Chapter 214 The Great Emperor Dao Fruit of the Cruel Emperor-Little Girl

Forget it, take your time, it's too early now, don't be in a hurry~~

Ye Fan decided to go to a nearby populated place to have a meal first.

Then I can practice with peace of mind and chat with the brothers in the chat group. .

In this way, Ye Fan came to a small town.

With the world of mortals in his mind, he knew that the first thing to do when practicing in this world was to integrate into the world of mortals.

It has to smell like fireworks.

He doesn't like to be indifferent to all sentient beings.

Ye Fan found a place to eat and chose a seat by the window. At the table next to me, the people sitting around had a good temperament, which was different from ordinary people.

Real monks have no contact with ordinary people, and generally do not show their extraordinaryness in front of the world. Even if they meet across from each other, ordinary people will not know it. It was obvious that these people were all monks. They adhered to the consistent principle and did not want to disturb the mortals around them. They were talking in low voices. Unless their spiritual senses were particularly sharp, ordinary people would not be able to hear anything.

The Demon Emperor's tomb is so evil. Countless monks have died in it over the past two years, but it just can't be opened.

The entire Eastern Wasteland has been alarmed. All the sects have sent experts to the ruins, but there is no way to open the tomb.

Have you heard that the legendary ancient sages appeared and took away the demon emperor's heart~~

I heard that the ancient sage was an admirer of the Qing Emperor and had been guarding him for thousands of years, but now no one has moved the demon clan!!

And the five major regions are looking for this legendary strong man and want to ask for his blessing!

The ancient sage!! He was an existence that spanned the world, could cross countless great realms with his physical body, and could cross the starry sky with his physical body. I didn't expect that such a supremely powerful person would appear!!

The main reason is that the truly peerless strong men have scruples and dare not take action at will, because the Yin Tomb is very evil and almost psychic. Unless there is a treasure from the Eastern Wilderness human race, even if there are unparalleled strong men who can crack it Even if it is destined to kill, it will not be able to stay in the Yin Tomb. It will rush into the Eastern Wilderness, like a dragon returning to the sea, and there will be no trace left.

It is said that three important figures have died. Is it true?

Of course it's true. In the past two years, there have been countless casualties among the monks. The deep pool is almost filled with dead bodies. Even the big shots have died one after another. Several big shots are said to be dying.

Ye Fan was very surprised. He did not expect that two years had passed and the Demon Emperor's tomb had still not been opened. The fatal battle in the Yin Tomb claimed the lives of a large number of monks. He listened quietly while eating, without any strange expression, and did not want to be noticed by the monks.

The mountains of corpses around the deep pool have completely turned into a demonic land. Just looking at it from a distance makes people feel creepy. There is so much resentment there, and every inch of the land is stained with the blood of monks.

Since that deep pool has never returned and has become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, why are there endless monks coming up and going there?

It's no good. Who would care about life and death like this? That is the tomb of the great emperor who unified the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan. There must be endless treasures buried in it.

That's right, even those transcendent big shots were alarmed. According to legend, it's because the Demon Emperor's Yin Tomb contains the most precious treasure of our Eastern Wilderness human race - the Desolate Tower!

Is it the legendary desolate tower that can kill immortals?

Of course it is it, otherwise how could those big shots risk their lives and go deep into it, regardless of the risk of death?

It has been two years. The disciples of each sect have already become hairy, fearing that they will be transferred to those ruins, but each sect refuses to give up. If this continues, I don't know how many people will die.

Perhaps you don't know yet. It is said that even people in Zhongzhou have been alarmed. Recently, some mysterious figures have arrived in the Eastern Wasteland.

Do they want to rob me of the most precious treasure of the Eastern Wilderness - the Wilderness Tower?

That's not true. They won't stretch their hands so long. Even though the strength of the monks in Zhongzhou is unparalleled in the world and surpasses the other four regions, they don't dare to easily become enemies of the entire Eastern Wasteland. Once such a war breaks out, it will be difficult to Imagine how many people will die. It is said that they seem to be looking for a treasure in Zhongzhou...

