, windows pop up and close one after another quickly; web pages are opened and refreshed one after another.

Soon, a boy’s information was retrieved.

A half-length photo of Song Shuhang grinning broadly, with his personal information on the side.

Song Shuhang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, Class 43, Department 19, School of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing.

Then a window popped up quickly, which was Song Shuhang's class schedule.

The next thing that pops up is...Professor Ren Shui from the Monday afternoon class.

He was a very young, promising and handsome professor. Gao Zi is tall and tall, wearing black-rimmed glasses and always has a soft smile on his lips. He is the kind of man who can attract the hearts of young girls just standing there.

Everything...happens only in an instant.

After getting the desired information, Yurouzi quickly closed all the pages that popped up on the computer.

Courses that have been scheduled for a long time will certainly not be canceled at will, but there are always many accidents in the world - for example, the teacher in charge of the class was hit by a car and injured his foot, stepped on the air and sprained his foot, accidentally fell off the bed and sprained his foot, and was injured by a child. The dog bit me and hurt my foot...etc., etc. In short, I was hospitalized with various sprained feet. As a result, tomorrow afternoon's class should be suspended or postponed for a few days, right?

This is what Yu Rouzi thought in her heart. She thought her idea was great, and secretly praised herself in her heart.


On the other side, there is a teacher's apartment more than ten kilometers away.

Teacher Renshui, who was playing with his daughter, shivered for some reason and then sneezed several times. He rubbed his nose: Is there another student girl who misses the handsome teacher Ben?

This man is handsome but has troubles. He has already married and started a career.


After Yurouzi closed the webpage, she quietly turned her head and looked at Song Shuhang. When she found that he was still plugging in the mobile phone cord next door to charge, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like she was causing trouble behind her elders' back.

At the same time, after checking a lot of information, she instinctively felt...Senior Song, how come the more you read, the more you feel like he is just an ordinary person?

She recalled Shuhang's words when they first met: You can call me Xiao Song or Shuhang, but please don't call me senior. ’

Is it that Senior Song’s ‘experience in the world’ of martial arts is too advanced, or is she misunderstanding it?

After closing all the pages, Yurouzi moved her fingers.

Then, her eyes fell on an open notebook next to the computer. Above are the names of a dazzling array of medicinal materials, which are the simplified version of the body-tempering liquid prescription that the pharmacist sent to the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Shuhang copied it down and wanted to take it back to his cousin Zhao Yaya for study. However, there are no fresh Bawangzhi, Jiuyang Red Flame Bamboo, Morning Dew Xuancao and other medicinal materials that are full of the second grade.

Senior Song is also studying this recipe? Yu Rouzi thought to herself.

But she soon discovered that the prescriptions copied by Song Shuhang seemed incomplete? Why did the senior only copy down simple common medicinal materials?

Why not add medicinal materials such as Qinglu Xuancao?

Wait, does Senior Song still want to make improvements based on Senior Pharmacist's prescription? Further reduce the cost of refining body quenching fluid?

Thinking of this, Rouzi Yu's eyes suddenly brightened.

Coincidentally, when Song Shuhang turned around and came back, he saw Soft Yu staring at the notepad - no, what was written on it was the recipe for the second disease!

This time, yellow mud really fell into my crotch, it was either shit or shit. Yurouzi definitely thought that she was one of her kind, a patient of the second level of Xianxia Chuan.

Sure enough, Yu Rouzi asked a question that seemed to Shuhang to be full of aura: Senior, are you also studying senior pharmacist's recipe? How many recipes can you successfully make at one time?

Yurouzi asked happily, and at the same time, she had the mentality of asking her seniors for advice.

She tried the elixir provided by the senior pharmacist several times, but because she couldn't master the fire control technique, she only succeeded three times out of ten. She likes to make alchemy very much, but she has no talent at all.

If other cultivators saw such a waste of medicinal materials, they would definitely drown her with saliva. However, she has a powerful and wealthy father. This waste of medicinal materials for body quenching fluid is just a sprinkling of water on Lingdie Island.

I didn't practice. Song Shuhang burst into tears, and he was indeed regarded as a fellow disciple.

