At this time, a message suddenly popped up on the account on the campus network.

Attention to students of Class 43, Department 19, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing: Because Teacher Ren Shui was injured and admitted to the hospital, tomorrow afternoon's mathematical statistics class will be replaced by Professor Smith's college English class. Please tell each other and do the following. Good preparation! Thank you.”

This short message was replayed three times in a row.

And it's set to replay every hour.

Jiangnan University’s actions are very fast and extremely efficient! From the time Teacher Renshui called to ask for leave to the time this short message was sent, it only took a minute or two!

Hey, Teacher Renshui is injured? What a coincidence. But tomorrow I switch to English class... Do I have to take the class of that old-fashioned old man Smith again? Song Shuhang said to himself.

And Rouzi Yu's eyes, who were standing next to him, suddenly became moist.

The Tao is one foot higher and the devil is one foot higher!

However, people who come from Lingdie Island will never give up easily, never!

Perfect world main time and space.

Li Changsheng has infinite Taoism and understands the origin of the world of all members of the chat group, which is also the matter of the members of the Destiny Protagonist group.

Well...the destiny lines of the group members have already begun. Let's wait for a big stage before breaking through to the Immortal Emperor and go to the Holy Ruins World to see it!

Li Changsheng said thoughtfully.

Say it.

He became a behind-the-scenes observer again.


Talk about the big world.

Anyway, sending one teacher to the hospital is a gift, and sending two teachers is also a gift!

If we don’t stop doing this, Smith’s English teacher should also be sent to the hospital! A trace of determination...and murderous intent flashed in Yurouzi's eyes!

Senior Song, is your teacher Smith a foreigner? What does he look like? Yurouzi asked pretending to be curious.

That guy is a staid old man, although his teaching skills are very good. Song Shuhang smiled and casually added the name of 'Professor Smith' in the message.

Then a picture of an old British man with a serious face and meticulously combed hair popped up.

The campus network of Jiangnan University Town is an independent information system. As long as you have relevant permissions, the information of all students and tutors in it can be found.

He looks a little serious. Does he also live in the teachers' apartment? Yurouzi asked nervously.

Well, yes. Song Shuhang didn't think so much. He nodded and continued to add Yurouzi's ID card and register to purchase tickets.

Yu Rouzi smiled sheepishly, quietly went to the balcony, and put on the magic weapon again: If you want to have clairvoyance, you can reach a higher level.

Soon, she found her target.

Professor Smith was walking a pet dog along the river bank of the college.

It's strange, is there a cool breeze? Suddenly, the serious old British man shrank his collar, feeling an inexplicable chill and feeling a little confused.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just like Teacher Renshui, I will compensate you when the matter is over. Yurouzi murmured for a long time, and then she picked up the golden talisman paper with her hands.

College River Channel...

The serious old British man felt that he was not in good condition today, so he temporarily decided to go back to the dormitory to rest: Ham, let's go back. Just in time, we need to prepare for tomorrow's class.

As he spoke, Professor Smith pulled the pet dog's leash.

Woo... woo! At this time, the originally well-behaved pet dog suddenly let out a roar deep in its throat, and its eyes turned red.

Professor Smith felt a huge force coming from the dog leash in his hand. The puppy Ham, who used to be obedient and obedient with a gentle tug, was now grinning.

Professor Smith frowned and tugged on the dog leash.

Woof! The pet dog did come back along the leash, but it pounced on him with red eyes! He opened his mouth wide, aimed at the old British man's skinny calf, and bit down hard.

Oh, NO! help! helpme! Professor Smith screamed from the edge of the river.

Fifteen minutes later.

Jiangnan University Affiliated Hospital, a two-person ward.

Teacher Renshui was lying on the bed with her feet hanging high in a very shameful posture. His wife held the child in her arms, with an expression on her face that didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

At this moment, the door of the hospital opened, and a serious old British man was sent into the ward.

Huh? Professor Smith? You're not replacing my class tomorrow afternoon. What's wrong with you? Teacher Renshui asked in shock.

The old British man said bitterly in clear Chinese: I was bitten by... Ham. Hiss, that's the dog I raised. The doctor said the bite was too hard and hurt the bones. Hiss, I'm going to be hospitalized. Wait. When I get out of the hospital tomorrow, I will kill it and make soup! Hiss...

This serious old British man was obviously heartbroken by the puppy he had raised. He felt that the puppy was just an unfamiliar wolf, and it almost killed him with such a cruel bite. Stew soup, must stew soup!