Not far away, Mark couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

The treasure they were looking for must have come from the green bronze he obtained from the Ancient Heaven.

As an important accessory for smelting the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron yourself.

You cannot give it to others. .

When it comes to smelting the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, I should go find the Mother Qi of All Things...

Yes! The next step is to find the mother energy of all things~ This seems to be left to me by the empress...

As if thinking of something, Ye Fan murmured. .

Perhaps Zhongzhou will cooperate with Donghuang. After all, both sides can have treasures lost in the graves under the deep pool.

Legend has it that the Desolate Tower can kill immortals. If it were born, it would be enough to anchor the Demon Emperor's tomb.

The Desolate Tower is in the Demon Emperor's Yin Tomb. If you say so, if there is no solution at all, there will be no way to break open the tomb.

What exactly is the treasure of Zhongzhou, and how could it be lost in our Eastern Wasteland?

Zhongzhou is ancient and mysterious. It is said that their treasures coexist with the world. People at our level cannot know about them.

I'm afraid only the ancient sage knows everything!

What was lost in the Eastern Wasteland seems to be just a fragment. Almost no one knows what it is exactly.

Several monks discussed while eating, and Ye Fan also learned a lot of information about his departure from the Demon Emperor's tomb.

It's been more than two years, and the ruins have been like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. I really don't know when the results will come, and I don't know how many people will die. Now that I think about it, we, the casual cultivators, should be free. Otherwise, if we were in a big Among the sects, they might also be sent there, as long as they get close to the deep pool, they will definitely escape death.

The sects seem to have listened to the advice of a certain big shot, and they are going to perform blood sacrifices with endless lives and forcefully open the deep pool. I have a hunch that if the Desolate Tower is not brought out, there will never be peace in the Eastern Wasteland. It is destined to be there. It has become a blood-stained demonic land. The Great Monster Emperor is so terrifying. I am afraid that he had predicted this result back then. It is truly a disaster for the ages.

Yes, many holy places and ancient aristocratic families are determined to win the desolate tower, and they cannot stop hastily.

Ye Fan felt very interesting after he took the green copper from Zhongzhou into his hands.

The Huangta is the most precious treasure of the Qing Emperor, and it is also related to the one who has been arbitrary for eternity.

He won't fight. .

Because there is no need, and the Qing Emperor will be one of his important combat forces in heaven in the future, it is enough for him to take the Heart of the Demon Emperor. .

At this time, the demon emperor's heart is nourishing Ye Fan's inner world, and Ye Fan's inner world is also nourishing the demon emperor's heart. .

This will be of great help to future Qing Emperors.

This is also the reason why the demon emperor's heart will not resist Ye Fan.

First of all, he felt inexplicably familiar with Mark. .

The second thing is that he felt that Mark had no ill intentions.

The Demon Emperor's Heart replaced part of the Qing Emperor's will to some extent.


The other side started talking again.

There are several important people in the Holy Land and the Ancient Ancient Family whose lives are at stake. It is said that they are planning to take over the Ancient Forbidden Land.

Isn't it possible? There are still people who dare to break in? Since ancient times, countless people have explored, but without accidents, almost all of them were wiped out. Back then, a certain Immortal Sect Holy Land used all its strength when they reached the most prosperous period in their history. When tens of thousands of powerful monks came out and killed them, wouldn't they be wiped out in ashes? It would be a living purgatory...

The holy land that was wiped out in ashes, they perished because they were too conceited and wanted to attack the abyss and reach the deepest part. This time, some holy places and ancient families were also forced to have no choice. Some of the big names among them were dying and wanted to The purpose of collecting the magic medicine from the nine holy mountains to save lives is not to enter the abyss.

I guess everyone who goes in will be wiped out. That restricted area of ​​life is definitely more terrifying than the Demon Emperor's tomb!

Yes, it is said that the ancient sages did not dare to approach. I think they were seeking death! Tianxuan Holy Land, which was at its peak six thousand years ago, was much more powerful than it is now! But what????

I don't think you can say that...

