Jiang Yichen also noticed Mark and felt his heart tighten.

Go away quickly~

What he didn't know was.

An invisible Taoist law has poured into Jiang Yichen's body.

If Jiang Yichen dares to bully Xiao Tingting.

He will become pregnant.

Because Ye Fan has already used the pregnancy gaze!

To deal with Yin people, you have to use Yin tactics.

no way. .

Ding----- Congratulations to the host for successfully reversing the fate line and reversing the tragic fate of Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang.

Reward the Host Imperial Soldier - Mercedes-Benz (Early Level 6)

Imperial Soldier - Mercedes-Benz: The Mercedes-Benz originated from the host planet Earth. Through system improvements, it has evolved into an Imperial Soldier. It has full four-wheel drive, divine power surges, and imperial power is permeated. It can cross the endless star field in an instant.

The three-pointed star on the Mercedes-Benz logo, combined with the ultimate power of the emperor, can destroy the world and suppress all things!


I'm sorry...

Ye Fan looked at the shiny Mercedes-Benz card in the system backpack.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Mercedes-Benz is so cute that it can become an imperial soldier?

Good guy! !

I call him good guy! ! !

But then I thought about it.

Ye Fan was still very happy. .

after all.

With the Imperial Soldier Benz.

As long as he wants.

You can return to Earth at any time. .

Even explore other star fields.


The Yan Kingdom is two thousand miles long from north to south and three thousand miles long from east to west. The ancient forbidden land is located in the middle of the country and is surrounded by endless mountains. This primitive area has a radius of more than 800 miles.

Six cave heavens, including Lingxu Cave, Yanxia Cave, and Yuding Cave, all surround the outside of this primitive area.

After Ye Fan said goodbye to Xiao Tingting, he flew to the mountains.

Covering the world.

Ye Fan just got up and was about to think about what to eat tonight.

At this moment, the entire mountain forest suddenly dimmed, a strong wind blew violently, many plants and trees were broken, and a huge shadow was cast on the ground.

In the sky, a giant bird that covered the sky and sun flew across the sky. It was covered in golden light, as if it were cast from gold. It was so big that people were stunned. It was like a golden cloud rushing past, blocking the sun and blocking out the sun. sky.

Golden-winged roc? It's comparable to the Four Extremes Realm... It should taste very delicious, but I've eaten too many birds during this period, so I don't really want to eat it~

The power of the peng bird was so oppressive that the entire mountain range instantly fell silent, and all the roars of the beasts disappeared. It was not until it was long gone that the forest returned to normal.

Ye Fan was really thinking about whether it was delicious.

. . . . .

Forget it, let's see if there is any big and prosperous city nearby. I heard from Old Man Jiang that there is a giant city not far from Qingfeng Town.

Think of this.

Ye Fan turned into a rainbow light and traveled thousands of miles in an instant~

Soon they came to a huge city.

In fact, he wanted to try his own imperial weapon Mercedes-Benz. .

But it's too ostentatious. .

Forget about imagining it.

Let’s talk about it later when we want to return to Planet Earth. .

This is the second largest city in Yan District after the capital city. It has a population of no less than one million and is extremely prosperous. The streets are wide, busy with traffic, and people are constantly flowing. There are many shops on both sides of the streets, and the sound of hawking is endless.

Eh? Xiaoman's breath?

Suddenly, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and he saw a familiar figure, it turned out to be Li Xiaoman!

Her face is not old, she has regained her youth. She is one hundred and seventy centimeters tall and slim. Her pure white dress flutters gently in the wind, and she has an otherworldly aura.

No matter in the past or now, Li Xiaoman is extremely beautiful, with a clear and graceful appearance. I don't know if it is due to her practice. Her skin is shining with crystal luster, white and tender, like condensed fat and jade.

Li Xiaoman's white clothes are fluttering, and her black hair is flowing naturally, making her skin more translucent. Her eyes are big, her eyelashes are very long, and she looks very spiritual. Her neck is as beautiful as a white swan, her waist is not full, and her legs are Slender and straight, with a graceful figure, perfect.

Compared with the past, she was less arrogant and more agile, like a fairy from Guanghan coming to the world, with an extraterrestrial temperament.

Ye Fan didn't expect to meet Li Xiaoman here. .

I wonder if Li Xiaoman will be like the original plot after his intervention.

Li Xiaoman didn't see Ye Fan, because Ye Fan didn't want Li Xiaoman to see it for the time being, so Li Xiaoman couldn't see it. .

She stood out from the crowd, elegant and agile, and her extraordinary beauty attracted many people to stop and watch.

It seems that it is still the direction of fate, and I have joined the sect.

It seems that he has not become a slave~

Ye Fan doesn’t want to recognize Li Xiaoman~

Because he has no feelings for Li Xiaoman.

Although it inherits everything from its predecessor.

But he is still him after all. .


Ziyang Cave Heaven~

Ye Fan's eyes flashed with light.

In an instant, he understood the sect that Li Xiaoman belonged to.

Ziyang Cave Heaven is one of the six cave heaven paradises in the Yan Kingdom. The surrounding mountains and rivers are engraved with Tao patterns, which condenses mysterious power, making this place a world of its own.

Yes, it's a good place to recuperate. I can also gather the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron and chat with the new group members.

Say it.