Why? Could it be that Senior Song wants to improve upon Senior Medicine Master's recipe? Yu Rouzi's eyes lit up and she said excitedly.

... Song Shuhang was silent. He originally wanted to answer directly that he might refine this strange secondary elixir. But seeing Yurouzi's shining eyes, he felt embarrassed to hit this girl.

So after thinking for a long time, he came up with an honest answer: Actually, it's because it's not convenient for me to find medicinal materials here. Due to various complicated reasons, I don't have any medicinal materials on hand, so... I have no chance to practice it at all.

He was telling the truth. Apart from the mythical names of the medicinal materials recorded in the prescription, the combined price of the other medicinal materials was not a small amount. You must know that the prices of precious medicinal materials such as ginseng are calculated based on two dollars.

As a student, he couldn't afford it at all, even if he sold his kidney!

Ah? I'm sorry, senior, it turns out that's the reason. Yurouzi nodded, feeling happy at the same time!

Although I don’t know why Senior Song doesn’t even have the basic medicinal materials for body quenching on hand, there are mountains of such medicinal materials on Lingdie Island!

Senior, after I go back, I will send you two boxes of medicinal materials as a thank you gift! Yurouzi said - this was the reward she planned to give to Shuhang. Anyway, she decided to let Shuhang help her find the Ghost Lantern Temple.

Two boxes of medicinal materials, what a domineering statement.

Translated into more intuitive words: Senior, let me send you two boxes of ginseng as a thank you gift.

If you think the above translation is not straightforward enough, then take a look at this translation: Senior, let me send you two boxes of gold bars as a thank you gift!

The value of the medicinal materials Yu Rouzi wants to send is definitely several times higher than gold.

It's a pity that Song Shuhang doesn't know the value of the two boxes of medicinal materials mentioned by Yu Rouzi now, otherwise he would have knelt down to the rich man!

When Song Shuhang thought about it, the two boxes of medicinal materials were probably all kinds of strange things, right? At least it won't be something expensive. So he joked: Then I'd like to thank you first. Also, do you have a ticket booking account on EMU?

Yu Rouzi shook her head. Whether it was booking air tickets or bus tickets, she didn't need to book them herself. Her family has many servants and disciples working for Lingdie Island.

Then please give me your ID card, and I will use my account number to book a ticket for you later. Song Shuhang said.

Okay! Yu Rouzi obediently handed over her ID card, and then said: Senior Song, can I go to the balcony and take a look?

Don't be so formal, just feel free to do it. Song Shuhang said with a smile, what a nice and polite girl, but it's a pity that she is in the second grade.

Yurouzi smiled shyly, walked quickly to the balcony, and looked outside the house.

The balcony faces east, facing the wide road and the school garden without obstructions. So even though it's only the second floor, the view is extremely broad.

Yurouzi first glanced at Song Shuhang cautiously, and then secretly cast a small spell to block energy fluctuations around her to cover her next movements and avoid being sensed by 'Senior Song'.

When she was ready, she quietly took out two contact lenses from her pocket and put them on.

Don't underestimate these two things, this is a magic weapon refined by the novices of Lord Lingdie - if you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level!

The name is a bit long, this is an upgraded and enhanced version of clairvoyance.

Once the lenses are put on, just as the poem says, one's vision can be lifted to high altitudes, and one can look down on the earth with God's vision.

This is a well-thought-out work by a father who knows that his daughter can easily get lost, in order to allow his daughter to find the correct path by looking down when she can't recognize the direction. Full of fatherly love.

It is said that the daughter was her father's lover in his previous life, and this is indeed true.

If it were his son, Venerable Lingdie would never have such good intentions - a dignified man is still lost, wouldn't it be embarrassing to say it? If you can't find the road, why don't you remove the things blocking the road and head straight towards your destination? Going forward bravely is the romance of a man!

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Yu Rouzi used the magic weapon's divine vision to quickly locate the teachers' apartment at Jiangnan University. After checking the information, I successfully identified the tall teacher Ren Shui who wore black-rimmed glasses and sent a private message.