Yes, since ancient times, some people have successfully collected holy medicines. Of course, the price paid is unknown. Those holy places and ancient families have profound heritage. Since they intend to collect medicines, they must have made thorough preparations. There is still great hope for success.”

This is also a major event that shocked the Eastern Wasteland. The Ancient Forbidden Land is one of the seven restricted areas of life in the Eastern Wasteland. After endless years, someone has finally moved there again.

When will those Holy Lands and Ancient Families leave? Why don't we join in the fun? They climb the nine holy mountains and collect holy medicines. We only pick some ordinary elixirs on the periphery. I think there won't be any big problems.

It may take a while. Now is the most dangerous period in the ancient forbidden land...

After eating.

Ye Fan left directly.

The empress's dojo, no one in this world is qualified to set foot in it.

except him. .


After leaving, Ye Fan walked forward and passed by Yandu on the way. This city is very majestic and covers an extremely large area. The city wall stretches like the Great Wall, stretching across the front.

Yandu is very prosperous. Looking at the bustling flow of people on the street, the atmosphere of red dust is permeated.

Golden candied dates, big and sweet.

“Steamed chicken wings, if they don’t taste good, you don’t have to pay for them.”

Li's soup dumplings are thin-skinned, juicy and delicious. Come and try them.

Candied haws, one bunch only costs one copper coin.

All kinds of calls for buying and selling are endless. There were also various jugglers on the corner of the street, gathering many adults and children. In front of each store, there are enthusiastic waiters soliciting customers, and they can say a lot of nice things.


It's boring, let's chat with the group friends about Shuishui Group, and then I can find the mother energy of all things that the empress left for me~


Just when Ye Fan was about to leave.

My head suddenly buzzed.

The will of the Emperor of Heaven sent out a strong inspiration.

Brother... I'm hungry. Buy me a bun to eat. Please, I'm very hungry. At this moment, Ye Fan found a dirty, pitiful little girl blinking her eyes. Looking up at him, her clothes were in tatters and her face was stained, but her eyes were clear.

Ding------The appearance of the ruthless Empress Daoguo in the form of a little girl has been detected...

A long-term mission is now released to protect the little girl and reward the host Saint King's cultivation and Karma Replacement Card x1.

Cause and Effect Replacement Card: Any cause and effect can be resisted by those below the Immortal Emperor level.


It's actually a little girl!!

Ye Fan had an inexplicable urge to cry.

The little girl was transformed into the Great Emperor Dao Fruit of the ruthless Emperor. After thousands of years of human life, just waiting for that similar flower (her brother) in the world.

That is, wait for him! !

It can also be said that the little girl is the obsession of the ruthless emperor.

Even if the system does not give Ye Fan any reward.

Ye Fan will also take care of and protect the little girl for no reason.

Looking at the pitiful little girl in front of him, bits and pieces of scenes from hundreds of thousands of years ago appeared in Ye Fan's mind.


Ye Fan went directly to the vendor nearby and bought two cages of steamed buns, a roast chicken and several bowls of rice. .

At the same time, I bought two boxes of Yili pure milk through Qun Mall and took my little girl to a nearby tea shop to sit down. .

Ye Fan gently watched Xiao Nannan wolfing down her meal.

He said softly: Eat slowly~~Nanny...

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Saint King cultivation level, and the Karma Experience Card x1.


An inexplicable and vast divine power surged in the major treasures of Ye Fan's body. The Three Gods of Xiantai, the Five Treasures of Tao Palace, the Four Pole, the Wheel and the Sea, and the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm emitted incomparably bright light. .

Ye Fan's life essence has been sublimated again.

He entered the realm of the Saint King.

The whole body is more flawless.

At this time, Ye Fan felt that his understanding of Tao was more profound, and at the same time, he felt increasingly that the laws of the world that covered the sky were imperfect. .

Ding! Dear host, because the will of the universe that covers the world has been detected, the host cannot be with the little girl at this time, otherwise there will be major causal changes in the trilogy world.

It is recommended that the host follows the original plot template and bids farewell to the little girl temporarily. This involves the cause and effect of the ruthless empress.


This is nothing. . . . .

Ye Fan was speechless. .

But he really had no choice.

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