Several people in Yanxia Cave Sky suddenly changed their expressions. One of them said: You are so young, but you are so arrogant. Didn't your teachers teach you to respect your teachers and respect your moral principles?

Jiang Caixuan said in a cold voice: The disciples you have taught have killed people, bullied orphans and widows, and forced seventy-year-old people into despair. Why do you talk about being a teacher? You have no such qualifications!

What evidence do you have?

They themselves have admitted it.

The old man among them frowned and said: Let's not talk about whether he was beaten by you or not. Even if there is really evil behavior, it is not your turn to deal with it. I, Yanxia Cave Heaven, have my own rules to deal with it.

It's a good one to deal with it by yourself. For more than two years, the deceased has not laid eyes on his face, and the murderer has been at large. He continues to persecute the orphans, widows, old and young. Is this your sect rule? Jiang Caixuan sympathized with Xiao Tingting. When she said this, her pretty face was filled with coldness. Shuang said: Up to now, you are still trying to find ways to excuse and cover up. You are truly worthy of being their teachers. Birds of a feather flock together.

You... The leader of the old man suddenly raised his eyebrows, but he did not dare to get angry on the spot, because the opponent's formation was really terrifying, and the golden god alone made him extremely afraid.

At this moment, Jiang Yifei spoke and said, Take them all down! Upon hearing this, several knights stepped forward at the same time.

The old man shouted: Let's go! He was the first to rise into the sky and ride the rainbow to escape. He had already seen that these people were very powerful and they were not something they could deal with. Several other people also rushed in all directions, streaks of rainbow light shooting into the sky.

The wild beasts roared, and there was vibration in the sky. Several beasts carried several knights and rushed to one side, and they chased after them in an instant.


Screams were heard one after another, and then several knights turned around quickly and captured everyone back like a dead dog. Everyone, including the old man, had horrific wounds on their bodies.

Jiang Yifei said to Ye Fan: I wonder if the senior will be satisfied with this treatment. I would also like to invite senior, old man, and Tingting to go to the Yanxia Cave together~

Ye Fan nodded slightly and said: You are very good. In time, you will become a great person. Apart from the Taixu God King in the Jiang family, you are the most potential and the most promising~~

The mouth of the mouthless young man who had been silent until now twitched unconsciously. He felt a little angry, but he did not dare to speak.

Jiang Yifei was somewhat flattered and said: Senior Ye, you are over-praising me. What I'm doing is just to make up for the guilt I feel towards Old Man Jiang and Little Tingting~


I'm not wrong about people~

Ye Fan smiled. .

Then the whole body was filled with rays of rays of light, and there were thousands of auspicious colors.

A vermilion divine fruit appeared in front of Jiang Yifei. This divine fruit was fragrant, crystal clear, exuding a light charm, and full of endless vitality.

It looks very attractive, crystal clear, as if carved from red jade.

Senior this?

Jiang Yifei was extremely surprised. As an important talent of the Jiang family, he had seen countless rare elixirs~

But the aroma of the red fruit in front of him made him unable to resist. The secret realm of the Dao Palace in his body seemed to yearn for this red fruit.

Just like a mortal who has been hungry for many days and sees delicacies from the mountains and seas.

Instinct told him that eating this red fruit would bring great fortune. .

The monks from the Jiang family present also reacted in the same way.

This is the divine fruit of the Nine Wonders of the Immortal Medicine~

Chapter 213 Flawless

Ye Fan said calmly. .


Nine...the divine fruit of the Nine Wonders of the Immortal Medicine, the divine medicine of immortality in the Ancient Forbidden Land, one of the seven legendary restricted areas of life??

Jiang Yifei is well-informed, even he was shocked after hearing this~


This is just one of the divine fruits, but it will be of great benefit to you. It will also play an important role even when you attack the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm. Take it~


Thank you, senior~

Jiang Yifei was extremely excited.

He didn't expect Mark to be so generous.

