Chi! Song Shuhang on the side almost laughed to the point of internal injury. These three buddies were so funny.

But having said that, the legs of that black-haired beauty just now were really dazzling.

In today's era, the Internet is developed. There are all kinds of beauties emerging in endlessly, and people have long been tired of aesthetic appreciation of beauties.

But real gold is not afraid of fire, and a truly unique beauty can always attract people's attention.

For example, the black-haired beauty just now is the type that will be remembered firmly after one glance, and I am afraid she will not be forgotten in a short time.

Encountering a beautiful woman by chance is just a sideshow while shopping.

After resting for some time, Song Shuhang continued to get up and walk around.

Let's buy some snacks to take back later. He thought to himself. His roommate took good care of him when he caught a cold not long ago, so since he was visiting a foodie's paradise, he couldn't go back without taking some care.

I don’t know what they like to eat, so let’s take some of all kinds of delicious food back.

In the eyes of hexagram masters, the future is always like looking at flowers in the mist, full of all kinds of mystery and unpredictability.

However, in the opinion of a 'very famous' hexagram master - the future will produce many different futures as people make different choices. But no matter which choice it is, it is not accidental.

Because there are no accidents in the world, only necessity.

Even if two people meet by chance, it is actually inevitable. One thing after another that is bound to happen drives the wheel of history forward, developing all kinds of inevitable futures!

Having said so much, there is only one meaning I want to express - that is, the results of the hexagram master will not be wrong. Even if it is wrong, it is only because the hexagrams calculated by the hexagram master show the inevitable future of another parallel world. And you just developed into another future according to another necessity.

Therefore, it is not the hexagram master who is wrong, but the world!

The above is the correct statement from a fortune teller who has made countless predictions but has never gotten it right. You may have guessed it, yes - this hexagram master is the Immortal Master of Copper Hexagram in Jiuzhou No. 1 Group.

Although he is a very unreliable divination master, his words are quite unreasonable.

Song Shuhang never thought about meeting that black-haired, long-legged beauty. After all, the world is so big, how could there be so many coincidences?

However, he didn't expect that after walking around, he would meet this girl again.

When he was coming out of the Glory Beef Shop, he was holding a large bag of Foodie Paradise specialties in his hand, ready to take them back to his roommates. As soon as he stepped out of the store, he saw the long straight black girl walking quickly towards him dragging a huge suitcase.

This time Song Shuhang experienced the disadvantage of long legs, walking so fast. There was obviously a long distance when he saw him, but in the blink of an eye, the girl with long black hair and straight legs had already stepped in front of him in a few steps.

Shuhang turned slightly to make way for her to drag her huge suitcase through.

Thank you. The black-haired beauty's voice was soft and shy.

Then she stepped into the small shop behind her.

Song Shuhang nodded slightly, looked at the time and felt it was almost time, and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

When he lifted his legs and walked two or three steps, the black-haired beauty behind him had already finished shopping neatly and asked the shopkeeper about something. Song Shuhang had no intention of listening to other people's chat**, he just happened to hear her question.

And the question that the girl asked made Shuhang freeze in mid-air even as he was raising his feet...

Boss, do you know if there is a temple called 'Ghost Lantern Temple' near Luoxin Street?

After thinking for a moment, the shop owner shook his head and said, Ghost Temple? I've never heard of it. But it's only been two years since I moved here, so I'm not familiar with many places nearby. Girls might as well go to those old shops and ask, they are in Luoxin I’ve been on the block longer and know more.”

The shop owner is obviously a warm and nice person and explained enthusiastically; it may be that in this era of face-shopping, the brunette girl has an aura that makes people like her +100.

Ghost Lantern Temple, Luoxin Street?

Shuhang naturally thought of the girl named Yu Rouzi from Lingdie Island in the group.

Did I hear wrongly?

Thinking like this, Song Shuhang took out the huge mobile phone from his arms and unlocked it with a swipe of his finger. Then he skillfully accessed the chat software and opened the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

After he left, there were indeed several more chat records in the group.

The first is the message from Lingdie Island Yurouzi more than two hours ago.

She said that she had not been able to ask about the Ghost Deng Temple, but she had taken a taxi directly to Luoxin Street. Then, be prepared to ask local residents directly.

Then it was twenty minutes ago.

Yurouzi from Lingdie Island left a message: I have successfully arrived at Luoxin Street. There are many people here and it is very lively. It is completely different from what I imagined. This is actually a food street. I saw a lot of delicious food along the way.

