Ye Fan suddenly realized. He finally knew that Zhang Wenchang had a very unhappy life in Yuding Cave.

He stretched out his fingers gently, and several rays of divine light emerged.

These people instantly turned into blood mist.

Ye...Ye Fan, you... Zhang Wenchang looked nervous.

It's okay. No one will know that I killed him. These bastards can't bully you anymore.

Zhang Wenchang was very touched. His relationship with Ye Fan was not very good, but Ye Fan was able to help him in this way. .


Ye Fan waved his hand.


The divine power circulates throughout the body, and the power of the saint is permeated.

With the Jade Cauldron as the center, thousands of miles around were shocked by Ye Fan's terrifying aura that destroyed the heaven and earth.


Ye Fan ordered the head of Jade Cauldron to treat Zhang Wenchang well in an unquestionable tone. .



Ye Fan said goodbye to Zhang Wenchang and returned to the town.

Waiting for the moment to pick up the little girl. .


Bought a small courtyard.

Ye Fan started to live.

When he was bored, he chatted with his friends.

Arhat Fist...

Ye Fan looked at the martial arts book Meng Qi had received before him. The mysterious secrets contained in it could be seen through by Ye Fan at a glance.

It's a pity that we can't get any profound secrets now. Those supreme magic methods in the world of one life are really exciting.

Ye Fan felt very heartbroken when he thought of those peerless magical skills that directly pointed to the legendary creation and even the other side. In his perception of the will of the Emperor of Heaven, the other side was definitely a figure at the level of the Immortal Emperor even if placed in the world of the trilogy, and even He is not a weakling among the Immortal Emperors!

Pointing directly to the other side means pointing directly to the Immortal Emperor!

The method of one life is to build the foundation in a hundred days first. Ye Fan looked at Arhat Fist, the eyes of Confucianism and Taoism saints were flowing, and the endless divine power began to be optimized, and then he conceived an energy villain exactly like himself in the secret realm of Xiantai. , start acting.

After a hundred days of foundation building, it is time to meditate and accumulate energy. This is just a process of accumulating true energy, but it is quite similar to the martial arts mentality of Teacher Yue's world.

The combat power of the first two realms is really too low. If compared with Zhezhetian, it is not even considered a sea of ​​suffering...

But when I think about this cultivation system, it was full of worldly atmosphere in the early stage, and it took off explosively in the later stage.

Ye Fan felt that it was like cheating.

Feeling the spiritual consciousness in the secret realm of the wheel and sea quickly passing through the energy accumulation period, and then opening up the nine natural orifices according to Ye Fan's deduction.

After the Nine Apertures, you have to adjust yourself and the outer world, the inner world and the outer world, which are somewhat similar to the small universe of the human body and the large outer universe.

Ye Fan destroyed the energy he created in his spiritual consciousness. He only deduced it to the point of nine orifices. The subsequent exterior scenes were easy to say, but when it came to Dharmakaya, it was not that simple.

Anyway, not to mention the exterior scenes, the Dharma God will be able to obtain the magical skills that point directly to the other shore in the near future. If the chat group continues with the current atmosphere, sharing the skills should not be a problem.

The one that has the greatest effect on me in the chat group now is Meng Qi's One Life Method~

Also, Meng Qi's later Yuanshi Tianzun is comparable to me who became the Immortal Emperor in the Shengxu era...

Ye Fan closed his eyes and began to reflect on those insights, with a long Taoist charm around him.

There are still many things he has to do when he comes to Donghuang. The empress of the ancient forbidden land in Donghuang can be regarded as his sister in a sense.

Time flies, and it has been two years since I came to Beidou in the blink of an eye. .

He has become the Saint King, and as long as he wants to retreat at will, it will last for tens or even hundreds of years.

But he won't do that.

Because you will miss a lot.

Also, I don’t know if the brothers in the chat group will die of old age. .

However, Ye Fan vaguely remembered that the time flow rate of each group member in the chat group was different.

Should I speed up the progress and become the Great Emperor?? The Tianxin Seal... I can get it anytime I want!