The talkative young man Jiang Yichen also showed extremely envious and jealous eyes~

Ye Fan turned to look at Jiang Yichen and smiled.

Jiang Yichen was so frightened that he immediately lowered his head.

This young man had evil intentions in the original plot and looked down on Old Man Jiang and Xiao Tingting.

He also persecuted his predecessor even more.

So Ye Fan planned to give him a gift before leaving.

Of course not now.


Take back your thoughts.

Several captives in Yanxia Cave Heaven had to surrender in the face of life and death and lead the way.

More than a dozen strange beasts flew through the clouds and mist, running in the sky, making a rumbling sound, like thousands of troops galloping, and like a tsunami rushing through the sky.

Xiao Tingting and Old Man Jiang felt at ease following themselves. .

So Ye Fan used his divine power to construct an energy helicopter. . .

It looks very innovative and trendy.

Everyone in the Jiang family was extremely surprised~

The ancient sages of Xindao are different. The mounts constructed with divine power are so unique.

Soon everyone came to the Yanxia Cave. The peaks and valleys in front were green, the smoke was misty, and the glow was looming, which was indeed consistent with its name.

Who is intruding on our important territory? A loud shout came from the front.

Bang bang bang

The captured prisoners were all thrown out, causing screams to come from the front.

The enemy is invading! There was a chaos in Yanxia Cave.

In an instant, haze rose into the sky, and the Dao patterns carved on the mountains and rivers exerted their power, creating blazing rays of light, blocking everyone's path.

That's all, I'll break it. At this time, the arrogant-looking young man Jiang Yichen suddenly took action, and a purple-gold gourd flew out of his body. The purple light quickly expanded in the sky, like a whale sucking a cow's drink, swallowing up all the haze. They all sucked into the gourd's mouth. In the blink of an eye, the power of the pattern was suppressed.

Then, the Purple Gold Gourd pressed forward like a hill, and a misty purple mist flowed out. Suddenly, there were waves of exclamations, and many figures flew away and were taken into the Purple Gold Gourd.

The heritage of the ancient family is really good. This little kid has a fourth-level treasure... Ye Fan nodded slightly.

There's no need for this... Old Man Jiang kept discouraging him from the side.

Jiang Yifei shook his head and said: Tingting's parents did not do evil, but they were persecuted. If you want an explanation, our Jiang family has never been afraid of trouble!


At this moment, a powerful wave shook the Yanxia Cave Sky in all directions, swinging open the purple gourd, and an old voice came: It turns out that he is from the ancient family. I wonder what I, the Yanxia Cave Sky, have done to offend me?

In the sky of Yanxia Cave, a piece of gray mist rushed up, which suddenly shook the purple gourd open and imprisoned it there, so that it could not continue to swallow the monks.

A gray shadow rushed over quickly. It was an old man whose age was hard to tell. His beard and hair were all white, but his face was very rosy. He could be described as a child with crane hair. He brought the purple gold gourd over and said, Please calm down. He directly pushed the purple gourd over. Jiang Yichen snorted coldly and put away his treasure.

Who are you? Jiang Yifei asked.

I am the leader of Yanxia Cave.

No wonder they are so powerful that they can suppress Zijin Gourd. Jiang Yifei nodded and said, But I'm afraid you still can't stop us.

Yes, I understand. The head of Yanxia Dongtian admitted frankly, and then continued: I don't know what offended me, Yanxia Dongtian, to make you mobilize like this. If there is really a serious crime, I am willing to disband Yanxia Dongtian and leave everything to my disposal. .”

This old man in gray clothes is very honest. In fact, he is forced to have no choice. If he really confronts an ancient family, the Yanxia Cave Sky will be wiped out quickly. The two are not of the same order of magnitude. Once they become hostile, there will be no suspense.

Seeing how upright you are, I can't help but make a scene.

Jiang Yifei was only twenty-four or five years old, but the old man didn't feel rude when he spoke to the head of Yanxia Cave in this tone. Everything was there because of his strength.