... Teacher Renshui feels that what happened today is a bit evil!


On the other side, Song Shuhang had already booked train tickets for Rouzi Yu.

At this time, a new message popped up on the campus network account.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Class 43, Department 19, School of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, please note: Because Professor Smith was also injured and admitted to the hospital, the college English class tomorrow afternoon is cancelled. Class 43, Department 19, School of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, will have a half-day break tomorrow afternoon. Please Students please tell each other and make relevant preparations! Thank you.

This short message was also replayed three times in a row.

And it is set to replay every half hour, covering the previous message.

... Song Shuhang looked at this short message, and in his heart there were ten thousand grass and mud horses running past.

He turned his head to look at Yu Rouzi, who was smiling like a flower. He felt that what happened today was a bit evil!


Shuhang finally accompanied Yurouzi to J City - because he had no reason not to accompany Yurouzi.

He would never have imagined that the two professors would be sent to the hospital one after another. This kind of probability is almost equal to winning the lottery jackpot, and he also ran into it? Because of the tragic experience of the two poor professors, he has a whole day of rest tomorrow. Then, with Yu Rouzi's excited eyes, he booked a train ticket to J City.

The ticket number and Yurouzi's are consecutive numbers, so they are seats next to each other.

Speaking of Soft Yu, is it an accident that two professors were admitted to the hospital one after another? Shuhang stared at Soft Yu tightly, without blinking. This is a unique technique that kills people with eyes and oppresses the enemy with momentum. Under direct gaze, the person being stared at will feel uncomfortable if he lies.

What happened today was too much of a coincidence. One professor was admitted to the hospital, another professor took over the class, and was admitted to the hospital in less than three minutes. What kind of bloody plot is this?

Shuhang believed that he had long passed the age of fantasy, and that martial arts dreams, fairy dreams, etc. had long faded from his life. But now, he really doubted whether Soft Yu really had some special abilities that sent two professors to the hospital?

Even when his mind was wide open, he thought in an evil direction - this girl is actually a very terrifying daughter of the dark forces. Just like in the movie, there is a large group of people hiding around her in the dark, ready to fulfill her various wishes at any time? Then, because she wanted to accompany her to J City tomorrow, those secret subordinates cruelly sent the two professors to the hospital?

While being stared at by Song Shuhang's black eyes, Soft Yu had a calm expression on her face: How is that possible? We are not the ones who would do such a thing? Senior Song, you have to believe me!

Her eyes are as pure as the water of the holy lake that has never been polluted by humans, but... what's going on with that 'we' mouth habit?

Fortunately, Shuhang didn't get entangled in this topic. He just felt it and asked casually.

We set off around 3:10 in the afternoon and will arrive at Jiangnan University Town Station at 3:30. While there is still some time, you might as well try to find as much information about the 'Ghost Temple' on the Internet. I'll buy two lunches and come back. Do you have any taboos? Song Shuhang asked.

No, I can eat anything. Yurouzi replied. At this time, in order to cover up her uneasiness, she would swallow even the green peppers she hated most!

Then you go find Ghost Lantern Temple. I'll go and come back. If my roommate suddenly comes back at this time, just say he's my friend. Song Shuhang waved his hand.

After Song Shuhang left, Rouzi Yu huddled in front of the computer with a guilty conscience, and continued to search for all the temples in Luoxin District of J City, checking them one by one.


June 2nd, 3pm.

Song Shuhang's three roommates have received notifications on the campus network, so they did not return to the dormitory today.

Soft Yu, let's set off. Song Shuhang called.

Just come. Yurouzi stood up from the computer, dejected.

She searched for a long time, but still couldn't find any information about Ghost Lantern Temple. The Beihe Loose Cultivators didn't know what was going on and were offline all afternoon.

Song Shuhang sorted the things he bought from Foodie Paradise into the refrigerator, and left a simple note for his three roommates, indicating that there was food in the refrigerator and letting them do as they pleased.

On this trip, he brought a backpack with his mobile phone, charger and power bank. I don’t know how long this trip will take, and it will be very troublesome if my phone runs out of battery.

Soft Yu pulled her big suitcase and followed Shuhang.

Shuhang saw her dejected look and asked, Didn't you find the Ghost Lantern Temple?

There is no news at all, and I don't know whether it was renamed or demolished. Now I can only go to J City and ask the residents there. Yurouzi said depressedly.