It was obvious that she was in a good mood. Firstly, she had successfully found the Luoxin neighborhood, and secondly, there were a lot of delicious food here.

It's about two hours' drive from Jiangnan Regional Airport; then there are many delicious food in Luoxin District. Song Shuhang rubbed his face.

Starting from Jiangnan Airport, even if you are racing, you can't reach J City in two hours, right?

Judging by the taxi journey time and Yu Rouzi's description of the destination, she most likely went to the wrong place - she didn't arrive at Luo Xin Street in J City at all, but went to the foodie paradise near Jiangnan University Town. .

And if it's really not a coincidence, the black-haired beauty with super long legs behind her might be Soft Feather?

When he thought that a very modern and fashionable beauty might be a fairy knight, Song Shuhang felt an indescribable distortion in his heart.

However... based on these, it is still not certain that the black-haired beauty inside is Soft Feather.

Because it is not ruled out that there will be some special events at the Ghost Lantern Temple in Luoxin Street, J City, many people are rushing there. Then there must be many people like Yu Rouzi in the group who went to the wrong place.

The possibility is slim, but not impossible.

Song Shuhang's fingers continued to slide across the screen of his phone, but there were no new messages in the group chat history. None of the Beihe Sanren are online. Maybe they are helping to inquire about the Ghost Lantern Temple?

Shuhang was swiping the screen, and at this moment, Lingdie Island Yu Rouzi sent a voice message in the chat group.

Song Shuhang subconsciously clicked it.

Yurouzi dragged her suitcase tiredly and came out of the store with some disappointment.

This is already the twelfth store. The shopkeeper's suggestion just now was a good one, but she asked many stores, whether old or new, but no one knew about Ghost Light Temple.

Sighing, she took out her phone, moved her thumb flexibly, opened the chat software, and clicked on the Jiuzhou No. 1 chat window.

Senior Beihe, who was looking forward to it, has not yet responded to the message.

Since it was inconvenient to type with one hand, she turned on the voice function and said in a soft voice: Senior Beihe, do you have any news about Ghost Lantern Temple? I asked many stores in Luoxin Street, but there was no one. People know the news about Ghost Light Temple. Please reply when you receive it.

Release your thumb and the voice message is sent successfully.

She put away her phone. Before she received any news from Beihe Sanren, she would continue to ask the shops in Luo Xin Street about the Ghost Lantern Temple. She couldn't give up!

On the side of the road in front of the store, Yurouzi saw that the young man who had made way for her was still standing on the roadside. He was holding a mobile phone and paddling it, and she didn't know what he was doing.

Yurouzi didn't care and continued to move forward.

At this moment...a voice that sounded very familiar to Rouzi Yu came from the young man's cell phone.

Senior Beihe, do you have any news about Ghost Lantern Temple? I asked many stores in Luo Xin District, but no one knows about Ghost Lantern Temple. Please reply if you receive it.

Isn't this... my own voice?

Also, this is the voice message I just sent!

Yu Rouzi was stunned at first, and then a kind of unspeakable joy surged out of her heart - the young man in front of her turned out to be a senior in the Jiuzhou Group!

Lost and frustrated, Rouzi Yu suddenly grasped a life-saving straw like a drowning person.

She took two steps at a time and stepped over to the young-looking 'senior'!

Song Shuhang just clicked on the voice message sent by Rouzi Yu in the group. The soft voice was really nice. At this time, he suddenly felt someone getting behind him.

Then a gust of fragrant wind reached his nose. It was a light floral scent, somewhat like a woman's body scent.

Shuhang turned his head and saw the long-legged black-haired girl standing behind him with a happy face, her eyes staring at his mobile phone.

Jiuzhou Group No. 1? The soft voice of the black-haired woman was filled with the joy of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Song Shuhang didn't know what expression to use to face this girl at this moment.

At this moment, there was no need for her to introduce herself. If Song Shuhang couldn't guess her identity again, he could buy a piece of tofu and kill her.

Lingdie Island Yu Rouzi? Song Shuhang felt that his voice was unnatural and full of awkwardness.

That's me! May I ask my senior's name? Soft Yu finally calmed down a bit, and she began to look at this 'senior' carefully.

In her memory, except for Su Clan's Sixteenth, who had passed through the tribulation yesterday, every Taoist fellow in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group was a senior.

