Suddenly, a piece of sonorous and powerful music sounded on the phone, and then the screen of the phone went dark.

Soft Yu raised her head again and looked at Song Shuhang, her watery eyes already filled with mist: Senior Song, your cell phone is out of battery.

Damn it, Song Shuhang then remembered that when he went out, his cell phone had only 6% battery. After being on standby for nearly three hours, I just connected to the Internet again, and the battery happened to be out of power.

After awkwardly picking up his cell phone, Shuhang asked, Soft Yu, are you in a hurry to go to Ghost Lantern Temple?

It's not a rush as far as time is concerned, but the sooner the better, and the later it takes, the better. Yu Rouzi's voice was still soft - if it were too late, her father would have come back from the house of Senior Crazy Blade Three Waves, and then They will take her back.

Yes, this was also the reason why she would deal with Kuangdao Sanlang in the group before.

If her father comes home, she can't sneak out.

Then, how about you come to the dormitory with me? Use the computer to check the route for you, and charge your mobile phone at the same time. But my dormitory is more than twenty minutes away, is that okay? Song Shuhang suggested.

Song Shuhang is a man who looks exactly the same on the outside. He has a kind face and is also a good old man at heart.

Therefore, there is really no way to leave Yurouzi aside. In fact, except for gays, how many men would ruthlessly abandon such a beauty.

Dorm? Is it a place where seniors live in seclusion? Yurouzi's eyes flashed: Twenty minutes' journey is no problem at all!

Then come with me? Song Shuhang tried to ask.

Rouzi Yu nodded vigorously, pulled up the huge suitcase and followed Shuhang closely.

What a good kidnapping girl. Song Shuhang felt a little melancholy in his heart. He always felt that he could abduct this girl with two lollipops.

There is a saying that goes like this, if men and women work together, the work will not be tiring.

It stands to reason that when men and women do things together, they will be more energetic. However... when Song Shuhang and Yu Rouzi walked for more than five minutes, he felt a little short of breath and tired.

He looked at Rouzi Yu next to him with a wry smile. The words of the sunny and handsome guy among the three buddies in the square came to Shuhang's mind: That beauty has such long legs and walks so fast. She can take several steps ahead of me with one step. I trotted all the way, but couldn't catch up at all.

Long legs are really good and have advantages! One step ahead of him, two steps ahead!

Rouzi Yu had already slowed down her pace as much as possible, but Shuhang still had to trot all the way. Isn’t this tiring?

Senior, you seem to be panting? Yurouzi looked at Shuhang doubtfully, shouldn't it be? It had only been more than five minutes of walking, how could a senior with advanced cultivation be out of breath?

Huh, walk slowly, don't be in a hurry. Song Shuhang adjusted his breathing.

Oh. Yu Rouzi nodded in understanding. She felt that something was wrong with this 'senior', as if his physical fitness was very poor.

But she is a sensible and good girl who pays attention to the interests of others. Since her senior didn't say anything, she would definitely not ask too much to avoid annoying others.

So she took the initiative to cooperate with Song Shuhang, shortening the span of her long legs to keep pace with Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang finally felt much more relaxed.

The two of them had left Luo Xin Street and were drifting apart.

Coincidentally, behind them, the three guys who rated various beautiful legs in the square also left Luoxin Street carrying large and small bags.

Huh? One hundred points, see another one hundred points! Fatty Axu pointed excitedly at Rouzi Yu's back.

The handsome sunny guy immediately cheered up: Where is she? I must catch up with her this time!

You have no chance. The short-haired man said lazily, She already has a man by her side.

The sunny man saw Song Shuhang next to Rouzi Yu and was immediately disappointed: The famous flower has its own owner, damn it!

Although the famous flower has its owner, the hoe is even more ruthless. As long as the hoe is wielded well, there is no need to worry about digging up the wall. Go ahead boldly! Ah Xu laughed.

I have no interest in being someone else's corner. The sunny man was unexpectedly full of limits on this point.

But suddenly, the sunny man stared at Song Shuhang's back: Hey, do you think that man looks familiar?

Well, it's normal for him to look familiar. Because when we were commenting on a 100-point girl in Luo Xin Square, he was sitting next to us. The short-haired man continued lazily.

... Fatty Ah Xu.

... Sunshine man.

He is sitting next to us, he is sitting next to us... These words echo endlessly in the ears of the sunny man.

The sunny man knelt down decisively: Is this the legendary God of Strategy?

The school dormitory is a very strange place. The girls' dormitory is a forbidden area for boys. If a boy dares to step beyond the boundaries, he will be punished by death.

But for girls, the boys' dormitory is like their own vegetable garden. They can go in and out whenever they want. So Song Shuhang didn't encounter any obstruction when he brought a girl to the dormitory.