The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Let's go there first and then talk about it.

The two walked as they talked and took the elevator down.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the number of people in the dormitory building gradually increased, and semi-day students from various departments began to return to school one after another.

Ahang, where are you going to play~ Shuhang waved to the classmates who were facing him. Soon, their attention was immediately attracted to Soft Yu behind Song Shuhang - such a tall and beautiful woman!

Haha, send sister back and go to her place to play. Our teacher is asking for leave, so we can have an extra day of rest. Shuhang emphasized the word 'sister' specially.

The relationship between himself and Yurouzi must be clearly introduced.

Otherwise, if the big talkers in front of them spread the news tomorrow, the entire department would think that Song Shuhang had a girlfriend with a body that was even more domineering than a model's.

Then, Song Shuhang's innocence would be completely over, and it would be difficult to find a girlfriend while he was still in college and end his virginity.

In addition, he also wanted to take revenge on Rouzi Yu for calling him 'senior'. He was an 18-year-old boy, and he was yelled at by a girl who was older than him, You live forever!

Ah, she's Shuhang's sister. The eyes of the boys in the same dormitory lit up, and a thought came to their minds - Shuhang, Youhu?

It would be even better if we could take the word 'friend' a step further and become Shuhang's brother-in-law!

We're leaving now, see you later! Shuhang laughed, not giving these guys a chance to get close to him, he waved his hand and left gracefully.

Rouzi Yu smiled and waved to the boys, then quickly left the boys' dormitory behind Song Shuhang.

This boy Shuhang actually has such a beautiful sister. I have decided that Shuhang will be my brother from tomorrow on, and I will protect him. Someone laughed.

You would rather be Shuhang's brother-in-law, right? Another person chuckled.

Don't accidentally become Shuhang's brother-in-law instead of Shuhang's younger brother. Remember you also have a beautiful sister in your family.

Tsk, if Shuhang is willing to introduce his sister to me, I will sell my sister to him immediately. You can even sell one and get one free!

Several people went back to the dormitory talking and laughing.

After all, stunning is stunning, but which modern person has not experienced the baptism of various beauties on the Internet, and who can fall in love at first sight so innocently?


Check in at 3:30 and drive off at 4:00.

Rouzi Yu was seated by the window, and Song Shuhang sat next to her.

To be honest, when Shuhang and Yurouzi got on the train together, Shuhang suddenly remembered a few urban novels he had read recently.

Whenever the male protagonist and the beautiful female protagonist go out, whether they are driving a luxury car, taking the subway, taking the bus, or even riding a bicycle, there will be a hard-charging villain in the background who takes a fancy to the female protagonist's beauty, and then comes up with all kinds of things. provocative.

The male protagonist with his unique skills naturally stole the show and tortured the villain in all kinds of ways. Then the villain's bitch was tortured by Xiang, and he held a grudge. He didn't dare to target the protagonist openly, but secretly used all kinds of underhanded tricks.

Then all kinds of grievances and hatreds.

Shuhang believed that he had no fate as the male protagonist, but Soft Yu next to him was probably no less beautiful than the heroines of those urban novels. So Song Shuhang was wondering, would there be a cool man coming over who wants to get close to the beauty, and then provoke him in various ways?

When the time comes...will he beat the other party to death to avoid future troubles? Or just beat him to death?

Unfortunately, a novel is a novel after all. In reality, there may be villains who are as arrogant and brainless as extras, but they are too few. As rare as giant pandas, it is not easy to encounter them.

During the two-hour long journey, no one came to provoke Shuhang, and no one got close to Rouzi Yu.

This made Shuhang a little disappointed...

Half an hour after driving, Yurouzi became drowsy, leaned on the seat and fell asleep. Not long after, she leaned forward and rested her head on Shuhang's shoulder.

Song Shuhang could only try to soften his shoulders so that the girl could sleep more comfortably.

The two hours on the train flew by.

“Ding ding ding~~ Hello fellow passengers, the train has arrived at Heixiang Station. Please take your luggage and valuables and prepare to get off. I wish you a pleasant journey. Please pay attention to the gap between the train and the platform when getting off.

We've arrived at the station. Song Shuhang patted Soft Yu gently.

Yurouzi opened her eyes drowsily, rubbing her eyes with clear saliva hanging from the corners of her mouth: Is it morning?

He was so cute that he was so cute by this sister-level woman who looked older than him.

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