The senior in front of me looks about ten years old. Of course, this is certainly not his true age, right? He is about 1.75 meters tall. He has a kind face and seems to be easy to talk to.

A kind face... To put it bluntly, he has a nice face and is easily given the good guy card.

And she couldn't sense the senior's cultivation level at all - it seemed that the senior's aura was completely restrained. When he stood in front of her, it was as if he had integrated into the world of ordinary people. This has reached the point where he has returned to basics like his father. Realm? Soft Feather thought so.

senior? ! This title made Song Shuhang's liver feel a dull pain.

Chapter 217 Senior

Fortunately, although the live broadcast of the chat group was on at this time, no one was watching him.

Otherwise he will feel embarrassed.

The black-haired girl looked to be in her early twenties, but she had just turned eighteen. Do you look that old? Causes you to look like an adult uncle?

And...a road number? He immediately remembered the group business cards of the second-ranked ones in the group. The True Monarch of Huangshan Mountain, the Sanren of Beihe, the Master of Cave XX, the Master of Palace XX, etc. suddenly felt their liver pain intensify.

If he hadn't joined the chat group, he really wouldn't have known that these were all true.

Ahem, you can call me Song Shuhang. Also... let's not mention the Taoist name or anything like that. Song Shuhang replied, he didn't want to be thought of as having a chuunibyou.

Ah? I'm sorry, senior. I forgot for a moment. Yurouzi said embarrassedly. As a cultivator, it is common sense not to mention Taoist numbers in front of others. She was just so happy and excited that she forgot about it.

Ahem, don't call me senior. Song Shuhang coughed twice. He felt that the cold cough that he had gradually recovered from was showing signs of recurrence and becoming more serious.

Ah. Yu Rouzi responded softly, but her heart sank - this senior doesn't seem to be the kind to be easily contacted? That's right, after all, not everyone in the group is as enthusiastic as Senior Beihe.

In addition, this senior is clearly in the Luo Xin neighborhood but remains silent in the group. Maybe he is a very cold kind of person and has no intention of helping? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Just as Rouzi Yu was thinking wildly, Song Shuhang added: You can just call me Song Shuhang.

Ah? Yu Rouzi was stunned: This is not good.

Please just call me Song Shuhang. If you really want to call me Song Shuhang, you can call me Shuhang, Xiaohang, or Xiao Song. Song Shuhang said firmly.

If Yurouzi continues to call seniors one after another, he will feel very ashamed. This is the real world!

Song Shu...Senior. Yu Rouzi called out halfway, feeling awkward, so she added the word senior.

But she suddenly felt relaxed, and a happy smile appeared on her face - it seemed that this senior was a good person, not the kind of cold senior. In this case, maybe senior will help her!

Song Shuhang stretched out his hand and rubbed his face hard, and was completely defeated: Okay, you can call me whatever you want.

Senior Song, are you here to help me? Soft Yu said happily.

Let's talk while walking. Song Shuhang picked up the big bag in his hand. The two of them plus a large suitcase were blocking the way of others, so it was better to find a quiet place to talk.

Rouzi Yu immediately followed Shuhang silently.

I read the chat history in the group. The place you want to go to is Luo Xin Street in J City, Song Shuhang said.

Well, the Luo Xin neighborhood in J city. Wait, senior, could it be that... Soft Yu was naturally very smart, and she guessed the truth from Song Shuhang's tone and attitude. She cried sadly: Isn't this Luo Xin? Neighborhood?”

This is indeed the Luo Xin District, but this is the Luo Xin District in the Jiangnan region, not J City. Song Shuhang sighed.

... Yurouzi's little face suddenly turned red. She was really shy this time. After a long time, she asked in a low voice: Senior Song, do you know how to get to Luo Xin Street in J City?

I have never been to that place, but you can navigate it, right? Song Shuhang said with a gentle smile.

Yurouzi knocked on her head. She took out her phone again and started swiping... However, she had just swiped twice when a pleasant music sound suddenly sounded on her phone, and then the screen went dark.

Soft Yu raised her head and looked at Song Shuhang, her big eyes dripping with water: Senior Song, my cell phone is out of battery.

... Song Shuhang felt that his liver was aching again. Wasn't this black-haired beauty a bit naturally stupid?

But he still handed over his mobile phone: Use mine.

Thank you, senior. Rouzi Yu happily took Shuhang's phone and then swiped it a few times.

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