In addition, because of Sunday, most students in the dormitory building went out to relax and have fun, or stayed in the dormitory to play games. When Shuhang came back with Rouzi Yu, he didn't attract too many people's attention.

Shuhang's dormitory is on the second floor, and the dormitory is equipped with an elevator. But people in their dormitory usually take the stairs. It's only on the first floor, so taking the stairs is much faster than taking the elevator.

Do you need me to help you carry your suitcase? Shuhang looked at the large suitcase held by Rouzi Yu. As a man, it was unavoidable for a woman to carry her luggage and bags.

Sorry for bothering you, senior. Soft Yu smiled shyly and pushed the big suitcase towards Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang saw Soft Yu pulling a big suitcase along the way, and even carried the suitcase when passing through some uneven areas, looking very relaxed.

Therefore, he subconsciously thought that the large suitcase should not be full and the weight should not be too heavy.

When he held the suitcase handle with his hand and lifted it up hard, his face turned red!

He mustered up all his strength to lift the suitcase a little higher, but what the hell - the suitcase weighed at least fifty or sixty kilograms, close to the weight of an adult man!

He stared at Rouzi Yu with wide eyes, staring at her soft and boneless hands. This girl is a hidden tomboy? Carrying a load of 120 to 30 kilograms along the way and walking like flying, without panting?

Do you still naively think that she is easy to kidnap? With her strength, anyone who wanted to kidnap her would have to prepare a coffin first.

Senior? Yu Rouzi looked at the senior in confusion.

Ahem! Let's take the elevator. Song Shuhang quickly decided - he would have no problem carrying the box upstairs with his own strength, but it would be very tiring.

Oh. Yu Rouzi nodded in understanding. As mentioned before, she is a good girl and won't ask questions that she shouldn't. And as a guest, she will not interfere with the host's decision. The guest can do whatever he wants.

The elevator rose slowly. Almost no one was using the elevator at this time, so there was no need to wait.

There was no one in the dormitory.

Roommates usually come over at three or four in the afternoon, and sometimes come back at night.

The dormitory is not big, suitable for four people. Small but complete. Equipped with bathroom, balcony and washboard, and small kitchen.

Let's sit down for a while. What would you like to drink? Song Shuhang turned on the computer and asked Rouzi Yu to sit down.

Yurouzi sat down obediently and replied: Lingmai Bicha.

? Song Shuhang was confused.

Lingmai Bicha? What the hell? New drinks? Why didn't he hear it at all?

He was stunned for a moment, and soon he remembered the identity of the long-legged beauty in front of him - despite her youth and beauty, she was actually a profound Xianxia chuunibyou!

The so-called Lingmai Bicha is probably something created by the chuunibyou patients in the group.

Song Shuhang only felt that his liver began to hurt slightly again.

I don't have those things here right now, but I do have orange juice, purified water, cola and milk. Please choose one. Song Shuhang directly asked the multiple-choice question. He was afraid that Rouzi Yu would ask him to give him the 'Big Boosting Dragon Blood Tea' later. , Phoenix Liquid' and other horrible things.

Yu Rouzi was stunned. Senior, there is no spiritual vein green tea here?

You must know that Lingmai Bicha is the most commonly used spiritual tea used by cultivators to entertain guests.

It contains very little spiritual energy, but the tea is fragrant and the taste is rich and lingers for a long time. It is the most cost-effective spiritual tea for entertaining guests. Moreover, drinking it by yourself can slightly enhance your physical fitness. Although it is not as magical as elixirs, the price of Lingmai Bicha is thousands of times cheaper than elixirs. As long as you are a cultivator, you must have this thing, right?

Wait, I got it!

Senior is living in seclusion, living in seclusion in the city, like ordinary people. It is said that some seniors, in order to experience their character, would hide among ordinary people every 150 years and live like real ordinary people. This is called experience in the world of mortals! Although you can't increase your strength, you can strengthen your mind and make your spiritual platform clearer!

Senior, please give me some orange juice, thank you. Yurouzi showed a sweet smile.

Okay, wait a minute.

After a while, Song Shuhang poured a large glass of orange juice from the kitchen refrigerator and handed it to him.

Yurouzi took the orange juice and said, Thank you, senior.

You're welcome. Song Shuhang said. She is a good girl with a good personality and good manners. Unfortunately, she is a bit of a middle-class girl. He sat in front of the computer and connected to the Internet.

Open Baidu Map skillfully and enter J City and Luoxin Street.

Soon, the location of Luoxin Street in J City was marked on the map.

I checked and found that this place is a bit far from Luo Xin Street in J City. Song Shuhang said.