Ye Fan turned into a ball of light particles and walked towards the depths of the mountain range.

Well, the spiritual energy is still relatively abundant. The cave heaven and blessed land is well-deserved~~ but compared with my inner heaven and earth, it is far behind~

At this moment, the sky has turned dark, but you can still see streaks of purple mist lingering among the mountains. As the name suggests, the Ziyang Cave Sky is filled with purple mist, and occasionally the light of the sun streaks across the sky.

Even in the external area, you can still feel that it is extraordinary, with green peaks and green valleys, clear springs, lush vegetation, and many plants and trees seem to be psychic, with little sparkles on their leaves.

while walking. .

Ye Fan came to the vicinity of Ziyang Cave Sky.

The mountain gate here is not only patrolled by people, but also guarded by wild beasts.

The two strange beasts were covered in lumps and looked like giant crocodiles, but they had a pair of fleshy wings. They lay there like two hills, with streaks of brilliance looming between the opening and closing of their large green eyes.

Hey, there are several young men kneeling there. Are they apprentices? Ye Fan found that several young men of sixteen or seventeen years old in front of the door could not afford to kneel.

A monk patrolling the mountain passed by and said, You'd better leave. Your qualifications are too ordinary, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do it.

Master Immortal, give us another chance.

The monk sighed and said: You have been kneeling for several days. I am not a heartless person, but your qualifications are too mediocre and you really can't pass the test. It's better to go down the mountain quickly.

Master Immortal, we don't ask for anything else, we just ask for one last chance. The young men couldn't kneel down and begged.

Okay, I'll give you another chance. The disciples will be re-selected in half a month. Whether you can seize the opportunity and stay again depends on you.

Thank you, Master Immortal! The young men knelt down together.


It's boring, I'd better just go to the depths of the cave to find a mountain range to consolidate my gains...

After saying that, Ye Fan walked directly into the mountain gate, and everyone seemed to not be able to see Ye Fan.


Somewhere on top of a mountain full of spiritual energy.

Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back. In the high air, the strong wind blew his clothes loudly. The mountains, rivers and land were all under his feet, and a feeling of controlling everything came to his heart.

The field of vision is broad and the distance is far away. This is an unprecedented feeling. It is full of shock to rise to the sky with one's own strength and look down at the world where I once lived.

The magnificent mountains and rivers, the vast land, everything is in the eyes, making people feel comfortable and have high aspirations. Everything in the world, every plant and tree, can be seen in the heart, making people can't help but feel the ambition to swallow the mountains and rivers.

Is this the Emperor Sutra~

As expected, he is the founder of Ancient Heavenly Court, one of the most amazingly talented and powerful men in the great world of Zhetian~

Feel the flow of divine power in the body and the mystery of constantly changing the nature of one's holy body and chaotic body.

Ye Fan couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

He stood high in the sky, his flesh and blood was dust-free, his whole body was crystal clear, shimmering with luster, like a beautiful work of art, making him feel like he had been reborn.


Ye Fan is rebuilding the five sacred treasures in the Taoist palace, combining all the scriptures he has learned.

He is realizing the true meaning of the great road.

Night is coming.

Ye Fan rode the rainbow, crossing the sky and the earth. The bright rainbow cut through the sky. Sometimes it was like a comet hitting the earth, and sometimes it was like a bright moon rising from the sea, or a blue dragon rising into the sky.

It wasn't until half an hour later that he calmed down completely. He stood on the top of the mountain, letting the breeze blow on his face, his black hair fluttering gently, and his eyes shining like two stars.

Ye Fan's eyes are deep, his powerful and fierce aura is restrained, and he has a peaceful and quiet temperament. He is flawless and his clothes are fluttering, like a banished immortal coming to the dust. He is ethereal and elegant, giving people an unparalleled impression. and natural feel.

At this moment, in his body, the rough sea of ​​suffering, which was like a vast sea, completely calmed down.

The golden sea of ​​suffering is very peaceful. In the center, a spring is gushing, and the strong breath of life is permeating the air. It is the source of divine power flowing.

The wheel of life covered under the sea of ​​suffering was communicated, and the endless life energy contained in it surged up. This is the root of the monk's strength.

The five gods of the Dao Palace each perform their duties and at the same time emit bright brilliance~

Little ripples of the Ziming Spring ripple towards the sea of ​​suffering, turning into gentle waves, adding a sense of agility and nature. The golden sea ripples and the divine spring gurgls. The two merge into one, with endless divine power and vigorous life.

At this moment, the piece of fairy-level green copper changed its position and settled in the spring on the seabed, constantly receiving the baptism of the divine spring of life.

Ye Fan wanted to integrate green copper into his ding, but now there is only a vague outline and it still has not taken shape, although it is said that it already has the shape of a tripod. .

But it still lacks Dao patterns and will.

This is also because Ye Fan’s requirements are too high~~

Directly build a holy-level cauldron. .

Otherwise it would have been formed long ago. .

One of the instruments was not completed, which made him frown. The cauldron was indeed the most difficult to sacrifice.

However, he was not too worried, because his will of the Emperor of Heaven told him that the more mysterious and complex the devices are, the more difficult they are to form. They contain the Tao and Principle between heaven and earth.

This is the so-called late bloomer. Once successful, you can defeat all methods with one weapon. After my flower blooms, hundreds of flowers will be killed.

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