Because Ye Fan received the blessing of the will of the overwhelming universe.

So what he said was not empty talk.

He was thinking about the time flow rate between the chat group and the main universe.

Ye Fan's expression was a little subtle. After every great emperor became enlightened, the fastest way to progress was to comprehend the Tianxin Seal. However, it usually took a normal emperor two thousand to three thousand years to fully comprehend the Tianxin Seal.

After that, it was a long journey of exploration until he passed away at the end of his life.

But he is different, he can understand in an instant.


Compared to the cultivation method of Zhetian, the use of rules by the One Life Method is more advanced and profound.

Ye Fan thought thoughtfully, although there is a difference, it cannot be judged as superior or inferior because of this. The method of covering the sky cultivates one's own body. This is the method created by Emperor Huang Tian. It is the seed, itself is everything, and it is the god!

Believe that your own strength is invincible. If you can't do something, it's just because you are not strong enough.

What is the Great Emperor? The power of one person can directly penetrate ten thousand ways.

The law of one life is to go deeper in the means, play with the rules, play with time, anything can be manipulated, and ultimately imposed on oneself.

In the end, the two reached the same destination through different paths.

Huh? This aura, this feeling!! Could it be... the old madman from Tianxuan Holy Land?? Now his aura is mottled and he has entered the barrier. If he breaks through, he can enter the realm of a saint!

Ye Fan's expression moved slightly and he looked at the figure flying slowly from the horizon.

Look up and look ahead.

Dead, dead, everyone is dead... A white-haired old madman was crying and laughing outside the mountain, repeating some words.

He traveled thousands of miles in one step and came to the old madman.

He opened his mouth and said: Do you...ever remember me~~

Dead, dead, everyone is dead. As long as you enter the forbidden area, no one can survive... He cried and laughed, crazy, and said: I have seen the scene of rivers of blood and mountains of bones... …”

Chapter 216 Repairing the World

I won’t pay attention to the affairs of Ye Fan’s world for the time being.

Song Shuhang's fate line has officially opened.

The world of cultivation chat groups.

Shuhang thought about it for a long time, wondering where he had heard the name Luo Xin Street, but he couldn't remember it. It turns out that we are here, a famous foodie paradise!

No, isn't the Luo Xin neighborhood that Yu Rouzi in the group mentioned is in J City? This is the Jiangnan area.

Could it be that Yurouzi remembered the wrong place?

Or maybe there is a Luoxin neighborhood in J city and Jiangnan area?

This is also normal. City and county names are rarely repeated.

But there are a lot of repetitions in town names, neighborhoods, villages and the like. The place Yurouzi wants to go must be the one in J City, and she probably won't come to the Jiangnan area.

Because he came out to relax, Shuhang didn't think much about it.

He ate while walking and ate while shopping.

I don’t know how long I’ve been shopping, but after I felt a little tired, I bought two more crispy chicken rolls, sat down on the rest seats on the edge of the block, and rested.

Opposite the rest area is a large square in Luoxin District, full of people coming and going.

The weather has just gotten warmer, but it can no longer stop women's beauty-loving nature.

There are dazzling halter tops, midriff-baring tops, miniskirts, low-waisted hot pants, high heels, and pointed-toe sandals everywhere. The charming jade neck, high breasts and slender waist add a thousand kinds of charm and beauty to the square in Luoxin District.

As long as you sit in the rest area, you can see countless slender thighs shining with light.

The rest area that Song Shuhang chose at random was a good place to look at beauties - there were three buddies beside him, and they were serious about the long legs of the beauties.

Have you seen that red skirt in the lower corner of the big electronic screen on the left? That figure and those legs are at least 80 points. The fat guy wearing thick glasses pointed at the figure in the red skirt and said.

Xu, you still need to practice your vision. 73 points can't be any higher. Her legs are very long, but overall they are a little too thin. Moreover, the proportion of her calves is slightly shorter, which affects the overall beauty. A very handsome and sunny man assumed the posture of an expert.

Really? The fat man with glasses scratched his head. After a closer look, it was exactly what the sunny man said. But you can’t tell it at all if you don’t look carefully.