Originally, it would take about five hours to take a taxi from Gangnam Regional Airport to J City's Luoxin District. But Soft Feather went to the wrong destination. Fortunately, Jiangnan University Town and J City border on each other, so they are not going in the opposite direction. They just turned to another road halfway.

Now it takes her three and a half hours to drive from Jiangnan University Town to Luoxin Street in J City, and this is without considering the traffic conditions. In fact, the road conditions on this section of the road are so bad that the actual time required is about five hours.

Yurouzi came closer. After seeing such a long distance, she couldn't help but stick out her tongue secretly: Senior, can a taxi reach such a long distance?

We can get there, but I'm afraid not many are willing to drive. Song Shuhang said.

Then he explained to Soft Feather.

The five-hour drive is a bit far. Although taxis can operate across cities in several urban areas near the Gangnam area, most taxis have to take over the service.

Moreover, it takes five hours to go and five hours to come back. It’s a journey of more than ten hours. How many drivers are needed for this? This is something that is not easy to handle even if you have money.

Then what should we do? Yurouzi asked.

Let's take the train. There happens to be a station in J City not far from Luoxin Street, the Black Elephant Station. There is a station near our university town. Taking the train is faster than taking a taxi, and it can take up to two hours to arrive. Song Shuhang explained.

Then when will we set off? Yurouzi's eyes lit up.

No rush, you can now book same-day tickets online for the EMU. I checked and found that the EMU departing from University Town Station and arriving at Black Elephant Station departs at 4 p.m. So it is enough to check in and enter the station at 3:30 p.m.

Huh? Wait!

When shall we depart? us?

Doesn’t this girl think that I will accompany her to Luoxin Street in J City?

I have classes tomorrow, and I’m still a student, so I can’t just leave just because I say so!

Senior, let's book tickets online quickly. Do you need my ID card? Yurouzi said happily. She felt that it was great to meet a helpful senior like Senior Song.

Ahem, us? Song Shuhang's cold cough recurred: You mean to book two tickets? You and me?

Ah? Senior, won't you come with me? Yurouzi was stunned, then blushed with embarrassment.

She was really too excited just now. She subconsciously thought that Song Shuhang would accompany her to J City. She didn't even ask her senior for his opinion. It was really rude.

Senior, I was so rude just now. I made my own decision without even asking for your opinion. Senior, could you please accompany me to the Luoxin District in J City. I really... have a bad sense of direction. I'm afraid I can't find the Ghost Light Temple. Yurouzi pleaded.

Song Shuhang sighed and rejected her: Although I really want to help you, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.

The train departed at four o'clock, and it was already past six-thirty in the evening when we arrived. I still don’t know what Yurouzi is going to do there, and I don’t know when it will be finished. But you can be sure that you won’t be able to come back in time at noon tomorrow.

And he has class tomorrow afternoon!

Yurouzi was immediately disappointed. She was a girl whose mood was written on her face: Senior, don't you have time?

Well, because I have classes tomorrow afternoon. Song Shuhang replied.

Seeing Yu Rouzi who was about to kneel down with a disappointed look on her face, he suddenly wondered if his rejection just now was too strong and would it hurt this girl's fragile heart?

Thinking of this, he added: If... I mean if you are not too anxious, Yurouzi, I will have time to accompany you to J City next Friday. I am a student now, and I will go to J City on Saturday and Sunday. We only have rest on Sunday.”

next Friday? Yurouzi was still very disappointed. Although she wouldn't rush a day or two, five days was a bit long. Although her father likes to tease people, he obviously won't play with Kuangdao Sanlang for ten days and a half.

But suddenly she thought of something and her eyes lit up. She asked seriously: Senior Song, if you don't have class tomorrow afternoon... I'm just assuming, can you accompany me to J City?

Chapter 218 Waiting for another big stage

Ahem, if it's Soft Yu that what you want to do won't take too long, it's not impossible. Song Shuhang chuckled.

But tomorrow afternoon’s class is scheduled before school starts, and it won’t be canceled without special reasons.

Shuhang didn't want to dwell on this topic for too long, so he immediately changed the topic: Rouzi Yu, you are going to the Ghost Lantern Temple, right? By the way, when you went out, didn't you confirm the location of the Ghost Lantern Temple?

The innocent girl was easily changed the subject: Well, I only knew that the destination was in Luoxin District, J City, so I asked my nephews to help me book a plane ticket and came here. I didn't expect that the Ghost Lantern Temple would be so difficult to find.

Junior nephew...does this still exist these days?

Song Shuhang was thinking as he typed on the keyboard and entered J City, Luo Xin Street, and Ghost Lantern Temple in the search box.

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