The world of the trilogy is so vast.

If you don't have enough strength, don't disturb the cause and effect easily.

But the little girl is so pitiful. .

Ye Fan gently touched the little girl's head. .

Then I bought a storage bag from Qun Mall and put ten tons of snacks in it~

At the same time, he placed five divine patterns on the little girl to protect her. .

Then Ye Fan said to the little girl guiltily: Little girl, wait for my brother here. My brother will be back in a while and will take you to eat delicious food every day!!

With a guilty feeling, Ye Fan said goodbye to his little girl.

Until he disappeared on the street, Xiao Nannan was still in a daze.


Ye Fan noticed this scene. .

Originally, his next decision was to find the mother energy of all things that made the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron or go to Zishan to save the God King Jiang Taixu. .

But now everything has changed. . .

Ye Fan decided to stay nearby.

Waiting for the time period of karma and destiny to arrive.

Chapter 215 Old Madman

I left the city temporarily.

Ye Fan did not go far. .

Because he has to pay attention to the little girl all the time. .

As a girl control.

The ruthless empress is too aloof. .

He was a little embarrassed. .

But the little girl is different. .

Now Ye Fan's realm has reached the Saint King. .

He can sense anything within thousands of miles.

Perception through divine power.

Ye Fan was surprised to find that there was the aura of an old friend from Earth Star.

And he remembered that he asked his good brothers Pang Bo, Liu Yiyi and Wang Ziling to go to the Jade Cauldron to practice together. .

Pang Bo's words were followed by the great demon who ordered the descendant of Qing Emperor to lean over and was now with Yan Ruyu. .

Then there should only be Wang Ziling and Liu Yiyi in the Jade Cauldron. .

But the character of that boy from Wang Ziling is quite out-of-the-box. .

I don’t know if I have stepped into the Jade Cauldron as per my request.

Take back your thoughts.

Ye Fan decided to go to the Jade Cauldron to have a look. .

The Yan Kingdom is two thousand miles long from north to south and three thousand miles long from east to west. The ancient forbidden land is located in the middle of the country, surrounded by endless mountains. Six sects, including Lingxu Cave Heaven and Jade Cauldron Cave Heaven, are all surrounding the outside of this primitive area.

The Jade Cauldron is surrounded by fairy mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist, and looks very ethereal from a distance, like a pure land outside the world.

Little bits of light emerged and evolved into Ye Fan's true body.

When Ye Fan came to the mountain gate, he felt the atmosphere of nature and peace. The green peaks and valleys, flowing springs and waterfalls, lush vegetation, and psychic birds and animals made it look like a world in a painting.

In front of the Tianshan Gate of Jade Cauldron, there is a strange beast guarding it. It has a body like a bull and a head like a unicorn. Its body is 10 meters long. It is lying in the pool of water. Its huge eyes are slightly open and it is staring at Ye Fan unkindly. .

Ye Fan gently released a trace of his own pressure. .

The strange beast immediately withered. .

Whimpering like a puppy. . .

Ye Fan felt funny in his heart.

I haven't planned to eat this strange beast yet, but this strange beast still plans to eat me?

If it weren't for the sake of finding a classmate, I would have burned you today, do you understand?

Ye Fan smiled. .

The strange beast seemed to understand and nodded repeatedly.

Who are you, and why do you come to my Jade Cauldron? At this moment, the disciple guarding the mountain gate also discovered him.

I came to Jade Cauldron to visit friends. When Ye Fan said the names of Liu Yiyi and Wang Ziling, the expression of the disciple guarding the mountain gate suddenly softened a lot, and said: Wait a moment, I will let someone report Excuse me, but the senior brother Wang Ziling you mentioned was indeed in the Jade Cauldron before, but later he was so talented that he was spotted by the Huanggu family and has left~~

Ye Fan nodded slightly.


Ziling is not a bad guy~

Half a quarter of an hour later, Liu Yiyi did not appear, but a young man with gray hair came over. When he saw Ye Fan, he immediately shouted and said: Ye... Ye Fan, it's really... you!

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, then showed joy and said: So you are also practicing in the Jade Cauldron.

The visitor is also his former classmate Zhang Wenchang. Whether he was in school or after graduation, he has always been ordinary and ordinary. He is dull by nature and doesn't like to talk much. If many people get together, it is easy for people to forget about him. exist.

Ye Fan naturally knew everything he had inherited from his predecessor. .

However, he vaguely remembered that Wang Wenchang's future experience would not be good. . .

You can change it yourself. .

Take back your thoughts.

Ye Fan stepped forward, punched Wang Wenchang with a smile, and said: How are you lately, Wenchang~

Wang Wenchang smiled bitterly and said: I am just like that. The rumored ancient saint is you~Ye Fan~

Ye Fan smiled and said: Wenchang is really smart.

Wang Wenchang said seriously: Ye Fan is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. This ancient sage has wronged you.

The two looked at each other and laughed, feeling sincerely happy to meet old friends.

At the beginning, Ye Fan stayed in the ancient forbidden land. After the other students walked out of the forbidden land, they encountered six cave heavens. Each of them chose two people and divided Pang Bo and the others equally.

Pang Bo, Liu Yiyi, and Wang Ziling followed Ye Fan's advice and chose the Jade Cauldron.

Zhang Wenchang also had a good relationship with Wang Ziling.

Almost two years have passed now. .

Yiyi is the favorite of the elders in the sect. She has great potential and is now in seclusion. It is said that she is very likely to be promoted to the life spring realm within half a year or a year. This cultivation speed is very scary.

You're not bad, you look good.