I think it can be scored above 77 points. After all, beautiful legs like this are extremely rare in reality. You can't use the thigh celebrities or leg models on the Internet as a standard. The last short-haired man leaned back on the chair and said lazily.

Song Shuhang listened and couldn't help but look in the direction pointed by the fat man with glasses. There was a woman wearing a tight red dress that covered her hips and was walking quickly, with crystal sandals on her slender feet.

Women who dare to wear such tight butt-hugging skirts are basically the kind who are confident in their figure.

Shuhang doesn't have a fetish for legs, but he still has to admit that the woman in the red dress is indeed beautiful. Her thighs are very slender and white and tender. The owner of the legs obviously takes good care of them.

It is said that when a man looks at a woman, young men look at the face, older men look at the breasts, and only mature men look at the legs.

Shuhang felt that he was definitely not a mature man yet - because he had no feeling in his legs. Even if he saw the white thighs all over the street, he would not have any impulse, nor would he have the urge to rate like the three buddies next to him.

Song Shuhang couldn't understand the roommates who said they wanted to kneel down and lick the long legs of celebrities from neighboring countries.

As for legs, men all have them. A woman’s legs are just white and tender, so there’s nothing special about them?

This was what he was thinking. If the three buddies next to him knew about it, they would definitely slap him in the face.

Look, one hundred percent, one hundred percent! Suddenly, the fat man with glasses said excitedly, his voice involuntarily amplified.

Where? asked the sunny man. Although the fat man with glasses didn't have the best eyesight, he was still a discerning man. A score of 100 points is not something that can be scored casually.

The lazy short-haired men sat up curiously and looked in the direction the fat man was looking.

Still under the large LED screen, a slender and pretty figure emerged from the corner. She dragged the huge box without any difficulty.

Her long black hair reaches her waist, spreading behind her like a waterfall, fluttering in the wind.

She is tall and tall, and even if she is only wearing sneakers, it is still obvious that her legs are much longer than those of the people around her. With one step she took, she was two or three steps away from an ordinary person.

This is simply a natural movie heroine template. Even if she stands in the crowd and does nothing, she will feel like she stands out from the crowd. He is naturally the center of attention of the masses.

The black-haired beauty walked very quickly, and within a few steps she met the woman in the red dress who had just been commented upon by three of her buddies. All perfect things may not be too dazzling when alone. But once there is a comparison, it becomes a hundred times more dazzling.

At this moment, the woman in the red dress becomes the foil. When the black-haired woman passed by her, her two pairs of beautiful legs were in sharp contrast, making her stand out. The contrast increases the beauty, and the black-haired woman's legs look even more dazzling.

Axu, there's nothing to say. This is absolutely 100%. ​​The sunny man immediately stood up, patted his clothes, and smoothed his hair.

What are you doing? the short-haired man asked.

Let's make an appointment! It's rare to meet such a perfect woman again in your life. So no matter whether it's successful or not, you have to go up and make an appointment anyway, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life. The sunny man smiled with two rows of big white teeth. Sparkling in the sun. He does have the talent to attract girls, and he has the foundation of a winner in life - sunny and handsome.

There will be no loss if he doesn't succeed; if he succeeds in getting an appointment, he will make a lot of money! Why not do this kind of thing that has no harm at all?

A real man should not be afraid of shame at this time and be brave!

Then, the sunny guy squeezed into the crowd and pushed in the direction of the long, straight black beauty.

Then, less than two minutes. The handsome sunny boy came back dejectedly.

Failed? So soon? The fat man with glasses asked doubtfully - although he knew that more than 90% of his companions would fail, how could he say that his companion was a little handsome and eloquent, so he failed so quickly? With his strength, even if the hookup fails, there will be no problem in chatting with the beautiful woman for a while, right?

I didn't have a chance to make a date. That beauty's legs are so long and she walks so fast. She takes several steps ahead of me. I even jogged all the way, but I couldn't catch up. The sunny handsome guy burst into tears.

... The short-haired man was speechless.

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