Young master is wise, please tell me clearly, why did you come here to investigate?

Did a disciple named Jiang die in your Yanxia Cave two years ago?

The head of Yanxia Cave Heaven nodded when he heard this and said: If it were someone else, I might not be able to remember it, but this young man with extraordinary qualifications left a deep impression on me.

That was a child of our Jiang family, but he was killed by your people from Yanxia Cave Sky. Jiang Yifei said calmly.

What, he was killed by someone? The head of Yanxia Cave Sky was shocked and said, Who is so brave!

Now you understand why I'm here.

The head of the Yanxia Cave Sky suddenly had a headache. How could a member of the Jiang family enter the Yanxia Cave Sky and be killed? This was indeed a very difficult matter for him.

You don't have to worry too much, I'm not here to make trouble without reason.

Please rest assured, Mr. Jiang, I will punish the murderer severely and will never tolerate him!

The main murderer has been brought to justice, but I think their division commander is suspected of connivance. In addition, the person who provided them with drugs must be found out...

Master Jiang, please move to the Yanxia Cave. I will give you a satisfactory explanation and kill the evil leader.

Jiang Yifei nodded and said, The most important thing is to satisfy this old man and this child.

At this moment, Old Man Jiang and Xiao Tingting's eyes were already blurry with tears.

I see……

Ye Fan on the side comforted the two of them gently.

They have received too many grievances over the years. .

It is impossible to untie the knot in an instant.


Tingting, old man, you and Yifei should go inside and talk. It's time to untie the knot that has been in your heart for so many years~~

Jiang Yifei said to Ye Fan respectfully: Thank you, senior!

Then Jiang Yichen was ordered to take out the purple gourd and release all the people who had been taken in. Then, he took Old Man Jiang, Xiao Tingting and the old master into the Yanxia Cave. No one else followed. They landed on the ground and waited outside.

at this time.

Jiang Caixuan walked over, her steps graceful and graceful, and said with a smile: Thank you, Senior Ye, for allowing Tingting to return to the Jiang family. I wonder if you would be kind enough to go with me. The master of the family will definitely entertain you warmly~

Ye Fan waved his hand and said: I have more important things, Xiao Tingting and Uncle Jiang will be entrusted to you. I hope you won't let me down~


Although Ye Fan's tone was calm, it was full of endless majesty.

Jiang Caixuan said respectfully: Don't worry~~, Senior Ye...

After waiting for a full hour, Jiang Yifei took Old Man Jiang and Xiao Tingting out. The head of Yanxia Cave Sky and a group of important people personally sent them out. Both the old man and the little girl had red and swollen eyes, and it was obvious that they had cried a lot.

Old leader, please come back. There is no need to send me off. Our Jiang family is not unreasonable. The matter here is over. You don't need to worry anymore.

The old head of Yanxia Cave Sky finally breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, anyone would be frightened when facing a behemoth like the Jiang family. Not many big forces in the Eastern Wasteland would dare to compete with them.

The people in Yanxia Cave Sky watched them go away until they disappeared, then returned to the sect.

Jiang Yifei and his party returned directly to Qingfeng Town, just to satisfy the old man's wish to see the town again. Uncle Jiang decided to enter the Jiang family for the sake of Xiao Tingting's future, not wanting his granddaughter to be wronged again.

Brother, please come with us. Little Tingting begged with her little face raised.

Ye Fan smiled and said: Little Tingting, be good, we will meet again when you reach the level of Immortal Three Cutting Path.

Little Tingting was reluctant to leave and cried: I will definitely learn to practice and go to Brother Ye in the future. If anyone bullies Brother Ye, Tingting will beat them away.

Ye Fan smiled and said: Okay, okay, brother Ye knows, take that storage bag, little Tingting, the snacks in it should be enough for you for 50 years...


Xiao Tingting nodded variously and then left.

. . . . .

Before leaving. .

Ye Fan's eyes flashed with light as he looked at Jiang Yichen, the young master of the Jiang family. .

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