At this time, the innocent teacher Ren Shui... was taking a nap with her daughter who had just turned six months old.

Because taking a nap with your daughter can easily make some gentlemen think wrong, so you must, must, include your daughter's age! Again, for the record, this is a daughter who has just turned six months old!

Everything went so smoothly, like divine help!

Found it! Yu Rouzi was overjoyed, and then she clasped her hands together: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I will definitely make it up to you afterwards, but now please make sure you sprain your foot and go to the hospital!

Between her folded palms, there was a golden talisman flickering. Things like charms are basically disposable consumables, but there are also some high-end items that can be used repeatedly.

The one in Yurouzi's hand is undoubtedly a high-end product.

Only a second-generation cultivator like Yu Rouzi, who has a jealous father, would waste such high-grade talismans like this.

Advanced spells are not easy to make. Although they can be used repeatedly, they are also limited in quantity. Use them once and you will lose one. When ordinary cultivators get a high-level spell, they have to count it on their fingers and use it on the knife's edge!

The ability of the golden talisman is activated under the control of Yurouzi.

In the distant teacher's apartment.

Ren Shui Laoshi was in a daze when he was suddenly pushed by a force and fell off the bed.

Unfortunately, his foot was at an angle that could easily be sprained.


Click, there was a sound of something twisting.

Hiss! Teacher Renshui woke up from the pain, grunting and sweating, and his sprained heel quickly became red and swollen. But in order not to wake up his lovely sleeping daughter, he grasped the quilt with his fingers, gritted his teeth and swallowed the screams - pitiful parents in the world.

Teacher Renshui gritted his teeth and quickly rubbed his heels with his hands, obviously very experienced. This level of sprain is not yet serious enough to require hospitalization. Apply some safflower oil and sleep, and you will be cute again the next day.

After rubbing it for a while, Teacher Renshui stood up on one foot, supported the wall and moved to the refrigerator, ready to get safflower oil and ice cubes for a cold compress.

But... Yurouzi's spell is not over yet, her goal is to send this poor teacher to the hospital!

Teacher Renshui thought he just accidentally fell out of bed and sprained his ankle. He didn't know that there was a mysterious force that would force him to twist his foot to the point where he would be hospitalized. So he didn't know how dangerous it was to jump forward with one foot on the wall - this way of moving forward was undoubtedly very suitable for another sprain.

Teacher Renshui was dancing, but suddenly he jumped into the air.

Click, this time it was the sound of fracture... The other intact foot was fractured. More seriously injured than before.

Hiss! Teacher Renshui suddenly fell to the ground, eyes wide open, gasping in pain, this time tears of pain came out - the man did not shed tears easily, just because he was not at the sad point.

He looked at a sprained and broken leg, and his eyes immediately became moist.

But he had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky.

After cooling off for a while, he carefully took out his cell phone and called his wife, asking for support. His wife is also a tutor at Jiangnan University.

Because his daughter was here, he could not directly call 120 for the hospital. He had to wait until his wife came back and someone would take care of their daughter before taking him to the hospital.

After hearing her husband's story about the sprained two feet experience, Teacher Renshui's wife was worried and a little funny at the same time.

After hurriedly asking for leave from one class, she rushed home...

After Teacher Renshui ended the call with his wife, he called the school again and asked for leave from three classes tomorrow afternoon. As both of his legs were injured, there was a 100% chance that he would be hospitalized, so naturally he had to notify the school to arrange for him to adjust his classes.

Done. Yurouzi nodded with satisfaction and put away the golden talisman.

In this way, her goal was achieved.

Teacher Renshui asked for leave, and her class will be free tomorrow afternoon.

There are no classes tomorrow, and Song Shuhang will be free tomorrow.

When Shuhang is free, he can accompany her to J City.

You see, it's that simple!

The thing was done, Yu Rouzi was in a good mood.

After entering the house, she saw Song Shuhang ordering train tickets for her on the train website.

Senior Song, why don't you book one too. Maybe you won't have class tomorrow afternoon? Yu Rouzi leaned over and said softly.

Haha, if there are really no classes, I will order another one. Song Shuhang joked.

The words just fell.

Ding dong!

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