I can't compare with Yiyi. I'm just a middle-class person in the sect. My appearance can be restored to this state because of Yiyi's request from a Supreme Elder.

Zhang Wenchang led Ye Fan into the Jade Cauldron. It was very magnificent inside. The verdant fairy mountains were like green jade, dotted with brilliance, shrouded in fairy mist, and even waterfalls dropped down. The white horses were like condensed stars.

On many misty mountain peaks, you can vaguely see some palaces and towers, which are very ethereal and have the charm of a fairyland.

The most surprising thing is that there is a snow-white mountain in the center of the mountains. It is like jade, with no grass growing on it, shining with a little luster, and shaped like a round tripod.

We have been separated for three years, and we must have a big drunken time today. Zhang Wenchang looked very excited and happy.

Does your sect of cultivating immortals have wine, meat and snacks?

Ye Fan smiled.

Don't worry, there is wine and meat. Now that I have officially embarked on the path of spiritual practice, I no longer need to eat vegetarian food to train my mind like a new disciple.

The Jade Cauldron is very vast. After passing through several mountains, Zhang Wenchang brought Ye Fan to a peach blossom forest. There were many taverns next to it, which looked very poetic.

Monks are human beings too, and they also need to relax. Zhang Wenchang explained with a smile: Of course, it is impossible to drink red wine and green wine and be greedy for power like in the world. We can only have a drink and taste some delicious food here.

That's not bad. Ye Fan nodded and said with a smile: When you reach a certain level, everything is false.

Zhang Wenchang asked his head and said: It was only after I started practicing that I realized how great Ye Fan is.

The two of them found a small wine shop and sat down. The pear wood Eight Immortals table and the peach wood four-legged chairs looked antique. They were placed on the edge of the road, facing the peach blossom forest, which was quite artistic. The same is true for other wine shops, with tables and chairs placed outside in the open air.

They ordered some food and drinks and started drinking together. They came to this strange world and saw their former classmates again. They were both very emotional and had endless words to say.

When I came to this strange world, I couldn't sleep all night for a long time. I dreamed of going back. I missed my parents and my friends... Zhang Wenchang, who is dull by nature, spoke a lot today and showed his true feelings, as if he had met his relatives. generally.

Zhang Wenchang's enthusiasm and the comparison between the front and rear made Ye Fan very emotional.

Live well, finish some things, and I will take you back, Ye Fan said.

Go it true...Ye Fan? If someone else said this, Zhang Wenchang would definitely not believe it. .

Since embarking on the path of spiritual practice, he found that Ye Fan's height was beyond his imagination. .

Ye Fan may really be able to physically cross the starry sky.

Zhang Wenchang's eyes were full of hope and he said: We have been separated for more than a year. How are you doing? How did I hear that Pang Bo disappeared?

Ye Fan said calmly: Pang Bo has indeed disappeared, but it's just what I said. He has the blood of the Demon Emperor in his body. I placed him in the Demon Clan. His life is much more nourishing than mine.

Oh, it's not easy. It's not easy for mortals. Cultivation is not as beautiful as imagined. It's very boring. You may face all kinds of life and death hardships in the future.

You have to be careful. It's best to practice more and go out less. Wait for me to pick you up, Ye Fan reminded.

Zhang Wenchang nodded, and then said with a bitter smile: I can see that no matter where I am, I will never stand out. It was like this in the past, and it is still like this now. I can only live a mediocre life. Maybe, there is One day I will leave here, go to the world of ordinary people, open a tavern, and live the rest of my life in an ordinary way.

Don't be so negative... With me here, everything is different... Ye Fan comforted.

What you don't know is that the world of monks is very cruel. If I don't leave, I will die in the hands of others sooner or later. Then I will die silently, just like an ordinary wave in the river. , no one will know, no one will cry for me, only I know that I am no longer in this world.

Ye Fan was a little emotional.

It would definitely be the same if he came to this world and didn't get the golden finger.

Zhang Wenchang sighed: I heard that Lin Jia, Zhou Yi, Wang Ziwen, and Li Xiaoman are all valued by their teachers. It seems that some people can shine no matter where they are.

Sometimes, these are predetermined fate lines, and their ending may not necessarily be better than yours...

I have a lot to face. If you have any requests, please tell me...

Said. .

Divine power surged in Ye Fan's hand, and an energy jade tablet appeared and was handed to Zhang Wenchang. .

Take it and crush him when you are in danger... You can temporarily gain the strength of the Immortal Sanzhan Dao, which is the level of the sect master of the Holy Land family...

Zhang Wenchang's eyes turned red.

Very touched.

The two chatted while drinking, talking about many past events and the current predicament. In the end, Zhang Wenchang became completely drunk. He lay on the table and started crying, saying: I really want to go back, I don't want to stay. In this strange world, when I left, my wife was already pregnant and our child was about to be born. When she needed me most, I disappeared and came here...

He couldn't control his emotions, and cried like a child.

I really want to go back... My child should be three years old now. I dream about seeing him, holding him, and kissing him...

Seeing Zhang Wenchang in such pain and crying loudly, Ye Fan's heart was filled with ups and downs, and he kept speaking out to calm him down.

Be patient for a while longer, and when I finish some important things, I will take you back to the planet Earth...

Zhang Wenchang's true feelings made Ye Fan think a lot.

Although he has the state of mind of a mortal immortal, he has gone through endless reincarnations.

But always maintain the emotions that a person should have.

Who do I think is crying? It turns out to be that useless old man. A few sneers came from not far away, and several young people were walking towards them with undisguised contempt.

My hair has turned white, and this half-wasted person still has the nerve to cry.

How ridiculous!

Most of them were in their twenties, and they were all sarcastic without mercy.

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